Chapter 89
Zhou Suyi also had a flash of inspiration by chance, thinking of the skills and passives unlocked by each character after the previous approval level increased.

Fatty Wang's marksmanship is 100% hit.

Although she didn't know what it was that killed Hao Aiguo, her and these people before, but now she can only give it a go, otherwise she will not be able to pass this level if she doesn't figure it out.

Hu Bayi frowned, as if he was still worried.

"Men and women are different, hold Professor Hao, leave the rest to me and Fatty, don't worry!" Zhou Suyi said firmly!

Fatty Wang nodded beside him, "Hey, Hu, with me here, don't you believe my marksmanship?"

Hu Ba took a look at Fatty Wang, "Fatty, you must be reliable this time, Miss Yang is our God of Wealth, if something happens to him, you won't get a dime!"

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry, with me here, even a fly, don't even think about getting close to Miss Yang!" Fatty Wang patted his gun, full of confidence.

Only then did Hu Bayi nod his head, "Okay, be careful!"

"rest assured!"

Immediately, Hu Bayi walked up to Hao Aiguo and pulled Hao Aiguo aside, "Professor Hao, I have something, I want to ask you for advice!"

"Oh, don't pull me, what's the matter, wait until I put them in the ground first!" Hao Aiguo struggled.

But he is an intellectual, how can he screw Hu Bayi.

"Stand back!" Zhou Suyi waved to the others.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, but obediently backed away a little, watching nervously.

Zhou Suyi glanced at Fatty Wang again, "Fatty, my safety depends entirely on you!"

Fatty Wang patted his chest, "Don't worry, Fatty Master will let you see what a sharpshooter is today. Your money is definitely worth it!"


Zhou Suyi nodded, choosing to absolutely trust her teammates.

She walked to the corpse, knowing very well in her heart that as long as she moved the corpse, something would happen.

But now there is no choice.

"Damn, what are you afraid of, my mother has died three hundred times, this time is not bad!"

Immediately, she took a deep breath and raised her hand to touch the corpse.

at this time.

A black shadow suddenly emerged from the corpse's mouth.

Extremely fast.

Zhou Suyi dodged to the side subconsciously, but the speed of the black shadow was too fast, and the distance was too close, so there was not enough time to dodge.

This is how the game works.

If you touch it at a long distance, it will not be triggered at all, but if you touch it at a close distance, it is almost a fatal situation.

"It's over, it's over, sister Zhou's [-]st death did not come so soon."

"I'm really worried that if the archaeological team really comes here, they will encounter the same situation."

"Hey, one has already been sacrificed, so don't let anything happen again."

"Sister Zhou is here to explore the way. Every time Sister Zhou finds out a place, one less person may be killed. Come on, Sister Zhou!"


Sister Zhou at this moment is the hope of the whole village.

Because the game has been released for so many days, and most people are stuck at the centipede monster, without enough character proficiency, it is difficult to pass the level.

They can only accumulate character proficiency little by little.

And Sister Zhou is the well-deserved No.1 game, and her progress far exceeds that of the entire network.


Sister Zhou's eyes widened as she watched the black shadow approaching her in an instant.

And at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of flames next to him.

The next moment, the black shadow in front of him was directly sent flying.

Then, she heard the sound of gunshots.

In a short moment, it seemed as long as a year had passed, and it seemed that all the movements slowed down at that moment.

The next moment, everything suddenly accelerated.


A black shadow landed on the sand beside Zhou Suyi.

And Zhou Suyi dodged to the side, panting heavily.

Really freaked out.

She hurriedly lowered her head to check, and when she saw it, she was immediately stunned.

On the ground was a strange snake that had been cut in two by bullets.

The snake was about the length of a palm, covered in dark red, with a tumor like an eye on the top of its head, and looked extremely strange.

"It's a snake!"

Zhou Suyi immediately thought of those strange snakes in the back story.

The Zagrama Tribe vainly tried to peek into the ghost cave, which caused the disaster of snakes. Those snakes are strange snakes with tumors on their heads.

"Sure enough, everything in the background story will be experienced in the game!"

Zhou Suyi frowned immediately.

She thought of the huge snake shadow that pierced through the sky.

"Fuck, if that is the final boss, even if there are two high-explosive grenades, it will be useless at all!" She was a little depressed, this game is too perverted.

"Miss Yang, are you okay!"

Seeing Zhou Suyi in a daze, Hu Bayi and the others hurried over.

When he saw the strange snake on the ground, he couldn't help gasping.

"It seems that these strange snakes killed these people!" Zhou Suyi said!

"Seeing the blood sealing the throat, this snake must be extremely poisonous, as long as it is bitten, it must be a dead end. It seems that the camels have sensed the breath of this poisonous snake, so they dare not move forward!" Hu Bayi said solemnly !
He was also afraid for a while, if Fatty Wang's marksmanship was a little crooked, then Zhou Suyi would be dead by now.

Everyone looked at the corpse of the strange snake with fear.

Hao Aiguo's face was even paler, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

He is old-fashioned but also knows to be afraid.

He knew in his heart that if Zhou Suyi hadn't insisted on stopping him just now, he might be dead by now.

Fatty Wang wiped his nose proudly, "Hey, Miss Yang, how about it, our marksmanship is reliable!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, "That's great, I'll add more money when I go back!"

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately.

"Miss Yang is open!"

[Fatty Wang Favorability +1]


"Fuck me, isn't this the strange snake in the background story? Is this snake so fierce? It's too fast."

"Fatty Wang's marksmanship is too good, it's too accurate."

"Do you still remember that when Fatty Wang's approval rate reached 30%, it seemed to trigger the skill of hitting every shot."

"I still think so, I'll wipe it, I thought it was useless before, so I was waiting here."

"What else can I say, this game is amazing, sister Zhou is amazing!"


Netizens are excited.

This kind of tense and exciting plot is really hard to stop.

Hao Aiguo came over, "Miss Yang, thank you, thank you!"

He was a little embarrassed to express it, but he still expressed his thanks.

[Hao Aiguo's recognition rate +5, Hao Aiguo's recognition rate reaches 50%, Hao Aiguo already has absolute trust in you! 】

Hearing this reminder, Zhou Suyi was quite relieved.

Hao Aiguo's absolute trust means that Hao Aiguo will absolutely believe whatever he says in the future, which solves some troubles invisibly.

Otherwise, this old-fashioned professor is really difficult to deal with sometimes!


(End of this chapter)

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