LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 170 E little point Q little point W little point

Chapter 170 E little point Q little point W little point
Following Xiaotian's jungler Blind Boy's "Send to Death" gank, he transferred his red and blue buffs to Chen Mu's Lu Xian.

Ornn's prison life has just begun.
The skills and skills cannot be touched, and the movement speed is not fast enough.

Once Chen Mu's Lu Xi'an pinged him, he then stuck to Ornn with the red buff.

Lucian is a little bit all the way, if Ornn has E skills, he may be chased to death directly.

With the two waves of consumption, Aoun has lost blood, and he can't even stand under his own tower. In desperation, he can only return to the city to make up for his condition.

But without tp teleportation, the tower's HP was consumed by Lucian a lot.

At this moment, Evi, the top laner in Xiaotian, knows what a pain mask is!
But this is not the end.

After reaching the sixth grade.

After Evi's Aoun ordered his ultimate move, he finally felt that he had the power to fight.

But reality quickly gave a slap in the face.

Chen Mu's Lucian didn't give Aoun any chance to take the soldiers, and watched Aoun want to step forward to take the soldiers.

Q dot, W dot
Then started the big move, the baptism of the holy light, beep beep beep beep, and there was a burst of sweeping when he stepped forward.

And Aoun also wanted to walk sideways to avoid Lucian's ultimate move, the baptism of the holy light.

But Chen Mu's E skill moved horizontally, and continued to keep up with the big move.

Aoun, who was full of a big move, was suppressed to the residual blood in an instant.

At this time, the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo, who was hiding in the triangular grass behind the first tower on the opposite road, had already made a move and rushed up directly.

A wave of two people jumped over the tower, and in the end it was Chen Mu's Lu Xian who took the head.

And this big wave of soldiers, Aoun still didn't get it, and he didn't even smell the experience.

The Japanese team on the opposite side directly blasted through.

In 10 minutes, Chen Mu and Lu Xian's Sickle of Extraction exploded on time.

For Chen Mu in this state, it is impossible for the basic skill of making up the knife to miss the knife.

On the opposite side, Ornn only made up more than fifty knives.

Chen Mu's Lucian has doubled his last hit.

It is even more exaggerated than the last knife of Zaozi brother ADC in the bottom lane.

At this time, in the early 10 minutes, Lucian, who had two heads in his hands, made it directly by absorbing the mana knife, so he didn't have to worry about mana consumption anymore.

On the opposite side, there was only a trace of blood left in the first tower of the road, and Lucian would only need to tie A two or three times.

Chen Mu's Lu Xian led a large wave of soldiers and started to push forward to push down the tower.

But looking at Aoun on the opposite side, he still wants to guard the tower.

Chen Mu smiled coldly in his heart.

How dare you, Ornn, guard the bloody tower? !
Either he lost his mind, or there must be someone behind him!
As expected, the jungler Blind Boy who had a small life on the opposite side felt that it would not be a problem to go on like this, so he thought of coming to gank to catch a wave.

But how can this kind of gank catch Chen Mu?

Also, what's the difference between giving away a head.

Chen Mu looked at the blind monk opposite and rushed out, was he a little unbelievable?
no?no?You don't think you can catch me like this, do you? !

However, the jungler blind monk on the opposite side is very confident.

First, there is a guy who thinks he is very handsome, touches his eyes W at the speed of light, and gets close to Lucian.

At the same time, a short-range Q skill Tianyinbo shot.

But how could such an obvious hand-raising skill hit Chen Mu? !
As early as the blind monk's Q skill Tianyinbo raised his hand, Lucian began to move slightly, twisting the blind monk's Q skill Tianyinbo.

At the same time, while outputting the blind monk, he walked backwards.

As for the blind monk jungler on the opposite side, he was also a little embarrassed when he saw that his personal Q skill was empty.

But it doesn't matter, he still has a flash, and he still has a big move.

The blind monk immediately flashed behind Lucian, and a dragon swung his tail, trying to kick Lucian back.

But you flash, Chen Mu also flashes at the same time.

The blind monk kicked in the wrong direction, instead of kicking Lucian back, he kicked him away.

But how can Aoun behind him keep up? With such a long distance, Aoun's big move is also easily separated by Lucian's E skill.

All the skills of the field on the opposite side are all handed in, all empty, and the rest is Lucian's output space.

Seeing that Lu Xian was facing the blind monk, he began to beep, beep, and shoot with big moves.

The blind monk, who was not of a high level, was swept to the brim in an instant.

Then Lucian Q tapped W and took the blind monk's head.

If it weren't for Chen Mu's icy feelings, without any change, he was about to laugh, is this really here to send warmth?
Because there was another red circle under Chen Mu and Lu Xi'an's feet.

The jungler on the opposite side had just received the freshly baked red buff, so he ran over to grab it, but he didn't expect to give Chen Mu warmth.

The key point is that at this time, Aoun, the top laner on the opposite side, has also followed up.

Just now, in order to keep up with Blind Boy's output, he walked up step by step with short legs, but it would be difficult to retreat step by step with short legs.

He has been stuck by Lucian's red buff.

And there is no E skill, no flash Ao En, and then directly chased by A to death by Lucian.

Sophomore and freshman, but two of them were counter-killed. This kind of "send warmth" gank has already left Mala Xiangguo and Uzi stunned.

Is this a show? !Is there a rape on the opposite side? !

Next, taking advantage of a wave of soldiers, Lucian ate a tower's economy by himself.

In just over 10 minutes, with a record of 4-0 and a single tower, he was already unstoppable!
After returning home and finishing the equipment, I just made the Essence Scythe Scythe Absorbing Blue Knife, and in less than a minute, there was another Bilgewater machete.

On the opposite side, Aoun just made a small sun flame.

Afterwards, Chen Mu did not change lanes, and still came to the top road, continuing to torture this Aoun.

He didn't even have a chance to line up with the second tower, or stand guard in the autistic grass, and once again pushed down the second tower on the road alone.

And looking at this kind of Lucian, which of the Nakano and the Wild dare to come on the road?

Then this Aoun couldn't stay under the second tower anymore, and he was about to close himself under the highland tower.

Seeing this situation, Xiaotian on the opposite side had no choice but to transfer the bottom duo to the top lane to guard the high ground line, and let Aoun go to the bottom lane to develop.

However, Chen Mu's Lucian followed Aoun in the bottom lane. He had already pushed to the high ground on the top lane, and the two people on the opposite side were guarding, so they might not be able to push off.

Simply, the Chinese team also switched lanes directly, the duo in the bottom lane went to the middle lane to push the tower, and the vampire in the middle lane went to the top lane to lead the line.

And let Chen Mu's Lu Xian continue to bully Ao En.

The top laner Evi on the opposite side watched Lucian, who followed him like a shadow, and was on the verge of crying. He was no longer unconvinced before the start of the game.

But there is no way.

But at this moment, this Aoun still wants to guard the line under the tower, he is still not aware of his current situation.

The equipment gap between the two sides was too great. Lucian rushed up with a set of skills and drained more than half of his blood, and then went straight down the tower and swept Ornn to death.

Aoun was killed again, and Lucian was already 5-0.

After taking this head, Lucian took another tower alone.

Now the economic curves of Lucian and Ornn began to widen with a very exaggerated gap.

After returning to the city again, Lucian had already pulled out the ruins.

Lucian, who was ruined and sucked the blue knife in his hand, came to the bottom lane again by himself.

Directly entered the opposite wild area, and began to swipe the wild unscrupulously.

In the past, Chen Mu was followed by a spicy pot, but now he is alone.

But even so, there was nothing the other side could do about this Lucian.

In less than 20 minutes, Lucian was already covered in dilapidated blue-blade attack speed shoes.

During this period of time, this equipment is only a set for the C position, but there is already an extra piece of equipment on the opposite side, how to fight? !

Looking at Ao En who was already worthless, Chen Mu's Lucian also let him go.

But since Aoun was released, his other teammates must suffer.

After clearing the wild area, Lucian came to the middle lane to take a look.

Seeing the mid-field combination on the opposite side, Yasuo and the blind monk were selected, and Yasuo is happy in the middle of the E-pawn!
Just relying on you, you dare to choose Yasuo, do you still want to be happy? !
Scholars can bear it, what can't bear it.

Chen Mu and Lu Xi'an got out of the grass without saying a word.

Next to Meiko's Titan, Wei Wei provided a control, QA followed by R, and Yasuo was pushed up.

Leave the rest to Chen Mu.

I saw Lucian go directly to E to tap, run down to take a breath, W to tap Q to tap, and finally made a big move, beep beep beep, sweeping Yasuo to death in an instant.

Even before Yasuo landed and the wind wall opened, he was killed!
In this game, you are not allowed to be happy, but only to be miserable!

25 minutes.

Chen Mu is already 8-0, from the top lane to the bottom lane.

The supplementary knife came to an exaggerated 290 knives, and it was about to go to 300 knives.

Not only Cheng on the opposite side, but also the wild area of ​​his own spicy pot, all of them were swept away.

It's really killing people and making up swords!
But the equipment is also very exaggerated.

Dilapidated, blue-sucking knife plus endless, violent three-piece suit, Lucian's most exaggerated and most explosive core equipment.

After sweeping the wild area again, Lucian had another rapid-fire cannon on his body, and he also brought a piece of mercury.

It's close to being divine!
At this time, the other teammates of the Chinese representative team did not intend to procrastinate any longer, and there was no point in continuing to play.

So they began to gather at the big dragon, planning to take down the big dragon and end the game in one wave.

And Chen Mu didn't go to the Dalongkeng with the others, but took a look at the opposite side.

The five people from Little Days didn't intend to come to the Dragon Pit to struggle for a while, and directly huddled at the Highland Tower to guard the line.

They also knew that coming to the dragon pit was of no use at all, they couldn't grab the big dragon at all, and instead sent the group to be wiped out.

So Chen Mu said lightly:
"You fight dragons! I'll kill them all!"


"What's the meaning?!"

Several teammates have not sensed what Chen Mu meant.

But I saw Chen Mu's Lu Xi'an heading straight for the opposite highland from the middle road.

Lucian has always been criticized for being short-handed in the later stage, not enough output, and unable to hit the flesh.

But this kind of equipment that takes less than 10 minutes and is close to the six gods equipment, Lucian who is about to level [-] is a god!
On the other hand, Verus, who was guarding the line under the Highland Tower, watched Lucian coming alone, and shot an arrow at him.

But with this arrow, Chen Mu was not happy!

You are a bit too disrespectful to me, you are a Verus who doesn't have a two-piece suit, what do you mean by shooting me with an arrow?
So the next moment, the E skill rushed up, took a breath, and tapped twice.

Q skill, tap twice to trigger a critical strike, and an ADC so big will be completely killed in an instant.

Even the bull head next to him didn't react.

But when he reacted, Chen Mu had repositioned the attack target on him.

Lucian, with the red buff, tied A a few times, and with a crit, he tapped the bull's head to half blood.

At this time, in the small day team, the three people who guarded the line from the upper and lower highland towers realized that this Lucian is going to fight five!

So the blind monk, Yasuo and Aoun slowly gathered in the middle.

And seeing his teammates gather, the half-blooded Niutou turned around and directly wanted to start Lu Xian with WQ.

But the moment Niu Tou came over, Chen Mu handed over his flash.

Dodged the deadly Q skill of the bull head.

Chen Mu knew that the Q skill of Niu Tou could not be used, otherwise a series of subsequent skills would follow one after another, and even with mercury, there was no room for manipulation.

After Lucian avoided Niutou's second company, he continued to output Niutou.

At this time, the bull head was not much more resistant to beating than the ADC, and soon fell to the ground and died.

But the next moment.
The blind monk touched his eyes and flashed close to his face, and came to Lucian's side, and kicked Lucian with a dragon tail.

But the animation skills just came out, the blind monk's feet had just touched Lucian's body, and Yasuo hadn't had time to take the big move.

The button on Chen Mu's mercury was pressed, and the control was released.

Then the CD of the E skill continued to improve, opened again, and continued to light the blind monk.

The blind monk couldn't stand it either, and the violent output of the god costume Lucian, with a critical strike, took away the last trace of the blind monk's blood.

Now, only Yasuo and Ornn, who had just walked to the battlefield, were left.

But this time, Ornn's big move finally stood up to Chen Mu's Lucian.

And Yasuo finally took the big move smoothly.

However, after Yasuo landed, the damage of the two was not enough.

In more than 20 minutes, Yasuo only had an electric knife and a storm sword, and he didn't even make Endless.

Where can I kill Lucian who is about to reach level 18 in seconds?

After landing, Chen Mu's Lucian E skill CD improved again.

Q dot, E dot, A while walking
At the same time, he moved slightly, dodging Yasuo's face-to-face Q and steel flash.

Then the barrel of the gun was about to be stuffed into Yasuo's mouth, triggering a critical strike, killing Yasuo with a few shots.

Quadra kill!Four kills!

Chen Mu still wanted to chase this Ornn and get 5 kills.

But Aoun, who had been unable to keep up with him, turned around and walked away, seeing that he was unable to do anything.

And Evi's Ornn is also interesting, flashing back to his own spring directly, just not giving Chen Mu the 5 kills.

In desperation, Chen Mu had no choice.

At this time, Chen Mu's other teammates had just won the dragon.

Then a few people took the big dragon buff, and ended the opposite crystal base in a wave.

And Xiaotian didn't want to defend anymore, there was no point in playing this round, it was purely the background board on the opposite side, purely being beaten.

The Chinese team won the last game!

10 straight wins!

(End of this chapter)

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