LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 109 I Really Like Growth!

Chapter 109 I Really Like Growth!

After the IG and KT players have adjusted their peripherals, they are ready for the game.

The game officially begins.

Compared to IG's team, where the atmosphere is very pleasant and relaxed, Chen Mu sat in the seat on the far side as the top laner, looking at the computer screen calmly and calmly, without saying a word.

And with Dinghaishenzhen, who is like a great demon king, several other IG teammates got angry and made fun of Chen Mu.

Ah Shui: "Brother Mu, come to C this time, I am super god, can you reward me with a bright smile like Ah Guang!"

King Ning: "That's right, Brother Mu, we're not used to it when you play games like this!"

Baolan: "We still miss that brother Mu who was joking and scrolling through forum posts yesterday?!"

And all that answered them was silence.
I saw Chen Mu sitting next to him like an old monk, turning a deaf ear to their jokes.

It's not that Chen Mu doesn't want to brag with them.

Instead, Chen Mu always kept in mind the system's instructions, and he must always maintain a godly style!
And Rookie continued: "What do you know?! This is the demeanor of a master! Didn't you write Fights Break the Sky?! Only the villains can talk so much nonsense, if you don't see the protagonist, just kill and kill!"

King Ning: "Fuck, Song Yijin, you are a Korean, and you have watched us fight against the sky!"

Ah Shui: "Understood, I want to learn from Brother Mu in this round, pretend to be a master, don't talk, just be responsible for random killings!"

In contrast to IG's laughter, in the KT player's seat, the five players and the coach all had a straight face and were discussing nervously.

There is no way!

Since he was caught temporarily, he called out to take the blame.

Then we have to make a show, let the netizens in Korea see, it's not that I don't work hard, but the opponent is too strong!
So how to deal with the current IG team and Chen Mu.

The current IG team can no longer be called a trident, and the tip of the halberd above is a little too long.

Very simple!

At the beginning of bp, in the first three moves, KZ didn't even hesitate.

Sword Demon, Sword Fairy, and Green Steel Shadow Camille are all banned.

At this time, on IG's side, Coach Jin also patted Chen Mu on the shoulder and reminded him.

"Do you want to grab the hero for you in the first three moves? Judging from the opponent's posture, the last two ban positions seem to be prepared for you."

And Chen Mu said lightly.


"Coach, you can bp according to your thinking, don't worry about me!"

"There are 139 heroes in the League of Legends, they can't stop banning!"

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Coach Jin's heart was in his stomach. He was also afraid that KZ would directly ban all the top lane heroes that could be played in this version, so that Chen Mu would have no heroes to play.

After hearing Chen Mu's words, it seemed that there was still something left. Coach Jin now looked forward to what surprises, or shocks, Chen Mu would bring in this round! !
On KT's side, the first floor directly grabbed Mundo.

Khan has been completely autistic since he faced Letme five Aoun in the MSI mid-season finals.

Sword girl? !Illaoi? !It's useless!
Still Mundo, Aounshan!

And this version of Mundo can fight, fight, resist and develop. No matter how strong you are, as long as Mundo wants to be wretched, you will not be able to destroy a Mundo.

At the beginning of the second round of bp, KZ saw that IG hadn't made a top order yet, so he didn't hesitate at all. If you are not sure about the top order hero, then I will continue to ban!

In the next second, Chen Mu's Daomei, who played brilliantly in the MSI mid-season competition, was also banned.

The last hero, KZ has been banned and cannot be banned.

Since Chen Mu's debut in the professional arena in the MSI mid-season, the top laners who have carried the game, Daomei, Qinggangying, Jianji, and Jianmo have all been banned.

You can't ban the stone man too.

If Chen Mu really chooses a stone man, maybe KZ will die laughing.

to be honest.Although Golem played well in the round against RNG and played a key role, but the upper limit of the hero Golem is too low, no matter how you play it, it will be the same.

Is it possible that your stone man still made an R to flash out? !

So after thinking about it for a while, KZ also banned the Nuo hand who strengthened this version.

If Chen Mu really chooses a promise player, develops it, and sends them home with a five-in-a-row attack in a team battle, it would be too shameful.

It's better to ban it!
The top laner hero of the five bans has given Chen Mu the greatest respect!

But you are five banned,
The other positions on IG just smiled directly.

JKL's ADC got Kai'Sa, the panacea hero, who can hold on to growth even if he retreats, and he can also go crazy when he advances.

And in this version, Kai'Sa is also one of the few AD heroes who can fight back and forth with Bot Lane.

Baolan got the invincible bull head.

Even the combination of IG's middle field and Yasuo got the combination of wine barrel and Yasuo, which is both strong and energetic!
When it was the last counter position of Chen Mu's top order.

Coach Jin closed the notebook, looked at Chen Mu, and said indifferently.

"Chen Mu, your own hero, you decide for yourself!"

As for what BP idea, what lineup selection, what is that? !Aren't those all serving Chen Mu? !

Seeing that the coach gave him the greatest trust, and seeing that the top laner on the opposite side had already confirmed Mundo, Chen Mu said lightly.


Before Chen Mu finished speaking, Coach Jin blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Okay, then Jess!"

The next moment, the handsome face of the representative from Gilwaft appeared on the big screen.

Jess is a hero, to be honest, there are not many top laners in the LPL division who can understand it.

In the opposite LCK division, Jess is a compulsory course for the top laner.And Khan is also a well-known Jess high-level player in the LCK division, so he naturally knows the strength of the hero Jess.

Seeing that Chen Mu selected and confirmed Jess, Khan, who had been kicked off the world's number one top laner, was already sweating.

Although Mundo can hold on, in the later stage team battles, he is basically an immortal shit stick, but it is still a bit difficult to face Jayce online.

In the end, the lineup of the two sides was determined.

IG vs KZ, IG is on the blue side and KZ is on the red side.

Top order: Jess vs Mondo
Jungle: Barrel vs Pig Girl
Mid laner: Yasuo vs Vel'Koz

ADC: Kai'Sa vs Verus

Support: Niutou vs Shen

The game officially begins.

As soon as he went online, Chen Mu's Jess got stuck in the grass on the side of the road.

And Khan's Mundo is also very understanding, and he came to the line early, and he didn't even help his jungler Peanut to watch the wild area.

As soon as Mundo was online, he saw Jace walking into the grass.

Khan still has some small pride in his heart, just look, I knew you were going to get into that bush to shade me, I must have found out!

Therefore, Khan's Mondo is far away from the grass, never close to the side grass on the road, and stands at the limit position of the electric energy gun with the Q skill of Jess in cannon form, so as not to give Jess a chance to consume it.

Khan even hesitated and threw a throwing knife into the grass.

It's like saying hello to an old friend.

But Khan turned on the Tab key, looked at Jess's outfit out of habit, and immediately became upset.

I saw the extraction sickle and money knife on Jess's equipment bar.

Jess pretended not to buy a Dolan sword when he went out, but bought a money-making knife.

Siba!This is why I really don't take my former world number one top laner seriously.

And Chen Mu could feel the unhappiness in Khan's heart, so he didn't have the patience to play with him, because his Jess didn't choose the Q skill electric cannon at the first level.

Instead, I learned the E skill, the door of acceleration.

I saw Jess releasing an acceleration door in the grass, and then passed through the acceleration door. Taking advantage of the acceleration, he rushed out of the grass, and before Mundo could react, Jess walked to the distance of the normal attack, and there was nothing extra action.

Just leveled Mundo with an A.

Then he hid in the grass again, making Mundo lose his sight.

Khan's Mondo was still not convinced, and threw a throwing knife at Jess' leaving figure.

But Jess, who was caught by Chen Mu, turned sideways and dodged.

However, Khan saw that the blood volume on his body had only dropped a small amount. With the effect of his determination talent and Mundo's passive recovery of blood, within a few seconds, the blood volume that fell was restored to seven or eight Eight.

Khan was also a little confused for a while.

That's it? !
Is this the only Jess of the man across the street? !

Jess learned the E skill at the first level, just to level A me? !

But under the invincible blood recovery of my big Mundo, the line of soldiers has not come out, and it is fully recovered.

Could it be that the man on the opposite side only knows heroes like Sword Demon, Sword Fairy, and Qinggang Ying Camille, and his Jace proficiency is not high? !Take it out just to scare yourself!

That's right, the top laners in the LPL division don't play the hero Jess very much. How can there be such an all-rounder in the world who is proficient in all heroes!
It seems that the bp tactics of myself and the coach have succeeded, and the top laner with five bans has given Chen Muou enough face.Now he has made a strong promise to take out Jess!

But it's an exaggeration for that man to be able to train Sword Fairy and Sword Demon to this level!
There was a little joy in Khan's heart, thinking that he had discovered Chen Mujiesi's secret.I can't help but imagine that it seems that I, the Khan, will ultimately be responsible for defeating this man.
But when Khan subconsciously pressed the Tab key.

next moment.
Khan's Mundo froze in place.

I saw Chen Mu's game equipment bar, in addition to the scythe of extraction, a bottle of red medicine accident, followed by a shining money bag.


Jess's talent turned out to be the talent of stealing money, a sign of theft!

Khan, who was still a little secretly happy, suddenly felt that his whole body was not good, just like the original taste of the Jiuzhuan large intestine was preserved!
No wonder, Jess's normal attack didn't hurt him at all, it turned out that Jess didn't bring Aery.

And it's so hard to die, the theft is a sign that there are so many props and don't steal, why did you steal a purse!

Thinking of this, Khan felt like there were ants crawling on his body.

But fortunately, he didn't see the scene that made Khan collapse even more.

Seeing that Chen Mu stole his first purse, he didn't hold back for a while, and opened it directly.

Ding Dong!

The golden coin danced immediately above Jace's head.

100 gold coins!

Immediately, the lines of the two sides have not yet met, and the economic gap between IG and KZ has changed from 2500:2500 at the beginning to 2600:2500.

The lpl commentary station, since the game started, the director seems to have directly locked the camera on Chen Mu's Jess, and the three commentators saw that Chen Mu's Jess had the talent of Stealing Omen, and learned an E skill abnormally at the first level. You know it's not easy!
Wawa said in surprise: "Hey! Chen Mu's Jess didn't choose to bring Alley, Attack, Conqueror and other conventional talents! Instead, he chose the Stealing Omen and Stealing Money talents!"

Miller responded: "But now this version of Stealing Omen has been weakened, it is not as powerful as the stealing talent at the beginning of the season."

But as Chen Mu's first prop, he stole a money bag.

Miller also immediately slapped him in the face: "I stole the purse the first time, so it's fine, as long as you're lucky, you'll be great with any talent!"

But Guan Zeyuan is curious: "Now I'm curious about whether Chen Mu's money bag will be opened immediately after being stolen, or will he open it after going home?!"

"Open! Open! Open directly!"

wawa "Wow! What kind of luck is this Chen Mu! It's fine to steal the purse for the first item, but the purse actually gave out 100 yuan directly! What kind of luck is this?!"

And the barrage audience also cheered 666.


"Leading by 100 yuan at the start!"

"Sure enough, even luck is on the side of handsome people~!"

In fact, Chen Mu's Jess chose the talent of stealing money, which was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Jess, who is the omen of stealing, is rare in the arena. This style of play requires more active play in the early stage. After casting skills, look for opportunities for basic attacks, trigger the effect of stealing money to gain an economic lead, and speed up the formation of your equipment.

But if you choose the Omen of Stealing, it means that the main talent points to the enlightenment line, which also means that there is one less damage rune of the main line.

The runes of the enlightenment system are neither as strong as the continuous combat ability of summoning Alley, nor as strong as the explosive ability of the electrocution of the domination system.

It is not as good as the strongest precision rune in the current version, the big killer of the conqueror.

Therefore, Jayce, the stealing money flow, is rarely used by professional players in the game.In the professional arena, everyone is a professional player. You choose a burglary omen to beat Alley, Electrocute, and Conqueror. Who are you looking down on? !
It's just that in the usual ranking, everyone may choose Stealing Omen for fun, try to end the game in the middle of the game as much as possible, and use the economy to crush the opponent.

And now in this version, the Stealing Omen talent has been cut. In the version at the beginning of the season, the Stealing Omen can increase the attack distance.

But now this version has been weakened.

However, except for Chen Mu, what everyone doesn't know is that at the end of this season, Stealing Omen will usher in the biggest enhancement, directly turning the entire League of Legends into a "money stealing league."

As for Jess against Mundo, it was still Chen Mu's Jess, and there was nothing wrong with bringing the burglary omen.


As the lines of soldiers converged, Mondo of Khan knew the omen of theft brought by Jess, and he did not want to be touched by Jess again, so he followed the line of soldiers carefully and moved forward.

But I saw Chen Mu's Jess one, two, three, four, do it again, release an acceleration gate in the grass, then pass through the acceleration gate, and rush out of the grass while accelerating.

Normal attack hit Mundo.

Then he hid in the grass again, pulling away the hatred of the soldiers, and at the same time making Mundo lose his vision.

And Khan hurriedly opened the Tab key to see, Xiba, it was another money bag.

How does this play? !

The angry Khan Mondo threw another throwing knife towards Jess's leaving figure, "gifting" Jess.

But Jess, who was caught by Chen Mu, turned sideways and dodged.

Seeing this, Khan's heart was about to collapse.

"Siba! Siba!"

He kept swearing all the time.

It caused my teammates to switch screens frequently to look at the lane. Why hasn't the laning started yet, but my own top laner has already started? !
Chen Mu opened the wallet again, 90 gold coins!10 gold coins less than the previous purse.

But the two stolen money add up to 190 gold coins, plus the 10 gold coins stolen by the burglary omen itself.

200 gold coins!

It's like taking half a blood.

Seeing Chen Mu's luck, Khan didn't want to play games anymore. If it wasn't for an official game or an intercontinental game involving the honor of the competition area, Khan would have hung up the phone and taken a shower.

He didn't even need to look to know that since Chen Mu's Jess talent main department chose the Enlightenment department, the Stealing Omen talent.

The remaining talents must be perfect timing and magic shoes.

One provides a stopwatch for free, and the other provides a pair of straw sandals for free.

At this time, Chun took himself as a charging treasure and a cash machine!
At this time, in the LPL live broadcast room, the director was also very understanding, and directly displayed the talent chosen by Chen Mujiesi on the big screen.

At first glance, it turned out that Khan did not expect it.

The main department is talent, and the enlightenment department.

Stealing Omen, Perfect Timing, Magic Shoes, the other doesn't really matter.

Sub-department, Precision Department.

Triumph, fatal blow.

Seeing this, the three commentators in the live broadcast room were also happy.

Wawa started advocating lineup economics again: "Perfect timing, a stopwatch costs 600 gold coins, magical shoes, 300 gold coins, and Jess is still carrying an extraction scythe for money when he goes out. This is another four or five hundred economy, just stole two A purse, stole 200 gold coins!"

"Jess has already led by 1500 economy in one and a half minutes, before the laning has even started!!"

And the barrage in the lpl live broadcast room is also very joyful.

"Cry to death, such a handsome man is also a good man who lives at home!"

"Love it! Love it!"

"Little expert in financial management!"

"It turns out that my Brother Mu is such a player who likes to develop, tears come to my eyes!!!"

"Damn it, is this talent so good?! I'll try it right away!"

"Upstairs, remember to tell us the result after the test!! (dog head) (dog head)"

Meanwhile, in Korea, DWG.

A small team that has just climbed up from the Korean secondary league and entered the LCK league.

A young man was also in front of the computer screen, watching the final battle of the intercontinental match.

Saw Jess stealing two purses at level one.There was also a slight movement in my heart.

I thought, is this talent so easy to steal money? !
Just as he was talking, he randomly opened a ranking and selected Jess, who also had the talent of Stealing Money with Stealing Omen.

It's just that the opposite conqueror Daomei and the conqueror jungler Olaf are extremely cruel.

As for his own jungler, he is still shopping in his own jungle area!
And his own Jess seems to be a little different from the man's Jess in the game. He stole money bags, but he stole all messy things like vision and potions.

(End of this chapter)

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