Chapter 91
No one expected that Fatty Wang would find something after digging a hole.

The bottom of this pit is full of bones.

It's just that it has been buried for too long, and the bones have decayed and will shatter when touched.

Hu Bayi didn't believe in evil, so he dug up.

But this digging made everyone's faces extremely ugly.

In this canyon, layers of bones are buried everywhere, even the place where they rest is full of bones.

This made the already fearful people feel even more uneasy.

Sa Dipeng, Chujian and the others were even more restless.

It’s neither standing nor sitting. It feels weird to be stepping on other people’s bones. You can’t think too much about it. Once you think about it, it’s easy to imagine all kinds of horror scenes.

"Here, here are all human bones, right?" Sa Dipeng trembled as he spoke.

Chu Jian shook his head again and again, "Don't, don't talk nonsense, it must be animal bones, how could it be human bones, this canyon is so long, if it is all human bones, this must be, how many people must it be!"

"It's unfortunate to tell you that these are human bones!" Hu Bayi's gloomy voice reached everyone's ears.

He held a skull in his hand and faced the crowd.


Sa Dipeng gasped, almost peeing out of fear.

Hao Aiguo's face was also ugly, but he still scolded: "We are engaged in archaeology, so why should we be afraid of corpses!"

"But, but teacher, this is too much!" Sa Dipeng's voice was still trembling.

Zhou Suyi felt that she had seen many mummies and corpses along the way, and she already had immunity in her heart.

But at this moment, I still feel my scalp tingling.

The feeling of being spied on before was even stronger.

"Damn, no, is it haunted?" She felt a little guilty.

Ghosts are illusory, not to mention this gloomy environment, even when I live alone, I dare not watch ghost movies.

Professor Chen analyzed: "These should all be the enemies of the Jingjue Kingdom. Every time the Jingjue Kingdom wins a battle, they will probably bring back the opponent's corpses, spread them on the ground, and trample them all year round, implying absolute suppression!"

"This custom also existed in the Central Plains!"

Fatty Wang was stunned, "My good fellow, Queen Jingjue is so cruel. This is killing people and punishing them. If you die, you have to be trampled by them day and night. This is a shame!"


As soon as Fatty Wang finished speaking, a gust of wind blew up in the canyon.


Everyone couldn't help but shudder.

"Fat brother, you, stop talking nonsense!" Sa Dipeng's legs softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Scared me to death, and started the underworld mode again."

"It won't be haunted, will it?"

"White bones pave the way, trampling on it every day, this exquisite queen's tricks are really hot."

"I'm really curious what this exquisite queen looks like."

"Barrage body protection, it feels like something big is about to happen!"


All of a sudden, the barrage became lively, and everyone seemed to feel the atmosphere of terror. Everyone felt that something extremely terrifying was likely to happen next.

Zhou Suyi's heart was beating wildly, and her legs were trembling unconsciously.

The chilly wind that came out of nowhere just now was really creepy.


Suddenly, the sound of collision sounded from above.

Everyone was already nervous, and was startled again by the sudden voice.

"What's the sound?" Everyone looked up in unison.

But before the light of the flashlight hit it, a huge black shadow fell from above.


The black shadow directly fell on Fatty Wang's body, and Fatty Wang had no time to scream, and was knocked to the ground in an instant, and there was no movement in an instant.

The surrounding sand was instantly stained bright red by blood.

An unspeakable fear instantly spread.


Sa Dipeng screamed, it seemed that the nerves that had been tense for a long time could no longer be controlled, and he collapsed directly, screaming and ran to the dark summary.

"Fatty!" Hu Bayi's eyes turned red instantly, and he hurried over.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi seemed to have been immobilized, and stood there in a daze, without reacting for a while.

What happened so suddenly was so sudden and had enough visual impact that she couldn't bear it anymore.

She just felt a trance in her brain.

bang bang bang...

There was another crashing sound.


Then there was another scream.

Zhou Suyi woke up suddenly and turned her head to look.

The screams came from the road from when they came, and it was the voice of Sa Dipeng who had just run back, but it was pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he could tell from the stern voice that Sa Dipeng might be in danger.

"Xiao Sa!" Professor Chen burst into tears instantly, and ran towards the location of the voice.

But then Zhou Suyi heard the sound of collision again, and then Professor Chen's crying stopped abruptly.

Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

How could this be?
what happened.

But before she allowed her to think too much, she saw that Hu Bayi was hit by something in an instant, and was directly knocked down to the ground, with blood flowing all over the ground again.

It's only a moment's work.

Everyone died except her.

And at this moment, an ethereal female voice seemed to come to mind.

"You... come... wait..."


The voice fluttered, like a human voice but also like the wind, a little unreal.

[All important characters died, the game failed! 】

Immediately afterwards, a prompt from the game appeared, and before Zhou Suyi could react, she was forcibly sent out of the game.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes suddenly, with deep fear and sadness in her eyes, as well as unbelievable disbelief and confusion.

It seemed that she didn't figure out what happened until she left the game.

There was a brief silence in the live broadcast room.

Everything that happened in the darkness just now was too sudden, too terrifying, and too creepy.

"What's the situation? What happened just now? Except for sister Zhou, everyone died."

"This is the first time that all NPCs have died collectively. What secrets are there in this canyon?"

"Why did Sister Zhou survive? Also, did you all hear the ethereal voice at the end?"


"I, I, I, I can do it, I can bring you hot soy milk!"


Netizens were all frightened.

The picture was too dark just now, everything was hazy, and it was hard to see clearly, but it seemed that something had fallen from the face, smashing everyone to death.

But what exactly it was, I didn't see clearly at all.

Looking at Zhou Suyi at this moment, she has quit the game for a while, but she is still in a trance, as if she has been frightened and stupid, which makes netizens worry.


(End of this chapter)

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