Chapter 95
The time left for Duck Factory is only 10 minutes. They acted very quickly, issued several announcements in a row, and through a secret channel, Lin Mu was arrested, and the news that the game "Jingjue Ancient City" might be banned was passed on. go out.

The news spread in a very short period of time.

For a moment, the stockholders of Meiliguo were stunned, feeling their brains being pressed against the ground and rubbed back and forth, and then put back on.

What is true and what is false is completely indistinguishable.

"Damn, there must be a demon when things go wrong. I feel like the more you explain, the more the rumors will be confirmed."

"Let's go, I've also played a phenomenon-level game like "Exquisite Ancient City". At present, there is only one game, but as long as it is mass-produced in the future, the game business of Duck Factory will be completely taken over the market."

"Damn it, I heard that the game designer has been arrested and the game is about to be blocked. Is it true or not? Does anyone know the inside story?"

"Fuck, I'm so anxious, there are still three points left, and I will be liquidated, should I run or resist?"

"It is recommended to fight hard, if you run away, you will regret it to death!"


Many of the stock markets in the beautiful country are leveraged. Double or double is a small number, and there are many people who are five times or ten times. Nowadays, there are many people who are bottom-hunting and want to make money out of the fire.

Of course, there are also many people who have liquidated their positions.

It has been rumored that some bigwigs directly liquidated their positions, and lost tens of millions of dollars in one minute.

It is also said that there are already people queuing up on the rooftops of the buildings on Wall Street, and all kinds of news are emerging one after another.

Finally, 10 minutes was up soon, Mr. Ma's ward was quiet, and everyone was holding their mobile phones, paying attention to the trend of Duck Factory's stock.

Finally, stock trading resumed.

However, the expected result did not appear, and the stock of Duck Factory continued to decline, but after a slight pause, it went down again.

"It's over!"

At this moment, Mr. Ma only has these two words in his heart.

In the end, the stock of Duck Factory fell nearly sixty points before gradually stabilizing. The stock price was cut in half, and the market value evaporated by more than five trillion yuan.

On this day, countless capital predators in the beautiful country fell into the sand, and many middle-class families were knocked down to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and they were even heavily in debt.

This day is called Harvest Day by people in the beautiful country.

No one expected that the share price of a large company with a market capitalization exceeding [-] trillion would be cut in half in one day. This impact was comparable to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers back then.

The black swan in the financial world came suddenly, and the stock market of the entire beautiful country began to experience a chain reaction of decline due to the halving of the duck factory stock.

The Nasdaq index plummeted six points that day.


The foreign financial circle exploded, but not many people in China care about it. After all, most people have no access to financial news.

The archaeological team spent a whole day recuperating. Professor Zhong didn't sleep at night. He observed the stars in the sky and found the three stars that Hu Bayi pointed to in the game.

Connect the three stars to form a direction, and then prepare to search in this direction.

Early the next morning, the archaeological team set off.

They set off in the first place, but the netizens were anxious.

"Fuck, don't rush to start, sister Zhou hasn't passed the test yet."

"Mr. Zhong, be careful. If you really find that canyon, don't rush into it. It's too dangerous, much more dangerous than here in Xiye Ancient City."

"Don't worry, it's been seven days in the game. No matter how fast they are, it will take a day or two. Maybe, sister Zhou will pass."

"Hurry up and wake up Miss Zhou, and hurry up to play games."


Netizens really sweated for the archaeological team.

The tragedy of the death of all the people in the Zagrama Mountain Canyon is still vivid in their minds. They really don't want to watch these people die in vain.


Public security bureau, interrogation room.

Lin Mu yawned, and two policemen sat across from him.

He was a little depressed, "Officer, I've said everything I need to say, I really didn't lie, if you think I'm really a tomb robber, then show evidence, okay, you can't just because the content in the game is similar to reality Find me guilty, if you say someone reported me, let him come and confront me face to face!"

On the opposite side is Captain Zhang of the Public Security Bureau.

He was also a little embarrassed.

He also looked at the comparison between the game and reality before, and it was exactly the same, which made him shaken, thinking that Lin Mu might really be a tomb robber.

However, all evidence points to the fact that there is no problem with the trees.

He checked Lin Shu's itinerary without any problems.

But this makes people feel that there is a problem, otherwise there is really no way to explain it.

Team Zhang said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin Mu, I also hope that you are innocent, but how to explain these things? You must have an explanation. You can create exactly the same scene just by imagining it. It's you, do you think you'll believe it?"

Lin Mu was also depressed about this. If he were a policeman, he would also feel that this could not be accidental.

But he had already thought up his rhetoric, "Oh, I've said it all, I read it from a book, which records these contents in detail and has detailed illustrations, so I can create exactly the same scene. !"

"But the question is, where is this book?" Captain Zhang frowned!
Lin Mu shrugged, "I lost it. I always moved before. Is it normal to lose some insignificant things?"

"It doesn't matter!" Team Zhang rubbed his temples, but there was nothing he could do.

"Then where did this book come from?" Team Zhang was not reconciled!

Lin Mudao: "I just bought it out of curiosity on the street, and I didn't take it too seriously. I thought it was pretty good. After reading it, I didn't care about it. I just threw it aside. Who would have thought that the content in this book would be It's exactly the same as reality, you shouldn't arrest me, you should arrest that book seller!"

"Then where did you buy it?"

"Oh, I really don't remember this clearly. It happened a few years ago. I remember that there was a book stand on the side of the road. The names were interesting, so I bought a few books!"

Captain Zhang and the police officer next to him looked at each other, feeling a little helpless.

Lin Mu's explanations were vague, but they couldn't verify them, which was really a headache.

"Also, didn't Professor Zhong say that all the funeral objects were intact? In this way, even if the person who wrote the book has been there, it can only be regarded as a tourist, and he didn't take anything. Is this considered tomb robbery? I don’t understand, I’m just asking out of curiosity!”

Team Zhang was also puzzled by his question and didn't know how to answer it.

That's right, I went for a stroll by chance, and didn't take anything, and didn't do any damage. Is this considered tomb robbery?

Seeing that they didn't answer, Lin Mu said again: "Officer Zhang, if I remember correctly, it should be almost 24 hours. If there is no evidence, you should be able to let me go!"

Team Zhang sighed, "Okay, Mr. Lin Mu, you can go, thank you for your cooperation, if there is any need, I will contact you again!"

"Alright, alright, as a good citizen, I will definitely cooperate!" Lin Mu nodded repeatedly, and finally left the police station!


(End of this chapter)

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