LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 145 The game ended in two and a half minutes

Chapter 145 The game ended in two and a half minutes

Several of Chen Mu's teammates looked at the game time in the upper right corner of the screen.
2 minutes 30 seconds.

When his own bottom lane hadn't reached the second level, the top lane had already received good news, and Chen Mu's sword girl had already single-handedly killed the opposite Nuo Shou.

"I know, solo kills at the second level, this is too top-notch!"

"There's something wrong with you, you're usually level [-] Mundo, and you've already started laning under the tower?!"

Mlxg Mala Xiangguo is still brushing the blue buff, saw the voice of Firstblood coming from the big screen, hurriedly cut the screen to the top road, and saw that Chen Mu had calmly made up the knife on Nuoshou's corpse, he couldn't help but tease Two sentences.

In fact, he is very familiar with this scene, but also very unfamiliar.

In the MSI mid-season game, although he and Xiaohu were sent to the hospital because they ate beef noodles, he still watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

He is also envious of Karsa's treatment as a jungler!

The mid laner directly blows up the opponent's middle field. There is no need for a jungler to do anything at all. Karsa can go wherever he wants, control resources if he wants to control resources, and clear the jungle if he wants to.

Could it be that now he can finally experience this feeling? !

It's just that the middle road daddy at that time has become the current top lane daddy!
It was also the first time for Xiye and Meiko to experience this feeling.

Can only call: "666!"

Although the coach Abu in the lounge was very pleasantly surprised, he was also very puzzled.

What's wrong with this? !

In the usual training games, Chen Mu played a Mondorn stone man, but he was also cowardly, wishing to shrink back to the second tower.

But why does the current Chen Mu look like a different person, a sword girl, who knows that the opponent's jungler Xin Zhao is popular, but dares to fight so aggressively, and directly kills with a flash? !

Is there really such an outrageous contestant in this world? !

Or is Chen Mu playing me in the usual training match? !

In the training room, there are not only Abramovich alone, but also many official personnel. Many of them can't understand the game of LOL. They only know that the Chinese representative team has gained an advantage.

It seems that it was created by the young party member named Chen Mu on the road!

It really is "the people's good order"! !

So the next moment, "serious" applause sounded in the lounge
At the same time, the mouse platform Twitch.

Many foreign anchors were broadcasting the game, because there were so many Chinese viewers in the live broadcast room, it was a novelty for a while, and some anchors were still using broken Chinese to communicate with the Chinese audience in the live broadcast room.

But these anchors are still bragging, and they didn't notice the screen at all.
The first blood has already happened!
"OMG!" blurted out.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also jubilant, showing foreigners the Chinese barrage culture.

"Sure enough, I knew that Chen Mu was playing us!"




"Chen Mu, what kind of plane are you doing?! Am I here to watch you play Sword Girl's second-level solo kill?! GKD, next time I want to watch the stone man!"

"Let me tell you a hot piece of knowledge. Since Chen Mu appeared in the MSI mid-season game, there have been a total of seven rounds of external games. He has not lost one game and has not died once!!!"

"Going upstairs, let me tell you another common knowledge. Chen Mu's winning rate is less than 50% in the summer game so far. KDA ranks last in the league, and his average damage is also the worst in the league! (狗头) (狗头)"

"Laughing, Chen Mu, isn't your nickname Leng Feng?! Chinese Wolf?!"

"Two and a half minutes, I have already seen the end of the opponent's promise!"

"Some games are over in two and a half minutes, but the base exploded in two and a half minutes!"

"This connoisseur is like a piece of gold!!"

"Level [-] was single-killed, I'm really good at it!!"

At the same time, Uzi is still focusing on laning in the bottom lane, and with Meiko's Thresh, he has already grabbed the second level.

But seeing that his old teammate had already single-handedly killed the opponent, he couldn't help shouting out: "Chen Mu, awesome!"

And as Uzi's awesomeness just called to play, the situation changed suddenly in the bot lane.

The Japanese team's jungler Xin Zhao is popular, not for no reason, but for a reason.

What they know about the Chinese team is only the name of Uzi.

It’s just that the Japanese server has been built for two and a half years. They have also heard that there is a Faker in South Korea and a Uzi in China.

And the Japanese team didn't know whether they learned from Qijiang or where they learned it.

After Zhao Xinhong opened, he hurriedly finished a blue buff, Liu Niao and San Lang didn't move, and rushed down the road directly.

On the other hand, the Japanese team was also caught by the bot lane duo, who saw their own jungler at the second level.

For a while, the soul of the second class broke out.

"いけ!すすめ!いけ (Go!)"

The assistant yelled, and then Braum directly flashed Kai'Sa, who was close to Uzi, and then shot with the Q skill, putting Kai'Sa passively and causing a slowdown at the same time.

Then the ADC and EZ of the Japanese team also flashed directly and stepped forward to output.

However, faced with such an upright second-level arrest, Uzi is not panicked at all, but wants to laugh a little.

This kind of second-level capture is too straightforward, and it is too far behind the second-level capture of 7 Jiang's pig girl who perfectly circles the field of vision!
Maybe he really got used to being caught, Uzi manipulated Kai'Sa and walked back unhurriedly.

And this wave of Meiko Thresh's performance is also very impressive. Although he has reached the second level, Thresh has not learned skills.

Generally, the second level of Thresh is a point of QE skills, which can be attacked when advancing, and defending when retreating.

If Thresh learns the QE skill in this wave, it will not help Kai'Sa at all.

But at this time Thresh did not have the benefit of learning skills,

Seeing the second-level capture on the opposite side, Meiko directly learned the W skill in seconds and gave it to Kai'Sa Lantern.

At this time, Uzi did not evolve into a Jane Lantern, nor was he greedy for a flat A, and the opposite auxiliary Bron and ADC did not have the operation to look at the lantern.

So Uzi's Kai'Sa stepped directly on the lantern and flew to Meiko's side.

And how could the long-planned Japanese team let Uzi go so easily.

I saw Xin Zhao flashing directly, EQ Kai'Sa, and playing Bron's passive at the same time.

Seeing that the blood volume has bottomed out, Uzi's Kai'Sa still brings flash and teleportation.

However, Thresh also showed his charm of assisting the first brother, not only has a strong ability to start a team, but also has a strong ability to protect.

Meiko's Thresh has an E skill pendulum of doom, which swings away Xin Zhao who has been close to his face.

And Uzi is also very cautious. At this time in the Asian Games, he didn't play any tricks, and finally used his flickering flash, flashing backwards, and pulled it to a safe distance.

Seeing Kai'Sa escaped with residual blood, Uzi touched the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and sighed:
"I'll wipe it. If you don't want to learn it, just follow my Qijiang's second-level catch, right?!"

Afterwards, Kai'Sa took teleportation tp, directly on tp line, and continued to develop steadily.

Well now, Uzi's Kai'Sa attracts too much hatred, and the name Uzi is too loud.

The Japanese team spent three flashes just to catch a Uzi, but they haven't caught a dead one yet.

And seeing this scene, the barrage in Guan Zeyuan's live broadcast room was also joyful.
"Sure enough, I knew Brother Guan had opened his mouth, Uzi was being beaten, and Chen Mu was killing randomly."

At this time, neither the bottom lane nor the jungler on the opposite side flashed. This time, even a silver and gold rank knows how to play the game.

But the spicy hot pot is the spicy hot pot, and the hunger strike is different.
How about your bot lane jungler not flashing?I won't go to your wild area to fight against you, so what if you don't flash in the bottom lane? !I won't come down the road.

And Blind Boy didn't go to the bottom road, nor to the anti-jungle, and he didn't even finish his own wild area, so he went straight to the top road and squatted in the triangular grass.

After playing so many training games with IG, Mlxg Mala Xiangguo suddenly realized a "truth" that King Ning told him.

On the road is dad!

After the Japanese team's top laner Evi was revived, he saw a wave of troops that were about to enter the tower, and quickly sent TP online.

But after Nuoshou dealt with this wave of tower downlines, a wave of push-back lines was formed. Nuoshou had to push this wave of push-back lines into the IG defense tower, otherwise he would be imprisoned for a lifetime if he went on the road.

But a promise player who has just been promoted to the third level, how to push the line? !

My own jungler still suffered a big blow in the bottom lane!There is no way to go on the road to help him untie the thread!
At this time, the blind boy of Mala Xiangguo had been squatting in the grass on the road for nearly a minute.

The wild monsters don't eat anymore, how can the wild monsters have a head on the road?

However, Chen Mu's sword girl did not choose to go online directly after returning home after the second-level single-killer.

Instead, he took a bottle of red medicine and continued to stay online.

Seeing that Nuoshou, who has a healthy blood volume, wants to push the line, and then look at the impatient blind boy.

Without further ado, Chen Mu went straight to work!
And the blind boy of Mala Xiangguo also got out of the grass at the right time. The blind monk with red and blue buffs, first with W skill film sword girl, approached Nuoshou.

Then the E skill slapped the floor, slowing down the promise.

And seeing this, Evi was also a little desperate, didn't flash, didn't sprint, how should this work? !
On the opposite side is Ueno combined, and the blind monk still has red and blue buffs.

But this is Nuoshou! !

Nuoshou who has no summoner skills and is at a disadvantage is a super soldier.

Evi's promised hand retreated desperately, and the E skill also symbolized pulling back, wondering if a miracle could happen.

But when the hand-raising action of Nuo's E skill just started, and the Noxus giant ax was just raised.

Jian Ji's slender sharp sword was erected again, and a sword aura soared into the sky, piercing Nuo's hand precisely and gracefully.

It directly caused Nuoshou to fall into a dizziness for two seconds.

Two seconds is too long!
And the blind monk in Mala Xiangguo is also very sensible, although he has been squatting for nearly a minute, looking at the bloody Nuo Shou.

But he held it back abruptly, without the K head, and pressed down the S key to stop the attack.

At the same time, he said to Chen Mu: "You eat, you eat, I don't want heads!"

And Chen Mu naturally accepted the head unceremoniously.

At the same time, he said to the spicy pot with a cold and emotionless voice: "Thank you!!"

Although there were only two short words, and the tone was so cold, if it was the usual Mala Xiangguo, I thought it was just a perfunctory thank you.

But at this time, for some unknown reason, the determination of Mala Xiangguo to squat on the road became even more determined.

"Chen Mu, you can go on the road and play for a while. I'll get to level 6, and then I'll go directly to the tower!"

Looking at the blind monk whose level was a little behind, Mala Xiangguo said.

As for that Uzi who has been helping someone for a year or two, forget it, you should play by yourself! !
After returning home, Chen Mu's sword girl had already made the sword girl's mid-stage costume, Tiamat.

Look at the time in the upper right corner of the screen, it's only about 4 minutes now.

On the other hand, the Nuo Shou on the opposite side is only at level three, and there are only a dozen or so make-ups.
After returning to the line again, Jian Ji's damage became even more incomprehensible.
Jian Ji hit a weak point of Nuoshou, and Nuoshou's blood volume dropped a lot in an instant.

This terrified Evi,

What harm is this? !

It hurts too much!
Forget it, let's develop under the tower!

But after Sword Girl came out of Tiamat, Sword Girl's line-pushing ability was completely different.

As soon as a wave of lines went online, Sword Fairy cleared them up within a few clicks.

Evi, who has been completely jailed, has gone mad.


"Xin Zhao, come up and help me!"

And Xin Zhao's wild jungle rhythm is already very bad because of the second-level red opening, and now he is still in the jungle with his head covered.

After hearing the greeting of going on the road, he also hurriedly agreed.


No way, although Evi's strength is mediocre, who made him the veteran of the Japanese team? Even before the Japanese server was built, he was already a well-known player in the foreign server.

So for the big brother in the team, the jungler of the Japanese team can only obey.

As for walking alone, he doesn't have the guts.

The game lasts 7 minutes.

Chen Mu has been promoted to level 7, and Nuoshou, who has been shrinking under the tower, has finally risen to level 6 with a blue light all over his body.

Seeing that he had finally reached level six, Evi felt refreshed immediately! !


"Xin Zhao, hurry up and hit the road, I'm already level six!"

And Xin Zhao, who was still playing wild in the first half of the field, quickly gave up hunting.

In fact, he wanted to reach level 6 before going on the road, but he didn't dare to delay the call of the big brother on the road, so he could only follow suit.

But he quietly didn't know that a false eye in the upper half of the river had already seen Xin Zhao.

However, after Chen Mu's sword girl saw Xin Zhao, she still didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, and directly stood in front of the opposite defensive tower to press the line.

He even used the Q skill to cut through the air, and hit a weak point of Nuoshou, causing Nuoshou's blood volume to drop again.

Seeing that the sword girl on the opposite side was still pressing the line unscrupulously, Evi urged Xin Zhao who was already in place to hurry up.

But when it was time to go up, Xin Zhao hesitated.
My own Xin Zhao is only level 7, and the opposite Sword Fairy is already level [-]!
Looking at the equipment again, I am a level 5 jungler, and I just upgraded the jungler sword, plus a little white sword.

I also looked at the equipment of my own top Dan Nuo,
Well, worse than me!
There is only one compound potion on him.

How can I get on this? !
(End of this chapter)

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