LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 146 Breaking 1 in 4 second, the lotus blooms

Chapter 146 Four breaks in one second, the lotus blooms
Just as the Japanese team's jungler Astarore was hesitating about how to operate this wave.

But Jian Ji went even further, pushing a large wave of troops into the tower, and instead of leaving, she stood directly in front of the Nuoshou Tower and began to make a fuss, as if she wanted to surpass the Nuoshou Tower.

Because Evi's promised hands died twice in a row before, after only a compound potion of 150 gold coins and a small straw sandal, he came to the tower.

But Nuoshou has been pushed to the line state, and has never had a chance to return to the city, so the equipment has not been updated, he still only has a small straw sandal on his body, and he has almost drunk the compound potion.

He dare not go home!
If it was in front of the sword girl of Tiamat, she would return to the city in such a bright light.

Then the first tower on the road will fall too fast. At that time, Jian Ji may be directly stuck in the line of the second tower, and she will not even have the opportunity to gain experience under the tower.

So he stayed under the tower all the time, making up for what he could make up for, and eating experience if he couldn't make up for it.

At this time, facing a large wave of soldiers entering the tower, Evi's hands could not attack Jian Ji, he just wanted to take this wave of soldiers into his pocket.

And looking at Evi next to his seat, who was about to go crazy, Xin Zhao, the jungler of Astarore, had no choice but to help Nuo this time, otherwise the Noxus guillotine of his own top laner would chop off his own head up.

So Xin Zhao could only walk out of the triangular grass in step.

And Chen Mu's sword girl didn't have the slightest intention of retreating after seeing Xin Zhao, and continued to consume Nuo Shou, a small short hand, in front of the tower.

This time the jungler Astarore also learned to be smart. Before Xin Zhao's second-level catch, he handed in three flashes but failed. Now he also knows that facing this kind of player, he can't catch fish with a straight hook.

Even though the casting distance was enough, Xin Zhao didn't go straight up with his E skill, but walked out straight away.
First came to the line of soldiers under the tower, released the Q skill, stacked twice to tie the A, and ate a small soldier by the way.

Then press forward, trying to scare off Jian Ji, and protect Nuoshou from eating this wave of lines.

But Chen Mu's sword girl is not afraid of these things.

I am a sword girl who is leading in level and equipment, am I afraid of you, a level [-] Xin Zhao, or a promise hand who only has compound potions? !
Xin Zhao pressed forward, and Chen Mu's Sword Fairy only took a step back, but it still gave Xin Zhao the space for his E skill.

It's like trying to seduce Xin Zhao on purpose!
But this time, Xin Zhao was taken aback.

Um? !What's the meaning? !

Two of the three brothers of my Xiongbinglian have already arrived. You, Sword Fairy, don't respect my jungler Xin Zhao too much!
But this is also an opportunity.
Although Jian Ji has a high level and good equipment, she doesn't have any resistance equipment on her body.

If Xin Zhao and Nuo Shou cooperate properly, it is not impossible to operate.

Now Xin Zhao's Q skill has been stacked twice to level A, as long as he can level A for the third time to pick Flying Sword Fairy, he can also kill Sword Fairy with Nuo Shou's subsequent output and blood rage.

However, Astarore also knew that Chen Mu's operation was powerful, so he greeted his own promise hand, and then directly stabbed it with the E skill.
However, Xin Zhao's third flat A did not come out directly, but was stuck for a flat A, trying to deceive the block of Sword Fairy's W skill.

But Chen Mu looked at Xin Zhao who was shaking the barrel of the gun up and down.

What about Nima? !

Is this little trick of yours playing in front of me, the God of the Summoner Canyon? !
With Chen Mushen's dynamic vision and reaction ability, he can clearly see Xin Zhao's ghostly animal movements.

And Xin Zhao couldn't wait anymore, this time, if the level A does not go down, the Q skill will be cooled down.

In desperation, Xin Zhao's third draw finally came down.

Seeing this, the corners of Chen Mu's mouth slightly raised.
So slow, so obvious!

And Chen Mu was waiting for this moment.

When the tip of Xin Zhao's spear was about to fall on Jian Ji.

I saw Jian Ji RW starting at the same time.

Immediately, four lotus petals appeared around Xin Zhao's body, and at the same time, azure blue sword energy shot up to the sky, pointing at Xin Zhao.


A lotus flower blooms!
At the same time, Xin Zhao also fell into a dizzy state.

Jian Ji adjusted the position and angle slightly, EA.

The second lotus blooms!
The Q skill piercing through the air came behind Xin Zhao, and——

The third lotus blooms!
Adjusting the position again, Tiamat tied A!


The fourth lotus blooms!
Four breaks in one second, the lotus blooms!

How could Xin Zhao, who was only level five, be able to withstand this kind of damage, and his blood volume was emptied in an instant.

Standing on Xin Zhao's body, in the lotus formation, Jian Ji's body glowed green and was bleeding back quickly.

Although it seems like a long time has passed just now, it happened in just a moment.

And Nuoshou, who had unhealthy blood just now, had just cleared the line of soldiers under his tower, and did not walk to the battlefield until Xin Zhao turned into a corpse.

It's just that the E skill hit the sword girl who no longer has the W skill. She was recovering blood from Xin Zhao's corpse.

But just such a pull, Chen Mu is not happy!

My sword girl is soaking in the "hot spring" well, why do you pull me, do you want to touch me? !
Originally, you were honestly clearing the line under the tower, but I planned to let you go. Since you dare to come out of the tower, I'm sorry.

Chen Mu looked coldly at Nuoshou who pulled his sword girl. In his eyes, Nuoshou was already a dead person.

Jian Ji's Q skill piercing the air CD has been improved, and she just poked it up, got into the inner circle of Nuoshou's Q skill, and chased Nuoshou to slash.

Nuoshou's equipment at this time was too poor compared to Jian Ji's, and EQ didn't hurt Jian Ji's body at all.

And one of the weaknesses that Sword Fairy poked at herself was that nearly 1/4 of her blood volume dropped instantly.

At this time, Chen Mu's sword girl didn't show any cowardice at all, and took advantage of her speed to slash her hands.

Evi's heart swelled, why did this person's sword girl have such high damage!In the past on the Japanese server, my promise hands were always slashing Jian Ji's dog's head? !

But in this wave, if two hit one and get killed by two, in the future, I don't have to hang out in the small Japanese service circle, I can directly apologize here and retire on the spot!

Thinking of this, Evi's promised hand started to pull back and hit Jian Ji while AW attacking Jian Ji.

The blood volume of both sides dropped very quickly, Nuo Shou triggered the blood rage, even if he didn't have any equipment on his body, it still hurts very much when he slashed at Jian Ji's body.

After the fifth layer of blood rage, Nuo Shou immediately turned in his big move and slashed at Jian Ji, but the damage was too low, and he didn't kill Jian Ji at all.

Although Jian Ji doesn't have the RW skill, but the QE skill is CD.

Soon, the blood volume of both sides reached a state of residual blood.

However, because Nuo took out a small straw sandal, the two sides had already drawn half a body apart.

Evi looked at his blood volume slightly. Although the blood volume was very unhealthy, it was not something Jian Ji could solve with QA.

Wvi looked at the weak spot on his back, at this distance, Jian Ji couldn't QA at all.

Evi's hanging heart seems to relax a little, this wave is a victory if he doesn't die!

But I saw that Jian Ji's blood volume had bottomed out, and the blood anger of his promised hand was still hanging on his head. As long as his promised hand was leveled again, he would die!
In an instant, Evi also had the guts not to know where it came from, and wanted to make a move.

As long as one's promise hand is stuck in this position, the Sword Fairy QA will not hit the weak spot on her back.

Then as long as Chen Mu's sword girl dares to Q, he must be the one who dies! !

Even in order to seduce Jian Ji, Evi even Ctrl+4!

Nuo put the ax to his head and began to dance.

Seeing some of the most taunting actions in League of Legends, Chen Mu's mood is still calm.

Moreover, Chen Mu seemed to have seen through Evi's thoughts, sneered slightly, and looked at the upper right corner, the time on the screen was already 7 and a half minutes.

Two and a half minutes later, 300 seconds had passed before the hand flashed to chase after Nuo Nuo.

The next moment, Jian Ji's Q skill pierced through the air and slashed at the front of Nuoshou, and at the same time made a flat A shot, but did not attack the weak point behind Nuoshou.

And Evi is ecstatic at the moment, the stupid Chinese on the other side really dare to poke at him, as long as he can cut off the head of Jian Ji, then there is still a chance in this round, and the Japanese team has a chance to win the gold medal. hope! ! !

Evi also shouted excitedly in his heart.

The next moment, the huge ax in Nuo's hand was no longer on his forehead, but had already been raised.

Twitch mouse channel, all the live broadcast rooms of the Asian Games exhibition games, all the anchors and viewers stared at this scene with wide eyes.

In the game, Mala Xiangguo has already locked the screen on the road while attacking wild monsters.

Even Uzi has relaxed the laning in the bottom lane, no longer focusing on and suppressing the opponent, but cut the screen to the top lane, watching how Chen Mu plans to operate in this wave?

Coach Abramovich and other personnel in the lounge also clenched their fists nervously. Although there are many official support personnel here, they cannot understand the game.

But they can also feel that the young man named Chen Mu of the Chinese team is fighting fiercely with the opponent.

Just when Sword Fairy's sword edge fell on Nuoshou, Nuoshou's huge ax had already been raised high and was about to fall! !

In the next second, a golden light flashed.
Jian Ji flashed behind Nuoshou, and at the same time broke through the weakness that Nuoshou was firmly stuck behind.

On the ground was the Noxian with the great axe.

Evi's mood at this moment has gone from soaring to the sky to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and the whole person is sluggish, with a face full of disbelief!

Nani? !
why? !

Why am I the one who died? !

The ax in Mingming Nuo's hand had already been raised, so it should be his own that fell first.

Is it Jian Ji's flash A? !
Jian Ji can flash A, he knows about Evi, but he has only seen it in the training mode, but never encountered it in actual combat. There are not so many high-end operations in the Japanese server.

And this time, Chen Mu's actual combat teaching taught Evi a good lesson, which can be regarded as a knife in the ass, which opened his eyes!
"Only I can lead us to victory!" This is the line of Nuoshou.

But at this time, it was so harsh to Evi's ears! !

This clearly means that only I can lead my teammates to send off! !

Evi had already covered her head in pain, but suddenly, EVA looked at the blood anger on Jian Ji's head, and at the bottomed out blood volume of Jian Ji.

Have the opportunity? !

right!still have a chance!

His eyes were already red, and he kept mumbling.

"Siney! Siney!"

"Dead! Die!"

However, the blood recovered by Jian Ji from defeating Nuo Shou's weakness, plus a part of the health recovered from the Triumph talent she brought.

Seeing that Jian Ji was about to die under the effect of blood rage, she stopped abruptly.

Three seconds later, Nuo Shou's blood rage effect had stopped, and Jian Ji was still holding a sharp blade, standing gracefully in the Summoner's Canyon.

Just like Jian Ji's lines: "Precise and elegant!"

Seeing this, the angry Evi couldn't help roaring:


But the fierce and resentful tone even made the referee behind him frown.

The corners of Chen Mu's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at his sword girl's blood volume.

32 HP.
Everything is under control! !

Afterwards, Chen Mu's sword girl didn't leave. In front of Nuoshou's body, he leveled A Jatiamat and pushed the line of soldiers into the defense tower. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he pressed the B button on the spot and chose to return to the city.

But no one will continue to interfere with Chen Mu's return to the city.

In the bottom lane of the Japanese team, they couldn't take care of themselves because of Uzi's pressure, and in the middle lane, they were also firmly trapped in the middle lane by Xi Ye.

but it's not over
I saw Chen Mu's sword girl returning to the city, the first thing she did was immediately set up a sword qi on the spot, and handed over her W skill, Laurent was careful.

Just when everyone was still wondering.
The next moment, a golden light curtain scraped across Jian Ji and Quanshui Base.

It turned out that it was the Japanese team's ADC Xiaohuangmao EZ. After reaching the sixth level, he directly predicted the time when Chen Mujianji would return to the city, and released his big move towards the spring water base of the Chinese team.

He wanted to scrape the bloody sword girl to death in the spring water base.

Uzi's Kai'Sa just thought that EZ was just a big move, and didn't think much about it, so she just moved to avoid EZ's big move, but didn't signal to her teammates.

But who is Chen Mu, under the blessing of the World Tournament God System.

Even against the gank of the opposing jungler Xin Zhao, it was a one-on-two, killing two people on the opposite side. Now Jian Ji has four heads in his hands in less than 10 minutes!

This kind of fat start.
Chen Mu still maintains the calm state of mind of Gujing, without any changes, and at the same time maintains a cautious attitude all the time.

Don't look at Chen Mu as if he has let down his vigilance, but his consciousness is all on the game screen.

When Chen Mu caught the EZ big move from the corner of his eye, the subconscious W skill Laurent's mind-eye knife came out!

But when he saw the ADC on the opposite side, he played this trick! !
Chen Mu also wrote it down in his heart.

"Who are you playing this kind of coquettish operation with?! Do you think that you are very flexible because you are an EZ? Do you think that you are safe when you are in the bottom lane?!"

"You wait! Wait for me to TP in a while, and see how I go down to deal with you!"

Then Chen Mu withdrew his consciousness, opened the alliance store, looked at the "assortment of products" inside, looked at his own economy, and started his "big purchases"!
(End of this chapter)

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