Chapter 79

The archaeological team is ready to leave Xiye Ancient City.

An Liman pointed to the front and said, "The front is the real black desert. It belongs to the devil. Are you really going there?"

Zhou Suyi said: "Of course, we've come here, we can't give up halfway!"

Fatty Wang pulled Hu Bayi, "I said, Lao Hu, didn't we agree before that we would take them to the desert for a stroll and then go back, but now, why are we going deeper and deeper?"

Hu Ba took a look at Fatty Wang, "I said Fatty, Miss Yang has treated us like this all the way, we took other people's money and fooled him, in your heart, can you live with it?"

Fatty Wang scratched his head, "Don't say it, if you really go back like this and fool people, I feel really sorry in my heart. Although this Miss Yang is a foreign friend, she is really kind, courageous, and dangerous. In front of us old men, I, Fatty Wang, have never convinced anyone, and this Miss Yang can be counted as half."

"Come on, why are you taking it apart!"

The archaeological team was on the road, this time traveling lightly and bringing a lot of drinking water.

However, as she walked, Zhou Suyi realized something was wrong.

The desert here is darker and hotter.

After walking for a long time, I felt my mouth was dry.

However, with the experience of the previous days, everyone saved water.

"Damn, it's too hot during the day!" Zhou Suyi kept wiping the sweat from her forehead.

If you don't replenish water in this situation, you will collapse soon.

Even if you want to save water.

【first day】

The game gave fast forward.

Zhou Suyi felt that her condition was worse than yesterday.

But food and water are still plentiful.

"Hey, it's so hot to sit at home and watch games."

"Indeed, I want to drink some iced Sprite to quench my thirst after watching the game."

"This game is really amazing. It really uses all kinds of somatosensory devices to the extreme. The last time I was thirsty for two days in the desert, the feeling was really uncomfortable."


Even if they just watch the live broadcast, the netizens have a feeling of empathy, which is enough to show how real this game is.

【the next day】

Zhou Suyi felt that her condition was even worse, and there was only half of the water in the kettle.

"How many more days?" She swallowed, but found that her mouth was very dry, and there was no saliva at all.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "It's impossible to be sure, only the approximate location. Miss Yang, if we go on like this, we can last for three days at most. If we still can't find it in three days, we may not even be able to make it back!"


Hu Bayi didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious.

That is to go back home, and the remaining supplies can barely last to Xiye Ancient City.

If you go for another two days, you may not be able to go back.

"No, I can't go back. I have already experienced so many hardships along the way. If I go back now, I will give up halfway!" Zhou Suyi was very firm.

She didn't realize that after these days of playing games and experiencing nearly three hundred deaths, her mind had become extremely firm.

I won't shrink back because of a little setback.

This is not only in the game, but actually subtly affects her character, making her more confident and full of strength.

That's the magic of this game.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi was so determined, Hu Bayi stopped persuading her.

【The third day】

All of them have chapped lips, extremely poor skin, and lack of energy.

More water was consumed than in previous days.

A few days ago, I could occasionally see some small animals in the desert, but now I can't see anything.

Even the camels were listless, drooping their heads, and walking much slower.

"No, if it goes on like this, it won't last long at all. It's too hot in the daytime, and it consumes a lot of energy and water!" Zhou Suyi thought in her mind.

Based on previous experience, she had a hunch that the journey this time might also be seven days.

However, the desert here is significantly more difficult than before.

Three days can match the feeling of the previous six days.

If this continues, they can persist for a day or two at most, which is the limit.

"According to previous experience, the desert dungeon is just too much. It's about endurance and skill. The previous earth tornado should not come again. That would be boring. Then this level is likely to simply walk through the desert. !"

"However, the temperature in this black desert is too high during the day, and the consumption is too high. According to theory, it is definitely impossible to survive seven days!"

Zhou Suyi was analyzing psychologically, when suddenly her eyes lit up, "That's right, the temperature is high during the day, so you can go at night!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi immediately shared her thoughts with everyone.

Hu Bayi immediately agreed.

No one else has an opinion.

Zhou Suyi shared the desert survival information she had consulted before.

Immediately, everyone found a place to rest near the sand dunes, where they could shade a little from the sun, and then dug a hole directly to bury themselves in the sand to reduce the evaporation of water.

At the same time, I got a simple bracket and put the clothes on it to shade.

I also learned from the bridge section on TV, digging a hole on the ground, covering it with a rainproof cloth, putting a kettle on it to cool down, and using the water vapor emitted from the ground to collect fresh water.

Surprisingly, through this method, some water was actually collected.

Although the quantity is pitiful, it is better than nothing.

Now even a drop of water is extremely precious to them.

"Miss Yang, you are really amazing. You have great abilities and know a lot!" Ye Yixin's face was pale and her lips were chapped. She looked at Zhou Suyi with some admiration.

I was secretly annoyed in my heart, I was too disappointing.

Here, she and Professor Chen are in the worst condition.

Zhou Suyi was flattered when she praised her.

[the fourth day]

When we set off, the sun was about to set, and the temperature had already dropped.

There is a huge temperature difference between day and night in the desert.

Extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night.

People ride camels from time to time, and come down on the 11th road when it is cold.

This method is indeed useful, the water consumption is not as fast as the previous few days, but everyone's water has bottomed out.

[the fifth day]

Someone's water jug ​​is out of water.

Ye Yixin sat on the camel, precariously, showing signs of dehydration.

Professor Chen's condition was also not right, and his expression was a little dazed.

Hu Bayi and the others can only give some water to others.

"An Liman, is there any other place to replenish water near here?" Zhou Suyi asked!
An Liman said: "Yes, I heard that the water in the Zidu Dark River will never dry up. As long as you find the Zidu Dark River, you can find water!"

"Where is that Zidu dark river?" Zhou Suyi asked with joy in her heart.

But An Liman shook his head, "I don't know, the Zidu Dark River has been diverted a long time ago, and now we can only find the old river channel!"

"Fuck, what are you talking about!" Zhou Suyi resisted the urge to hit someone.

The hope that had just been ignited in my heart was shattered in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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