Chapter 97 Sherlock Holmes Possession
Lin Mu was arrested, and Dai Qing was in a good mood that day. She counted the time and saw that the time was about to reach 24 hours, and her mood became even better.

"It seems that I may be wrong. This guy may really be a tomb robber. Hehe, it's all right now. If you fight against me, this is the end. You caused me to lose my job. You asked for it!" Dai Sunny gritted her teeth.

Then she saw the news that the duck factory's stock had been cut in half, and she felt even more gloating.

"Hehehe, firing me will be the decision you regret the most. If I were here, how could such a thing happen? A group of confused management deserve it!"

Dai Qing drank some red wine by herself, feeling good.

Looking at the time, 20 hours have passed, and I feel that the overall situation has been settled, so I fell into a deep sleep.

But when he was sleeping soundly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who, tell me not to sleep!" Dai Qing went to open the door with a feeling of getting up.

But when the door opened, she was dumbfounded.

The leader showed his ID, "Ms. Dai Qing, right? We are from the Public Security Bureau. You are suspected of multiple crimes. Please come with us!"

Dai Qing only felt her legs go limp, and she sat on the ground directly.


Zhou Suyi went to bed very early yesterday. She watched the replay many times, but she couldn't find out what the problem was.

When I woke up in the morning and watched the news, I was stunned.

"Oh my god, the stock price of Duck Factory has been cut in half, Lin Mu, did he really win by himself?"

"Also, I don't even know when Lin Mu was taken away. It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding, and he's already come out."

"Ah, the archaeological team is starting again, no, no, I have to get up quickly and speed up the progress, otherwise, they will be in danger when they reach the canyon!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi hurriedly got up, tidied up and started the live broadcast.

"Hehe, sister Zhou is so early today, and I squatted down!"

"Hahaha, sister Zhou is becoming more and more dedicated now, and her daily routine is becoming more and more regular."

"Hurry up, hurry up and pass the level before the archaeological team!"

"Sister Zhou looks at me, Sister Zhou looks at me, I have found the secret of Zagrama Mountain Canyon!"

"It's not bragging, is it true that someone has found the problem?"


Zhou Suyi habitually looked at the barrage first, and was immediately attracted by a special barrage.

"This netizen who said that he found the secret of the Zagrama Mountain Canyon, is what you said true? You can't be fucking fooling me, right? Your life is at stake, big brother, don't be joking!"

The netizen immediately sent another message.

"Really, I watched the replay repeatedly yesterday, analyzed it all night, and finally found a clue. The thing that fell from it seems to be a coffin!"

Fortunately, it's still early, and Zhou Suyi didn't say what time the broadcast would start, so there weren't many people in the live broadcast room, and Zhou Suyi could see this barrage at a glance.

"Coffin!" Zhou Suyi frowned and recalled carefully.

It was very dark in the canyon at that time, and a few flashlights could only illuminate the surroundings, and I couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

But after he reminded him, and combined with the sound at that time and the blurred scene when the thing shattered, after thinking about it so carefully, "It seems that it is really a coffin, so hard, is it a hanging coffin?"

Zhou Suyi had heard of the hanging coffin before. It is a special way of burial in a certain place, where a person's coffin is hung on a high canyon.

"Well, if it's really a hanging coffin, why did it suddenly fall down? Could it be that we triggered the mechanism?" Zhou Suyi humbly asked for advice.

Three cobblers are as good as one Zhuge Liang, not to mention the thousands of netizens, among whom there are definitely talents.

"Everyone, don't post barrage, let this netizen express his opinion!" Zhou Suyi reminded!
The netizens were very cooperative, and most of them stopped.

That netizen's bullet screen floated again.

"I think this should have something to do with Fatty Wang insulting Queen Jingjue at that time. At that time, Fatty Wang had just finished scolding, and the first one suffered. I don't think this is a coincidence!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, and she thought about it again, it seemed to be true.

"I remembered. At that time, it seemed that Professor Chen said that the bones below were all slaves conquered by Jingjue Kingdom. Fatty Wang seemed to be complaining!"

She felt as if she had really discovered the problem.

Without that netizen continuing to talk, Zhou Suyi began to analyze by herself.

"The bones below belong to the slaves, implying being suppressed. If there is a hanging coffin, it will suppress the bones below in terms of space. The people buried in it should be all elite Chinese."

"In front of the Jingjue people, insulting their queen, if it were me, I would definitely be angry, and the most important point!"

After Zhou Suyi analyzed this, her eyes lit up, as if Sherlock Holmes had possessed a body.

A perceptive smile flashed across her mouth, "Although the ghosts and ghosts seem illusory, I have already been reminded before that when I prayed with An Liman, I was blessed by the Zagrama tribe!"

"From the perspective of the game background, Queen Jingjue is also a member of the Zagrama tribe, and has a relationship with the character Shirley Yang, which also explains why all other game characters died, but I was safe and sound! "

"The subjects of Jingjue Kingdom will attack other people, but they will definitely not attack the queen's people!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi almost jumped up excitedly.

"There is some truth to the analysis."

"I'll go, this great netizen, please accept my worship."

"This analysis, I have a feeling of enlightenment, full of details, and everything seems to be connected."

"Sister Zhou is amazing, hurry up, my big hang is already hungry and thirsty!"


This analysis makes people feel a sense of enlightenment.

Zhou Suyi's mood suddenly improved, "Thank you for the reminder, please pay attention to check the backstage, a small red envelope is not a respect!"

Zhou Suyi found that netizen, and the background directly sent a 10 yuan red envelope to him.

Now she earns more than one million yuan from live broadcasts every day, and she doesn't feel bad at all if she sends 10 yuan. As long as it can help her pass the customs, everything will be fine.

"Fuck, Sister Zhou is so generous, just a big red envelope of 10 yuan, thank you, thank you, sincerely thank you, the down payment for buying a house was all in one go, thank you again!" The netizen immediately posted a barrage of thanks!

The excitement is beyond words.

When other netizens saw this barrage, they were instantly envious.

While giving a thumbs up to Sister Zhou's generosity, she felt that she had to work harder, as long as she found some important clues to provide to Sister Zhou, she might be able to earn a hundred and eighty thousand from Sister Zhou.


(End of this chapter)

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