Chapter 88
Liu Dong's death was horrifying.

No one expected that with such ample preparations, someone would still be sacrificed.

Anyone who has played the game has experienced this scene, but in the game, the npc still has a chance to be resurrected.

But reality is reality, and the dead cannot be brought back to life.

"Liu Dong!" Professor Zhong burst into tears instantly.

These people in the archaeological team are almost all his students, and they usually follow him with deep feelings. How can they not be sad to see their students die now.

For the sake of archaeology, Professor Zhong is single and has no children. He treats these people like children.

"Wow, how pitiful."

"It's so pathetic."

"Don't mess around, there are military uncles protecting you, don't run around, you will be fine."

"Go all the way, I hope there are no such monsters in heaven."


Many people were frightened by the bloody and horrific scene, of course it was more of a kind of pity and sadness.

Li Dui's face is also very ugly, "Calm down, don't get confused, big head, third child, protect Professor Zhong and the others, Feiying, Cheetah, you lead people to block the exit, if that thing dares to come down, kill me immediately he!"

"Others, keep an eye on what's inside!"

Captain Li was very calm and gave orders in an orderly manner.

Seeing him so calm, the others seemed to have a backbone.

At this moment, the centipede monster in the coffin suddenly got up.

The huge centipede monster exudes a metallic luster from top to bottom, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.


Li Dui didn't get used to him, and directly ordered to shoot.

Da da da……

For a moment, the bullets poured out, and the firepower instantly enveloped the centipede monster.

These weapons are not comparable to Fatty Wang's bird and rifle, and the power is many times greater.

For a moment, dense bullet holes were punched out of the centipede monster, and a green liquid sprayed out of it.

The centipede monster also let out a cry of pain, struggling non-stop.

The centipede monster above heard the sound and rushed down immediately, and the guards fired immediately. Under the suppression of the powerful firepower, the centipede monster screamed strangely after being beaten.

"Awesome, fuck them!"

"Grandma's, kill them for me."

"Hahaha, all carbon-based creatures, no matter how strong they are, can't handle guns and ammunition."

"I understand. It's not that the boss in the game is strong, it's that our firepower is weak."


At this moment, watching the two centipede monsters being hit with bullet holes all over their bodies, the netizens felt surprisingly happy.

It seems that the anger of being bullied by these two centipede monsters in the game has all been vented now.

However, it didn't take long for them to be happy.

The two centipede monsters suddenly opened their mouths and began to spit poisonous mist. This time, the poisonous mist was obviously more powerful, as if there were countless droplets, quickly falling on everyone's bodies.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing protective clothing and prepared in advance.

"No, my clothes, my clothes!"

Who knows who exclaimed, everyone hurriedly looked at their protective clothing, and saw green spots appearing on the protective clothing.

This spot seemed to be extremely corrosive, and it actually corroded the silver-white protective clothing into black.

"Fuck, can't even put the protective clothing on? Quick, kill them!" Captain Li exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone realized that something was wrong.

If these two things are allowed to spray poison infinitely, the protective clothing may not be able to hold it.

For a moment, all the firepower focused on the centipede monster's head.

Da da da……

Finally, under the infinite firepower, the two centipede monsters couldn't bear it no matter how powerful they were, and fell to the ground without moving.

These two monsters who were able to dominate the situation in ancient times and even affect the direction of a victory, after all, could not withstand the firepower of modern times.

Seeing that both monsters died, everyone was relieved.

Zhou Suyi was also terrified when she saw it.

This is even more tense than in the game.

"Finally dead!" She let out a long breath, staring at Professor Zhong and the others, as well as the corpse that fell on the ground, she was no longer so afraid.

She suddenly made a decision, "If everything in the game really happens in reality, then I, as long as I pass the level smoothly, can help the archaeological team figure out the way forward and reduce casualties!"

"Yeah!" Thinking of this, she nodded vigorously.

I feel that if I can help the archaeological team a little bit in the game, it will be worth it. As long as no one is injured, it doesn't matter if she dies another three hundred times in it.

It has to be said that Zhou Suyi's situation has improved after experiencing continuous games.

It seems that she really has Shirley Yang's kind and brave qualities.

Immediately, she directly exited the live broadcast room, turned on the live broadcast by herself, and continued the game.

Still the familiar canyon.

The camels stood still and did not dare to move on.

They found the body again, and they all joined together.

Before, Zhou Suyi thought about not touching the corpse and letting everyone pass by, but if they didn't touch the corpse, the camels would not leave, and if the camels did not leave, An Liman would not leave.

If An Liman doesn't leave, they will have no guide, and the game will directly fail.

"So, the purpose of the game is for us to figure out what happened?" Zhou Suyi thinks that is the purpose of the game.

Hao Aiguo suggested again that the corpse should be buried.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang disagreed.

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, "Wait a minute!"

Hao Aiguo turned to look at her, Zhou Suyi said: "This corpse is probably dangerous, Professor Hao, please don't go there, let me check the situation!"

"Dangerous? How is it possible? How dangerous is a dead body? We've seen a lot of mummified corpses along the way. We're archaeologists. What kind of corpses haven't been seen before!" Hao Aiguo frowned slightly.

He is a very old-fashioned person, and he only recognizes what he thinks is dead in his heart.

"Hey, these intellectuals just don't know good and bad, Miss Yang, you don't need to pay attention to him, let him bury himself!" Fatty Wang said angrily!

He has never had a good impression of Hao Aiguo.

Zhou Suyi was also depressed, "Professor Hao, just listen to me, get out of the way first, let me check the situation, if there is no problem, I will help you bury them together!"

"That's even worse, if it's really dangerous, how can I let you block the front!" Hao Aiguo refused.

Zhou Suyi is so angry.

There is really no way to deal with this kind of old-fashioned intellectuals.

He simply cast a look at Hu Bayi, Hu Bayi immediately understood, but seemed a little worried, leaning towards him and said: "There must be something wrong with this corpse, do you really want to move?"

"If you don't move, the camel won't go, and we won't be able to go, so we have to find out what's going on!"

"That's fine, then let me check the situation!" Hu Ba said!
Zhou Suyi shook her head, "No, I'll do it, you hold Professor Hao, I'll let the fat man hold a gun and be ready to deal with it at any time, it's really dangerous, I believe in the fat man's marksmanship!"

Zhou Suyi remembered that after Fatty Wang's recognition reached 30%, Fatty Wang's hit-and-shoot skill was triggered.

The use of this skill may be waiting here.


(End of this chapter)

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