Chapter 64 Proficiency 50%
Zhou Suyi perfectly interpreted what it means to be awesome in one second, and be realistic in the next second.

too fast.

It was almost too late for people to express their feelings, and the pressure was pulled.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, as expected of Sister Zhou, she created a new way of dying."

"I thought about it, but I didn't expect this kind of result."

"Damn, I just said something awesome, and you pulled it off. If you were given a chance, you would be useless."

"Although the result was very lame, the move just now was really cool!"

"Let's not talk about it, I also want to enter the game to experience it once, it looks so enjoyable!"


Some netizens gloated, while others were eager to try.

It seems that most of them have never thought about it. After entering the game and selecting a character, the character's ability will be automatically loaded. Most people's goal is to break through the level, and they have forgotten this crucial thing.

Zhou Suyi was also very depressed.

Seeing those bullet screens, I was furious, "Fuck, please be human, I've worked so hard, and yet you still laugh at me, ah, that's too much!"

Although she was furious, Zhou Suyi's heart was still beating wildly.

This time it's not scary.

From the first consecutive deaths to seeing a psychiatrist, she has died 280 times now, and her heart has become extremely strong.

As the saying goes, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

What thrills her is that she seems to have really found the knack, the knack of motivating the abilities of the characters.

Then, she couldn't wait to enter the game again.

This time, she is not in a hurry to clear the level, but first understands the physical abilities of her own characters. She finds that she can easily perform the actions she wants as long as she thinks about them.

She is from a girl group, and she practices dance, and dance and martial arts are similar to a certain extent, which also helps her better understand the true gameplay of this character.

The game does give hints, too.

[Shirley Yang proficiency: 50%, unlocks all the abilities of the character. (Hint: If the proficiency exceeds 80%, you will get new rewards)]

Seeing this prompt, Zhou Suyi was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, fuck, I guessed it right. Sure enough, skilled people really have surprises. Hahaha, after so many days, it's finally worth it!"

Netizens were surprised when they saw the game prompt.

"And proficiency? Damn, what did I play before?"

"Damn, I strongly suggest that this game has a krypton gold function, can I give me some hints if I recharge the money?"

"Hahaha, absolutely, it's all up to you to explore, but it's fun to play this way, full of anticipation and surprise."

"It's the first time I play a game so eager to recharge money!"

"Absolutely, sister Zhou is amazing, he can find out all of this. It's definitely not that easy to have a proficiency of 50!"


When Mr. Ma was playing before, the professionalism appeared by accident. At that time, Hu Bayi dug a hole, and the professionalism increased by five points, but obviously the professionalism increased by less than 50%, so the game did not prompt.

But now Zhou Suyi has discovered that the character's proficiency has reached 50% to unlock all the characters' abilities. This shows that Shirley Yang who has reached 50% is no longer the original Shirley Yang, but an enhanced version.

As for the 80% reward, netizens are looking forward to it.

However, 80% proficiency is definitely not easy to think about.

They figured it out. They used to play around indiscriminately, but now it's different.

Everyone knows that the essence of this game is not simply clearing the level, but that you must first master the abilities of the characters in order to better clear the level.

Teacher Ma also saw it.

He was a little depressed.

"It's not fair. Zhou Suyi was originally a woman, and she also practiced dancing. She fits the role of Shirley Yang very well. I'm a man, and it's awkward to play a female role. It's too difficult to improve my proficiency. !"

Teacher Ma pushed his glasses, "Brothers, I made a bold decision. Although Shirley Yang's character has the longest clearance distance and the most experience, I decided to play Hu Bayi instead!"

"Real man, just play Hu Bayi, just wait, watch me raise Hu Bayi's proficiency to 50%, and you will be blinded!"

Teacher Ma is full of confidence.

After all, he used the character of Hu Bayi to pass the level of the earth tornado before, which can be regarded as a record.

"Yes, men should play male characters, otherwise it would be too awkward. A few times, I even wanted to go to the bathroom. Fortunately, there is no such function in the game, otherwise it would be embarrassing."

"Damn, lsp, you are."

"Mr. Ma, you are too late. The pig next door has been playing the role of Hu Bayi, but the progress is not high at present."

"I have been playing the role of Fatty Wang, and I think this role is very interesting."

"You can't do it, I'm playing Professor Chen, hehe!"


With the release of the wlgame platform, although there was no deliberate publicity, but with the support of the popularity of "Jingjue Ancient City", it surpassed many platforms without publicity.

But there is still a huge gap from big platforms like st.

Now the download volume shown above has reached 45325456 times.

The income has exceeded billions, and the tax paid by Lin Mu these days is more than the annual profit of some listed companies. Moreover, this is a record created by a single game.

The money is all Lin Mu's own, and there is no need to distribute it to other platforms.

"No wonder these big companies want to make games and make money from games. This thing really makes money."

Lin Mu has experienced the horror of making money from games.

This has not yet added the function of krypton gold in the game, otherwise there will be no problem with the income exceeding [-] billion during this period.

Lin Mu opened the wl game platform. Although there are many functions, there is only one game, which is too simple.

"Do you want to add some free mini-games? You will feel tired after playing games like "Jingjue Ancient City" for a long time. Playing some mini-games at this time can relax you, enrich the game library of the platform, and increase the player's interest. viscosity!"

Lin Mu thought about it seriously and thought it was feasible.

Although the Wlgame platform technology is very advanced and is very popular nowadays, the games it has now are still too single, which directly loses its competitiveness.

But to create large-scale games, his popularity is not enough at present, but some small games are still very easy.

Moreover, all the game manufacturers seem to be united now. Even though they know that Lin Mu's game platform is very popular, none of them are willing to cooperate with Lin Mu.

No one wants to put their own game on Lin Shu's platform, for fear that it will ruin Lin Shu.

"Hehe, if you don't cooperate with me, I will do it myself. These people probably would never have thought that in terms of high production capacity, all their manufacturers together are no match for me. Now you are ignoring me, and so on. From now on, I will make you unable to climb high!"

Lin Mu thought for a while, and began to recall those popular mini-games in his previous life, and planned to directly use the system to create them to enrich his game platform!


(End of this chapter)

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