Chapter 93 Chain Reaction
Mr. Ma has experienced big storms, and his hands still tremble unconsciously.

He looked at Mr. Li with an ugly expression, "What's wrong?"

Mr. Li's face was very ugly, "Mr. Ma, something serious happened, please take a look!"

He handed over the information in his hand to Mr. Ma.

Mr. Ma raised his hand to pick it up.

Mr. Li noticed that Mr. Ma's hands were trembling unconsciously, and he could only sigh in his heart.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

Who would have thought that their giants would now be lost in the hands of a small workshop of the poor.

It's okay if people resist fiercely, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, and no one can guarantee victory every time.

However, they are still in the bureau now, and they have never even made a move. Even their investigation data shows that Lin Mu does not have any public relations team, nor does he spend any money to ask for help.

Before, they thought that Professor Zhong was willing to speak for him because Lin Mu bribed Professor Zhong.

But after checking it out, it turns out that's not the case at all.

The two didn't know each other at all.

The more you lose in this situation, the more you will feel unwilling.

Mr. Ma took the information and only glanced at it. It clearly stated that in this day, the number of people who quit all the games in Duck Factory reached a quarter.

This is only one day, and it can be seen that the profits of the duck factory will suffer a huge blow in the future.

This is acceptable. After all, duck manufacturers have a great business, but once word of mouth is ruined, it is really ruined.

A century-old enterprise will also be completely destroyed by a little public opinion.

Mr. Ma's body trembled uncontrollably, and then his body shook for a while, and when he rolled his eyes, he passed out immediately.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma!" The secretary became anxious and called for emergency services.

On this day, Mr. Ma was taken away by an ambulance and became a hot search.

This is also the only top ten hot search in so many days that has nothing to do with "Jingjue Ancient City", but in fact, behind this news is also caused by the game "Jingjue Gucheng".

"Hahaha, have you seen it all? Mr. Ma from the Duck Factory was taken away by an ambulance at the company."

"Does anyone know the inside story? How come it was sent to the hospital so well."

"My cousin works in the duck factory. I heard that it was because of the loss of players that she sent Mr. Ma to the hospital."

"This is called self-indulgence. Who told them to be so obsessed with "The Ancient City of Jingjue" before? They just didn't have any feelings for the duck factory before. It wasn't really annoying, but now they really hate it."

"Hahaha, it's fun. After cutting our leeks for so long, now, we leeks have finally turned into serfs and sang."


Netizens are a little gloating.

It's not that they have bad intentions, they gloat over others' misfortune when they go to the hospital, it's because the reputation of the duck factory has been too bad over the years.

The game cuts one crop after another, and the eating looks are too ugly.

In the past, everyone was in the same boat, and the light was in the dust. Although netizens were dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do, because there was no substitute.

But now it's different.

With the pioneer of "Jingjue Ancient City", plus 30 small games on the wl platform, it quickly seized the market in a short period of time, and its reputation is surprisingly good.

The emergence of these substitutes instantly made the games of Duck Factory and other manufacturers uncompetitive.

If this is the root cause of the massive loss of players in a short period of time, and this Internet black public relations incident is just a fuse to detonate the bomb.

The news came out at five o'clock in the afternoon, near the end of get off work.

In addition to the game circle paying attention to this matter, many capital tycoons are also paying attention, especially the financial tycoons on Wall Street.

The stock of Duck Factory is listed on Meiliguo, and the opening time is 09:30 in the evening.

At this moment, this news spread quickly in the financial circle of the beautiful country. Many Wall Street bigwigs have special research teams. On this day, many people came to the duck factory, and the threshold was almost leveled. They all came to find out the truth. of.

However, Duck Factory declined to comment on this, and the legal team immediately issued a notice and called the police, and the rumor-mongers should be held accountable.

But this tough notice did not convince the public, and those teams would not easily believe it.

In some financial software stock bars, there are a lot of false and false news.

"Can the duck factory survive the catastrophe that has never happened in a century?"

"A large number of users of the duck factory will be lost, and the foundation of the building will collapse. Is it an opportunity or a disaster?"

"The final stage of the escape."


A lot of beautiful country leek news is blocked, and they don't know what's going on, but when they see these true and false news, they already panic.

This matter has completely exploded in the financial circle of the beautiful country.

08:30 in the evening!
Not only foreign capital tycoons, but also domestic financial circles are paying attention, ready to see the opening trend of Duck Factory's stock.

But the situation does not seem to be optimistic.

According to the pre-market data, the stock of Duck Factory has dropped by ten points.


Mr. Ma fell on the hospital bed, with the nutrient solution connected to him, his face was ugly.

Next to it was a group of major shareholders of the duck factory. They couldn't calm down when they heard the news, and they all ran to the hospital.

They usually don't care about things, as long as they get dividends, but now that the company is facing such a big matter, they are all in a hurry.

"President Ma, whether the rumors are true or not, we are all major shareholders, you must tell us the truth!"

"That's right, I'm on vacation. When I heard the news, I rushed back with a private jet. You're talking!"

"Why did this matter become so big all of a sudden? Didn't it go well during the last shareholders' meeting? It's only been less than a month, why did it suddenly happen?"


Everyone here is a bigwig with a net worth of more than one billion, but now no one can calm down.

The whole ward was like a vegetable market, a mess.

You quarreled with each other sentence by sentence, and Mr. Ma fell on the hospital bed, feeling like his head was about to explode.

Although he has the absolute right to speak in the company, it is a joint-stock company after all, and sometimes not everything can be said in one word.

Especially when this kind of company is facing life and death events.

Of course, life and death are out of the question. After all, the duck manufacturer has a big business. Not only does the game industry dominate the market of the Great Xia Kingdom, but it is also a leader in other aspects.

But there is no doubt that the game industry is the most profitable business of Duck Factory.

If this business is damaged, it is likely to cause a series of chain reactions, and the consequences cannot be estimated for the time being.

Many large companies are finally crushed to death by a straw, causing a series of chain reactions before they go bankrupt.

Mr. Ma only felt his head buzzing.

He remembered the last shareholder meeting, when "The Ancient City of Essence" had just emerged.

Compared with their size, it is almost a fertilized egg, not even qualified to wrestle with them.

But in less than a month, what happened?

Mr. Ma felt like he had a nightmare!

(End of this chapter)

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