Chapter 73

Professor Zhong decided to look for Jingjue Ancient City again.

When he was young, he went into the desert several times, but found nothing.

Therefore, although there were more research materials later, due to the previous failures, the higher authorities have been reluctant to allocate funds for him to search again.

But this time is different. With the more than 1000 million earned from the live broadcast, the funds are completely sufficient, and there is no need to allocate funds from above.

However, the leaders of the archaeological team disagreed. After all, Professor Zhong is old now, and entering the desert is not a joke, and his life will really be in danger.

But Professor Zhong was extremely firm, "Hehe, the Professor Chen in the game is older than me, so he went to the desert the same way!"

He came up with this reason, which made the leaders helpless for a while.

That's a game, how can it be taken seriously.

However, Professor Zhong's attitude is firm, and the leaders all know his character, and they also know that if there is no definite clue, Professor Zhong will not make this decision hastily.

So, I can only agree.

Soon, the news that Professor Zhong will personally lead the team to the desert to find the Jingjue ancient city was sent from the official website of the archaeological team.

In the past few days, Professor Zhong's live broadcast has accumulated a lot of popularity, and the official account of the archaeological team has more than [-] million fans.

As soon as the news came out, netizens were shocked.

"What's the situation? Is Professor Zhong playing a game on top? Really looking for Jingjue Ancient City."

"My good fellow, I thought the game was just made up, but now it seems that there is something hidden in it. Professor Zhong is going to stage a real version of "The Ancient City of Essence."

"Ah... is the archaeological team serious? Really look for it."

"It's awesome, Professor Zhong, let's start a live broadcast when we go. If the route is the same as in the game, then the game "Exquisite Ancient City" can really become a god."


Netizens are a little excited.

The game "Jingjue Ancient City" is so realistic that it even made people feel that the real journey to find the Jingjue Ancient City should be like this.

So much so that they almost ignored that it was just a game, not a real historical fact.

But if Professor Zhong really finds the ancient city of Jingjue, and it is related to the game, it will be amazing.

This is what countless fans of "Exquisite Ancient City" want to see most.

They were excited here, but Lin Mu didn't realize what kind of storm of public opinion was waiting for him.

He also saw the news, his expression was a little strange, and he was inexplicably worried.

"If Professor Zhong really found the Jingjue Ancient City this time, if the Jingjue Ancient City is really the same as in the game, then I really can't tell!"

But thinking about it, Lin Mu shook his head again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could there be such a coincidence in the world, could it be that I really traveled to the same place with Third Uncle and Ba Chang? Absolutely impossible!"

Lin Mu shook his head again and stopped thinking about it.

For him, the odds are too low.

If there is such a coincidence, he will admit it.

Before going to bed at night, he watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast again. Zhou Suyi was still playing Plants vs. Zombies.

She played from four o'clock in the afternoon to more than ten o'clock in the evening, and it was not over yet.

"The popularity of these small games is far beyond my imagination. Sister Zhou is also sealed in it. Hey, it seems that these years, domestic games have been too poisonous. These small games can make their eyes shine. The players are too miserable!"

Lin Mu really felt sorry for a wave of players in this world, and then fell into a dreamland.

In the middle of the night, Lin Mu was awakened by a sound of hee-hee.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and his ears moved slightly.

It was already late at night, and the whole world was silent, but there was a slight turning sound from the position of the door lock, and it seemed that someone was whispering.

"Fuck, what's the situation? A thief?"

Lin Mu's first thought was to break into the thief.

But are all thieves so courageous now?Even though it was night, did you even dare to break open the door?

Lin Mu quickly got up and put on his clothes, and quietly came to the door without shoes, listening attentively.

clap clap...

The door lock was still turning slightly, and it seemed that someone was actually picking the lock outside.

He also heard whispered conversations outside.

"Damn, can you fucking do it? Aren't you able to open any door lock? You have been tossing about for half an hour, if you can't open it again, I will kill you!"

"Brother Dao, the door locks in this high-end community are too high-end, but don't worry, it will be ready soon!"

"Hmph, what a fool, if you screw up, you'll be rewarded!"

"Brother Dao, are we really going to kill that guy?"


"What the hell are you talking about, kill me? You don't want to die, we just scare, scare, understand? Sister Qing explained, let this kid take the game off the shelf by himself, and we will complete the task!"

"Then, what are we going to do with these things?"

"Nonsense, these are props, otherwise how can you scare him!"

"But, this little leather whip, and candles, are... serious?"


"Stop fucking nonsense, hurry up!"


When Lin Mu heard these conversations, his eyes became sharp.

"Sister Qing? Ask me to take the game off the shelf? Is it Dai Qing?" Lin Mu is not stupid, hearing these key words is enough to guess something.

He narrowed his eyes, before he only thought that Dai Qing would use some shady means to deal with him, but it was limited to attacks on the Internet.

But he really didn't expect that this woman was so crazy that she dared to hire a murderer to threaten him.

Is she crazy?

Are you really not afraid that this matter will be exposed and you will directly enter the game?
He didn't know that Dai Qing had already been fired because of his affairs, and her resentment and anger had already made her even crazier.

Lin Mu took out his mobile phone, and quietly sent a message to Zhou Suyi, asking Zhou Suyi to call the police, otherwise, he was worried that the two people outside would hear the sound.

If they run away, it will be troublesome.

As for whether these two people would really threaten his safety, he was not worried at all.

I got the inheritance of moving mountains before, including various methods of moving mountains and their kung fu.

You know, the fighting power of moving mountains is very strong.

It is no problem to get the forest trees inherited from moving mountains.

It's just that I haven't had the opportunity to display it and experience it. Now, isn't this opportunity coming?
It is estimated that Dai Qing would never have imagined that an otaku playing games would have powerful force.


There was a crisp sound of metal collision, obviously the door lock was really opened.

Lin Mu hurriedly hid behind the porch beside him, not only was he not nervous, but he was somewhat looking forward to it.

He had been thinking about how to deal with Dai Qing, but he had no reason or evidence. Although he had resolved Dai Qing's methods one by one, he still hated Dai Qing deeply.

Now, the other party has brought up the handle himself, and I have to thank her!

(End of this chapter)

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