Chapter 66 Unspoken Rules

30 small games were launched on the wlgame platform, making up for the lack of games on the wlgame platform in a short period of time.

Although the technical content of these games is not high, the user stickiness is very good, and they can make people relax. They are simply essential games for leisure.

Many netizens have been stimulated in "The Ancient City of Jingjue", and they will immediately relax after playing a small game.

Within an hour, the number of downloads exceeded [-] million.

In 24 hours, the number of downloads exceeded [-] million.

This result was unexpected by Lin Mu himself.

So terrifying.

Revenue is another 20 billion.

To be honest, Lin Mu really doesn't care much about money now.

The most important thing is the popularity value.

However, when Lin Mu checked his popularity value, his brows immediately frowned.

"System, under what circumstances, the number of downloads has exceeded 2000 million. Why, the popularity value has increased by [-] million?"

[The popularity value of the stand-alone mini-game is counted as ten people! 】

"Fuck, you can't afford it!"

Lin Mu went crazy.

White was happy.

He also thought that with a sudden increase of [-] million popularity points, he could start some big productions, but looking at it now, his hopes have been dashed.


At the moment, the most worrying thing is Duck Factory and other big game companies.

conference room.

Mr. Ma's face was gloomy and uncertain, and it was quiet down here, no one dared to speak.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Didn't you say that Mumumu Studio is a small workshop? Won't it be highly productive?" Mr. Ma said in a bad tone.

There was silence below.

Those bosses who looked down upon Mumumu Studio before now also lowered their heads, either playing with their fingers or picking at the table.

Mr. Ma was even angrier when he saw that they were silent.

He threw out the documents in front of him.

"Look, those games went live yesterday, and our game DAU dropped by more than 1000 million. If this continues, I think our company should stop doing it!" Mr. Ma snapped.

Still no one spoke below.

It's not that they don't want to say it, they really don't know what to say.

"Talk, it's all about the energy before."

Vice President Liu smiled wryly, "Mr. Ma, this... who would have thought that this small studio could produce so many games at once? I saw that those games are very simple, that is, they are just novel ways of playing! "

Vice President Li also said: "I have also experienced it. To be honest, it is very simple, easy to catch, and indeed very attractive, but, Mr. Ma, rest assured that this kind of small game has very low user stickiness. Get over it, and you'll lose your popularity soon!"

"Yes, yes, in fact, we have nothing to worry about. As long as there are no more phenomenal games like "Exquisite Ancient City", these games are really nothing to worry about!"


On this day, there is another big news, which can be regarded as big news in the game circle.

Not only did the officials not allow "Jingjue Ancient City" to be rectified, but they also strongly praised it, and made it a benchmark for domestic games, making a huge contribution to the promotion and export of the traditional culture of the Great Xia Kingdom, so that domestic games must learn from it.

As soon as this news came out, the previous negative news was swept away in an instant.

Many parents who didn't know the truth and were brought into rhythm realized that they had been used as a gun before.

Of course, this news is undoubtedly another blow to domestic game companies.


When Lin Mu got the news, he was also overjoyed.

This means that if he plays games in the future, he won't have to worry about it. It can be said that he is now completely on his feet.

Just when I was happy, Director Zhang called.

"Lin Mu, congratulations!" Director Zhang came up to congratulate.

Lin Mu said after a few polite words: "Director Zhang, I sent the script, you should have read it, what do you think?"

"Okay, that's great, it's wonderful, I have a hunch, with this script, this movie will definitely be a big hit after it's made!" Director Zhang said excitedly.

As a well-known director, he can naturally tell what is a good script.

Whether it is the ups and downs of the plot, or the novelty of the theme, coupled with the blessing of the popularity of "The Ancient City", no matter which aspect, this script has the potential to explode.

Of course, the premise is that you can't stretch your hips too much.

"That's good if there is no problem. By the way, I have a few candidates for actors in my mind, and I was thinking of discussing it with you!" Lin Mu said!

Dao Zhang said: "Okay, hehe, you can say whatever you want, as long as there is no big problem, I will be fine here."

Lin Mudao: "Chen Yulou, I want Pan Yueming to play the role, Gao Weiguang for the Partridge Whistle, Xin Zilei, the red girl..."

Lin Mu said a series of names.

Director Zhang was stunned.

Most of these actors are not very famous, which made Director Zhang a little surprised.

"This..." Director Zhang was a little embarrassed. He originally thought that Lin Mu would arrange a heroine at most. This kind of thing is very common in the entertainment industry.

But director Zhang was very surprised to arrange so many at once.

What he thought at the beginning was also that Lin Mu proposed to arrange an actor, probably like some big bosses, who just wanted to push his girlfriend, or potential heroine or something.

But now it seems that is not the case at all.

"Director Zhang, is it difficult?" Lin Mu said!

Director Zhang: "No, no, no, I know all these actors, and I really don't have any acting skills. Moreover, when you mention it like this, combined with the script, I really think these people are quite suitable for the roles in it, that is..."

"Director Zhang, it doesn't matter if you have anything to say, let's discuss it!" Lin Mu said!

Director Zhang said in a discussing tone: "Okay, then I'll just say it straight. If this movie is to be made well, it must be a big production. The investment is indispensable, at least around one billion. If they arrange a few traffic stars, they can do it." Not to mention bringing money into the group, but also helping to promote it, so will it be more secure?"

Lin Mu said very resolutely: "My movie absolutely does not allow the existence of traffic stars like little fresh meat. I don't need their popularity, and I don't want them to ruin the whole movie. I just want to make a good movie. As for Risk or something, if you are worried, I can come and invest!"

To be honest, Director Zhang was also very excited when he heard these words.

Why doesn't he want to make good movies, but the entertainment industry is like this now.

As long as you want to attract investment and sponsorship, they will try their best to arrange a few people to come in. Sometimes, they can't help themselves.

He admired Lin Mu a little more in his heart.

"But, Mr. Lin, I had someone do a rough calculation of this movie yesterday. Not counting the actors' salaries, at least an investment of more than [-] million yuan is required. Are you sure..." He was worried that Lin Mu didn't have that much money .

Lin Mu looked strange.

What, who is this looking down upon?

Young master, I have nothing now, but I have money.

"Don't worry, the most important thing I need is money. As long as the money is spent reasonably and with justifications, there will be no problem. I will pay for any amount!"

At this moment, Director Zhang only felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

Because of Lin Mu's words, he can let go of his hands and feet, no longer be restricted by those capitals, and make what he thinks is the best movie!


(End of this chapter)

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