LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 130 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games performance event League of Legends Chinese team!

Chapter 130 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games performance event League of Legends Chinese team!

Along with the squad list of the Chinese team for the Jakarta Asian Games, this gossip leaked out.

Except for some pure entertainment anchors, most of the League of Legends anchors' live broadcast rooms discuss all the big list matters, and some anchors have even discussed with each other in the live broadcast room.

And some brothers and masters are also going back and forth in various live broadcast rooms, post bars, forums, and the Weibo of the major teams.

Some capable people even went to the Korean forum and picked up all the members of the Korean team for the Asian Games in Jakarta just announced.

In fact, the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition match is, to put it bluntly, a contest between the Chinese team and the Korean team.

The representative teams of other Asian countries and regions are unable to form a scale in terms of competitive intensity or number of players, and they cannot compete with these two representative teams at all.

In fact, the just-concluded intercontinental competition is a microcosm. The LMS division is already a relatively strong division, but facing the two major divisions of the lpl division and the lck division, apart from FW Flash Wolves, they still have the power to fight back. The other teams are pure abusers .

Even in the world, the two major regions of North America and Europe are paying more and more attention to "happy games".The intensity of confrontation and economic intensity are getting weaker and weaker. Every S game is accompanied by runners, and the competition for the championship has lost its competitiveness.

So this game is currently a confrontation between China and South Korea.

Chinese players naturally only need to keep an eye on the Korean team.

Everyone took a look at the roster of the Korean representative team. Compared with the roster that can be judged at a glance in the LPL competition area, many players selected for the Korean representative team are beyond everyone's expectations.

Top order: AFS Kiin
Jungle: KT Score
Substitute jungler: KZ Peanut
Mid laner: SKT Faker
ADC: Gen. G Ruler
Support: Gen.G CoreJJ
First of all, in the mid laner position, the least suspenseful position, as a representative of LOL, Faker deserves to be included in the list.

As the triple crown champion of the LCK division, and even a representative figure of the League of Legends game, if Faker hadn't been selected, let alone the LCK division would not agree, maybe even Faker's fans around the world would not agree.

Even if Faker's status is declining now, the LCK division will not choose a veteran mid laner who is still in good condition, or a rookie mid laner who has emerged.

From the perspective of expanding the influence of the LCK division and other factors, in any case, the LCK division and the Korean E-sports Association will force Faker to be selected.

Jungler: The South Korean representative team pays more attention to the jungler position, adopting a double jungler configuration, one official player and one substitute jungler.Those selected are KT's veteran jungler Score and KZ's jungler peanut.

The old captain Score is more stable and can better grasp the situation of the game; while Peanut is good at offensive heroes and has a more aggressive style.The selection of these two will complement each other very well in terms of jungle style.

In terms of bot lane combination, the South Korean representative team’s choice was beyond everyone’s expectations. They did not choose Xuan Ming, who are currently in good condition, nor did they choose SKT’s ace bot lane combination, nor did they choose ADC and DK from different teams in the LPL division. Auxiliary way.

Instead, Samsung Geng's bottom lane combination ruler Chidi and coerjj were directly determined, the pair of S7's champion bottom lane combination.

As for the top laner position, the South Korean representative team also dared to use new players. They did not use Semb of the KT team, nor Khan of the KZ team.

Needless to say, Khan is also deeply trapped in the curse of being the world's number one top laner selected by the fist company. First, he was taught by Letme's Aoun in the MSI mid-season game, and then he was educated in turn in the intercontinental competition. It is obvious. Become the world's number one blow jb in the LCK division.

The most unexpected thing is that South Korea did not choose Semb, but used Kiin, who is the rookie king.

However, Kiin performed well this year. After joining AFS, he continued to maintain his competitive state and became a stable thigh in the team.Not only won the runner-up of this year's LCK spring split with his teammates, but also had a wonderful performance of solo killing Khan in the final.

As for the head coach of the Korean representative team, it was also an upset. The Korean representative team did not use the man behind SKT's triple crown, SKT's meritorious coach Komma, but used Geng's head coach Cui Yufan Cui to supervise.

Cui Yufan Cui Supervisor is also a famous player who once led Samsung Geng to win the 2017 World Championship.Moreover, the Samsung Geng led by Supervisor Cui has entered the S game twice in a row and successfully won the cup last year.

So Cui Yufan Cui Supervisor was also classified as a strategic supervisor by the LCK division, which is at the same level as Komma.

What's interesting is that the Geng Samsung team did not perform well in the spring competition of the LCK division, and did not even enter the top four in the LCK division. However, the number of players and coaches selected to the Korean representative team this time reached three, occupying the quota. half.

This is also a scene that makes netizens talk about it. It seems that the name Samsung really works in Korea!

And as the news spreads more and more widely on the Internet, the impact is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, the State Sports General Administration and Tencent Games jointly issued a statement that night, officially confirming the roster of the Chinese representative team.

The official announcement of the League of Legends also stated that in order to support the Chinese team's expedition, the LPL division has formed a League of Legends coaching think tank.These include RW head coach Zhou Luxi (steak), RNG data analyst Cai Xueyu (DOG8), and WE assistant coach Jin Guanghua (JINJIN).

This is just a partial list. Before the Asian Games exhibition games start, LPL will invite more professional coaches to join the think tank.

At the same time, there is also a makeup photo, which was taken two days before the restart of the summer split after the selection of the representative team was confirmed.

In the makeup photo, there is a row of four people below. Uzi Jane stands proudly in the middle, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, giving her a feeling of madness and evil spirit.

The two assistants, Xiao Ming and Mei Kou stood on both sides of Uzi Jian proudly, guarding Uzi like two door gods.

Da Ye Mala Xiangguo stood on the far right with a pair of round eyes.

There are three people in a row above, and the head coach Ji Xing Abu, in a black dress with a white shirt inside, stands in the middle.

The one on the far left above is xiye, and the one on the right is naturally Chen Mu!
With the blessing of a professional photographer, Chen Mu's handsomeness is even more compelling, and he has a feeling of standing out from the crowd in the fixed-makeup photos.

In fact, these are not the key points. The most important thing is the team uniform. Except for the head coach Ji Xing Abu who is wearing a uniform, the other players are all wearing the uniform of the Asian Games national team.

The red and white team uniform, the cuffs to the shoulders are all Chinese red, while the other parts are white, and the cuffs are also tattooed with a golden and domineering Chinese dragon.

And the most important thing is that on the left chest, the five-star red flag is shining!

Wear the flag and fight for the country!

There are a few big characters at the bottom
The 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games performance event League of Legends Chinese team!

(End of this chapter)

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