LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 115 A Serious Talking Chapter

Chapter 115

E-sports, only the first will be remembered!

As Jess made a final touch to level A on KZ's crystal base, the screen slowly zoomed in.

The big Victory appeared in everyone's attention.

The three commentators in the LPL commentary room fell into excitement and carnival.

"We're champions! We're champions again! We're always champions!"

Following the MSI mid-season, the LPL team defeated the LCK team in another important game.

It seems that this year is really different!

"There is hope this year!" It seems that it is no longer an empty phrase used by commentators to comfort LPL fans!

The moment after seeing the explosion of the KZ base, the boys next to Chen Mu jumped up excitedly and hugged each other!
Although the IG team is now being touted as the galaxy battleship of the LPL, the invincible Trident team!

But in fact, the historical honor of the IG team still has a certain gap compared with the same veteran e-sports teams such as RNG, WE, and EDG.

The key to this intercontinental competition is that IG won the first multi-region joint world championship.

What's more, in the IG team, there are players who entered the industry earlier but don't even have a flowerpot behind them; there are also players who have just grown up this year and entered the competition stage.

How can this make these guys from IG not excited!
Only Chen Mu sat on the chair with a calm face, watching the final game settlement panel
On the other hand, look at KZ.

A strange scene appeared
Although they lost the game, the KZ five didn't seem too sad.

It looks... more like a little relief?

The five members of IG came to KZ's player bench one by one, and shook hands with the five members of KZ one by one.

Traditional rules cannot be broken.

Khan's hair was a little messy.

He was in line with Jess, and he was the one who suffered the most.

In one match, he almost lost his soul.

But when the game was over, he was the most relieved, and shook hands with Chen Mu very happily.


Khan also said something in Korean to Chen Mu.

However, Chen Mu doesn't understand Korean, but the rookie next to him is a serious Korean.

"He told you that he wants to come to the LPL team and communicate with you more!" Rookie roughly translated the meaning for Chen Mu.

But Chen Mu was in a cold sweat.

No, this is the beginning of Khan's "chase" for the championship!

In the end, the MVP of this match went to Chen Mu's Jess.

On the top of the big screen is Chen Mu's handsome photo, and on the bottom is the Jess used by Chen Mu in this round and Jess' gorgeous stats.

The most exaggerated one is the economic difference between Jess and Mundo.

When the counterpoint economy was the largest, it even reached [-].Two big pieces directly ahead of Mondo!
The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked by such an exaggerated economic curve, and they started discussing it.

"This Stealing Omen talent is so easy to use, why don't other players use it?!"

"Didn't someone just say to try to open a game?! I don't know the result?!"

"It's me, I'm back. The Conqueror Sword Demon on the opposite side, and the jungler Olaf the Conqueror are extremely cruel!"

"Laughing, I opened one just now, and in 10 minutes, I didn't even steal a dime bag! Give me some potion or something crap!"

"Understood, anyway, he is a handsome person, good luck!"

"Ouhuang Stone Hammer!"

"Don't tell me, Chen Mu and Jess, rich and handsome, look alike!"

"My brother is so handsome!!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room can always be skewed inexplicably.

At the same time, LZ broadcast live, De Yunse's live broadcast room.

A bald dad sits with a son in front of a computer screen and a fat man in the back on a bed.

Smiling, he jokingly said, "It's over, but KZ lost. I'm still a little sad. After all, KZ is also the team of our Dragon Ball gold master father."

Xika: "That can't be helped! It should be Khan and Little Peanut who are sweating in Cao Ying!"

Then he laughed and joked, and talked about the child wandering in the back.

"Ge Yan! You have been fooled!"

And the child Youshen was a little confused, why did he talk about himself.

"How to say??"

"Look, you are in IG, everyone is playing you, and you can't even enter the World Championship for two consecutive years."

"But once you leave, IG will be so fierce!"

"In the spring split, I thought there would be an invincible shy brother, but I didn't expect that there would be another Chen Mu in the summer split."

Smiling and hastily changed his words.

"No, it should be Mu Dae, Mu Shen! Calling Chen Mu is a bit too disrespectful to him!"

And the child's wandering spirit seemed to be said to his heart, looking at the IG players hugging and celebrating on the stage, he instantly smiled with mixed feelings on his face.

"You can order first!"

After the five members of IG shook hands with KZ, they returned to the center of the stage. At this time, the players and coaches of the other three LPL teams also came to the stage.

This is a confrontation between divisions and divisions. If one division wins, it is natural for everyone to cheer and celebrate under the spotlight!
And this time, since the match is in Dalian, China, the host is naturally "Aunt Aftershock" from LPL.

Under Yu Shuang's gesture, all the four teams raised their trophies together, and a golden rain fell from the sky above Dalian Sports Center!
And the three commentators on the commentary stand were also passionate and generous.

"Congratulations to IG, this is the first time these brand new guys have won their championship! They can hold their own trophy!"

"At the same time, congratulations to RNG, EDG and RW! Congratulations to the LPL division!!"

"This is a common honor that belongs to the LPL division!!!"

"In the past few days, no matter whether these four teams win or lose, the road is very bumpy. But the final victory belongs to us, and the victory cannot be separated from the hard work of these young men!"

"At the same time, I would also like to thank teams such as JDG, SNG, and TOP. As far as I know, during the intercontinental competition, these teams also worked tirelessly to serve as training partners for these four teams. They also owe their contribution to the championship in the LPL division! "



After the trophy was over, Yu Shuang deliberately left Chen Mu, the MVP of the intercontinental competition, to interview him.

Yu Shuang, who smiled like a flower, handed the microphone to Chen Mu, and asked:
"Chen Mu, a month ago, you just won the MVP of the MSI mid-season competition, and now you have won the MVP of the intercontinental competition, how do you feel?!"

Chen Mu looked indifferent, like an emotionless robot, and said:

"I don't think so!"

"Uh..." Yu Shuang choked back all the follow-up lines after preparing for a long time.

But still holding on to an awkward smile, he continued to ask:

"In the intercontinental competition this time, you took out heroes like Sword Fairy and Sword Demon, and you also performed wonderful operations. Don't you have any secrets to pass on to the LPL fans in the live broadcast room?!"


"Oh?! I don't know what the secret is?!" Yu Shuang's eyes lit up when she saw that Chen Mu followed her own interview path this time.

"Respond faster, operate faster and it's almost ready!!"


Yu Shuang hit a wall with two questions in the interview, and couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"No way, no way! Could it be another Sima thief?!"

Yu Shuang simply asked the last question directly.

"Before, you said in an interview at the MSI mid-season game that you will use your strength to prove that you are the number one mid laner?!"

"This time, you also met SKT and the legendary player Faker in the intercontinental tournament. Do you have anything to say?!"

And Chen Mu still had a cold expression, and said without any tone.

"Let's open fifty-five!"

"My swordswoman single-handedly killed Yasuo!"

At the beginning of the year, there was a lot of noise about the May [-]th event, and now the May [-]th event has been banned from the entire Internet.

And this wave of interviews once again detonated the barrage in the live broadcast room.


"Xiao Bizi, last time I connoted my factory manager, this time I pay tribute to my brother Kai!"

"Grandpa Lu passed away very peacefully! Don't lift Grandpa Lu's coffin!"

"You still know how to say dirty words!"

"xswl, talking nonsense in a serious way?!"

(End of this chapter)

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