LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 148 Little Days Linglong Tower

Chapter 148 Little Days Linglong Tower
Seeing Jian Ji's Q skill piercing through the air and poking at the weak point of Nuo's hand, Nuo's hand lost a third of its HP in an instant, and Evi was so scared that the CD that had just been converted flashed and came out again.

Seeing this, Coach Choi, the head coach of the Korean representative team, stopped watching the big screen.
It doesn't make sense anymore, the rest is garbage time.

Then Coach Cui looked at his top laner Kiin
His eyes seemed to be saying: "How is it?! Young man, when you meet Chen Mu, can you stand up to it?!"

As for the coach's hopeful gaze, Kiin seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, as if he was saying, "Don't look at me, anyway, I'm playing Mundo, playing tower laning!"

Kiin also recalled the match against Chen Mu in the intercontinental tournament. At that time, he was playing Mundo, and the opposite Chen Mu was playing Qinggang Ying. Although his Mundo was stuck in the top lane, his own jungler, Little Sprite, suffered. up.

Faced with Chen Mu in this state, everyone should stay away, even if Faker is here, Faker said!

Otherwise, in the final game of the intercontinental game, SKT would not be a "shrinking turtle" and let KZ come out and get beaten!

And then, on the stage of the Asian Games exhibition game.

Just like all professionals lose interest in this game, the subsequent game time is nothing but garbage time.

Just after 10 minutes, all the outer towers of the Japanese team were destroyed, and the lower highland tower was also taken away by Jian Jidan.

The head-to-head ratio of the team has reached 12-0, and the economic difference has reached 10000.

And Jian Ji's personal head ratio has reached 9-0, and the counterpoint economic difference has reached 5000. At this time, Jian Ji has greedy Hydra on her body, three items, cloth armor shoes, bloody hands, plus cloth armor shoes, three pieces Set in hand!
Facing Chen Mu's sword girl's single belt, even if there are three or four people, Chen Mu is not incapable of maneuvering.

So in order to defend Jian Ji's single belt, the Japanese representative team sent Uenosuke and three people to defend.

But the three of them defended Jian Ji's single belt, so what about Dalong? !

In 10 minutes, the newly born Dalong was taken down by the Chinese team.

Then the Chinese team took the big dragon buff, pushed down the three highland defense towers of the Japanese team with a [-]-point push.

One minute later, facing a large number of super soldiers with the dragon buff, they flattened the home of the Japanese team in a wave.

In the end, the record of the two sides came to 15-0.

As for the Japanese team, they didn't get any heads, didn't get any dragons, and didn't push down any towers.

Linglong Tower! !

Zero heads, zero dragons, zero towers! !

Twitch mouse station.

Faced with this extreme performance of the sword girl, many foreigner anchors were also amazing, Watfak.

The Chinese barrage also began to give strength to the occasional Japanese.



"Today is a good day, today is a good day, beat up the little day."

"Pure man-machine game! And it's a simple man-machine, even if it's an ordinary man-machine, there are still stupid people who may die once or twice!"

"My evaluation is not as good as man-machine!!"

"Like playing with elementary school students' hands?! Promising hands?! Cowardly hands?!"

"Evi, coward of the empire!!"

"Ruthless licking sister-in-law (ruthless iron hand)! Standing on the street! Self-mutilation blow (mutilation blow)! Scattering all directions (killing all directions)! Ha Selei Ha dead Ha Mi (you have killed the enemy English broadcast)! "

"Chen Mu, although your sword girl is very beautiful, I still want to see you play a stone man on the stage of the Asian Games, (tears) (tears)!"

"Come on, Chinese team! Come on, Chinese team!"



"Hee hee, hurry up, hurry up, little day's hurry up!"

"Hahaha Linglong Pagoda! You can do seppuku and apologize on the spot!"

At the same time, with the end of this game, the major live broadcast rooms of the real-time "broadcast" also began to comment.

Deyunse live broadcast room.

The "honest and honest" smile took the lead and said: "For those brothers who can't watch the game screen, broadcast the latest situation!"

"The match between the Chinese representative team and the Japanese representative team, under the leadership of Chen Mujian and Ji Chaoshen, successfully won and made a good start. Now the Chinese team is 1-0."

After hearing Xiaoxiao's conclusion, the child sitting on the bed wandered and said:

"Wo c, this Chen Mu is really a little outrageous. When you meet a foreign team, it's really like a father beating his son!"

"His sword girl is really like opening a script, her W skill must block the control"

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the "venomous tongue" fat man next to him:
"Brother Mu, don't take every bite of Chen Mu! There are no rules!"

"If it doesn't work, I have to call out Brother Muzi!"

And the child Youshen didn't take it seriously, instead he slapped his thigh: "I've been duped!"

"As soon as I retired, IG became so fierce. Are they all playing me? I don't know if I want to go back now?!"

"Thinking of Nian, Brother Shy is also wearing flip flops and wearing big pants standing behind me to learn skills!!"

The child wandered and recalled the "highlight moment" of the year.

But the barrage in the live broadcast room was merciless.


"I was eighteen that year, standing like a minion!"

"Brother shy is standing behind my brother Mu to learn skills!!"

Guan Zeyuan's live broadcast room.

Guan Zeyuan babbled, a little unbelievable: "Chen Mu's sword girl, the final record came to 9-0, and the matchup economic difference came to more than 5000, two big pieces ahead of Nuo."

"It's too exaggerated! I host neither too many nor too few games. Except for those who play wild cores in the middle, I have never seen such an exaggerated matchup economy."

But the barrage in the live broadcast room has memories.

"Guan Zeyuan: "Chen Mu's condition is worrying! ", Chen Mu: "Got it, watch me kill you!" Guan Zeyuan: "Chen Mu only plays Mondo Stone Man!" "Chen Mu:" Received, look at my Jian Jixiu! "

"Tell me, what will Chen Mu do next?!"

Looking at the outrageous barrage in the live broadcast room, Guan Zeyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, and then continued to say solemnly:

"I think. It should be Sword Fairy!"

"After all, Chen Mu's Sword Fairy feels overwhelming now. As long as the opponent doesn't ban Sword Fairy, I think he will take Sword Fairy!"

After the game, the five members of the Chinese team returned to the lounge together.

Chen Mu took the lead, with one hand in his pocket, wearing the red and white Asian Games national team uniform, and walked into the waiting room with an expressionless face.

They were greeted with a burst of "serious" applause and warm congratulations.

And the head coach Abu looked at Chen Mu with a hidden smile on his face, and said with a smile:

"Okay, Chen Mu, are you really playing us in this usual training match?!"

"I usually let you try Sword Fairy, but you don't want to play even if you die, and you want to miss that stone man of yours!"

"If you play Sword Girl Qinggang Shadow Sword Demon, how about being blown away by TheShy?!"

"Is the Mundo Stone Man Ornn really this fun?!"

And his only answer was Chen Mu's cold and emotionless word, which couldn't even be counted as a word, but could only be counted as a modal particle.


Chen Mu also felt that one word was too few, and then popped out a few more words.

"Quite fun!"

Different from the game mode of the World Championship, the World Championship is to give all teams more shots, so two games will not be arranged at the same time, but the next game will only be played after one game is completed.

But this League of Legends qualifier is only two days long, and it adopts a double-loop mode.

Since there are teams from dozens of countries and regions participating to compete for 8 places, the schedule of the competition must be very intensive.

Of course, it will not be one game after another. It must be multiple games at the same time, and there are not only 10 computers on the scene, but dozens of computers divided into several areas to play games at the same time.

So soon, without a long break, it was the turn of the Chinese team to play again.

The opponent in this match is .
China Taiwan Provincial Team.

However, the Chinese Taiwan team is not the little Karami of the Japanese team.

S2 League of Legends Global Finals champion TPA Taipei Assassins is a team from the LMS Division.

Although the LMS division is now in decline, every time I encounter the LPL division and the LCK division, it is the background board.

But at least the ancestors were rich, which is not comparable to the Japanese team, which has just established a server for two and a half years.

Looking at the familiar IDs on the heads of these members of the Chinese Taiwan representative team, in fact, they are basically the Flash Wolves FW team.

Mid laner Maple, ADC Betty, and support Swordart are all members of FW Flash Wolves.

Auxiliary Baybay is also a player who once played in the LPL division, and later returned to the LMS division for various reasons.

And the top laner PK doesn't seem to have any bright history.

Moreover, the Flash Wolves FW team has a characteristic, that is, the god of BO1. Whether you are SKT with Faker or RNG with Uzi, you may be overthrown.

So when facing this Chinese Taiwan team.Abu did not dare to relax, or he would end up overturning.

BP officially started.
Kai'Sa, who directly banned Uzi on the opposite side,
Seeing this, several people on the Chinese team smiled heartily.

Uzi's Kai'Sa, everyone knows, but the little day in the last round was to challenge Uzi's Kai'Sa.

Afterwards, the Chinese Taiwan team on the opposite side of the second hand directly pressed the hero Sword Demon, but did not ban Chen Mu's last invincible Sword Fairy.

As a matter of fact, the hero Jian Ji, the strong returns to the strong, and the show returns to the show. In the hands of a powerful person, it is like entering a fairyland on land.

But the restrictions are too great, the team is basically useless, a little restriction, it is impossible to keep up with the output, and there is not enough equipment advantage, and the single belt in the middle and late stages is also easy to deal with.

In the last game, playing against the Japanese team's Nuo Shou, it was entirely because of the difference in personal strength that it was possible to achieve such a large economic gap, so it seemed very exaggerated.

The sword demon hero is different.

This hero is completely born for team fighting.

The more people there are, the more comfortable the Sword Demon can slash, and the more blood will be recovered.

Their LMS Division also participated in the Intercontinental Competition, although they were only the third in ten thousand years.

But after watching the finals of the LPL and LCK divisions, the sword demon who descended from the gods must be banned no matter what.

Subsequently, the Chinese Taiwan team directly locked on the hero Aoun on the first floor.

It seems that he is ready to hit the road and resist pressure.

Even if you play Sword Girl, you are not afraid, is it possible that your Sword Girl can jump over the tower and eat an Ornn alone? !

And saw that the opposite side chose the hero Aoun.

Abu frowned slightly, looking at the small notebook in his hand.

Then he turned his head and asked Chen Mu: "On the opposite side, Aoun was single-selected, do you still plan to play Sword Fairy?! It's not very easy to play!"

Chen Mu said lightly: "I can be the coach, and I can also be the top laner who is more team-oriented."

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Abu was relieved:

"Then let's do this! Let's lock Shen first!"

"Shen can wave his hand first to see how the opposing team is doing, and Meiko can also use the kidney to assist"

"By the way, Chen Mu, will you take the kidney order?"

Suddenly, Abu asked Chen Mu, because he hadn't seen Chen Mu use the hero Shen.

Chen Mu nodded, and said without the slightest emotion: "Yes."

Hearing this, Abu's heart was relieved.

Hearing Chen Mu's tough and cold tone, he knew the situation was stable!

In the end, the lineup of both sides was determined.

Team China vs. Taiwan Province of China
Top order: Shen vs Aoun
Jungle: blind monk vs green steel shadow

Mid laner: Lulu vs Zoe
ADC: Policewoman vs Big Mouth
Support: Karma vs Wind Girl
In the end, Coach Abu chose to let Chen Mu Nashen take the order, and directly came to a lineup of four guarantees and one.

After seeing this bp, all the live broadcast rooms were boiling.

"Dian Zhong Dian!"

"Classic Four Guarantees One!"

"Here he comes, he really came, he came with the four guarantees and one team."

"Fuck, what kind of underworld bp is this, the sword girl played well last time, why did this one come out with a big waist!"

"Abu, did you have a problem with your thinking?! I don't know, but I thought it was RNG playing the game?!"

"It's true to say that, RNG has three (dog heads) (dog heads)."

"I'm throwing up, Wan Shen, don't you play stone men?! Is my stone man's status so low?!"

In fact, the hero Shen Dawaist is an unpopular sewer hero.

In normal ranking, whether it is a high-end round or a silver-gold round, the hero Shen rarely appears.

But it doesn't mean the hero is weak
Many people think that the hero Shen is positioned as a tank hero, but from the perspective of game mechanics, Shen has always been a warrior hero, a hero with rhythm.

Shen is a hero who is very comprehensive and a panacea.

Passive shields that refresh frequently can provide a certain level of frankness.

Shen's Q skill mystery!For Duskblade, the next 3 attacks will cause additional magic damage equal to the target's maximum health, which means that in the middle and late stages, Shen can deal with the abilities of tank heroes in a single belt.

W has the protection ability to block common attacks for 1.75 seconds, and the E skill is matched with flash, which is one of the few unsolvable groups in the league. R global support, even more than the support ability of teleportation.

But how to play specifically depends on how the summoner operates in the game, whether it is to use the sun to mix online, to act as a meat shield in team battles, or to use a warrior outfit. I want to have a carry heart.

As the game is loading screen.

"No fear, no hatred, no heart! Hold the middle way, unshakable!!"

At this moment, Chen Mu's state of mind is just like Shen's background lines, the ancient well is calm, and there is no waves.

(End of this chapter)

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