Chapter 90 Paving the Way with Bones
Zhou Suyi was very happy. Even Hao Aiguo's recognition had risen to a higher level, which meant that her game had once again risen to a higher level.

If this goes on, customs clearance is just around the corner.

"It seems that I have gradually mastered the essence of this game. Not only do I need to continuously improve the proficiency of the tasks, but also improve the recognition and affection between the characters. Now it seems that the game should have passed half of the game. My results are still good!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, quite satisfied with this.

"What about the other corpses?" Chu Jian said with some fear.

The strange snake is too fast, and it is easy to be attacked if it is not caught.

Zhou Suyi said: "Now that we know what's going on, it's easy to handle. I suggest that all the remaining corpses be burned directly with fire."

"I think it's feasible!" Fatty Wang immediately agreed.

Others have no opinion.

Fatty Wang looked at Hao Aiguo, "Hey, I said intellectuals, why don't you dig a hole for them to bury?"

Hao Aiguo's cheeks turned red when he said, "I, I, I listen to Ms. Yang!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Zhou Suyi has now become the leader of this group of people, and everyone trusts her extremely.

Everyone took out some gasoline they brought, sprinkled it on the corpse, and collected all the equipment on the corpse at the same time.

Surprisingly, these people were not only fully equipped, but also carried explosives on their bodies, which made Fatty Wang very excited, so he hurriedly put them away.

"Hey, there are still many good things on these foreigners, but it's a pity that there is no water, wipe it!" Fatty Wang cursed!
A fire burned quickly.

Even so, Zhou Suyi did not dare to take it lightly, and let Fatty Wang stare at it with a gun.

If those strange snakes come out, shoot them immediately.

The flames were burning.

Not to mention, there are really strange snakes that sprang out directly before the flames were completely burned.

But fortunately, they were prepared.

Fatty Wang shot twice, and the snake was killed immediately.

Everyone's recognition of Zhou Suyi increased a little again.

These corpses were already mummy, so they burned very quickly, and turned into a pile of ashes in a short time.

This time Hao Aiguo dug a hole himself, picked up the ashes with both hands, and buried them under the sand.

"This can be considered safe in the ground!"

No one stopped him this time.

"Okay, old man, let's see if your camel dares to come in this time!" Hu Ba said!
An Liman nodded and whistled, and the camels dared to enter the canyon.

"Hahaha, it's done!" Zhou Suyi almost jumped up excitedly.

"Yes, sister Zhou feels more and more comfortable playing this game."

"Hahaha, Mr. Ma next door is still proficient in Hu Bayi, but the effect is not high. I think he should practice Fatty Wang. I feel that he is more suitable for the funny comparison with Fatty Wang."

"Passing through this canyon, it should be the ancient city of Jingjue."

"It feels like the main event is finally coming."

"Hahaha, have you gone outside to watch it? Those foreigners are going to be tortured crazy. They really don't understand the game of our Great Xia Kingdom. I laughed so hard!"


Now, with Zhou Suyi raising Shirley Yang's proficiency to a whole new level, Zhou Suyi's game progress can be said to be in the lead, and there is no one who can match it.

And she has secured her position as the No. [-] sister in the live broadcasting industry.

Even the second-ranked archaeological live broadcast is far behind in popularity.

No.3 Teacher Ma was left far behind.

And every time Miss Dai saw Zhou Suyi's popularity in the live broadcast room, she felt heartbroken and cursed herself for being stupid.


Now the sky has completely darkened, and the entire canyon is pitch black, like a crack in hell, which makes people feel extremely uncertain.

The two dark stone walls give people a huge psychological pressure and make people feel extremely depressed.

"I said, let's rest where we are, get a good night's sleep tonight, and set off tomorrow morning, maybe we'll find that exquisite ancient city!" Fatty Wang suggested!
"Still, let's go out. It feels so depressing in this canyon, and I feel a little panicked for no reason!" Sa Dipeng said!
He was not very courageous in the first place, and now he felt even more uneasy.

Zhou Suyi also frowned.

Her sixth sense gave her a very bad feeling all the time.

It was as if there were pairs of eyes peering at her in the darkness.

I had this feeling before in the tomb under the ancient city of Xiye, and it turned out that there really was a centipede monster there.

"Hey, you are young and timid. When you experience more storms and waves, you will be like your fat man and me, fearless of heaven and earth!" Fatty Wang said with an air of preaching.

I feel that I have a sense of superiority in front of these little guys.

Hu Bayi walked up to Zhou Suyi, "Miss Yang, you see that everyone has been walking for a day and has reached their limit. Why don't you just rest where you are and continue on the road tomorrow when you regain your energy?"

Zhou Suyi glanced at the people around her, everyone was listless.

Ye Yixin was still in a coma, and Professor Chen's mental state was extremely poor.

"Okay, let's rest!" Zhou Suyi could only nod her head in agreement, and at the same time whispered to Hu Bayao: "Leader Hu, I don't feel very well. Tonight, let's take turns keeping vigil. I have a hunch that Jingjue Ancient City should It's almost here, absolutely nothing can happen at this critical moment!"

"Okay, leave it to me at night, you all have a good rest!"

Everyone rested on the spot, took out the last bit of rations they had, and chewed dryly. As for the water, there was no water at all.

Those things can only make you thirsty more and more, but it’s impossible not to eat.

Fatty Wang held a shovel and said, "It's shaded all year round, so there should be plenty of water vapor. I'll see if I can dig out some water!"

He sat on the ground like a child playing with sand and began to dig down.

However, after digging for a while, Fatty Wang suddenly gave me a fuck.

"What's the matter, Fatty? What a fuss!" Hu Bayi turned his head and asked dissatisfied!

Fatty Wang had a strange expression on his face, "Old Hu, Miss Yang, come and have a look!"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat.

Grandma's, it won't be another moth.

She got up quickly and ran over.

Hu Bayi also arrived near the money.

A large pit with a diameter of about half a meter was dug out on the ground, surrounded by sand, but at the bottom of the pit, it was not sand and gravel, but a layer of yellowed and decayed bones.

There were also some broken bones piled up next to it. Fatty Wang obviously dug down a bit, but there were still layers of rotten bones underneath, which was shocking to watch.

"Try digging to the side!" Hu Bayi said in a deep voice!
Fatty Wang expanded to the side without saying a word.

However, as long as the excavation is about [-] centimeters, there will be decayed bones underneath, as if the entire underground of the canyon is covered with a layer of bones.


(End of this chapter)

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