LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 169 Chapter 169 Top Dan Lu Xian is here!

Chapter 169 Chapter 160 Nine Top Dan Lu Xian is here!

Seeing that the canyon vanguard on the road was difficult to hold, Mala Xiangguo decisively came to the second half of the field to move Xiaolong.

However, Mala Xiangguo's Blind Fruit breaks Xiaolong's other confidence, which is Chen Mu's big bug.

Because Chen Mu's big bug had already teleported to the front of the dragon pit.

On the opposite side, the top laner PK saw the big bug tp, and Aoun also hurriedly teleported it down.

With the TP of Ornn and the big bug falling, this time a small-scale collision suddenly turned into a 5v5 team battle.

In this wave of team battles, the goal of the Chinese Taiwan team is also very clear, which is Brother Zaozi's big mouth.

Although the five of them handed in countless skills, they really killed Brother Zaozi's Big Mouth.

But all skills are empty.The entire formation is in disarray.

In Chen Mu's big worm team battle, he also came to the back row of the opposite side, suffocating the already bloody ADC on the opposite side.

Zoe, the mid laner on the opposite side, was also found to be killed by Malzahar and the blind monk.

In the end, there was a wave of one-for-three team battles.

For the Chinese team, Brother Zaozi once again became the target of attracting firepower. All skills were handed in, but he was still killed.

On the other side, three were killed, Zoe, Verus and Aoun.

At this time, the big bug has reached the 8th floor!

Afterwards, several people took down Xiaolong steadily, went back to their own routes, and continued to develop.

After 15 minutes, with the gap in top lane equipment and levels, the Chinese Taiwan team was unable to defend the canyon pioneer, and was finally suffocated by the big bug again.

In 20 minutes, all the towers on the opposite side were destroyed.

The Chinese team also started the crazy snowball mode again.

But brother Zaozi's "replenishment" development ability is really top-notch, and I don't know where he stole the supplementary knife.

During the laning phase, everyone's CS is about the same.

But at the end of the laning, I saw the big mouth standing on the center line, making up the knife and rising slowly, which has surpassed the time line.

At this time, the number of layers of Chen Mu's big bug, the feast, has reached 10 layers.

The whole body shape has been maximized, and it looks like a hill.

Brother Zaozi's big mouth stood at the foot of the big bug, just like a tiny little bug, looking very happy.

As the economic gap gradually widened, even on the sideline, Aoun was a bit unable to beat the big bugs.

It was supposed to be a passionate fight between two big meats, but the difference in level and equipment couldn't be helped.

The big bug here is scorching sun, adaptive helmet, lunatic, and the gargoyle stone plate armor on the way.

The big bug got a lot of kills, but his team's resources were eaten up even more.

Assists in team battles, the economy of the outer towers, and wild monsters in the jungle, Chen Muke has all been caught.

This is not a sacrificial position on the road, this is clearly the C position!

In 30 minutes, the Chinese team has completely reached the four guarantees and one lineup, the "one" strong point.

Brother Zaozi's big mouth has completely come to his strong period.

Ruin, Sheep Knife, Split Bow, Attack Speed ​​Boots and a Mercury Lace.

The current Dazui is a ruthless A machine.

The ensuing match was a devastating team battle.

Chen Mu's big worm stood in front of him like a mountain, while Brother Zaozi's big mouth began to stand under the big worm's crotch, outputting crazily.

Walking A is extremely smooth, and every hit is to deal fatal damage to the opponent.

On the opposite side, the Chinese Taiwan team still wants to struggle. As the ADC's Betty, his Verus still wants to work hard.

However, the big worm in the gargoyle slate armor suddenly increased in blood volume and size, directly covering the figure of his teammates behind him.

At the same time, the flash came to Verus, puffed down, directly suffocating the half-blooded Verus.

As Verus was swallowed in one gulp, the team battle of the Chinese Taiwan team was on the verge of defeat.

In the end, the Chinese team flattened the opposing base in one wave.

Another round! 8 consecutive victories.

At the end of the game, Chen Mu's big bug had already reached the 12th floor.

Standing in front of the opposite spring water base, it was almost possible to completely block the entire spring water.

After defeating the Chinese Taipei team, the situation has become clear.

Everyone on the Chinese team is relaxed and comfortable, without any pressure.

But the Chinese Taiwan team on the opposite side is indeed a little dignified. They can't lose again, and if they lose again, they may really be upset.

There was a short break between the two games.
However, the live broadcast room of Guan Zeyuan, Miller Wawa and others still aroused heated discussions.

"I understand! This is the stability of my brother Mu!"

"I'll eat you all later!!"

"Unexpectedly, my brother Zaozi also had a moment of crazy output while standing under Chen Mu's crotch. (狗头) (狗头)"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the big worm on the 12th floor! If you play this round longer, the big worm will be full of blood!"

"Woooooo, cry to death, would you rather play a big bug than a stone man?!"

"New audiences are still reminiscing about the content of the previous round, and old audiences have already studied the next round. Chen Muhui will take out something!"

Then, the ninth game of the qualifiers.

The Chinese team played against the Chinese Macau team.

Now the Chinese Macau team is a happy team.

After the previous 8 games, I didn't win a game, and now I have a record of 0-8.

But there is no way to do this, it is really insufficient hard power.

In this round, the Chinese team also went very smoothly, with a three-way advantage, and won the big dragon in 10 minutes, ending the entire game in one wave.

On the opposite side, the members of the Chinese Macau team also knew that there was no hope of qualifying, but they still had a happy face.

They enjoyed the tense game atmosphere very much.

In the last game, the Chinese team played against the Japanese team.

With the players from both sides playing.

The Japanese team on the opposite side still looked unconvinced, and was still brooding over the ruthless defeat by the Chinese team yesterday.

But look at their record, 2-7, only won two games, and the Macau team won, and lost all other games. Now this is their last game.

And looking at Xiao Ritian's unconvinced expression on the opposite side, Chen Mu was still expressionless.

But look at this familiar expression.A few teammates and coach Abramovich understood!

That's what this expression means.
I'll kill you all later! !

Then bp starts.

The Japanese team's bp thinking is indeed different from other teams, and it does not ban Uzi's Kai'Sa.

The other teams knew that Kai'Sa was banned from Brother Zaozi, and they would release Kai'Sa because they didn't have enough ban slots.

But the Japanese team is a maverick,
Just ban Nuoshou and other heroes,

Maybe they have their own ideas in their minds.

And when it was Chen Mu's turn to choose a hero.

Abu is now also before Bp, so he must ask Chen Mu for his opinion:

"How do you say?! This round! What hero do you want to play?"

And Chen Mu looked at the opposite top laner and chose Ao En, and said.


"What?! Lucian? Don't we already have an ADC?"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Abu Du couldn't react for a while.

In fact, not only Abu, but even several other teammates did not expect Chen Mu's choice.

Especially Brother Zaozi, he was already a little sluggish.

"Aren't you an ADC? Don't you want to take my position?"

Abu also hesitated for a while, other heroes are okay to talk about, even if they are some unpopular heroes, but they have a big effect when they are used.

But you made an ADC and went on the road. Doesn’t this mean that I, the coach, will be greeted by the [-]th generation of me?

"Are you sure? Chen Mu, do you really want to take Lucian?"

"There are many fighter heroes out there, you don't need to play like this!"

But Chen Mu said calmly and firmly:

"Well, just Lucian!"

"Hands are long and hands are short! It's easy to fight!" Chen Mu added in the end.

But it's okay not to say the last sentence, once I heard Chen Mu's last sentence.

Not only the head coach Abramovich, but even the other teammates fell silent for an instant, all speechless.

It makes sense!Long hands and short hands are easy to fight!
Finally Abu pondered for a moment,

"All right! All right!"

In desperation, Chen Mu agreed.

Abramovich no longer exists as his family on the road!
But seeing the lineup of the Chinese team, it's not just the head coach Abramovich and his teammates who are questioning.

Even the Japanese team on the opposite side was a little confused and confused.

Nani? !
What is the lineup on the opposite side?
Is Lucian the top order?
And the live broadcast room also caused an explosion in an instant.

"Brother Holy Gun?!"

"Brother Holy Gun: Come on, someone pretends to be me and plays in the Asian Games."

"Brother Holy Gun: I feel offended!"

"Come on, come on, the last game has started!"

"It's late, but it's here! In terms of rectification, I know that Chen Mu, you have never let people down in terms of not letting people down."

"Lu Xian is on the order, but you really have it! Chen Mu."

"I'm laughing to death, Chen Mu, don't pretend too much, if you lose this one, let's post it!"

In the end, the lineup of both sides was determined.

China Team vs Japan Team

Top laner Lucian vs Ornn
Wild Barrel vs Blind Boy
Mid Lane Vampire vs Yasuo
ADC Kai'Sa vs Verus

Support Titan vs Tauren
And with the start of the alignment.

This is not a whole job, this is clearly torture? !
Chen Mu's Lu Xian's talent is to attack the third ring, and the pressure on the lane is full.

At this time, Aoun on the opposite side hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

As soon as the pawn lines meet, Aoun still wants to step forward to take pawns.

But how could Chen Mu get used to this "bad habit".

I saw that Lucian had a pawn Q at his fingertips. While the skill hit the minions, it also hit Ornn.

Then Wei Wei stepped forward, shot two shots on Aoun, and then followed to level A, and hit the third ring.

Then hide in the grass and break the hatred of the soldiers.

It starts to be suppressed at the first level, flowing like clouds and flowing water, extremely elegant.

But on the opposite side, Xiaotian placed the order, seeing that he was just trying to eat the first soldier, and his blood volume immediately dropped by 200 points.

He also couldn't help frowning.

Nani? !Is the damage so high?
But until now, he still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

When Lucian emerged from the grass again, he had already passed the line of soldiers to suppress him.

Flat A, flat A.

Don't eat, don't eat.

And seeing his blood volume drop rapidly, Aoun, who was at the first level, had no choice but to retreat.

However, the cooldown of Chen Mu's Q skill improved, and he used another Q skill, passing through the minion Q to Aoun, and at the same time he made two flat A shots.

Aoun, the first-level iron, had his blood volume dropped to less than half.

There is no way to fight back at all.

So Aoun knocked down the blood bottle in a hurry, and began to hang far away from the pawn line, waiting for the pawn line to push over.

But as Chen Mu's *** reached the second level, after clicking his E skill.

E came up in an instant, E clicked Q, once again consumed Ornn, who had poor distance control.

Aoun has already lost blood at this time, so he can only take another step back.

This time, Aoun can no longer hang from a distance, so he can only retreat to his own defense tower and start to shut himself off.

After Chen Mu pushed this wave of troops, he was already at the third level. With a wave of troops, he had the potential to overtake the tower.

In desperation, Aoun could only walk to the autistic grass step by step, and then started to return to the city with the B key.

But this time around, this wave of soldiers has been almost eaten by the defensive towers.

And Chen Mu's Lu Xian has already begun to consume the blood volume of the tower.

With the release of Ornn's TP teleportation, the situation has not changed, and remains the same.

***Online is a set of skills, consumed under the tower.

Q dot, E dot, and finally W dot. Aoun's blood volume has been consumed by 1/3 just after landing.

Then Chen Mu's Lu Xian stood under the tower openly and began to consume the tower's HP.

Even Aoun didn't dare to look at the soldiers under the tower, so he could only release his skills from a distance.

Because once he wants to eat long-range soldiers, he will enter the range of Chen Mu and Lu Xian, and he will be ruthlessly consumed.

Seeing that Ao En's blood volume has been consumed almost again, the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo also leaned over.

It turned out that Mala Xiangguo had been paying attention to the situation on the road all the time. Seeing that Ornn had passed the teleportation, but his blood volume was almost suppressed again, he also walked on the road decisively.

But it was a coincidence that in the wild, he ran into the blind jungler on the opposite side.

Can spicy hot pot be cowardly?

Their own top laner has almost matched the second tower of singles on the opposite side.

If you don't go up to do it at this time, when will you go up to do it? !
So the barrel of Mala Xiangguo bumped into it.

And sure enough, in this wave, Chen Mu's Lu Xian immediately came to support him,

Seeing a blind boy with similar blood volume, he directly came up with a set of skills, and he got to the residual blood.

The opposite jungler also hurriedly handed over his flash, but Chen Mu's Lu Xi'an finally tied A with flash and took the head.

After Lucian went online again.

Ornn's torment has just begun, because there are already two red and blue circles under Lucian's feet.

Just now, his own jungler Blind Boy was killed, and the two red and blue buffs were transferred to Lucian, and the equipment on his body was suppressed.

Aoun still wanted to rely on his skills to go forward and clear the troops, but Chen Mu's Lucian saw the opportunity, and in an instant, E came up, the red buff stuck, and then Q, W, a set of ruthless skill consumption.

On the other hand, Aoun didn't have any power to fight back.

Pure beating!

(End of this chapter)

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