Chapter 87 Tragedy
With the rhythm of the navy, almost the entire Internet is discussing whether the designer of "The Ancient City of Jingjue" is a tomb robber.

A lot of people are taken into rhythm.

But now, Professor Zhong, who is a professor of archeology, has never mentioned this matter, and even refuted Su Xin's question, which makes people very suspicious.

"Professor Zhong was bribed, right? I heard that Lin Mu has made a lot of small targets recently."

"Typical conspiracy theory."

"No matter how you wash it, Lin Mu is a tomb robber, boycott "Exquisite Ancient City" and boycott wl."


The rhythm masters continue to act, as long as it is beneficial to them, it doesn't matter who they are.

When Su Xin saw these bullet screens, his face was very ugly.

She wanted to refute the teacher angrily, but she knew what she said, and those who didn't believe it still wouldn't believe it.

"Teacher, why are you so sure?" Su Xin still asked Professor Zhong.

Professor Zhong explained: "I have studied these murals countless times. According to the description in the murals, the ancient city of Xiye paid tribute to the Jingjue Kingdom all the year round, and the national power has long been exhausted. Otherwise, the King of Xiye would not have taken the risk!"

"Also, Xiye Kingdom is a small country. After being squeezed like this, do you think they will keep their treasures?"

"There are also some details in the mural. The Western Night King's clothes, except for the crown, are all the same as those of the poor. It can be seen that even as a king at that time, he didn't have too much treatment!"

Professor Zhong's explanation made Su Xin feel suddenly enlightened again.

Professor Zhong continued: "According to the meaning in the mural, the last bit of national power of Xiye Kingdom is probably used to cast this cauldron. This is definitely the most precious treasure of Xiye Kingdom!"

"Hahaha, it makes sense, sunspots, what do you say now?"

"That's right, the murals have already been answered. Xiye Kingdom is only the size of a county. After being squeezed by Jingjue Kingdom, what treasures can there be?"

"If there is really a treasure, the King of the West Night will not take the risk and take the risk of destroying the country to fight against the Jingjue country."

"Tch, how do you explain it? The game is exactly the same as the reality."

"That is, if you haven't been here before, how can you create exactly the same scene?"


The sunspots mainly grasped this point.

Games mirror reality.

If you don't see it with your own eyes and experience it yourself, it is impossible to create exactly the same scene.

This probability is even more outrageous than the two-color ball in a year in a row.

Even the fans of "Exquisite Ancient City" are powerless to refute this point.

Su Xin acted as a substitute again, and asked, "But, teacher, if you haven't seen these with your own eyes, how can you create exactly the same scene in the game?"

This time, even Professor Zhong shook his head slightly, his face full of confusion.

"This, I don't know, I'm afraid only the designer of the game is thoughtful about what's going on!"

Professor Zhong shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but looked at the cauldron.

"Get ready, take inert gas protection measures, and prepare to open it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present became nervous.

The terrifying centipede monster in the game is here. This time, will reality overlap with the game again?

Li Dui waved his hand, and the security personnel surrounded the cauldron, and everyone was armed with live ammunition.

There are also special people who protect Professor Zhong and the others, and arrange for people to leave immediately if there is any trouble!

The staff took protective measures and began to boil the pot.

For a while, everyone became tense.

Even those Internet hackers stopped posting barrage at this moment, but stared at the screen nervously, their breathing seemed to be stagnant.


The sound of metal rubbing against each other sounded, and Su Xin only felt goosebumps all over her body, and shivered uncontrollably.

Professor Zhong has faced this scene countless times in the game.

But even so, the moment is tense.


The upper half of the cauldron was slowly moved away, revealing a gap.

In the game, the poisonous gas has already begun to spread, and anyone who smells it will instantly bleed to death from their seven orifices.

However, everyone present was wearing protective clothing and was well protected.

Suddenly, a staff member said with an ugly face: "Professor Zhong, an unknown gas has been detected!"

Everyone's face changed.

"It's poisonous gas, it must be poisonous gas, everyone be careful!" Li Dui changed his face and reminded everyone.

click click...

There was a sound of bullets being loaded, and they all aimed at the cauldron.

The gap in the cauldron became wider and wider until the top half was completely removed.

Everyone approached and looked inside.

Seeing this, they immediately gasped.


Inside the cauldron was a pale, naked male corpse.

The male corpse's eyes were closed tightly, with sunken eye sockets, as if he had fallen asleep.

On the side of the male corpse, around the cauldron, there are cylinders exuding metallic luster, spreading evenly around the cauldron.

"No, there are really monsters inside!" Captain Li yelled, "Hurry up, protect Professor Zhong and leave first!"


At this moment, there was a scream from above.

"What's going on?" Captain Li hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie to ask about the situation.

However, apart from the screams just now, there was no movement from above.

At this moment, everyone felt creepy and their scalps were numb.

A great sense of fear enveloped them instantly.

In the game, they have also faced this fear, but the game is a game after all, and they can still face it.

But now when they encounter it in reality, everyone feels their calves tremble.

"It's over, there are monsters up there, we won't die here!"

Team Li and the others were okay, but some staff members of the archaeological team were shocked and broke their defenses in an instant.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, stay back, don't go out yet!" Captain Li hurriedly arranged!
At this moment, the corpse in the cauldron suddenly sat up.


I don't know if I was scared, or the surrounding temperature really changed.

Everyone only felt chills all over their bodies and chills down their backs.

"I, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Some people were so frightened that they couldn't take it anymore and ran up screaming.

"Liu Dong, come back quickly!" Professor Zhong shouted hurriedly.

However, the man named Liu Dong acted like he didn't hear it, and wanted to escape from here like crazy.

"Stop him!" Captain Li hurriedly shouted!

But everyone else fell into a brief panic, and by the time they realized it, Liu Dong had already jumped up the steps and ran towards the exit.

Everyone stared there with wide eyes.

Immediately, what they least wanted to see happened.

Half of Liu Dong's body just went out, but his body froze suddenly.

Immediately, there was blood gushing out and the lower body was still twitching and fell to the ground weakly.

Everything that happened to Chu Jian in the game has now happened in reality.

And Chu Jian had another chance, but Liu Dong obviously didn't!


(End of this chapter)

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