LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 110 Jess in "3 Divine Costumes" in 6 minutes

Chapter 110 3 Minutes Jess in "Six Gods Costume"
Back to the game.

Although Jess Jess has the talents of Stealing Omen and Enlightenment, and his online combat ability is indeed not as good as Alley and Conqueror talents, but it doesn't mean that he can't suppress Khan's Mundo.

I saw that after Jess was promoted to the second level, he looked at the angle and immediately saw the crooked cannon.

Khan was already trying his best to move, but he was still shot accurately.

Khan couldn't help but wondered in his heart: "When Chen Mu was hiding from Semb's Jace cannon, it was so easy to move, why did he come to me and it was so difficult to move? I bumped into his cannon for no reason!"

However, Chen Mu's Jess, after hitting Mundo, came abruptly, and hit it without switching forms.

Mundo's gameplay is to always rely on the line, and the take-out pair will not suffer a big loss. As long as he wants to be wretched, he is unlikely to be defeated.And this version of Mundo is also strengthened in all aspects, from skill damage to passive blood recovery, otherwise it is impossible to become a popular hero in the game.

What's more, Chen Mu knew that Jess's outfit was extraction and money knife.

Compared with the fighting attribute of Dolan's sword, the extraction is too far behind.

In addition to the effect of being able to quickly develop money, dogs really don't even look at it.

So at this time, if Jess goes head-to-head with Mundo, he will give up his advantage.

At the third level, Jess has two sets of forms and six skills of QWE, which is more conducive to Jess stealing money.

The current version of Stealing Omen is that after the hero releases a skill, he can steal 5 gold coins once by attacking the hero, and there is a chance to drop money bags, potions and other props.

The key built-in CD is about 2.5 seconds.

Chen Mu's Jess was tossing and moving, switching stances frequently, using the explosively increased movement speed after switching stances, and the acceleration door of the E skill, to crazily pull Mundo.

Chen Mu also implemented the sixteen-character policy of our army.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy is tired, we harass; when the enemy stays, we attack"

And Khan's Mondo faced this kind of candy-style play, his scalp was numb from being pulled, and he couldn't advance or retreat.

As soon as you attack, Jess will use the grass vision and movement speed to pull you down. As soon as you retreat, Jess will immediately press you up.

In this way, Mondo became a "power bank" for Jess to steal money!
As Jace's line goes: "Recharging!"

But when Khan was suffering, he would open the Tab key from time to time to see what Jess had stolen again.

Did you steal the purse again? !

If Chen Mu's Jess, I don't know if it's illusory luck on his side, or the God of the World Tournament system can control this kind of probability, the probability of Jess stealing the purse is obviously higher.

From time to time, Khan saw Jess's equipment bar and jumped over a shining money bag.

this allows him
Even Mundo Q minions can Q crookedly! !
And even if Mengdo had suffered like this, King Ning still wouldn't let him go.

I saw that King Ning's wine barrel had just finished brushing the red and blue duffs, and he impatiently walked up the road with a big belly.

Talking while walking.

"Brother Mu, I'm going up the road!"

Chen Mu's Jess also understood very well, and instead of pushing the line, he kept the pawn line at the center line.

After the barrel circled a field of vision, it outflanked Mundo from the side.

He slammed into Mundo with a belly, but fortunately there was a flash on Mundo, otherwise he would be stuck by the barrel red BUFF, plus Jess's super-high explosion under the two sets of skills, he might really be killed.

Khan, who escaped with his life, continued to curse.

"Xiba, Xiba, a barrel of level [-] is on the way, have you finished clearing the wild monsters in the wild area?! Xiba!"

After seeing the flash of playing Mundo, King Ning was not greedy, and left contentedly, and continued to go back to his jungle to clear the jungle.

When Khan's Mundo didn't flash and continued to fight Jace, he seemed even more intimidated.

And Chen Mu's Jess also began to act unscrupulously, began to suppress Mondo, and frantically carried out "zero yuan purchases".

As for whether Peanut's pig sister will come on the road to catch Jess.

Chen Mu said he was not worried.

Because the two key positions on the top road are already covered with fake eyes bought by Jess for zero yuan.

Pig girl can't fly in the air, fly to the road to gank Jess.

It didn't take long for Jess to reach the third level, and he already had the "six gods costume" on his body!

Except for the money knife, everything is stolen miscellaneous things.There are red bottles, blue bottles, potions, and money bags.

After stealing something, Chen Mu didn't save money on food and expenses. He stole a usable item and fired it immediately.

And Mundo has nothing to do with Jess's zero-dollar purchase, he just watched the effect of returning blood and mana on Jess's body and it has not stopped.

In 5 minutes, after pushing a wave of soldiers into the tower, Jess went home for the first time to replenish his equipment.

When Jess teleported back online again, Khan felt a little dizzy.

In Jess's equipment bar, those messy props were gone, but there was an extra sawtooth dagger.

Jess, with Chen Mu's development so smoothly, naturally wouldn't make any double Doran swords.

This kind of "double Dolan + cloth shoes, pure JB bastard, this one is for you, I will order 15." The bastard playing method.

He also didn't choose such developmental equipment as Goddess Tears and Magic Cut.Now in this version of the game, top laner Jess seldom plays Demon Sect.

Because it takes at least 20 minutes to fully stack the Demon Sect and evolve into a Demon Cut, which is too slow for Jess, whose damage explodes in the mid-term.

Violent gameplay is popular now!
Chen Mu simply took out a sawtooth dagger, it seems that this is the first piece of equipment to get the ghost of Youmeng.

And 5 minutes after taking out the sawtooth dagger, Jess, who went online again, bombarded Mundo's body, which was very different from the previous one.

Thus, Khan, who was under increasing pressure, spat out a few words fiercely.

"peanut, come on!"

The little "Shua" student was in the wild in his own wild area, and when he heard the tone of his top laner about to collapse, he also hurriedly switched the screen to see the situation on the road.

"Come on, come on, wait until I get to level six, otherwise I won't be able to catch Jess!"

The game lasts 8 minutes.

Just when Little Peanut's pig girl reached the sixth level and started to go up the road.

I don't know if he felt something, but Chen Mu's Jess had the E skill that he used when he had it, but it was pinched to death.

Looking at Mondo, who was walking back and forth in front of him, the seduction was obvious.

Chen Mu was also happy. He looked at the game, and in 8 minutes, the jungler had almost reached level 6.

No matter how seduced by Khan's Mundo, the E skills of Jace's cannon form and hammer form just don't pay.

And as long as these two skills are still in hand, Chen Mu's Jess has room to pull.

(End of this chapter)

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