LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 144 Domestic stone man, go abroad to become a sword fairy

Chapter 144 Domestic stone man, go abroad to become a sword fairy

Chapter 140 Four

After hearing Chen Mu talking about Sword Fairy, Abu looked at Chen Mu in shock, and the other four teammates also turned their heads to look at Chen Mu curiously.

Because the current Chen Mu is very different from the Chen Mu of this month.

Since the establishment of the national team, when it came to the training match, the words Chen Mu heard the most were "Mondo", or "Why don't you take Aoun", or "the stone man is better".

But the current Chen Mu is so strange, with a cold and emotionless tone, a confident and domineering tone
Abu slandered in his heart:

"Chen Mu, what kind of plane are you flying?!"

"Usually you are asked to choose Sword Fairy, but you don't choose even if you die. It's either Mundo or Aoun. Now when it comes to the main match, you will start Sword Fairy?!"

But at this moment, upon hearing Chen Mu's familiar tone, Uzi could not help shouting proudly in his heart:

"It's right, it's right, this is the Chen Mu who madly C-ed himself in the MSI mid-season game!"

Uzi is almost in tears. Since the end of MSI, Chen Mu left RNG, and he seems to have fallen into the vicious circle of being alone and carrying again.

When I often play games, I choose a meat in the top lane, and I can’t see anyone in the middle lane. If I play a little bit, I will definitely lose this game.
And now it seems that Chen Mu from the MSI mid-season is about to wake up again.
Uzi also regained the madness of the crazy puppy for a while, but supported Chen Mu's choice.

"Whatever, whatever, I will carry this time, even if God comes, I can't stop it, I said it!"

Facing Uzi's support, Abu pondered for a moment, and he was also a little tangled in his heart.

In fact, within a month since the formation of the national team, Chen Mu's performance has not met everyone's expectations.

Not to mention Chen Mu's invincible performance in the MSI mid-season and intercontinental games, he can only be said to be an ordinary top laner in the LPL division.

Abramovich also considered changing the position of the top laner, but he stifled this idea just after it was born.

One is, in fact, there is no one in the LPL competition now. TheShy is very good, but he is a Korean. Zoom’s performance this season is really impressive, but this year he just debuted on the stage of the LPL competition. Nothing has been achieved.

The most suitable candidate is Letme, but looking at the hero pool and status of Letme, it is no different from Chen Mu, the same heroes as Mundo, Ornn, Stoneman, and Shen are swinging back and forth.
So what is the difference between Letme playing Ornn and Chen Mu playing Ornn? !
It is that any players selected for the national team cannot be determined by Abu himself at all. In the end, any player changes must be approved by the State Sports General Administration.

But seeing Wang Qinian's appreciation for Chen Mu, Abu also knew that it was impossible to move Chen Mu.

Then Abu pulled his thoughts back to the BP scene, and Abu finally agreed to Chen Mujianji's choice.

This is the first game of the Asian Games. While caution is required, players must also play with confidence and performance.

Now that Chen Mu has the confidence to take the sword girl, he must be allowed to dare to try.

At the same time, it is also because there is indeed a gap in the hard power of Xiaotian's top laner on the opposite side.

If facing South Korea's top laner, Abramovich will definitely not agree to Chen Mu's choice. After all, this is an exhibition match of the Asian Games, not an ordinary summer regular season.

If you lose, you will bear enormous pressure! !

But Abu looked at the top laner ID of the opposite Japanese team, Evi, and thought about his information, born in 95.
Well, two years older than Chen Mu!
What else can a 24-year-old LOL player do? !

At the same time, in order to watch the LOL Asian Games, tens of thousands of people poured into the Twitch mouse channel which was broadcasting the Asian Games qualifiers live, and the mouse channel was completely overwhelmed.

In fact, more than half of the LOL players in the world are from China, and so many players who pay attention to LOL games cannot find any live videos in China. Listening to the "broadcast" of various live broadcast platforms is not exciting!

And this first game against the Japanese team naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

In desperation, all qualified people naturally flocked to the only live broadcast platform where they could watch, Twitch.

A group of foreign anchors were also surprised to see a far more than usual flow of people pouring into their live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, all the screens were dominated by Chinese for a while, and there were some Chinese pinyin that foreigners could not understand, and some strange barrage culture, such as the army of 666 and the army of question marks.

"The 666666 army is coming!!"


"Blow up the little days, come back and add chicken legs to you!"

"Go Uzi! Come on China!!"

And when the Chinese team determined the top laner position.

"Forget about 666, Chen Mu chose Sword Fairy!"

"Damn it, isn't he the anchor of the stone man?! When did you play Sword Fairy?! (dog head) (dog head)"

"Die from laughing, stone man in China, go abroad to become a sword fairy!!!"

"Do you know the gold content of Chen Mu Jianji?!"

"SKT's U Emperor said he has something to say?!"

At the same time, in Guan Zeyuan's live broadcast room, since the game cannot be displayed, only Guan Zeyuan's dog head can be displayed, and Guan Zeyuan "broadcasts" the real-time images to everyone.

But seeing the bp of the game, Guan Zeyuan started beeping.

"I commented on Chen Mu's first game. He watched him go all the way from the MSI mid-season, from RNG to IG, and now to the national team. It’s a great sense of comfort.”

"However, judging from the internal news I got, Chen Mu didn't even show a sword girl in the training match. I don't think it's a good thing to show a sword girl rashly now."

"However, Uzi got Kai'Sa, the most carry, which is good news!"

However, after hearing Guan Zeyuan's analysis, the fans were immediately happy.

"Understood, this Uzi was caught, and Chen Mu killed it randomly!!!"

In the end, the bp of both parties is determined.

China Team vs Japan Team

The blue side of the Chinese team and the red side of the Japanese team.

Top order: Jian Ji vs Nuoshou
Jungle: Lee Sin vs Xin Zhao
Mid laner: Vampire vs Karma

ADC: Kai'Sa vs EZ
Support: Thresh vs Braum
As the game screen loads.

Chen Mu's sword girl summoner skills choose flash and teleportation, and the opponent's single Evino also uses flash and teleportation.

Seeing this, Chen Mu couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

This is the embarrassment of Nuo's game, you have to bring teleportation.
Nuo Shou, who didn't have sprint, would just be beaten when he met a hero like Jian Ji who had displacement and movement speed.

Others can cooperate with the jungler to attack at will, or retreat at will, but Nuoshou is completely passive.

Even if this version of Nuo Shou is strengthened, the same is true, the hero mechanism is here.
However, Chen Mu felt that Jian Ji was easy to beat.

But on the opposite side, Evi, the traditional middle school spirit of Little Days is already burning, and said to his teammates:
"I heard that the top laner on the opposite side defeated the four top laners in South Korea in the intercontinental competition more than a month ago."

"Today, the Noxus giant ax in my hand will definitely win the head of the opponent's top laner!!"

Chen Mu's sword girl chose Dolan Sword to go out. This time, Chen Mu did not use the extraction sickle to fight the money knife.

After all, Chen Mu chose Jian Ji to fight Nuo Shou in the early stage, not to develop, and it would be too disrespectful for Nuo Shou to play a money knife.

Since the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo is usually in the second half of the field, and does not need the help of Jian Ji, Chen Mu has already hidden in the first grass in the first half of the field.

And the jungler Xin Zhao of the Japanese team is red, and Evi's promise can only choose to help the jungler Xin Zhao red, otherwise Xin Zhao's jungler efficiency is too low.

However, it is precisely because of helping Zhao Xinhong to draw A a few times, Nuoshou's launch time is a bit late.

As soon as he went online, Evi found that the sword girl on the opposite side was stuck in the position, and the first flaw of the sword girl was brushed right in front of Nuoshou, just facing the sword girl.

In desperation, Evi could only walk backwards with Nuo Shou, causing Jian Ji to lose her vision and refresh her flaws.

But Chen Mu's Sword Fairy had already seen through his thoughts. If Nuo Shou took a step back, Jian Ji would take a step forward, and if Nuo Shou took another step back, Jian Ji would take a step forward.

Chen Mu always kept Jian Ji You Nuo Shou's vision, so that Nuo Shou's flaws could not be refreshed.

Evi looked at the little soldiers who had already started exchanging fire, and they were already bleeding. If they didn't go up to eat soldiers, they might miss the knife.

In desperation, there is no other way, even if the flaw has not been refreshed, Evi can only bite the bullet and move forward with the flaw of Jian Ji.

And Chen Mu's sword girl was naturally not polite, and AQA directly poked at it, breaking through the flaw directly in front of Nuoshou, and at the same time triggered the acceleration, pulling away the distance from Nuoshou, and hiding in the grass.

Evi's Nuo Shou learned the Q skill at the first level, and when Jian Ji came up to exchange blood, he handed over his Q skill.

But I don't know if his hand speed is too slow, or because Sword Princess moves too fast after triggering the passive.

The Q on the outer circle of the promise hand just scratched a lonely one.
Seeing that she was hiding in the grass, she had already lost Sword Fairy's vision, so Evi didn't dare to chase after her, and looked into the grass with a stern face.

And Evi didn't dare to look away in the grass.

Unlike Zhao Xinhong, his jungler is going all the way to the lower half of the wild; while the blind monk on the opposite side is the lower half of the wild, and he has to go all the way up.

If I put this false eye in the grass on the road, I will be arranged by the blind monk later.

Although Evi's own strength is average, he is already a veteran in the Japanese server, and he still knows this kind of basic common sense and routines.

Therefore, Evi could only watch Jian Ji unscrupulously use the grass vision to pull herself.

But what made Evi most angry was that the first melee soldier he had just pulled with Jian Ji had already died.

Seeing that his first pawn was missed, Evi blurted out "Xi Nei!!"

But this is just the beginning.
Jian Ji, who had already taken advantage of her blood volume, would not let Nuo Shou make up for the next pawn.

After Jian Ji's Q skill improves, continue to frequently pull Nuo Shou from the grass.

Chen Mu saw that Nuoshou wanted to move forward to make up the knife, so he directly cut through the air with his Q skill, and came behind Nuoshou to break through the opening.

Then adjust the position slightly, put the Nuo hand on the face, block the Q position of the outer ring of the Nuo hand, and continue to tie the A Nuo hand.

And Nuoshou also wanted to fight back, standing still and flattening Jianji A, but after Jianji hit the second flaw he refreshed, Nuoshou's blood volume dropped a little fast suddenly.

But at this time, Nuo Shou never made two strokes to tie A, and it was still too early for Blood Rage.

Nuo Shou's passive blood rage is really powerful, but you have to play five layers of blood rage to get it out.

In a panic, Nuo Shou could only retreat, and while withdrawing, he casually released a Q skill, trying to hang the Q on the outer circle to Sword Fairy.

But how could Chen Mu's Sword Fairy give such an opportunity?
This wave of blood exchange is still earned by Sword Princess!
Nuoshou could only knock off a bottle of red medicine on his body and continue to stay in the distance.

But at this time, Sword Fairy had already reached the second level, and directly pressed forward unscrupulously.

Nuoshou had no choice but to keep a safe distance from Jian Ji, not daring to step forward.

At this time, Evi no longer has the soul of the previous middle school, and can only continue to watch Jian Ji mending the tail knife from a distance in awe.

But fortunately, Nuoshou finally reached the second level soon, and his blood volume has recovered to a point.

So Evi took courage again and stepped forward to continue to fight.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's cold feelings still did not fluctuate, and at the same time said lightly in his heart:
"Your hands are worse than Emperor U!!"

Chen Mu's sword girl saw the opportunity, and once again slashed through the air with her Q skill, poking at the flaw behind Nuo's hand.

Seeing that Jian Ji dared to cross the pawn line to exchange blood with her, Evi was also taken aback.

How dare you? !
Then my heart became excited, this might be an opportunity!
At this time, Evi's Nuo Shou level [-] learned the W skill. As long as the AW hits the sword girl, he can quickly stack the passive, thus blood rage.

And after promising blood rage in the early stage, he is worthy of any hero! !
Thinking of this, Evi's promise made a direct AW shot without any concealment.

But Chen Mu smiled coldly when he saw Nuoshou's gesture of raising his hand.

You are too direct!What I'm waiting for is your AW!

Even if your Nuo Shou E skill has a fast casting speed, I can block it, not to mention your W skill is so slow to cast back!

The next moment, the sharp sword in Jian Ji's hand was set up, pointing at Nuo's hand, and a blue sword energy suddenly stabbed at Nuo's hand, causing a little magic damage to Nuo's hand.

But the most important thing is to reduce the attack speed and movement speed of Nuo Shou by 50% for 2 seconds.

This is very scary. In the early stage of the game, the attack speed and movement speed are reduced by half, which is equivalent to standing still, and you can't even lift the ax in your promised hand.

But Jian Ji's actions are still over, Nuoshou's last weakness is refreshed on the upper right, then the next weakness must be at the bottom.

Afterwards, Chen Mu adjusted his position and continued to draw A Nuo.

It was broken as soon as the second weakness was refreshed.

And Evi saw that his AW was blocked, and his blood volume also dropped rapidly. In a panic, he pressed his Q skill, and at the same time tried to move, trying to hang the Q on the outer circle to Sword Fairy.

But how could Chen Mu's Sword Fairy give you such an opportunity.

At this time, if the Q skill hits an enemy, 50.00% of the cooling time will be refunded. At this time, Jian Ji's Q skill has been refreshed.

I saw that Jianji continued to slash through the air with her Q skill, and got into the inner circle of Nuoshou's Q skill, so that Nuoshou did not have any blood recovery effect.

Afterwards, Jian Ji continued to adjust her position, breaking through the flaw brushed on the upper left.

And seeing that all the skills of his promise hand QW have been handed in, there is no way to fight back.

Evi doesn't have any skills except for a flash.

In a panicked mistake, he could only press his own flash.

But the next moment, a golden light flashed, and Chen Mu followed.

At the same time, A was hit by the flaw brushed on the lower right!

"First Blood!!!"

The passionate female voice appeared in Summoner's Rift!
(End of this chapter)

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