Chapter 92 Backlash
Zhou Suyi quit the game, her expression was still in a daze, as if she hadn't recovered from the panic in the game world.

You know, Zhou Suyi has experienced more than 300 deaths in the game.

Every death would bring a huge psychological impact, otherwise, Zhou Suyi would not have seen a psychiatrist before.

But more than 300 deaths have also made her spirit and will extremely strong, and she will not be easily defeated.

But now in this weird scene, Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and the others all died, which once again caused a big enough shock to her heart.

Especially the mysterious whisper at the end made her feel the fear from the depths of her soul.

"Phew... It's scary. Was that a human voice?"

Zhou Suyi murmured, recalling the voice that sounded like wind and whispers.

"If it's a human voice, then my guess may be wrong. The final boss of this game may not be the huge snake shadow, but the Queen of Essence behind it!"

Zhou Suyi analyzed it by herself.

"But, how is it possible? Judging from the background story, the Jingjue Queen seems to come from that mysterious cave. Her power should come from the snake god. How could it be possible to surpass the snake god?"

Zhou Suyi shook her head, feeling that the game is getting more and more mysterious, making people eager to find out the final secret.

However, she was not in a hurry to start the next game.

The situation just now happened too suddenly, she had to figure out what happened at that time and what caused the disaster, otherwise, it would be futile to enter the game again.

Once again watching his teammates die inexplicably one by one, it will only add to the sadness.

"In the end, I was the only one who survived, which is a bit strange!"

Immediately, she found the replay, analyzed it herself, and asked for opinions from netizens.

the other side.

The archaeological team finally took care of the two strange snakes. Thousands of years ago, these two behemoths were invincible, but they are still vulnerable to today's technology and weapons.

But even so, the archaeological team was seriously injured.

Liu Dong died, as did the two guards above.

The price of three human lives cast a cloud of gloom on the faces of all members of the archaeological team. Even though archaeology has achieved such great achievements, no one felt happy.

Professor Zhong seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden.

The two giant centipedes were quickly carried out, and two specially built large trucks took the two centipedes away for research.

These two things have lived for thousands of years and are so poisonous that they are the favorite things of those experts in animal studies.

Professor Zhong asked people to deal with the aftermath.

He called Su Xin, "Su Xin, there should be a lot of money in our live broadcast account. I suggest that on the basis of the original compensation, give each family 500 million as compensation, hey!"

Professor Zhong blamed himself, there was only so much he could do.

Su Xin nodded, a little embarrassed, "Teacher, will the leaders of the courtyard agree?"

"Just tell me my opinion. If you disagree, let them all come to me in person!" Professor Zhong's attitude was very firm.

Su Xin nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll go right away."

The staff was tidying up the strange cauldron, "Professor Zhong, come here, you have a new discovery!"

Professor Zhong quickly walked up.

I saw the staff take out a stone box from the cauldron.

"Stone box!"

Professor Zhong's dim eyes instantly became colored.

Although he didn't clear the copy of Xiye Ancient City, he also heard about the stone box from Su Xin.

Immediately, he had someone carry out protective treatment, using an inert gas for protection to prevent the contents inside from being oxidized as soon as they were taken out.

The stone box was opened, and inside was an ancient scroll, exactly the same as in the game.

Professor Zhong couldn't wait to open it and check the contents inside.

There is no doubt that these patterns overlap with what Zhou Suyi said before.

"Good guy, I can't explain it this time, it's all the same."

"It seems that the fact that Lin Mu is a tomb robber is basically confirmed. No wonder the police took him away."

"Boycott "Exquisite Ancient City", boycott Mumumu Studio!"

"Boycott you, if there is no game "Exquisite Ancient City", do you know how many people will die if someone finds this place?"

"Really, without this game, I'm afraid everyone who comes in will be wiped out."


At this moment, inexplicably, public opinion suddenly reversed.

Previously, Duck Factory teamed up with other game manufacturers to attack Lin Mu's identity as a tomb robber.

But judging from the current situation, even though Lin Mu was a tomb robber, he didn't take a single item. On the contrary, his game helped the archaeological team a lot and reduced a lot of unnecessary losses.

Anyone can imagine that if there is no game called Jingjue Ancient City.

It will be very dangerous for the archaeological team to find the tomb under the ancient well.

Like Zhou Suyi and the others in their first game, they all died when they opened the cauldron.

Today, only three players were sacrificed, which is not easy.

Although many people are still brought to the rhythm.

But most people have brains and have their own analytical ability. They can see who is good and who is bad, and they can also feel that someone is following the rhythm.

For a while, these righteous netizens spontaneously launched a crusade against those black posts.

"Damn, it's really disgusting. This must be organized and purposeful. It's too disgusting. If there are no trees, how many people will die because of it."

"Who else could it be? Just think about who's cake was moved in "The Exquisite Ancient City" and Lin Shu."

"I don't know how to improve my own game, but I know how to play some dirty tricks. It's really shameless to the extreme."

"List it as a proof, I will play the game of Duck Factory in the future, I am a dog!"




Most of the replies under those hacking "Exquisite Ancient City" posts are like this.

For a while, "Exquisite Ancient City" once again proved itself with its strength, and those black posts were once again backlashed.

At this moment, the most difficult thing is the duck factory.

Although the major game manufacturers made a joint effort to completely defeat "Jingjue Ancient City", but in the end, it was the duck factory that was responsible.

Duck Factory encountered a dark day on this day.

Mr. Li, the boss in charge of game operations, hurried to Mr. Ma's office with the materials.

"Mr. Ma, it's not good, it's a big problem, it's a big problem."

Mr. Ma was reading the materials, and Gordon felt a little heartbroken when he heard this voice.

"What's wrong?" He looked at Mr. Li, and the hand holding the water glass trembled unconsciously.

Anyway, he is also a big man who has gone through big winds and waves to get to this point, but at this moment, he has a bad premonition in his heart, feeling that something big is about to happen.


(End of this chapter)

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