LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 149 There are 1 seconds left!

Chapter 149 One second left!
As the game loads.

Chen Mu's careful outfit choice is Dolan Shield plus a red, which is very conventional.

In terms of talent, Chen Mu's Shen also did not choose the radical talent of Congren or Conqueror.

If you choose the Congren talent, the only advantage in the laning phase is that it is easy to Shenka six swords, and you can play a small burst.

But the opponent is also a professional player, not an idiot, he won't stand up to you, and he won't be so easily hit by you six times.

So Chen Mu chose the Grip of the Undying. For Aoun who is a big hunk, the exchange of blood in the lane is better for the Grip of the Undying.

However, as the laning began, the opponent's top laner PK discovered that Chen Mu, Shen, who was mediocre in terms of talent and build, played differently from other top laners in the LPL division.

As the pawn lines converged, Chen Mu's cautiousness first beat the pawns.

Then, when Aoun also stepped forward to make up the knife, he stepped forward to steal Aoun and broke Aoun's bone coating.

But when I think about the top laner PK, I, Ornn, learned the W skill at the first level. With such a high basic damage in the early stage, the W skill and the shield, how dare you come to A me with minions? !
Although the coach has already reminded himself face to face, he just needs to go on the road to stabilize his development, even if he is the "God of War under the tower", it doesn't matter.

The focus of this game, the coach of the Chinese Taiwan team did not focus on the top lane, but on Zoe of Maple in the middle lane. He can be said to be the number one Zoe in the LMS division.

But even so, PK thought, everyone was bragging about how powerful and invincible Chen Mu was, and how delicate the operation of online team fights was.

But looking at it this way, it’s not the same.
Then PK directly manipulated Ornn to release the W skill, and breathed fire at Shen.

But the moment Aoun raised his hand, Chen Mu's Shen was already preparing to move.

I saw Shen twisted a small right angle, although he still suffered damage from Ornn's W skill
However, Shen twisted the flame before the end of Ornn's W skill bellows flame, so Shen did not have a fragile state on his body.

Aoun from PK handed in his W skill at will, and the rest was Chen Mu's turn.

I saw Shen pull back the soul blade hidden in the first side grass on the road, triggering a shield of nearly one hundred points.

Since Shen's soul blade collided with Ornn during the recall, it also increased the damage of Shen's next three attacks and provided a +50% attack speed bonus.

Immediately afterwards, Shen took advantage of the attack speed bonus and stepped forward to Ka Ka Ka, three times to tie A, and triggered the Grip of Indestructibility.

Afterwards, Chen Mu manipulated Shen and immediately hid in the grass, cutting off the hatred of the little soldier.

After a wave of blood exchange, PK suddenly found that even though his Ornn triggered the W skill shield, his blood volume still dropped by one-third.

On the other side, Shen's blood volume only dropped 150 points of blood volume. Although the minions' attacks in the early stage of the game were very painful, Shen's shield and the blood recovery effect of the Grasp of the Undying still offset the damage of many minions.

And Aoun in PK also wanted to A out his Grip of the Undying, but when his Grip of the Undying was triggered, Shen had already pulled into the grass and lost his vision.

In the first wave of blood exchange, he had already completely lost. Shen on the opposite side was carrying so many soldiers, but why did he still lose a lot of blood? !
Suddenly, PK broke out in cold sweat.

Now PK also has to admit that just after the BP ended, the coach still pulled him, and kept telling him:
"Let you choose Aoun to be stable. Don't fight online to exchange blood. You only need to clear the line and develop, and you can play R in the later stage."

"Remember, as long as you don't want to kill, you won't die!"

With the end of the first wave of confrontation, the two sides resumed their positions and began to continue to make up the knife.

And Shen, who had an advantage of more than 100 points in blood volume, had a stronger desire to attack.

From time to time, Chen Mu took advantage of Aoun's last knife to steal Aoun and hit the Grip of Indestructibility.At the same time, he used his own shield to offset the subsequent damage, and then used the grass to keep pulling Ornn.

Others didn't know and thought they were playing Sword Princess Qinggangying!
Seeing Shen with such proficiency, Chen Mu, who is obviously better than himself in detail handling and laning ability, PK's Ao En also has no intention of fighting against Chen Mu.

Ornn's W skill is only used to clear the line, as for the two times you came up carefully to steal A, it doesn't matter.

After a while, when I have enough money, I will directly buy equipment online. Equipment is a real bonus!
But the more cowardly you are, the more vicious Chen Mu's cautiousness will be!
After reaching the second level, Ctrl+E, secondly upgrade the E skill to taunt.

Then he shot at the speed of light, taunting Ornn, and at the same time pulled back the soul blade, cutting three times at the speed of light.

Ka Ka Ka!
Immediately, Ornn's blood volume dropped to half.

But PK doesn't matter anymore. After carefully handing in the skills, the follow-up damage ability is limited.

Aoun knocked a bottle of red medicine with his backhand, and then he breathed fire at Shen with his W skill, creating a fragile effect.

At the same time, the W skill bellows flame breath killed a soldier, and it was also promoted to level two.

After learning the Q skill, he also hit Chen Mu's Shen with his backhand.

But this wave of blood exchange is still a loss for Aoun!
In the early stage, it would be too painful for Shen to play three times with full Q skills to tie A.

Moreover, after Aoun handed in his skills, the CD in the early stage was still relatively long, so Aoun lost the right to line and dared not go forward to make up the knife, so he could only passively wait for the pawn line to enter the tower.

But in this way, the level will be slowed down. After Chen Mu's Shen is level three, Ao En is still level two.

At this time, Mala Xiangguo looked at the blood volume and position of the road.

"Damn it, in less than 3 minutes, this Aoun has already started to go to jail?!"

"Can I come on the road and make a wave?!"

Chen Mu looked at Ao En's state, and said lightly: "You can try it, but don't get dizzy."

Although Aoun's blood volume is still low, he has W skills, shields, control-free and flash.

Moreover, the higher the tower at the third level, the risk is too great.

If you are not careful, it will be Ueno linkage, one dies, one gets away!
After hearing Chen Mu's words, the blind boy of Mala Xiangguo didn't even hit the toad, and came straight to the road.

Wild monsters or something, where is the head scent?
It was still the old routine, Chen Mu's Shen led the pawn line into the tower, and Mala Xiangguo's Blind Boy walked around from the triangle grass on the top lane, and appeared at the first and second towers on the opposite road, cutting off Ornn's retreat.

And seeing the blind monk suddenly appear behind him, facing RNG's three-level tower jump, PK's heart suddenly hangs, his palms can't help sweating, and his nerves collapse.

Just now he released his W skill in order to collect two soldiers, and the cooldown time of Ornn's W skill in the early stage is still relatively long, and now the W skill is still cooling down.

But this W skill is a god skill of Ornn.

High percentage damage, with shield, can avoid control!
As long as Ornn can dodge Shen's taunt with his W skill or flash, it will still work.
Looking at the cooling time of his W skill, PK was extremely anxious.

There are three seconds left.

As long as the wave of CDs of their W skills improves, they should not be able to cross the tower.

If they still want to forcibly jump over the tower, it is their own opportunity. Maybe they can cooperate with Flash and be able to fight two towers with one tower, and complete the things that all top laners in the LCK and LMS have not done.

So the PK is nervous, the adrenaline starts to soar, always pay attention to Shen and Blind Boy's hand-raising movements, the fingers have already pressed the flash, and are ready to operate at any time.
Looking at Aoun who was already getting ready under the tower, Mala Xiangguo hesitated, and said with some worry:

"Why don't you just forget about it, Ornn's flash is still there, I don't know if Ornn's W skill is still there?! If this wave of tower jumping blows up, it will really blow up!"

3 seconds.
2 seconds.
But looking at Ao En who was twisting constantly under the tower, looking a little anxious, Chen Mu raised his mouth slightly and smiled coldly.

The next moment, Shen E taunted with skill and rushed towards Aoun!

At the same time, Chen Mu said two words lightly to the spicy pot.

"One second!"


Mala Xiangguo has not yet realized what Chen Mu's words mean.

But Shen, who saw Chen Mu, had already made a move, and he had no choice but to attack!

If Mlxg doesn't do anything at this time, wouldn't the reputation of a reckless man in the LPL division be a waste of fame? ! .

I saw his blind monk's Q skill shot and hit the taunted Aoun.Then he kicked it over, and smoothed out a set of skills.

And Shen's Q skill pulled back the soul blade, collided with Ornn, and under the bonus of attack speed, Ka Ka was two hits to level a
At this time, Chen Mu looked at his own Shen's blood volume, and he had already taken the damage of the defensive tower, but he could still take the second hit, so Chen Mu didn't want to be greedy for the third hit to level a, and went directly to the edge of the tower to continue Carry the second down the tower.

However, the damage of the two in the early stage was still a little bit worse. Aoun, who had already bottomed out his blood volume, used his W skill after Shen's taunt, and raised his shield.

Although the shield was lifted, PK knew that he was in a doomed situation, because the blind boy with the red buff was still outputting himself.

And looking at the vulnerable state on Shen's body, he is still carrying the second tower.

As long as Ornn plays the vulnerable effect and cooperates with the damage of the defensive tower, this Shen will also die.

Block up your last courage, the next moment.
PK flashed directly in front of Shen, raised his hand, and wanted A to make a final blow.

But Chen Mu has been waiting for you for a long time.

Only see the next moment.
W skill, profound meaning!soul bless!
A purple defensive enchantment rose from the spot.

The grid blocked Ornn's normal attack, so that Ornn did not hit this vulnerable damage.

At the same time, he turned around and slashed with a backhand, flat A with the grip of indestructibility, and took the head of Ornn.

Then Chen Mu's Shen moved his body slightly, leaving the attack range of the defense tower.

Although the third attack of the defense tower has been lit up, it has not fallen.
Afterwards, the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo walked out of the defense tower safely.

Although Shen carried the defensive tower twice, but it was his own shield and the blind boy W film. Although his blood volume was very weak, he was not killed in battle.

A perfect tower jump! !
Originally, it was Chen Mu who fought against the tower in this wave, so Chen Mu didn't care about the head, and stood on the edge of the defensive tower early, and he would leave the tower at any time when he saw that the blood volume was almost the same.

Aoun's head should have been taken by the blind boy of Mala Xiangguo!
But I didn't expect that the opponent's top laner PK was thinking of maneuvering, and wanted to flash Shen who replaced Chen Mu.

As a result, he was directly shown off.

Let Shen change from an assist of 150 gold coins to Fristblood, 400 gold coins!

Still Chen Mu's Shen is very comfortable.

On the opposite side of the player's seat, PK slammed the keyboard, leaned back on the seat like a slam, what happened just a few seconds ago, was like a roller coaster, making his mood go from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley.

"Damn it! It's really disgusting, it's only the last one!"

However, several teammates also comforted: "It's okay, it's okay!"

"Play slowly, Shen is useless in the late game! Our lineup is very strong in the late game!"

And when he saw the third level and passed a tower of Aoun, Mala Xiangguo was also excited, clenched his fist and shouted: "NICE!"

"The two of us, this wave cooperates perfectly!"

And suddenly, Mala Xiangguo seemed to have thought of something, and only then did he realize what Chen Mu meant by the one second he just said.

So he asked Chen Mu:

"How do you know his W skill, there is 1 second left!"

"You are too accurate!"

And the answer to him was just an explanation in a somewhat indifferent tone.

"The cooldown CD of Ornn's first-level W skill is 12 seconds, and he let go of the W skill in 2 minutes and 52 seconds."

"At the same time, Ornn's main talent is Resolute, and there is no cooldown reduction. The secondary enlightenment department is likely to bring Astral Insight, and there will be a cooldown reduction of about 0.5 seconds."

"But our hands-on time is about 3 minutes and 01 seconds!"

"So there will be a cooling time of about 1 second!"

"Enough for us to do it!"

Hearing Chen Mu's explanation, Mala Xiangguo's hand that was brushing wilds trembled, and Tian Yinbo, who was originally Q to the wild monster, slid, and Q was crooked!

When the other teammates heard this, they also looked sideways at Chen Mu.

What kind of pervert is this? !

The top professional players will indeed calculate and consider the skill CD of the opposing hero when they exchange blood.

But it's just a rough estimate.

But there has never been a "human computer" like you, right? !
Those who didn’t know thought you were reviewing the video in front of the computer screen? !
As for the astonishment of Chen Mu, several teammates can no longer describe it as shock.
But at the moment, Chen Mu doesn't care about the inconceivableness of his teammates.
As long as you do any action on the front, in the state of God, Chen Mu will never forget it, and at the same time, the optimal solution will be formed in the brain like a computer.

He doesn't need a USB flash drive, because he is a "bad boy" himself! !

Then Shen came to the line again, and with one blood, Shen got two little white swords.

It seems that Shen's first piece of equipment is not Xiao Riyan to mix damage, but plans to use Jujiu to cut Ornn.

Although the Chinese team successfully climbed the tower on the road, Xi Ye in the middle road suffered a heavy blow.

This version of Lulu is indeed greatly strengthened. When it reaches the strength that can play the middle lane, many professional players have also pulled it out in the game.

However, facing the unsolvable combination of Qinggang Shadow and Zoe, especially facing Qinggang Shadow E Flash, who suddenly rushed out of the grass, there is no way to untie you, and then cooperate with Zoe's super high burst damage.

As long as your flash doesn't dodge Qinggang Ying's E flash, it's a mortal situation.

(End of this chapter)

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