Chapter 94 The sky is falling

29:[-] p.m.

This is a very common point of time for normal people, but now it makes many investors in the beautiful country tremble with fear.

All eyes are on the opening moment.

If the situation is not in seconds, the wealth accumulated by many people for half their lives may be directly regressed.

The financial world throughout the beautiful country is watching closely.

In this regard, they are definitely more informed than the players in the beautiful country. After all, Wall Street, which dominates the world economy, possesses network information and resources that are completely incomparable to ordinary players.

The pre-market data of Duck Factory's stock was already very bad. By the time the market opened, it had fallen by twelve points.

The market value has directly evaporated by nearly one trillion yuan.

Today's duck factory is a giant, with a market value of more than ten trillion and a terrifying existence. It would be quite terrifying if such a big guy fell.

"Damn it, I bought a duck factory worth 100 million dollars the day before yesterday."

"Hey, I have a stock with a market value of 1000 million, and it hasn't moved. It's all right now. Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid it will go back to a few years ago."

"Don't panic, it's all just rumors. With such a large size, Duck Factory is an absolute giant in the game industry of Daxia Kingdom. Who can snatch so many resources from such a giant? This is capital cutting leeks." It’s just a means, don’t be fooled!”

"It makes sense. It's not like trying to cheat bloody chips. This kind of thing has been done before."

"My son told me that the Great Xia Kingdom released a game that completely crushed all the games of Duck Factory, and it was subversive. It had a huge impact on Duck Factory. It is estimated that it will not be able to get up in a short time. !"


There is a lot of discussion under the stock bar.

Most of them actually don't know about the game "Jingjue Ancient City". After all, the two circles are so different that it is really difficult to have any intersection.

Only a very small number of people know the impact of "Exquisite Ancient City".

Finally, 09:30 arrived.

The beautiful country's stock market opened, and the duck factory undoubtedly became the focus, and countless people were paying attention.

It opened down twelve points.

A large number of retail investors flocked out, and the stock plummeted, falling by [-] points, causing temporary panic, and a large number of stockholders began to sell short.

But soon, a mysterious force appeared.

A large number of buy orders appeared, and the time-sharing line began to reverse 180 degrees, straight up, and soon pulled back to negative ten.

For a while, the retail investors in the beautiful country were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, I was cheated, I got cut leeks, hurry up and buy them back!"

"A group of idiots, they have all been cheated, hurry up and chase them back!"

"Your mother, the food is too ugly, isn't it, I just sold you and the price went back?"

"Hey, I sold at the lowest point, and I made a counter-t of ten points. I'm so mad, you guys do it, I don't want to watch it, don't try to cheat me out of my chips again!"


Netizens were outraged, and most of them were unwilling to reconcile and chased back from the high point.

In 10 minutes, the time-sharing seems to have stabilized, the fluctuation narrowed within one point, and there is a tendency to break through at any time.

This made those stockholders more determined, this is being fooled, being cut leeks.

Those news were released deliberately to cooperate with market makers to suppress the stock price.

With this idea, a large number of stockholders began to buy bottoms, hoping to gain a short-term profit.

However, the good times did not last long.

After maintaining stability for nearly 10 minutes, a large number of sell orders swarmed in, and the stock price plummeted again, never looking back.

In a short time, ten points are gone.

The stock of Duck Factory triggered abnormal fluctuations, and trading was briefly suspended for 10 minutes.

During this period of time, the hearts of stockholders seemed to be on a roller coaster, and it was a thrill to go up and down.

Many people who were leveraged were almost sent away because of their bad hearts.

"Don't worry, it's all a routine, as long as you resist, it will definitely rise back."

"Damn it, if you want to lie to me a second time with the same trick, don't even think about it."

"Retail investors hold on, don't be cheated out of your chips."

"It feels bad!"

"Hehe, don't be afraid, I've already bought the bottom, five times the leverage, whether it goes to the sky or goes to the ground, it depends on this wave!"


Some people ran away crazily, while others chose to escape from the fire.

Lin Mu didn't know it himself, and by doing nothing, he set off a huge wave on Wall Street.

On this day, there are bound to be ups and downs.

Many stockholders in the beautiful country don't even have the thought of going to work at the moment, and wait for the suspension to end.

10 minute later.

Stocks resumed trading, but the V-shaped reversal that many investors expected did not appear.

The stock price of Duck Factory is like a drop from high school, gone forever.

In less than a minute, the stock price fell another 1 points, triggering a trading suspension again.

Many people were stunned.

There was simply no time to react.

A drop of forty points is not unheard of in the beautiful country stock market.

But most of them are small companies, and this happens only when their performance has undergone huge changes.

But for a giant like Duck Factory, with a market value of more than ten trillion yuan, such a big fluctuation is absolutely unique, the first in history.

This also makes more people believe that the fundamentals of the duck factory have undergone tremendous changes.

Their most profitable game business may really be taken away.

Once you have this kind of heart, there will be a series of chain reactions. Once panic is caused, it will be very serious.

This suspension is three 10 minutes.

At this moment, all the bosses of domestic duck factories are already in a hurry and don't know what to do.

In just a few 10 minutes, their wealth has shrunk by nearly half. Who can bear this.

"What to do, what to do, if this continues, there will be a chain reaction!" They were in a hurry.

Everyone looked at Mr. Ma who was on the hospital bed.

"President Ma, you have an idea!"

Everyone anxiously wanted to pull Mr. Ma up and lie there by himself.

Mr. Ma's face has changed countless times. In the end, he could only sigh, "Now, the only thing we can do is to stabilize people's hearts and immediately ask the legal department to issue a statement. All these are rumors!"

"In addition, make an announcement that we will repurchase 200 billion worth of shares within ten days!"

"Also, from the gossip, spread the news that Lin Mu is a tomb robber and has been arrested by the police. Remember, this matter must be kept secret!"


Mr. Ma is the boss after all, so he thought of several ways.

"Hey, there's only so much we can do, and the rest is left to fate!" Mr. Ma was also helpless.

Thinking that he has been in the shopping malls for decades, he has never seen any strong winds and waves, and he has never faced difficulties, and the more frustrated he is, the more courageous he is, but who would have thought that now, is it really time to capsize?
Not only the stock of Duck Factory, but also many game companies listed in the beautiful country have been affected.

The stock prices of many major manufacturers are also riding a roller coaster and have been heavily sold.

It can be said that this night had a huge impact on the game companies in the Great Xia Kingdom. At the same time, the wealth of a large number of investors in the Beautiful Country evaporated again and again.

The living standards of many middle-class families plummeted in an instant.

Invisibly, the forest trees have harvested a large amount of wealth from the stockholders of the beautiful country.


(End of this chapter)

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