LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 129 The Asian Games roster spread out

Chapter 129 The Asian Games roster spread out

However, although IG lost the game today, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of excitement for a while, several commentators in the LPL live broadcast room began to discuss rationally and analyzed today's game objectively.

wawa: "Today's game. The FPX team defeated the IG team 2:1, beyond everyone's expectations."

Miller: "Yeah, this is indeed beyond everyone's expectations!"

"In the past two days, IG was still invincible, and the scalp in the LCK division was numb, but today's IG seems to be in a bad state, especially at this point, Chen Mu didn't choose some carry-type warrior heroes like in the intercontinental game, but returned to the team again. On to the tank version."

On the other hand, Guan Zeyuan expressed a different opinion: "Actually, I think that the performances of these two teams today are very exciting! Both achieved the desired effect!"

"First of all, the FPX team gave us a surprise in the first round, that is, the Kelei charge system brought by RW and doinb in the intercontinental competition, it is really effective! This is the first round."

"In the second game, IG also brought us a different bp and tactical thinking. When dealing with the most popular bot lane, IG took out the combination of Delevingne and Pike, and the effect was amazing. Unexpected! This also provides us with an effective combination to deal with bot lane cores!"

"In the third game, both sides returned to a regular bottom lane combination and regular lineup, but FPX took out this version of Kai'Sa that has been shaved again and again. But the hero Kai'Sa is still strong, but the equipment is more , the AP Kai’Sa that was popular from the very beginning is no longer good, now it is mainly AD Kai’Sa, and the ability to fight against tanks in the later stage is not bad!”

As soon as Guan Zeyuan said this, the other two commentators also reacted and began to speak.

wawa: "That's right, the two teams in today's game actually got the results they wanted"

Miller: "Yes, IG has won 18 consecutive regular season games in the spring season, but in the playoffs due to the absence of Theshy, the entire system suddenly collapsed, and now we can also see that IG has deliberately adjusted and deployed its tactical reserves! That's a good thing!"

Although the statements of several commentators are somewhat biased towards the IG team, it is still very rational after careful consideration.

Go back to the lounge.

The five members of IG are a little downcast, especially JKL.

Just bragging in the last round was awesome, but this round was directly slapped in the face!

From the peak of self-confidence to the bottom of the valley.
But Coach Jin doesn't care, he looks normal, this is just a regular game
Then Coach Jin patted JKL on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, it's just a regular season game, we can afford to lose!!"

IG really can afford to lose!Even if IG loses a game, it will be tied with RNG and other teams for the first place in the regular season.

And the key is that Coach Jin also saw what he wanted.

One is to deal with the bot lane combination. IG already has its own way to deal with it. Delevingne is equipped with an auxiliary that can force open, which has a miraculous effect. This round has been verified.

And the hero Draven is not something that every ADC can use, and even the ADCs of some teams don't know the hero Draven very well.

Just like uzi, his Delevingne is hard to describe
Second, Chen Mu is also a human being, not a god!
Although in the intercontinental competition two days ago, his performance was like a god descending from the earth. But in the end, he is still human.

In today's game, Coach Jin can clearly see that Chen Mu's state is not as good as in the intercontinental competition two days ago. He may not be able to see the depth of some tank heroes, but some reaction speeds and positions are worse than those of Chen Mu in the previous two days. Shepherd also has a gap.

So Coach Jin is also thinking, not to put more pressure on Chen Mu, but to reduce the expectations and pressure on him.

After all, in the IG team, rookie, Ning Wang and JKL are all top players, and any one of them can take on the heavy responsibility of carrying the game if they are drawn to other teams.

So now they should also take on their responsibilities within the team, and they shouldn't always let those who win the game

By the way, there is also shy brother next to the drinking fountain. That is also the IG daddy who was serious before. Now his hands are almost good, and he has to play when he should.

However, Coach Jin never imagined that only in the world competition could Chen Mu awaken the "god" in his body!
As for the next time Chen Mu awakens the god in his body, it is not far away
The summer split was interrupted for a week due to the intercontinental competition, and the game was over on the first day after the restart

Just as LPL fans were discussing the results of the game between IG and FPX in various forums and Weibo, as well as the performance of the IG players.

Suddenly, not long after the game ended, an explosive gossip spread out of nowhere
Even for a while, the live broadcast rooms of the major League of Legends anchors were discussing this matter.

That is about the League of Legends exhibition game of the Asian Games e-sports project to be held in Jakarta in September. The selection of the Chinese team members has been completed.

The big list has been officially announced!
In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on the big list that came out of nowhere.

But the rumors still have a nose and an eye, and the credibility is very high!

Head Coach: Jixing Abramovich
Top order: Chen Mu-TheGod
Jungler: Liu Shiyu-Mlxg
Mid laner: Su Hanwei-Xiye
ADC: Jane Pride - Uzi
Support: Tian Ye-Meiko
Substitute support: Shi Senming-Ming
It is worth mentioning that this time the Jakarta Asian Games e-sports exhibition competition, the Chinese e-sports national team only participated in the four games of Glory of Kings International Edition, League of Legends, Hearthstone and Clash Royale.

It's just that the popularity of other games is still far behind compared to League of Legends, and the popularity of League of Legends is a bit out of the circle.

After this list was circulated, it even reached the top of Weibo hot search soon
In fact, this list, LPL fans look at it, is actually similar to what they expected.

Bot lane ADC: LPL is rich in excellent domestic ADCs. The competition for this position is very fierce. Veteran players such as Sima are still there. The performance of rookie EDG’s Iboy and IG’s JKL is also remarkable. But from the perspective of comprehensive competition experience and performance, uzi Still doing my part, indisputable.

Jungler: Among the LPL's domestic junglers, the voice is actually the highest. The undisputed one is the director of EDG, but the director seems to have lost his temper after kicking in S6. He lives in seclusion behind the scenes and doesn't really want to participate in the Jakarta Asian Games. exhibition match.

Therefore, the important task falls to RNG's Mala Xiangguo. His qualifications, experience in competitions, and his unique style of play can be said to be a more suitable candidate for the jungle position at present.

Support: There is no controversy about the position of support. Currently, the best domestic supports, RNG's Ming and EDG's Meiko have experience in competitions, so the support candidate must be one of them, but everyone did not expect to choose a substitute position in the support.

Mid laner: In this position, some ancient generals are like stateless cool, they are really "stateless" as the name suggests, and now the famous mid laner golden left-hander Knight lacks experience in the competition.

So I can only choose between RNG's Xiaohu and WE's xiye, but RNG already has two players named uzi and Malaxiangguo, and Xiao Ming is also a substitute support, and Xiaohu's performance in the big competition also makes the State Sports General Administration Leaders worry.

So finally determine WE's xiye.

Top laner: LPL's domestic top laner, but there are not many who can make a move. Although the blue-collar top laner like Letme is very stable, it always fails to gain the trust of fans at critical times.Holy gun brother Flandre is still playing snakes, and JDG's zoom has no competition experience.

So the top order position is undisputed.
Chen Mu!

(End of this chapter)

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