Chapter 74
The door lock was unlocked, and the two people outside immediately became excited.

"Hey, Brother Dao, open it, how about it, our ability is okay!" The tall and thin man spoke.

Brother Dao is a short and fat man with a scar on his face.

"Stop the fucking nonsense, go in quickly, don't let anyone see you!" Brother Dao slapped the tall and thin man's head.

The thin and tall man looked aggrieved, "Don't, don't hit your head, my mother said it, my brain is getting worse and worse!"

Brother Dao glared at him, and the tall and thin man immediately walked in aggrieved.

"Brother Dao, let's change into slippers?"

"My mother..." Brother Dao angrily pointed at the tall and thin man's head, "We are here to handle business, are you here as a guest?"

"Don't, don't fight, don't wear it, don't wear it, it's okay, I brought shoe covers, so I don't need to change my shoes!" The tall and thin man hurriedly took out the shoe covers from his pocket.

Brother Dao was so angry that he almost didn't growl.

Lin Mu was speechless when he heard their conversation.

What the hell?

Good guy, still a very polite robber.

The tall and thin man put on the shoe covers by himself, "Brother Dao, you, you, would you like one?"

"I'll come to your mother!" Brother Dao was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, "Do you have a fucking pig's brain? If it wasn't because your family is too poor, I wouldn't bring you here no matter what!"

"Thank you Brother Dao!" The thin and tall man looked grateful, "Brother Dao, let's hurry up, my second aunt introduced me to someone, and we are going to meet tonight. This is a major event in my life, and I must not delay it!"

Brother Dao suppressed his anger and gritted his teeth, "Then why don't you close the door quickly and find someone!"

"Oh well!"

The tall and thin man gently closed the door, and then locked it.

Both held knives in their hands and walked quietly inside.

But when the shoe cover on the tall and thin man took a step, it would make a rattling sound.

Brother Dao turned around and waited for him viciously, facing his head for a while.

"Dragging, take it off for me!"

"Oh, Brother Dao, I've said it all. Can you stop hitting your face and head? I'm going on a blind date tonight. If you break it, what should I do if people don't like me!" The tall and thin man was still a little unconvinced.

Brother Dao is going crazy, he is dying of regret, why did he bring such a fool here.

The forest tree hidden next to it couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.


"Who, who is laughing?" Brother Dao immediately became nervous.

At first glance, he had never done such a thing before, and his hands and feet were shaking from tension.

Lin Mu came out and turned on the light directly, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, you don't seem to be very skilled in this business."

The lights came on.

Both Brother Dao and the tall and thin man squinted their eyes, while Lin Mu looked at them with a smile, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

These two people are not professional robbers at first glance, that Brother Dao looks like a gangster, that thin and tall one, huh?No matter how you look at it, you don't think it's very smart.

Therefore, he is nothing to be afraid of.

Soon, their eyesight recovered.

The tall and thin man's eyes widened, and he took out a photo from his pocket, "Brother Dao, look, is this person our target?"

Brother Dao gritted his teeth, "Look at your mother, it's him!"

"It's over, I've been discovered, run away!" Without saying a word, the tall and thin man turned around and was about to run.

"Fuck me!" Brother Dao scolded his mother angrily, and grabbed the thin tall man's clothes, "Run with a hammer, he is alone, the two of us, you are afraid of farts, fuck him!"

The tall and thin man came to his senses, "Yes, yes, let's play two against one, get him, get him!"

10 minutes later!

The screaming sound finally ended.

Brother Dao and the tall and thin man turned into two pig heads, squatting on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, moaning and chirping.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong, we were wrong, you, you adults don't care about villains, you, please let us go!" Brother Dao began to beg for mercy.

He hated Dai Qing very much now.

Didn't you say that he was just a weak otaku?
This mother is more ruthless than Ma Dongxi.

The thin and tall man looked aggrieved, "It's over, it's over, how can I go on a blind date like this, people will definitely look down on me!"

He didn't know where to take out a small mirror, took a picture of his face, and then cried with a wow.


"No, who are we robbers?"

He was speechless.

What's Dai Qing thinking? Get these two weirdos over here.

"Let me ask you, who sent you here?" Lin Mu asked!
"I, I can't say it, I won't say it even if I'm killed!" Brother Dao was still stubborn.

"Don't say it, okay!" Lin Mu snapped his wrists, making a crackling sound.

Brother Dao trembled all over, "Yes, it's my cousin, Dai, Dai, Dai Qing!"

"It really is her!" Lin Mu sneered, "Tell me carefully, what did she ask you to do?"

"She, she seemed to be fired, and she was not in a good mood, so she bought me a drink and gave me delicious food, and then said that a man named Lin Mu caused her to lose her job. I drank some wine at that time. , just wanted to help!"

"She told me, let me scare you, and gave me 1 yuan to take that game off the shelves, and then we came!"

Boy, does he have a bit of backbone, but not much.

"What did you two do before?" Lin Mu asked!
"I, I, just mess around in the village, he, he's a locksmith, his brain is not very good, hey, I'm so fucking regretful, why play around with this!" Brother Dao came when he saw the tall and thin man gas.

Lin Mu nodded, understanding what was going on.

Obviously, these two guys with not enough brains were fooled by Dai Qing.

Even if the two were arrested, but there was no evidence, as long as Dai Qing refused to admit it, the police would have nothing to do with Dai Qing.

And if this matter is done, she may really be able to rely on this credit to return to the company again.

I have to say, this woman is too shrewd, and like a dog's skin plaster, she can't even shake it off.

"I just don't know if the duck factory is involved in this matter!" Lin Mu thought to himself.

At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside.

dong dong dong...

There was a loud knock on the door.

"Listen, people inside, you are already surrounded, put down your weapons immediately, and capture them without a fight, fight for leniency, don't hold back!" The voice of the police came from outside.

"Don't act recklessly, I have money, as long as you release the trees, everything is easy to talk about, I can give you money." Zhou Suyi's anxious voice came.

"Comrade policeman, help!" Hearing the policeman's voice, the tall and thin man was so excited that he immediately called for help.


Damn, you guys are robbers, I'm the one who got robbed, okay?
How to get the police like your savior.

Brother Dao shrugged helplessly, sighed, lowered his head and appointed, what else can he do when he meets such a pig teammate.


(End of this chapter)

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