Chapter 85 Lin Mu Was Arrested

Team Li made some arrangements, then walked quickly to Professor Zhong, and told Professor Zhong about his discovery.

"Professor Zhong, you'd better go up, if you encounter any danger, I can't bear the responsibility!" He persuaded!
But Professor Zhong is still stubborn, "Don't worry, don't worry about me, don't forget, my progress was ranked first in the game before!"

Team Li didn't know how to answer these words.

Old professor, can the game compare with reality? In the game, your physical fitness is enhanced. You can fly over walls, but can you fly in reality?

But it was not easy to say that, so he could only smile awkwardly and nod in agreement.

I thought to myself, pay more attention to yourself.

If you are really in danger, ask someone to take Professor Zhong away as soon as possible.


Ever since Dai Qing was released by the police, she really hated Lin Mu so much.

"Damn it, damn it, this guy is actually good at kung fu, shit, and that idiot, he even confessed me directly. Fortunately, I did it cleanly and didn't leave any evidence, otherwise, this time I really want to go in !"

Dai Qing gritted her teeth.

It was originally a matter between the duck factory and Lin Mu, but after her operation, it became a conflict between herself and Lin Mu.

She has just one thought now, destroying the forest.

However, even if she is super capable, she really can't think of any good way.

There is nothing to criticize in "The Ancient City of Essence", and Lin Mu himself is an ordinary person, let alone has no scandalous history.

But when she happened to see the archaeological team found a secret door under the well in Xiye Ancient City, Dai Qing's eyes lit up instantly, and the bad water in her heart gushed out again.

Lin Mu has been living comfortably these past few days, looking at the continuously increasing numbers in his bank card every day, he feels beautiful in his heart.

Pick up money in sacks?

How much money can a sack hold? The current forests have a daily bank turnover of more than one billion, and they were even made things difficult by the bank at the beginning.

But in a rage, Lin Mu directly withdrew all the deposits and changed to another bank.

And he also hired some people to deal with his own finances.

This thing must not be sloppy, if something is missed, it will have a great impact, and it may even get in, so we have to pay attention to it.

But I was enjoying it at home, when suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Who is it, Miss Zhou?"

Lin Mu was a little curious.

He usually has no friends, only Zhou Suyi is a neighbor, besides Zhou Suyi, I really can't think of anyone else knocking on his door.

When the door was opened, Lin Mu was stunned.

There were several policemen outside the door.

The leader is still relatively familiar, the one who led the team to arrest people last time.

"Officer, what are you doing?" Lin Mu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

The leading police officer took out his police card.

"Mr. Lin Mu, hello, I'm Zhang Feng from the Municipal Bureau. Someone reported that you are suspected of tomb robbery. Please come with us!" Zhang Feng said seriously!

"Suspected of tomb robbery?" Lin Mu thought to himself.

Grandma's, I'm really afraid of something.

The thing I was most worried about still happened.

"Is there a mistake? Police officer Zhang? I'm just an ordinary citizen, how could I be involved in tomb robbery?" Lin Mu explained.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Lin Mu, don't be nervous, this matter is still under investigation, please cooperate with us, if there is no problem, we will not embarrass you, please don't embarrass us either!"

Zhang Feng brought several people with him.

After all, I saw Lin Mu's ability last time.

If Lin Mu is really a heinous tomb robber, once his face is torn apart and there are fewer people, he really has no confidence in taking Lin Mu, so he deliberately brought a few more people.

"Okay, I'll go with you, I believe comrades in the police won't wrong me!"

Lin Mu didn't resist much, so he went back with Zhang Feng and the others.

Although he was worried about this matter in his heart, he had thought about some of the rhetoric in advance, and he was sure that nothing would happen.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, and Dai Qing uses her relationship to fuel the flames.

The news that Lin Mu was taken away by the police spread quickly.

Immediately, all the major media took action, and the city bureau was surrounded by reporters, all wanting to get first-hand news.

The news on the Internet is flying all over the sky, and it has already exploded.

The new public relations department of Duck Factory finally found an opportunity, and began to use the opportunity to guide public opinion, attacking Lin Shu, and by the way attacking "The Ancient City of Jingjue".

"Good guy, the archaeological team found the secret under the ancient city of Xiye, and then the forest was taken away. What does this mean? Can someone who understands come out and explain!"

"What's the point of explaining, the facts are in front of you, Lin Mu is a tomb robber."

"Hahaha, when I was playing, I said, how could this game be so realistic, now I understand, the first perspective of the tomb robber, can it be unreal!"

"It's a little bit arrogant. No one dares to make a game of his tomb robbery experience."

"Damn, you guys need to be smarter, the game is also an archaeological team, okay, what does it have to do with tomb robbers, a group of scum, being led by the nose."

"Hehe, there are also people who help clean up the land. If it is really an archaeological activity, then the official will definitely issue evidence. The fact is that Professor Zhong is the only one who has studied the ancient city of Jingjue and the only one who has gone to the ancient city of Jingjue. Moreover, to If it’s not a tomb robber, the police will catch him?”

"Hahaha, maybe I was thinking that no one would really look for it. Who would have thought that Professor Zhong actually went there!"


Some people maliciously guided them, coupled with the brainwashing of the navy, many people were brought into rhythm and believed that Lin Mu was the tomb robber.

Seeing this effect, Duck Factory immediately increased its efforts and began to divert people's perspectives.

"Games made by tomb robbers, strongly resist."

"If you are a native of Great Xia, you should boycott "Exquisite Ancient City". Tomb robbers will never be forgiven."

"Request the official ban on "The Ancient City of Essence"!"

All kinds of posts and articles are everywhere.

The public relations department, which had been dormant for a long time before, now found an opportunity, wishing to directly kill all the "Exquisite Ancient City" without leaving any future troubles.

Of course, most players don't care about these at all.

But there are also some angry young players, and some players who are easy to be tempted, directly live broadcast and delete the game and delete the wl platform.

The top few in the hot search were all bought, and all of them were news of deleting and boycotting "Jingjue Ancient City".

They also invited some traffic stars and Xiaoxin Rou to post on Weibo to lead their idiot fans to boycott.

There is a growing trend in public opinion.

I feel that if the government does not sentence Lin Mu to death, or bans the game, it is fighting against the whole people and fighting against public opinion.

It has to be said that the public relations team of Duck Factory is quite professional. It has reached the point of proficiency in guiding public opinion, and it has completely aroused the emotions of the keyboard man!

(End of this chapter)

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