Chapter 65 Word of Mouth Explosion
"Exquisite Ancient City" became popular, so that the wlgame platform has a large number of users without publicity.

But such a game platform with a sense of future technology has only one game, which somewhat disappoints players.

This is also the reason why st and Duck Factory don't take wlgame seriously.

Most of the resources are still in their hands, so they have nothing to fear.

The comment interface of the platform is also in this regard.

"Aside from other things, I can play for a day on this game platform."

"Hey, it's a pity, there is only one game, it would be nice if there were more games."

"Although "Exquisite Ancient City" is very enjoyable, Ke Lun's family really dare not play it. They are too timid to be scared. It would be great if there are other games in it."

"I heard that all game companies have banned Mumumu Studio. It is estimated that except for the games produced by Mumumu Studio, other games will not enter."

"It's such a pity!"


Netizens love this platform, but the only regret is that there are no other games.

Fortunately, Lin Mu has already considered this issue.

He previously spent 800 million popularity points to build the wlgame platform, and now there are less than 5000 million popularity points left.

"System, how much popularity does it take to create a great product?"

[Mini games only need 10 popularity points! 】

"So few!" Lin Mu was overjoyed.

This kind of small game is actually not difficult, it is just a pastime game. Immediately, he designed it again and added a new way of playing. In this way, the popularity value consumed exceeded 100 million!
Soon, the game will be complete.

Lin Shu did not upload directly, but continued.


Angry Birds.


Defend the big turnip.

Plants vs Zombies.


He played all the popular games that he remembered in his previous life.

And combined with the technological level of this world, a new game mode has been added.

In the end, more than 30 games were produced at once, costing him more than 2000 million popularity points.

I feel like my heart is bleeding.

"Hey, I hope these games can earn back these popularity points. I don't know if the players here will like the popular games in the previous life!"

Lin Mu was still a little worried.

After all, some of the popularity of these games is due to accident and luck, their playability is not too high, and user stickiness is not high.

Everything is done, and all the trees are uploaded directly.

And issued an announcement.

"Wl platform online benefits, except for "Jingjue Ancient City", all games 9.9."

Many players noticed this announcement immediately.

Moreover, after the players who just logged in entered the platform, they found that there were many more strange doors around them, and it was no longer the only black hole in "Exquisite Ancient City".

All doors are special and have a unique style that matches the game.

There are introductions around, and you can also choose to try it for 3 minutes. If you are not satisfied, you can not buy it.

"Fuck, awesome, so many games are online at once, it's crazy."

"Damn, I'm a little worried, so many games are going online at once, it's not like they are all rubbish rushed out in a hurry."

"To be honest, I'm also a little panicked. The names of these games are weird."

"Hey, can't you try it out, and the price is not expensive, it's only nine yuan, just a pack of cigarettes."


There are high-quality games like "Exquisite Ancient City" leading the way, so players are full of expectations for the games produced by Mumumu Studio.

And deep down, they have imposed extremely high requirements on these games.

It seems that everyone subconsciously feels that the games produced by Mumumu Studio should be the best of the best.

With strong curiosity, the players began to try it out.

Compared with "Jingjue Ancient City", these games are too simple, and it is very easy to get started.

3 minutes of trial play time is enough for them to figure out how to play.

And this game is on top.

You must know that these are all popular games in Lin Shu's previous life. Since they can attract people, it proves that there must be a reason for them. Coupled with the changes in line with this era, people can't stop instantly.

"Oh my god, this Angry Bird is a bit over the top, isn't it, can't stop, isn't it, please ask the administrator to kick me off."

"What a bullshit, now I close my eyes and my mind is full of haystacks, forks, scissors... wry smile..."

"Plants vs Zombies, oh my, it's so fun, I love it."

"Let's dance the grid together, I can't stop!"


It has only been online for an hour, and the downloads of all games have exceeded [-] million.

In just a short while, Lin Mu's income broke through [-] million again.

"Mom, I don't even dare to think about it, now this is really picking up money with sacks!" Lin Mu himself was dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that in such a short period of time, he would earn back 1000 million popularity points, which was even faster than "The Ancient City of Excellence".

Moreover, it is more efficient and cost-effective.

With Zhou Suyi and Teacher Ma's big fire ahead, almost all the game anchors are paying attention to Mumumu Studio.

Now that there are new games coming out, these game anchors immediately started to try them out.

With their publicity, the news that Mumumu Studio released [-] games in a row quickly spread.

Although these people don't have many single fans, but with a large base, the spread will be fast.

Moreover, as soon as you start playing, you will immediately get a little over the top, and you can't stop at all.

"The products produced by Mumumu Studio are really high-quality goods. Experience the 30 new games of Mumumu Studio."

"Games without krypton gold can be more exciting."

"Why small games can also make players obsessed, discuss the success of Mumumu Studio."


Needless to say, there are various articles on the Internet, not to mention overwhelming, but in the game circle, it is definitely a hot topic.

"These games look very simple, but they are really fascinating. Moreover, the texture of the mini-games is so good, it's so rare."

"Did I play too many krypton gold games before? Why do such small games make me want to stop."

"9.9, my god, it's not worth it!"

"The skin can also be drawn from time to time through the game, which is full marks."

"Don't underestimate these games, whether it is texture or design, it is obvious that a lot of effort has been put into them, and they are simply not comparable to those games that make money!"


Word of mouth for these brainwashing games is simply not very good.

Of course, domestic games, and even game manufacturers all over the world, have been too ugly in recent years.

The games produced by Mumumu Studio are of high quality, free of money, and without advertisements, which creates a sharp contrast.

This thing is all set off by other game companies. In front of those garbage games, the quality of these small games is crushing!


(End of this chapter)

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