Chapter 76

Zhou Suyi lost all the interest of netizens.

For a while, all kinds of rewards flew together, waiting for Zhou Suyi to reveal the answer.

Zhou Suyi saw that it was almost time, and said with a smile: "Hey, you guys would never have imagined that at that time, the policemen and I were so anxious that the uncle policeman was about to hit the door, but the door opened by itself!"

"Open it yourself? No way, are the robbers so courageous?"

"Damn, this old woman is not fooling us, how can the robber open the door by herself."

"Unless the robber has some serious illness."


Netizens obviously don't believe it.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "Who said the robbers opened the door!"

If it wasn't a robber, who else could open the door?
This time, all the netizens will be confused.

Zhou Suyi continued: "It's Lin Shu, Lin Shu opened the door for us!"

Netizens were even more confused.

"Damn, old woman, you are sleepy and dreaming in the middle of the night. Two robbers went to hijack Lin Mu, and Lin Mu can open the door by himself?"

"It's just off the charts."

"Good guy, are these two robbers going on a trip?"


Seeing their reaction, Zhou Suyi was very satisfied.

After all, when she saw that scene, she was stunned for a long time before accepting the reality.

"It's Lin Mu. At that time, Lin Mu was just like everyone else. I almost thought that Lin Mu was playing a prank with me, but soon, I saw two men who had been beaten into pig heads squatting in the corner, and there were two knives on the ground. Ask, guess how to do it!"

"Those two robbers cocked the door, and when they entered, they were beaten up by Lin Mu. They probably never imagined in their dreams that Lin Mu has practiced before, and the two of them are simply not enough to watch!"

When Zhou Suyi talked about Lin Mu, she was full of admiration, but she didn't even realize it.

"No way, really good at kung fu?"

"Didn't it mean that people who are engaged in computers are powerless? Lin Mu is still a different kind."

"Damn, I thought of a bold possibility. Tell me, whether the ancient city of Jingjue will be adapted from a real story. Laohu is actually a forest tree!"

"Damn, the age doesn't match."

"That old Hu may be Lin Mu's father!"

"His surname is Hu, and Lin Mu's surname is Lin, so stop talking nonsense!"

"By the way, Miss Zhou, it is said that the robbers were arranged by the duck factory. Is it true?"


This question made Zhou Suyi's expression meaningful.

"In this regard, let's wait for the police to report. Anyway, I understand everything. That's all I can say. Next, it's time to start the game. Today, try to pass this copy!" Zhou Suyi clicked, there was not much explain.

Turn on the game, put on the device, and start the game again.

After some manipulations, he gained a wave of favorability and recognition from other people.

This time, with the experience from last time, he was able to prepare ahead of time, and saved Chu Jian's life, preventing Chu Jian from being dismembered again by the sudden centipede monster from above.

Afterwards, he was expertly beaten into the cauldron, got the stone box, and asked Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang to attract the big centipede from above, and then waited for everyone else to leave.

She has experience this time, and said very seriously to Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang: "Run quickly, don't come back again, don't worry, I'm sure to leave, and I can kill them!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other.

"Why did Ms. Yang say not to come back again? It's so difficult that we have come back before?" Fatty Wang asked wonderingly!

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes wildly, "Damn, when the hell is this? You still pay attention to this issue, hurry up and take people away, I will tell you right away, remember, don't come back, you will drag me down!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked a little ugly, and they felt that they seemed to be a burden.

But people have said so, what else can they say.

Hu Ba nodded, "Okay, Miss Yang, you must be careful, we will go up and wait for you first!"

"Hurry up!"

Zhou Suyi glanced at the two centipede monsters that were already coming towards the entrance of the cave, feeling extremely anxious.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang don't talk nonsense anymore, everyone has said so, and talking nonsense really becomes a burden.

The two of them quickly escaped from the tomb above with the others, preparing to go up from the wellhead.

"This time, these two guys can't come to give away the head again!"

Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Immediately, she directly took out the high-explosive grenade, opened the safety and threw it down.

A centipede monster didn't know what it was, so it swallowed it in one bite.

"Nice job!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly fell to the side.


Flames spewed out from the narrow hole, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire underground began to vibrate, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Rao Zhou Suyi rushed to the side, but was still affected by the shock wave of the explosion, and was directly thrown out, but it was not hit by the front, so the problem was not big.

As soon as the others ran under the wellhead, they heard a violent explosion, and the ground began to shake violently.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

All were wobbly and unsteady on their feet.

Hu Bayi had served in the army, so he immediately understood what was going on.

"It's a grenade, shit, Miss Yang actually has this thing in her hand, but how can this grenade be so powerful!"

"Hey, who cares, if you can blow up those two monsters, it will be a great achievement!" Fatty Wang said!
When Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo heard the explosion, they were heartbroken.

"Create a crime, make a crime, this cultural relic and historic site was blown up just like that, oh, oh!"

"I said, both of you, what time is it, you are dead, and you don't care about cultural relics and historic sites. Miss Yang has risked her life to give us a chance, so let's stop talking nonsense!" Fatty Wang said angrily!

Someone above responded, and the people below were pulled up one by one.

Hu Bayi's face was full of worry, and he kept looking behind.

Not long after, Zhou Suyi, who had a dark face and messy hair, finally stumbled out of it.

"Miss Yang!"

"Miss Yang, it's great that you're still alive!"

At this moment, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were all very excited.

[Hu Bayi recognition +5]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +5]


For a while, the game started to prompt crazily again.

"Fuck, it's over, it's over, it's over."

"The old woman is awesome, she's a dick."

"I would like to call Sister Zhou the strongest Shirley Yang."

"If you're making a movie, let's use Sister Zhou as Shirley Yang. I can't accept others."


Netizens are all excited.

A level that has troubled countless netizens has finally passed again.

For them, this is the victory of all netizens.

They can't wait to see what the next script is!


(End of this chapter)

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