LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 171 Happy hour after the qualifiers

Chapter 171 Happy hour after the qualifiers
After the Chinese team defeated the Japanese team.

This time, the qualifiers for the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition match successfully entered the final exhibition match with two BO1 rounds of ten games and a record of unbeaten victories.

Afterwards, Chen Mu continued to remain expressionless, picked up the jacket on the back, and walked to the opposite player's seat.

This time Chen Mu didn't even need to look at the final damage calculation panel, but he didn't, Uzi opened the calculation panel and glanced at it.

After the game ended in more than 20 minutes, Mala Xiangguo, Brother Zaozi and others were still confused.

Before they can make a move, the opponent has already fallen? !

Just like what Chen Mu said before the game, is it so fun to fight with long hands and short hands?

And Uzi saw that, sure enough, Chen Mu's Lu Xian accounted for more than 50% of the team's damage, which was a matchup that Uzi had never played before.

In the past, his ADC's damage output ratio was the best, but this time, looking at his ADC Kai'Sa's damage ratio, it is not as much as that of Malaxiangguojiu.

Seeing this, Brother Zaozi was a little skeptical about life.

Are you an ADC or am I an ADC?

I played Kai'Sa as an adc, and spent 20 minutes making up damage in the bottom lane. I haven't fought a wave of team battles yet, and the damage hasn't been dealt much, so the game is over.

Even Xiye was a little sluggish. He chose a vampire himself, which would be the team's later guarantee.

He also intends to show off his carry ability in the final round of the qualifiers and play a team battle with explosive damage.

But unexpectedly, in the past 20 minutes, my top laner has already gone to the opposite highland to fight five,
And the most important thing is that he won the battle, got a quadruple kill, fake 5 kills,

If it wasn't for the fact that Aoun, the opponent's top laner, didn't know how to play, he would really be pentakill!
Is this still the ghostly Chen Mu who was beaten 0-8 by the WE he led in the previous summer split?
In fact, in the ten rounds of the qualifiers, Xiye felt that he was a transparent person, and it was almost the same with him or without him.

The world is so crazy!

Even his own head coach, Abramovich, was in the waiting room, watching Lucian who single-handedly rushed to the opposite high ground on the screen.

It was also puzzling for a while.

Long hands beat short hands, everyone knows this truth!
But is the advantage really that exaggerated?

Go directly to the high ground alone in twenty minutes and hit five people on the opposite side? !
With the end of today's game, the discussion in the live broadcast room has just begun.

"Brother Holy Gun: Alright! I admit it's not me, I'm playing with snakes, Chen Mu is in C, I can't play this effect!"

"I'm sorry, ADC is on the road, are you so happy?! I'm going to drive one! (Funny) (Funny)"

"AD on the road station, parents on the road to see! (dog head) (dog head)"

"u1s1, Chen Mu's top laner Lu Xian is definitely a big killer. He really treats the little day on the opposite side as a piggy!"

"I have a hunch that Chen Mu is going to bring down the atmosphere of the entire alliance!"

"Little days have a bald head shaved again, you really deserve it, Chen Mu!"

"Is that you?! Leng Feng!"

"xswl, this attack is too heavy! Going directly to the opposite highland to kill randomly is too inappropriate for a small life!"

"Hee hee, good kill!"

And Miller wawa Guan Zeyuan and several people "broadcasted" with the mic, which was also unexpected for this last round.

Miller smiled and said: "I really didn't expect that in the last round of the qualifiers, Chen Mu would take out the top laner Lu Xian, and it was completely a massacre round!"

Wawa also said along the way: "Long hand beats short hand! We don't know how many cards Chen Mu still has!"

Guan Zeyuan said in a very troublesome way: "I declare that the current Chen Mu is the number one top laner in the world, and I don't accept any rebuttals!"

That night, in the Asian Games Village.

Chen Mu was leaning on the bed, holding a mobile phone in his hand, laughing silly all the time.

But the teammates and coaches next to him are very strange.

From the time he got on the bus back to the Asian Games Village, Chen Mu was holding a mobile phone and chatting non-stop.

What's wrong with Chen Mu? !

What about that cold Chen Mu during the game in the afternoon? !
Brother Zaozi glanced at it, what attracted Chen Mu? !
I'm so crazy!It turns out that Chen Mu was browsing the forum, post it!
It turned out that although there was no live broadcast or rebroadcast of the two-day game in China.

However, various game videos were circulated through various channels, which still caused an uproar.

Among them, Chen Mu was naturally the most discussed one.

Yesterday's game was very tense. Everyone rested early and didn't pay attention, but now that they are No.1 in the qualifiers, everyone is relieved.

So, Chen Mu finally had time today, and started to pay attention to domestic forums and post bars.

Now the posts about Chen Mu's performance have been directly massacred in major forums.

For example, one of the posts said, "How to view Chen Mu's true strength!"

Then two pictures were released under the post, one is Chen Mu's Lu Xian single-handedly, one person rushing to the opposite high ground to win a false pentakill, and the other picture is Chen Mu's 0-8 Klein in a death charge.

And the following replies are also very high.

"Chen Mu: Hehe, I usually laugh and laugh with you little Karami in the LPL division, you don't really think I'm a colored pencil!"

"No way?! No way?! No one really takes the regular season seriously?!"

"Let's put it this way, Chen Mu's solo kills in the past two days are more than some players' solo kills in their entire career!"

"Ten rounds, I didn't die once, you come to ask me what strength?! I just want to say, it's not so outrageous to insert a USB flash drive!"

"After the urine test, it was found that Chen Mu did not urinate, it was all stimulants (funny) (funny)!"

"I declare that Chen Mu is the number one top laner in the world, and I don't accept any refutation!"


Of course, it’s not just this one post, for example, there is also “How to evaluate this Chinese representative team?!”

"The most domestically produced! No rebuttals will be accepted!"

"Xi La laughed at me! Isn't Xi Ye a Ming bastard?! Isn't it the same with him or without him! It's better to let Xiaohu go!"

"Upstairs is really laughing! Xiye hit Faker, no C, but he didn't give it away, did he go up and do his filial piety?!"

"Let's forget about Xiaohu! After eating resources, he can't move. How many rounds of games have proved it!"

"Mala Xiangguo said that I have something to say, don't eat it, don't eat it, there are enough vampires on the road and ADC"

"This is the Trident team in my mind!"

"I really want to see this team go to the World Championship!"

"I feel that this team can be said to be the strongest in the world. Even SKT or Samsung in the unbeaten period are not opponents!"

"I feel two words removed! (funny) (funny)"

"It's true! Uzi who got the version bonus Kai'Sa EZ, Xiye who has never been cowardly in foreign wars, plus a cheat! No one can do it!"

"IG: Who said that I beat the representative team violently in the training match? It's a rumor! It's all a rumor!"

"TheShy: I finally know the reason why Chen Mu has always been on the bench since Chen Mu came!"

Of course, there is also a fishing post: "The game has been played for two days and ten rounds, who is the mvp in your mind?!"

"I suspect you're fishing! But I don't have any proof! (dog head) (dog head)"

"Although I'm a dog fan, I have to admit that Chen Mu is too good!"

"Although I'm a black dog, so I have to brag about Chen Mu, it's too strong!"

"Needless to say, it must be the auxiliary mvp, the game cannot be started without him."

Still without concealment, he directly "praise" Chen Mu's post: "If Chen Mu leads the team to win the gold medal in this Asian Games exhibition match, what is their status in the LPL division?!"

"Let's put it this way, in the past few months, Gouzi and the factory manager have been able to do things that they couldn't do in their entire careers."

"In just three or four months, MSI mid-season champion mvp, intercontinental champion mvp, this Asian Games exhibition match is probably also mvp, can you find it in the league?!"

"If IG wins the championship again in the World Championship this year, I can't imagine it!"

"I don't know if it's No.1 in the league! But it's definitely the number one top laner!"

"I remembered Chen Mu's words again, I will use my strength to prove who is the number one top laner! (Funny) (Funny)"

"Did everyone forget?! In the MSI mid-season, Chen Mu made his mid laner debut! (Slanted face) (Slanted face)"

Looking at these posts, Chen Mu fell into a deep sleep in joy and "narcissism".

In the early morning of the next day, it was still just dawn, and everyone started to get up and wash, and started today's new game.

Although the Chinese representative team passed the qualifiers with a complete victory yesterday, it does not mean that there will be no competition today.

The qualifiers are just the beginning, and today will be the main course.

But after entering the exhibition match, it is different from the previous qualifiers, the amount of exposure is completely different.

Unlike the previous qualifiers, several games were played at the same time.

After entering the exhibition game, the main stage and the sub-stage are arranged, and only two games will be arranged in one round.

Even in today's game, professional commentators were arranged to explain the game, but they were all in English.

Now a total of 8 teams have entered the final exhibition match.

There are 8 teams from China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan and Pakistan.

Regardless of winning or losing, these 8 teams will have a ranking anyway.

It can also be called the top 8! !
Although the name of the top 8 is a very ironic name in China.

The Asian Games LOL exhibition event is divided into group matches, semi-finals and finals.

The group stage is divided into two groups, A and B, and adopts a double-round BO1 competition system.

The semi-finals adopt the BO3 competition system, and the finals adopt the BO5 competition system.

However, the stronger the Chinese team is, the weaker the group it gets.

Look at China in Group A, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan.

For the Chinese team, the group of the Chinese representative team is a bit like a friendly match.

For these few teams, Chen Mu and others were too embarrassed to deal ruthlessly.

After all, they are all international friends.

In Chinese table tennis competitions, no matter how weak the opponent is, they will not shave their heads, at least give them a ball or two.

Competition second, friendship first.

Same thing now.

A group of gold, platinum, and even silver players traveled thousands of miles to Jakarta.

Everyone gathered together to enjoy this grand event for League of Legends.

It's not kind of you to send someone back with a shaved head.

Let's look at the teams in Group B, except for one from Indonesia.

Vietnam, the Chinese Taiwan team, and the South Korean team can all have a chance to win the game in a BO1.

Compared with group A next door, it is a bit like a death group.

The Chinese team played against Kazakhstan in the first group match.

The Chinese team played against the Kazakhstan team in the first match. They were unable to hold back for a while, and were still immersed in the tense confrontation with South Korea and other teams.

In the end, with a head gap of 30:3, it took 17 minutes to flatten the opponent's high ground. The mercury-like offensive made the Kazakhstan team helpless, and the scene was like a man-machine game.

If it weren't for the consideration of the friendship between China and Kazakhstan, Chen Mu took the lead and gave away three heads with his clumsy acting skills.

They may not get a single head.

But this is also a hard power gap.

The Kakakhstan team doesn't even have their own server, they are playing on the Russian server,
The player's rank is only platinum, and some players can't even reach the platinum rank.

Maybe, if you lift coach Abu up there, you can kill them randomly.

In the following games, the Chinese representative team also knew that the first game was too hard, so the next game was a happy game.

He even lifted the substitute Xiao Ming up and experienced a few games.

Even, when playing against the Pakistan team, it was for the everlasting friendship between China and Pakistan.

Brother Zaozi was also itchy for a while, and took out his unique hero, Yasuo!
And sure enough, Brother Zaozi took out Yasuo.

Was single-killed by the opponent directly online!

Against the Saudi Arabian team, Uzi once again had an online solo kill. Although the Sand Arabian game was lost in the end, it was extremely joyful.

Saudi players will leave their careers after losing the game and inherit tens of billions of property.

Maybe I will drive the Maserati that my friend bet on me, and I will show it off when I go out and see people. I am comfortable. I killed Uzi alone, the world's number one ADC!

Compared with the friendly match in Group A of the Chinese team.

The Korean representative team in Group B seems to be a bit lacklustre, but it is also a real show.

In one game, the South Korean team directly organized an SKT skin show.

Top laner weapon, wild blind man, mid laner Syndra, adc Jhin, and support Zyra.

What I used was SKT's skin.

But the key point is that Faker was single-killed several times by the opposing mid laner Riven in the middle.

Another South Korean team staged another Samsung skin show.

Top laner Gnar, jungle rock sparrow, mid laner prince, adc Xia, support Luo.

I used the skin of last year's champion Samsung Geng.

In this Faker laning, he was single-killed by Carter on the opposite side.

After the final group stage.

In Group A, of course, the Chinese representative team won without any suspense, and the other team that advanced was the Saudi Arabian team.

In Group B, the South Korean representative team and the Chinese Taiwan team were more skilled and entered the semi-finals.

After grouping.

The semi-final matchup table is No.1 in the group and No.2 in the other group.

That is, the Chinese representative team vs. the Chinese Taiwan team.

South Korea vs. Saudi Arabia.

This is the highlight of this exhibition game.

The winner will enter the final round, and the loser will enter the third place competition.

But in e-sports, even the runner-up is just a foil, let alone the third runner-up!
(End of this chapter)

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