Chapter 84 Centipede Cave

After Zhou Suyi heard the news, she was stunned.

She thought of Lin Mu's encounter with robbers before, those were two robbers with knives, Lin Mu took care of it easily.

Later Lin Mu said that he practiced with the old men in the park, only ghosts would believe it.

Now, the ancient well under Xiye Ancient City coincides with the ancient well in the game again, even ordinary netizens who don't know the inside story will be suspicious, let alone Zhou Suyi.

She hurried to the archaeological live broadcast to check the situation.

At this moment, Professor Zhong has come to the ancient well, and the staff have carried out protective treatment on the surrounding.

Professor Zhong looked at Shimen, almost dancing with excitement.

He has carefully studied this stone gate in the game, so he can tell at a glance that this stone gate is exactly the same as the stone gate in the game.

Even the positions where the animal skins are pasted are exactly the same.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!" Professor Zhong kept sighing, the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

At this moment, he didn't think about what Lin Mu's identity was.

As long as you can help him find the Jingjue Ancient City, everything will be fine.

"Professor Zhong, the rest is done. Do you want to drive? You should go up. If it is as dangerous as in the game, then we have to ensure your safety!" the staff said.

He felt that it was outrageous to say this himself.

Before, he absolutely didn't believe that the game would overlap with reality, but after seeing this stone gate, what else can he say.

And the stone gates are all there, so will the huge centipede monster really exist?

"No, I have to go down and see for myself!" Professor Zhong was very stubborn.

He has been chasing for most of his life, and now there is dawn, he wants to be the first to witness.

Seeing Professor Zhong's firm gaze, Team Li could only compromise, "Professor Zhong, you can go in, but just in case, everyone must wear protective clothing. If there is any danger, you must leave!"

"Okay, I promise you!" Professor Zhong nodded in agreement.

Team Li asked people to prepare protective clothing, and everyone was fully armed just in case.

"Looking at this posture, there can't be a centipede monster, right? How did such a big centipede grow?"

"Probably not, the game is a game after all, some bosses need to be added, but the reality doesn't need it."

"But, what if there really is that cauldron in it? What would it be if it wasn't a centipede monster?"

"I hope not, that monster is too dangerous!"


Netizens stared nervously, waiting for the moment to witness the miracle.

Whether it will be the same as in the game will be revealed soon.

All the people put on protective clothing, and Li Dui and his security personnel were all fully armed, not only with submachine guns, but also small grenades.

If you really encounter a centipede monster that you can't handle, you can only blow it up at the risk of destroying cultural relics.

The staff began to carefully remove the animal skins blocking the door gap.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed open the stone door forcefully.

As soon as the stone door was opened, a rotten smell came oncoming, but everyone was wearing protective clothing, so they couldn't smell anything.

Flashlight beams shone in immediately.

The sight inside made everyone gasp.

Exactly the same, exactly the same.

This is a relatively spacious tomb. The floor of the tomb is covered with dead bones that have already turned yellow, covering the entire floor, which is very visually stunning.

There are many wooden stakes in the tomb, and a hideous mummy is tied to it.

Under the light, it makes people's scalp numb.


It was the first time for many staff members to see such a terrifying scene, and they couldn't help gasping and their thighs felt weak.

Although the game is real, people will subconsciously feel that it is a game, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But the reality is different.

Because all of this is true, with a little imagination, you can imagine how many people died here that year.

Then diverge your thinking a little bit, think about it wildly, and feel your scalp numb instantly.

"Again, I feel that there is no suspense anymore, it's almost real!"

"What is Lin Mu's identity? Based on his age, he may be a descendant of the group who came here at the beginning."

"It's not right. If Lin Mu's elders really came, if there were centipede monsters, how did they survive? Could it be that there are also high-explosive grenades rewarded by the game."

"Hey, go down and see if the contents inside are complete!"


Zhou Suyi stared at the screen, frowning deeply together.

"This guy Lin Mu, why is he becoming more and more mysterious? What is his identity? If he hadn't seen these with his own eyes, how could he do exactly the same thing!"


Everything inside coincided with the game again, and Professor Zhong almost didn't hesitate, and ran in directly, heading straight for the hidden underground door.

He kicked away the surrounding bones, and at a glance, he saw the pull ring hidden in the bone.

"Here, really here, open!" His heart started beating wildly again.

All of the above are of little research value.

The most valuable are the murals below and the cauldron in the middle.

If these two things are present, then this archaeological journey is not in vain.

This is definitely a major discovery in the history of archaeology.

The staff immediately came over and opened the secret door.

Team Li vigilantly arranged for people to patrol around.

He also knew about that game. In the game, a centipede went down from the outside, which proved that if there really was a centipede, then there should be a secret passage in this secret room!
Soon, someone will report.

"Captain, we found a passage in the northeast corner!"

"Take me to see!"

Li Dui immediately became serious.

They came to the northeast corner, and under the illumination of the light, they found a big hole at the top, and it was dark inside.

If you don't look carefully here, it's really hard to find.

Li Dui's face suddenly became ugly.

"Captain, tell me, is this a burrow, or, is there really that big centipede?" The team members were a little nervous.

Almost all of them have played the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

During this level, they were often tossed by those two centipede monsters, so that they haven't passed this level yet.

In the game, they were killed by centipede monsters time and time again, and they all had shadows in their hearts.

In the game, they can try again and again.

But the reality is different. If you die once, you are really dead, but there is no chance of resurrection.

Li Dui had a serious expression on his face, "It's impossible for the tomb robbers to spend their energy digging such a big hole, there is no guarantee, there is really something huge, everyone, be vigilant, and report immediately if you find any signs of trouble!"


Everyone responded in unison, there are special guards left here, in case something really comes out of it, even if there is something, it will be better to deal with it if it is discovered immediately.


Guaranteed three updates every day, try to four updates, usually at around ten o'clock in the morning, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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