LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 114 Where's My Surrender Button?

Chapter 114 Where's My Surrender Button?

If you could click Surrender in this game, the five members of KZ would have already voted, and they would definitely pass with all five votes!

However, the option of surrender had already been "lost" by IG in the S5 World Championship three years ago!
At that time, IG played against FNC. I thought it was a European and American game, but I didn’t expect FNC to beat IG 8:1. When the game lasted for 10 minutes, the economic difference reached [-]. The five IG players left the keyboard with both hands and chose to surrender!

Coincidentally, this day is officially National Day!

So far, "National Day Surrender" has become the No.1 of LPL's top ten disgraces.

And the Internet also has memory, so whenever LPL counts the e-sports disgrace list, the IG team is at the top of the list.

Of course, it is said that the person who initiated the surrender at that time has now become RNG's rotation top laner, and the only one who has not surrendered is the Korean aid rookie, who is still in the team.

Since then, Riot Games has felt that there is an option to surrender in professional games, which is not in line with the spirit of e-sports, so the "button" of surrender has been removed.

However, if there is a "surrender" button now, the KZ five will vote without hesitation.

After all, he had surrendered, and he would be greeted by Korean netizens at most if he returned to China for a few days.

Anyway, after the end of the MSI mid-season, they have already experienced this kind of treatment in the past month, and now it is only one more month!

Moreover, there is no precedent for teams surrendering in the LCK division. In the S5 mid-season match, SKT was beaten 28:5 by EDG and also chose to surrender.

But if they continue to be tortured like this, the KZ five will really lose their minds!

But the five members of IG really don't know what KZ thinks!

If KZ's five players frequently play a round of "middle push", maybe IG will be able to understand KZ's meaning and stop torturing KZ.

So what broke the KZ five was that after taking the high ground down the road, Jess turned to the high ground tower on the top road.

Khan felt a little numb and desperate.

Facing the influx of super soldiers, Khan's "cute" became the last victim again.

32 minutes.

IG has Chen Mu's Jess, and it can be said that he has played [-] points to the extreme. KZ's upper and lower highland towers have been taken away by Jess alone, and even the highland crystal has been pushed down.

A large wave of soldiers poured into the high ground tower.

KZ's hope of winning is infinitely close to zero. Apart from pulling out the network cable, KZ can't think of any way.

But this is Dalian, China's chassis!

Cleaning up the pawn line led by super soldiers will always be a nightmare for heroes like Mundo with insufficient AOE damage.

It would be better if it is a mage with AOE skills, but unfortunately BDD's big-eyed monster must join the team head-on. If he comes to defend the line, KZ must provide him with a bodyguard.

KZ has no way to do it. When facing IG's 41 split push tactics, it is pure torture!

The wild area is empty, and I dare not take the line with the line. I can't keep the tower and guard the tower, and I can't start the team.

Purely boiled frogs by IG warm water!
The five members of KZ are really dumb eating coptis, and they can't tell what they are suffering.

What the hell did they do?

Why was it arranged to play the IG team in the deciding game? !
What about SKT? ! What about AFS? ! What about KT? !Maybe they were talking and laughing in the lounge watching them being abused? !
Maybe while watching, I am still smiling and commenting!
Thinking of this, the KZ five felt even more uncomfortable? !
KZ is very aggrieved as a whole, so aggrieved that his mentality is about to explode!
Difficult, so difficult!
at the same time.

In the exclusive lounge of the LCK, people from the other three LCK teams were indeed commenting on KZ.

It's just that the atmosphere is very serious, not as lively as KZ five imagined.

After all, it is about the glory and face of the LCK division!
The intercontinental LCK lost, and the people in their room counted as one. After returning to China, none of them could escape the kind "greetings" from Korean netizens

SKT coach buckled his horse and closed his empty notebook, and said bitterly:

"KZ is gone, this kind of economy is poor, it is impossible to turn over!"

"The IG team, this LPL team, must be careful." KT coach also said with a frown.

"With their current strength, it's hard for me to imagine that they won't get a place in the World Championship!"

"This also means that our teams will 100% meet each other in the World Championship."

The coach of the AFS team also sighed, and said worriedly,

"Their hard power is too strong. They can't be defeated just by targeting the top lane. Their mid laner Rookie is also a top mid laner in the world."

SKT's Faker talked about the mid laners of the IG team from a mid laner perspective.

"Yes! Although their ADC in the bottom lane is a little young, they are also extremely talented. After another season of training, I am afraid it will be no less than that man from RNG!"

Deft also expressed his views.

"They seem to have two systems in the jungle, they can hit the upper field, and they can also protect the double c to hit the bottom half of the field!"

KT jungler score expressed his opinion.

The style of play that IG has shown recently is too varied, but it has not revealed much of the system that it is essentially good at.

In other words, the team style displayed by IG in the intercontinental competition is very unclear.

It is really difficult to study this IG thoroughly.

Anyone who is not a fool can clearly see that there is a huge difference between IG's Chen Mu and Chen Mu since the start of the summer split a month ago!
The Golems, Mundo, and Aoun played by Chen Mu in the LPL Summer Games are not counted!
They want to study, it's too hard, too hard!

33 minutes.

Chen Mu finally joined the team, and it was also the first team battle since 30 minutes of the game.

However, Chen Mu's Jess equipment is extremely luxurious.

32 minutes, 360 knives, Phantom Spirit, Black Cleaver, Blade of the Ruined King, Lord Dominique's Greetings, Resurrection Armor, Mercury Shoes.

The real Liushen outfit!

These are all developed by Chen Mu himself little by little, one soldier at a time to make up for the knife.
And three-way eating line, sucking teammates blood
And single-handedly ate three defense towers
And wild blood sucking
And crazy "charging" from Mundo.
Seeing that IG was going to play a group, KZ became excited instead.

It's finally coming to an end!

The five members of KZ fought hard!
Not to mention, KZ's Deadly Charge is not bad.

For some unknown reason, Zhumei's big move broke through the front row of IG, and it was Kai'Sa who froze JKL.

But at this time, the economic difference between the two sides has reached 12000, and the level and equipment of the two sides are not at the same level.

BDD's big-eyed monster just wanted to stand still, so let's go!
But King Ning's wine barrel came over and gave him an exploding wine barrel.


Pain Riekay pain!
Rookie's Yasuo's big move was picked up, and all of them were greeted on this crispy mage.

Especially when Jess in the Liushen costume saw the opportunity and entered the field, he dealt explosive damage and easily harvested the battlefield.

Jess fired a precise shot, and Verus, who was almost full of blood, died instantly.

The audience and the commentators were taken aback for a while, and even the Pray Mouse King himself was a little confused.

How about a Verus as big as yourself? !

Then Jess switched forms, knocked Shen off the head with a hammer, and took Shen away!

Even Mundo, who has high blood volume and armor, can't resist Jess's armor-piercing damage. Jess successfully got a triple kill record.

KZ had long since lost the capital to fight IG, turning into corpses and falling down one by one.

KZ team battle, a thousand miles away!
32 minutes, the resurrection time is already very long.

IG doesn't intend to leave any chance for KZ anymore, it's time to end this torment.

Finish the game early, order food early!
(End of this chapter)

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