Chapter 75
Hearing the voice of the police, the tall and thin man was even more excited than Lin Shu, calling for help.

The police outside heard the call for help and immediately prepared to break down the door.

Lin Mu hurried forward to open the door.

This door is quite expensive, and if it breaks, you have to repair it yourself.

As soon as he opened the door, several guns were aimed at himself.

"Don't move, put your hands up!"

Lin Mu hurriedly raised his hand.

Seeing that Lin Mu was intact, Zhou Suyi was stunned for a moment, then a thought came to her mind, Lin Mu was joking with herself, right?
But soon I saw two people squatting against the wall inside.

"Uncle policeman, he, he is Lin Mu, he is the victim!"


The police were stunned when they noticed what was going on inside.

This is the victim?
What are those two pig heads squatting in there?
Lin Mu also hurriedly said: "Comrade policeman, you made a mistake. I am Lin Mu. I asked Zhou Suyi to help call the police to the owner of this house. They are the robbers!"

A policeman who looked like a leader waved his hand, and immediately someone went in and subdued Brother Dao and the tall and thin man.

Thank you for the thin and tall one.

"Comrade police, thank you!"

The police were dumbfounded.

"Lin Mu, are you okay?" Zhou Suyi ran over worriedly, looked up and down Lin Mu, and was relieved when she saw that Lin Mu was not injured.

"Sister Zhou, thank you!"

Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "It's good that you're fine, but, what's going on here, aren't the two of them robbers?"

The police are also curious.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Ah, it's nothing, I just like to exercise, and sometimes I like to practice Tai Chi with the elders and aunts in the park in the morning. No, this will come in handy!"


Believe me.

Lin Mu and the police went back to the police station and made some notes.

Soon, Dai Qing was arrested.

But after thinking about it with Lin Mu, Dai Qing categorically denied it, and said that she did have dinner with Brother Dao and complained a bit, but she definitely didn't ask Brother Dao to do anything out of the ordinary.

Brother Dao himself had no evidence, nor did the police, so Dai Qing was released soon.


The news spread quickly, and the reporters were all-pervasive. To them, this was simply big news.

After all, the game "Exquisite Ancient City" is on fire now, and the popularity is extremely high.

At this time, it is not too exciting to take a look at the heat in this area.

"The designer of "Exquisite Ancient City" Lin Mu was attacked by gangsters in the middle of the night."

"The designer of the explosive game was attacked by robbers. Is everything instigated by someone, or is it for money?"

"The main creator of "Exquisite Ancient City" Lin Mu was attacked by gangsters, and one person bravely fought two gangsters."


Before dawn, all kinds of news were published overwhelmingly.

There are also some small self-media outlets that have also started to publish articles, even slandering that the attack on Lin Shu is related to the duck factory.

"Hehe, I expected it a long time ago. I heard that Lin Mu refused to cooperate with Duck Factory. It is inevitable to be stumbling from behind."

"I understand everything, have you forgotten the overwhelming black forests and articles in "The Ancient City of Jingjue" on the Internet before? Obviously, if this method doesn't work, you can only use dirty tricks."

"Lin Mu has violated the interests of the duck factory. Let's investigate the duck factory."

"I heard that it was ordered by a director of the duck factory. The duck factory is really awesome."

"Lin Mu is so powerful that he even fought two knife-wielding gangsters bravely."

"Really or not, no, I heard it was Zhou Suyi who reported to the police, hurry up and go to Sister Zhou's studio to find out the truth!"


Countless people who eat melons are eager to move, and they are very curious, and they all ran to Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room.

But Zhou Suyi did not broadcast live for a long time today.

And early in the morning, the gate of the duck factory was blocked.

The dense crowd of reporters was waiting for something.

Soon, a car drove over.

I don't know who shouted.

"President Ma's car is here!"


A group of people swarmed up, and the security guards couldn't stop them at all, there were too many people.

"Mr. Ma, I heard that the executives of your company threatened Lin Mu to remove "The Ancient City of Essence" by threatening him. Is this true?"

"President Ma, is this matter related to you?"

"Mr. Ma, did the game "Exquisite Ancient City" shake the foundation of Duck Factory? Why did you react so strongly!"


A group of people chattered, and the scene seemed to be a vegetable market.

President Ma's face was turning green.

"No comment, please wait for the police's announcement. All of this has nothing to do with our duck factory. Our duck factory has always been law-abiding!"


This incident once again brought the popularity of "Exquisite Ancient City" to a new high.

Many companies and individuals who have long been displeased with the duck factory are now taking advantage of the fire and making a big publicity, including private work, narrating the various domineering behaviors of the duck factory over the years.

It can be said that everyone pushed the wall down.

However, the duck factory is a duck factory after all, with huge energy, and the public relations department quickly started to operate, trying to minimize the impact of the matter.

At the same time, at this juncture, they didn't dare to continue to engage in things. For a while, the black drafts about "The Ancient City of Jingjue" fell a lot in an instant.

This result made Lin Mu very satisfied.

"Hehe, I would like to thank Dai Qing. This time, she helped me a lot!"

He could now imagine Dai Qing's frantic and angry expression after returning home.


At six o'clock in the evening, Zhou Suyi finally started the live broadcast.

As soon as it started broadcasting, millions of people flocked in.

"What kind of plane is this old woman doing today? After waiting for a long time, she is finally willing to start broadcasting."

"Sister Zhou, sister Zhou, let me share the inside story."

"Sister Zhou, was Lin Mu really attacked? Did you really call the police? Tell me the specific situation!"

"I heard that the two gangsters are holding knives. Is Lin Mu really okay? I'm still waiting for his follow-up game?"

"Damn, if something happens to Lin Mu, it will be over, and domestic games will enter the darkest hour again."


Zhou Suyi looked at the popularity and was also stunned.

Good guy, this is another step up.

"I have some things to do today, so I'm delayed. I'm sorry, but what's the rush? I'm here. As for the questions you asked, I can only say that some of them are true!" Zhou Suyi said!

"Which ones are true?"

"Damn, old woman, hurry up and say it, I'm so anxious!"

"That's right, hurry up, tell me the truth, I'll reward ten rockets!"


Netizens are in a hurry.

Zhou Suyi's face was full of excitement, "Hey, it is true that there were two gangsters with knives, and they pried open the door of Lin Mu in the middle of the night, but guess what happened?"

"Fuck, it's midnight, it's over, the forest is probably choked!"

"Hey, prying open the door in the middle of the night, then how did you get the news in the first place?"

"Damn, the two of you won't sleep together."

"Focus, focus, focus!"


Seeing these bullet screens, Zhou Suyi became anxious, "Damn, what the hell are you thinking, Lin Mu and I are just neighbors, he got up in the middle of the night when he heard the sound, and then sent me a message asking me to call the police. , I'm going to be scared to death!"

"But, when the police come, guess what to do?"

When Zhou Suyi said this, she deliberately didn't say anything.


(End of this chapter)

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