Chapter 86 Professor Zhong's Rebuttal
During this period of time, all major game companies have been suppressed too hard.

The explosion of "Exquisite Ancient City" had already brought them a lot of pressure. Later, with the interview of [-] new mini-games released by Lin Mu, they received a huge impact.

No krypton gold, no need to buy skins, nine yuan nine for lifelong use, this has become a sharp weapon for the promotion of the wl platform, attracting a large number of players.

Coupled with the brainwashing nature of those small games, although the viscosity is not as high as that of large games, they did snatch a large number of players from them in a short period of time.

During this period of time, the profits of almost all game companies have been greatly reduced.

Once this trend continues, I am afraid that few game companies can survive.

They realized that the influence of the wl platform and Lin Mu was really too great, and they far underestimated the situation.

Therefore, now that Lin Mu was suddenly arrested, they were of course willing to be the one behind the scenes to completely kill Lin Mu and those games.

Therefore, this time, not only Duck Factory made a move, but almost all influential game companies made a move.

This time, once the news of Lin Mu's tomb robbery is confirmed, all these games will probably be blocked altogether.

The whole society is paying attention to this matter.

Of course, the most uncomfortable ones are several directors.

"Angry Qing Xiangxi" has already been launched, and several scenes have been filmed. The entire crew is working very hard like chicken blood.

They all know that once the film is finished and released, they will be a big hit.

Even, it is very likely that they will become first-tier stars from the third and fourth tiers. This will be a great opportunity for them, and they must grasp it.

But when the production crew was in full swing, this news spread, and everyone panicked instantly.

Director Zhang panicked in his heart. Although Lin Mu was the biggest investor in this movie, he himself spent a lot of financial and material resources.

If it fails, the loss is huge.

Pan Yueming and the other leading actors were also panicked.

They all went to Director Zhang to inquire about the situation, but Director Zhang was very calm and told the story of his unconditional trust in Lin Mu before.

This somewhat gave these people some confidence.

"You don't have to worry about anything else. You all know the script. As actors, you should understand that as long as everyone is serious about filming and trying to show your best acting skills, even if Lin Mu really has some negative influences, this movie will definitely be good. There will be a big fire!" Director Zhang's words were inspiring.

"Director Zhang is right. No matter what the public opinion is, we have read this script. It is definitely the best script I have ever seen. What we can do now is to perform this play well and live up to everyone's expectations!" Pan Yueming said!
Everyone felt inspired instantly, and started filming again in full swing.


Professor Zhong and the others didn't pay much attention to the outside world.

Professor Zhong found the Shimen in that familiar place, let someone pull it open, and impatiently walked down the steps.

As soon as he went down, his whole body became excited again.

Everything below is still exactly the same as in the game.

The colorful murals on the surrounding walls, the strange cauldron in the middle, everything, there is no difference.

"Good guy, it's exactly the same. This time it's really a hammer. Lin Mu is a tomb robber."

"I told you that he is a tomb robber, otherwise he would have been taken away by the police, and there are still people washing him for him, laughing to death."

"Tell me, is there really a centipede monster in the cauldron?"

"If there is, there is nothing to be afraid of. Team Li and the others are fully armed. This weapon is much more powerful than Fatty Wang's small shotgun."

"Boycott the ancient city of Jingjue and block the trees."


There was someone playing the rhythm below, and the barrage kept scrolling.

Su Xin glanced at the barrage, and frowned slightly.

"Lin Mu is a tomb robber? This..." She looked at everything around her, and instantly felt that this possibility was not impossible.

Professor Zhong spent most of his life researching the ancient city of Jingjue, but what he studied was not as good as a little bit of fur that appeared in other people's games.

If you hadn't been here in person, how could you know so clearly.

"Teacher, are you saying that the game Jingjue Ancient City was really designed by tomb robbers?" She asked her own doubts.

Professor Zhong was as excited as a child, laughing out loud for a while, and crying for a while.

Look at this for a while, look at that for a while.

Hearing Su Xin's question, Professor Zhong laughed and waved his hands, "Haha, have you ever seen a tomb robber who doesn't take anything? Look, this cauldron has no trace of being opened at all. If it is a tomb robber, you Do you think they will let go of such an important cultural relic?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

Su Xin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

The material of this cauldron seems to be bronze, with strange patterns all over it. It is estimated that there is only one such thing in the world. It has a special purpose and a long history. It is simply a priceless treasure.

Not to mention being comparable to Simu Maoding, it is estimated that there is not much difference.

Don't say that the whole thing is too big to take away. In the face of money, I can think of any way.

Even if you can't take the whole thing away, getting a few fragments from it is invaluable, and this kind of thing happened quite often in the past.

"Damn it, Professor Zhong's words made me suddenly understand, yes, if Lin Mu is a tomb robber, why didn't he take this cultural relic away!"

"Hehe, it's so big, how do you take it away?"

"Hehe, do you know how much this thing is worth? With so much money, even if I resist, I can afford it."

"You are one of the second wave. Selling bronze wares is a capital offense."

"People are robbing tombs everywhere, are you still afraid of death crimes?"

"Could there be other treasures here, and they took them all away, so they didn't take this thing and took other things."


Netizens are discussing fiercely.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is really exploding now.

There was news of Lin Mu being arrested, and a large number of netizens came to join in the fun and watch. Of course, there were also a large number of rhythmic trolls here, trying to guide the trend of public opinion to the fact that Lin Mu is a tomb robber.

Su Xin has also been paying attention to the bullet screens, watching the bullet screens passing by quickly, she is like the mouthpiece of the netizens, helping them ask questions again.

"Teacher, is it possible that there were a lot of treasures here, but they were taken away by tomb robbers, so they didn't touch the cauldron?"

Professor Zhong waved his hand directly, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

His tone was very firm, as if he had never considered this possibility at all, and directly vetoed it.

This firmness is somewhat surprising, and even more confusing.

Logically speaking, archaeologists should hate tomb robbers the most.

But now Professor Zhong has repeatedly refuted the views on tomb robbers, which is a bit confusing.


(End of this chapter)

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