Chapter 96
There are already many records waiting outside the police station.

They are also confirming one thing, if the trees come out within 24 hours, then basically nothing will happen.

If it hasn't come out after 24 hours, then there may be a big problem.

They were discussing outside, all wanting to get first-hand information, just in time to see Lin Mu walking out from inside.

"It's Lin Shu, Lin Shu has come out!"

"21 hours, he is innocent!"

Immediately, a group of reporters swarmed up and immediately surrounded the forest.

The microphones were almost poking into Lin Mu's mouth.

"Mr. Lin Mu, are you really a tomb robber? If not, why were you taken away by the police?"

"Mr. Lin Mu, your game is exactly the same as the reality, do you have anything to say?"


All kinds of questions came one after another, and Lin Mu's mind was buzzing when he asked them.

"Hey, it seems that I should spend money to hire some bodyguards. Even if they can't protect me, it's good to stop these reporters!" He was a little depressed.

I used to envy other people's big stars being surrounded by flowers, but now it's my turn. There is only one word, super annoying.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, pay attention to safety. First of all, let me declare that I am not a tomb robber. I came to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. Some villains maliciously reported me behind my back, but you have also seen it. It turns out that I was wronged!"

"Also, the question you asked about the overlap between the game and reality, let me tell you about this, because I have bought several books, and the content in the game is all adapted from the content in the book!"

The reporters looked at each other.

"Mr. Lin Mu, where did you buy the book and who is the author?" You remember sharply and asked!

Lin Mu said loudly: "I just bought the basics I saw on the side of the road. As for the author, it seems to be called Ba Sing!"

It took a lot of effort to escape in the encirclement that I remembered, and Lin Mu went home after having a meal outside.

When he entered the gate of the community, he happened to bump into him with a hot beauty who was talking on the phone.

Lin Mu turned sideways to dodge slightly, but the woman seemed to have tripped and fell directly towards Lin Mu.

Lin Mu subconsciously supported him with his hand.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mu asked.

The beauty immediately expressed gratitude, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"It's okay, it's just a matter of little effort!" Lin Mu didn't take it seriously, smiled politely and let go.

"Oops!" As a result, the beauty cried out in pain and fell down again.

Lin Mu could only support her again.

"Really all right?" He asked again!
The beauty was a little shy, "But she puffed out her chest in embarrassment, and a large snow-white mountain peak appeared in front of Lin Shu, and said sweetly: "Oh, it seems that I sprained my ankle, can I go to your house for a ride? "

forest? ? ?

You twisted your foot and went to my house to sit with wool?Sitting at my house can cure diseases?
"Damn, touch porcelain?"

Lin Mu shook off the woman's hand, "Sorry, I don't have a doctor at home, goodbye!"

After speaking, leave directly without any regrets.

The beauty watched Lin Mu leave like that, froze there, and then stomped her feet angrily, "Oh, what a straight man, I don't want anyone who comes to my door, damn it, I didn't take him down, no, I have to find him again." Opportunity, this diamond tycoon must not let it go!"

This day is eccentric.

From the community to the gate of the unit, Lin Mu met six fallen women on the road. They were all young and beautiful, well-dressed, and wanted to go to Lin Mu's house if they fell down.

When you don't touch a tree, you walk well, but if you touch a tree, you will fall down.

Lin Mu overcame many difficulties and obstacles before finally escaping home, "Oh, have you touched so many porcelains lately? No, I have to complain to Police Officer Zhang if I have a chance!"


Word of Lin Shu's release spread quickly.

And today's hot search is also very lively.

"Duck Factory's stock price has suffered an unprecedented slash, Mr. Ma was so angry that he was hospitalized, winter is coming or malicious attack?"

"The author of "The Exquisite Ancient City" Lin Mu left the police station and revealed shocking news."

"He is the man behind the scenes of "Exquisite Ancient City". The whole Internet is looking for 'Ba Sing'."


All kinds of similar news and articles are emerging one after another, and many of the titles are quite outrageous.

"Yesterday, my cousin from abroad told me that the roofs of Wall Street are full of people, and the leeks abroad are harvested too badly."

"Lin Mu was released, and the game was adapted from a book. I really want to read this book."

"I've also heard that the author of the book is called Ba Chang? Who knows the author, please give me a link."

"When the news first came out, I checked to see if there was such an author, but now there are all kinds of domineering singers, all newly registered."

"Oh my god, so many big things happened in just one night, I feel like I can't eat it!"


In one day and one night, too many things happened. Netizens felt that the speed at which they read the news could no longer keep up with the speed at which these breaking news were reported.

For lovers of gossip, it's almost New Year's Eve.

They were happy, but the inside of the duck factory was like winter.

With a large number of players canceling their accounts yesterday, this wave is still not over today, and it is still going on, and a large number of players continue to lose.

At the same time, there was news that the stock price had been cut in half yesterday, and all the employees of the duck factory were covered with a layer of gloom.

Mr. Ma has been discharged from the hospital and came to the town in person, but the effect is still not great.

meeting room!
All the major shareholders of the duck factory came.

"President Ma, what should we do now? We are still losing a lot of users. If this continues, our player numbers will be cut in half within half a month at most. If this continues, it will be dangerous!"

"Hey, it's all your fault. At the beginning, I shouldn't have opposed "The Ancient City of Essence". Now it's all right. Not only did I promote it for nothing, but I also played myself to death!"

"Hmph, Mr. Li, if you hadn't asked Dai Qing to negotiate with Lin Mu and change someone, perhaps this would not have been the result!"

"Mr. Ma, I also found some information. The recordings that Dai Qing listened to us at that time were all synthesized. She had contact with Lin Mu in private, and her attitude was tough. After being rejected, she became angry and wanted to use us to take revenge on Lin Mu. You can say , it is Mr. Li and Dai Qing who caused today's situation!" Mr. Zhang said!

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

Mr. Ma's face turned ugly, "What did you say? Is this true?"

Mr. Zhang nodded, "It's true. I checked everything out and found the surveillance video of them eating at that time. Not only that, but Dai Qing also hired sailors to maliciously attack Lin Shu and "The Ancient City of Jingjue". Backlash!"

"Even, the last time Lin Shu was attacked, it was Dai Qing who ordered it to be done!"

"Fuck, this damn woman!"

"Damn it, this woman made us miserable, we must not let her go!"

For a moment, the bosses in the entire conference room will hate Dai Qing to the bone, thinking that this woman has pushed them to such a point, and that is the culprit!

(End of this chapter)

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