Chapter 80 The Seventh Day

The five days in the game passed quickly, and the netizens who watched it didn't feel anything, but the players in the game felt completely different.

Zhou Suyi's mouth was dry, and she felt that there was no spitting in her mouth, and she really felt the feeling of smoke in her throat.

This is the feeling I had before wandering in the desert for seven days.

But now five days is more intense than before.

The water is getting less and less, even if Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and Zhou Suyi are saving it, but they have to share it with others, which seems to be even more insufficient.

In the past few days, Zhou Suyi wondered if she could leave other people behind.

For example, Ye Yixin who is now in a semi-comatose state, Professor Chen who is in a very bad state, or others.

That way, they might last a little longer.

But when she thinks that if she leaves other people behind, the recognition and favorability accumulated during the previous period may be cleared in an instant. At that time, will she be able to pass the danger behind alone?

The answer is almost yes, not possible.

"Damn it, Lin Mu, what on earth are you thinking? This is too difficult!" Zhou Suyi complained to Lin Mu again in her heart.

【Sixth day】

The last bit of water I had yesterday was gone.

Ye Yixin was already dehydrated and unconscious.

Everyone else was listless and wobbly.

The camels are no longer willing to continue walking, and everyone can only rely on the 11th road.

Zhou Suyi's mouth was dry, this time it wasn't that she was thirsty and smoked, but that she could breathe fire from her throat when she opened her mouth, and she almost became a fire-breathing baby.

The physical torture can still be endured, but the mental torture tortures her all the time.

Several times, Zhou Suyi had the urge to quit the game directly.

It's a game, why bother yourself like this.

If it were her who had just played this game, she would definitely quit the game without hesitation.

But now it's different.

After playing the game for such a long time, she felt that she had really become Shirley Yang, and her stamina and endurance had been greatly improved.

This is why she can continue to persevere.

"Miss Yang, Ye Yixin is already dehydrated. If he can't find a source of water in a day, he will probably die!" Hu Bayi came to Zhou Suyi and said!
He's in better shape.

After all, he was born in the military, and has experienced too many harsh environments.

Zhou Suyi swallowed and spit, but found that there was no spit in her mouth.

He took out the kettle, "There's still a little more in here, which was collected last night. Although it's small, let Ye Yixin drink it first!"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhou Suyi, her lips were chapped, her skin was sallow, her eyes could not conceal the fatigue, and she had long lost the radiance she had when they first met.

But at this time, she was willing to offer the last bit of water.

This made Hu Bayi admire the woman in front of him even more.

[Hu Bayi's favorability +2, Hu Bayi's favorability reaches 60%, he has already regarded you as a real friend (a real friend always misses each other, and a friend can give everything for a friend). 】

Zhou Suyi was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, in the past few days, the favorability has increased so quickly without knowing it.

She suddenly realized something.

This desert may be the place to brush data.

Favorability and recognition are all increasing.

Not only that, but the proficiency of the characters is also improving. It used to be a physical fit, but now it is a spiritual fit.

"It turns out that the meaning of this desert is here!"

Hu Bayi didn't say much, and took the little water he had to take care of Ye Yixin.

"Okay, is this old woman so generous? I am so thirsty, and I am willing to give water to my teammates who need more water. My impression of Sister Zhou has directly changed."

"Have you noticed that this game is invisibly honing people's will, cowardly people, people with weak will, it is impossible to pass the game at all."

"It's true. It turned out that I couldn't hold on to the 1000-meter run. I always wanted to stop and rest halfway, but since I played this game, I felt that the 1000-meter run was really nothing, and I persisted with ease."

"This may be the potential charm of this game, and this is why "Jingjue Ancient City" can become a domestic light!"

"Sister Zhou must go there, you are my belief now, come on!"


Netizens used to watch Zhou Suyi's live broadcast, mostly because Zhou Suyi was pretty and funny, and they were full of a sense of humor.

But now it's different.

The six-day experience in the game allowed them to see a different side of Zhou Suyi.

She really does seem to be Shirley Young herself.

An unyielding, high-spirited fighter who will never succumb to fate.

Even if the curse of their family could not be resolved for thousands of years, she still did not give up hope and was still fighting against fate.

There are also many bloggers and self-media who interpreted this game spontaneously, and brought Zhou Suyi along.

These articles and interpretations have even compromised some parents who originally did not want their children to play games.

They found that after letting the children toss in the game for two days, not only are they not as naughty as before, but their personalities are also much stronger.

Especially the boys, who have been so deeply influenced by the fresh meat culture in recent years, they are all jittery.

But after playing the game for a few days, I found that they were a lot tougher.

This made many parents very happy, lamenting that their children have finally become men.

In fact, Lin Mu himself did not expect this kind of influence.

The sixth day passed with difficulty.

【Seventh day】

Zhou Suyi felt that her mind was in a trance. She kept thinking of some extremely sour fruits in her mind, wanting to stimulate the salivary glands and secrete some saliva to relieve the feeling of thirst.

However, even after thinking about sour plums, sour dates, sour grapes, and all kinds of things, there was no saliva in her mouth.

Not to mention the others, who stumbled and fell over and over again, but got up more and more slowly.

Looking at the crowd who had no fighting spirit, Zhou Suyi clenched her fists.

"Hold on, on the seventh day, according to my guess, today, you should be able to reach the ancient city of Jingjue. No matter how bad it is, there will definitely be new discoveries!"

She took a few deep breaths, strengthened her will again, and shouted to the people around her: "Everyone hold on, we will definitely be able to find the ancient city of Jingjue. Cities in the desert are usually near water sources. As long as we find the ancient city of Jingjue, There must be water to drink!"

Everyone looked up at her with difficulty, but then lowered their heads again.

After so many days, the story of looking for plums and quenching thirst obviously no longer works.

After so many days, they found many dry corpses in the desert, which were all people who had died in the desert.

Stimulated by those corpses, there was only one thought left in everyone's mind, that is, they might die in this desert and become one of those corpses!

(End of this chapter)

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