LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 172 If you dare to let go, I will dare to choose

Chapter 172 If you dare to let go, I will dare to choose

8 month 28 day.

Today is the day for the semi-final between the Chinese representative team and the Chinese Taiwan representative team.

In the group stage, the Chinese representative team drew a good lottery and was assigned to Group A, all of which were international friends.

So the Chinese team just played a few friendly matches, and generally speaking, it was relatively relaxed and freehand.

But the Chinese Taiwan team is different.

The hardest thing to play was the qualifiers in the East Asian Division. The two rounds of BO1 were lost to the Chinese team and the South Korean team.

The "decisive battle" with the Hong Kong team of China was bumpy. After defeating the Hong Kong team with difficulty, it finally entered the official exhibition match.

But it was assigned to a death group.

Not to mention the South Korean team in the group, their status is not something they can shake.

And there is also a Vietnamese team that is good at organizing, engaging in black technology, and can create miracles in BO1. They also almost overturned.

Now, after overcoming countless difficulties and obstacles, they reached the semi-finals, and met the "big devil" Chinese team again.

That's right, the current Chinese representative team is the "big devil" in the eyes of other teams.

The semi-finals adopt the BO3 format, with two wins in three games.

In the first game, the Chinese team was on the blue side, while the Chinese Taiwan team was on the red side.

With the start of bp, the coach of the Chinese Taiwan team was a little bit crazy.

There is no way to start!

So far on the road, Chen Mu has already pulled out about ten heroes.

Every one is like a burst of performance, and it is impossible to target at all.

What's more, there is a Uzi in the bottom lane.

Originally, we needed to put all our energy on Uzi, but now there is an even more terrifying Chen Mu.

The ban position is simply not enough!

And what's even more exaggerated is that the Chinese representative team obviously paid a lot of attention to entering the semi-finals.

Immediately the first ban will ban maple's special skill, Zoe.

Then continue to ban Luo and Scorpion, two versions of OP heroes.

And it was the turn of the Chinese Taiwan team bp.

First of all, Chen Mu's Akali cannot be released.

Now the coaches of all the teams have realized that this version of Akali is also a supermodel.

From the mechanism to the value, it is supermodel.And you can walk, you can also walk.

Afterwards, the war horse banned Xiye's Galio, and Mala Xiangguo's blind monk.

Now all the teams have also discovered that the Chinese team cannot get the blind monk and Galio.

The Chinese team already has Chen Mu, who is invincible in the top lane, and let Mala Xiangguo and Xiye get Blind Sin and Galio, heroes who can be strong and paced.

As a result, the entire first half of the field was directly destroyed!

But in this way, Brother Zaozi's Kai'Sa, and heroes such as Sword Demon were released.

As for the Chinese team, since you released it, of course I will choose.

Simply the first two hands directly determined.

Kai'Sa and Sword Demon.

But Abu and Chen Mu knew it well, since they dared to release the Sword Demon, they must have prepared for it.

Either he found a hero who could counter Sword Demon, or he was ready to withstand the pressure.

However, there are only a few heroes who can counter Sword Demon, and I just don't know if the opponent dares to choose it.

And as expected, a hero was locked on the opposite top laner, the vampire.

In fact, vampire fighting sword demon is not a complete counter.

Vampires fight Sword Demon, you need to pay attention to pull, don't be hit by Sword Demon's Q skill continuously.

Even if the vampire is hit by the sword demon's W skill demon chain, he can quickly make a phase rush to escape the control of W, or directly avoid the W blood pool.

Moreover, vampires fight sword demons, and there are also various outfits when they go out. If you are more confident, Dolan Shield is a hit.

After all, Sword Demon is a melee fighter. If the vampire is confident, he can also use AQA to consume it online.

If you are not confident, you will be four red in shoes or four red in cloth armor, and the main thing is to be beaten.

In this case, on the vampire line, the main focus is on development and supplementing, and it can be consumed when it can be consumed.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the most important thing for vampires to fight sword demons is to test the control of distance.

As long as you don't get blood from Sword Demon's three-stage Q frequently, vampires can still develop.

Especially when the vampire level up, after reaching level 9, after all the Q skills are full, you can touch it.

On OPGG, vampires have a high winning rate against Sword Demon.

In the end, the lineup of both sides was determined.

China Team vs China Taiwan Team

Top order: Sword Demon vs Vampire

Jungle: Barrel vs Olaf

Mid laner: Rock Sparrow vs Malzaha
ADC: Kai'Sa vs Ezreal
Support: Titans vs Karma

With the start of the line.

On the opposite side of the top laner PK, the vampire's talent rune really carries phase rush.

I chose the shoes Sihong for the outing outfit. The shoes increase the movement speed and can better avoid the skills of the sword demon. Sihong mainly focuses on an anti-beating line.

In the face of the steadily developing vampire, Chen Mu's sword demon had no way to do it for a while.

Although there is also an exchange of blood consumption, but it still can't reach the killing line.

The vampire scorpion went out with four reds, and the green light on his body never stopped.

However, Chen Mu's Sword Demon seized the opportunity and consumed a set at the third level, reducing the blood volume of the vampire to half.

And the PK vampire also quickly played an AQE, playing the burst speed effect of the phase rush, and opened the distance from the Sword Demon.

After this exchange of blood, the vampire completely lost the line right, and shrank under the tower, waiting for the sword demon to push the line over.
But at this time, the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo hadn't even finished hunting the river crabs, and saw that his sword demon already had the right to line.

The vampire on the opposite side had already consumed half of his blood, and was standing under the tower knocking on a blood bottle to recover his blood, so he subconsciously asked:
"Chen Mu, can I go straight up this wave?"

Originally, Mala Xiangguo was just asking casually, after all, vampires have the W skill blood pool and flash.

The blood volume is still half blood, not so good!

But getting used to it, Mala Xiangguo still asked casually.

But Chen Mu did say seriously:
"Okay, you can try it!"

"But the flash and W skills on the opposite side are all there, let's adapt to the situation!"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Mala Xiangguo was stunned for a moment, subconsciously regretting it.

Looking at the red and blue buffs under his feet, the two circles will not be given to the opposite vampire!
But the words he said must not be swallowed back, and Mala Xiangguo still walked up the road with a wine barrel in his arms.

At this time, the vampire who was mending the sword under the tower was still concentrating on mending the tower knife.

This is his main source of income.

But PK looked at his vampire's flash and blood pool.

Feeling slightly relieved, with these two skills, the opposite side should not be able to cross the tower, right? !
But he didn't notice the outside of the wall at all, standing a wine barrel with its belly up.

I saw the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo standing on the outside of the wall, blocking his vision, and then took a sip of the old wine of happy hour directly with the W skill.

Seeing the timing, the partition wall E flashed into the vampire who was eating soldiers under the tower.

Followed by a set of light speed combos!
E flash WAQ.

After finishing a set of combos, Mala Xiangguo immediately pulled the barrel to the edge of the defensive tower, carried the tower,

Then he withdrew immediately.

Leave the rest to Chen Mu's Sword Demon.

Due to the E flash of the wine barrel, the speed is still fast, and ordinary players cannot react suddenly.

But the vampire on the opposite side also didn't react, he didn't hand over his W skill blood pool in time, and forcibly ate the small combo of wine barrel.

In fact, the burst damage of the wine barrel is still quite high. The vampire who was originally at half blood was knocking on the blood bottle and was recovering blood. After eating this set of skills, it instantly dropped to less than 1/3 of the blood.

I saw Chen Mu's sword demon, after seeing the wine barrel E flashing a set of skills, he went straight into the tower.

Now the sword demon has not attacked the vampire, so it has not caused the attack of the defense tower.

The sword demon approached the vampire, but did not start to make a move, but pressed forward.

And sure enough, on the opposite side, the vampire ate the wine barrel's combo, and his blood volume had reached the sword demon's killing line. He saw the sword demon pressing forward and came to the vampire.

The giant sword of the sword demon has been raised high.
In a panic, PK immediately surrendered his W skill blood pool and retreated back.

But Sword Demon's flat A did not fall on the vampire, but on the soldier next to him.

Wait until the vampire rises from the pool of blood.

I saw the first Q of Chen Mu's sword demon, pressing up precisely, and hit the vampire who had just recovered from the blood pool.

A brief knock-up, followed by a W skill chain of evil fire, continued to lock the vampire.

Immediately after the long sword edge, a flat A stabs out, and then the second Q smashes down.

In an instant, the blood volume of the vampire had bottomed out, a state of empty blood.

However, the top lane vampire on the opposite side didn't sit still. In such a tense moment, his adrenaline was also soaring.

"I still have a flash, I can still operate it, my next red anger Q will be ready soon!"

"As long as Hong Nu Q takes a breath, the Sword Demon will no longer be able to kill himself, and it is very likely that he will dash forward while playing the phase, and be able to counter-kill the Sword Demon!"

"The opportunity to make a name for yourself has come!"

"Whether you can grasp it depends on this wave."

PK kept cheering himself up and brainwashing himself!
Afterwards, PK pressed his finger on his own flash,
Soon Sword Demon's third Q, jumped up high, and was about to smash down.

The vampire immediately flashed golden light, and flashed backwards.

Looking at the vampire that has flashed out, and the red anger Q that has been converted from CD.

The Taiwan team's top laner PK, the smile has gradually appeared, and the corners of the mouth have begun to split.

But at the same time, there was a cold smile on the corner of Chen Mu's mouth.

The finger on the keyboard is also a light tap.

On the screen, another golden light flashed,
Chen Mu's sword demon also followed the flash.

At the same time, the third segment Q was smashed down hard.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, flying stones scattered in all directions.

It also took away the last trace of blood from the vampire.

And after Chen Mu's sword demon Q flash and flash cut off the head of the vampire.

The top laner PK on the opposite side was a little frustrated, but he also let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the man opposite was still so strong.

As expected, I was thinking too much, and wanting to control the anti-killing Sword Demon was nothing but wishful thinking.

After PK smiled wryly, looking at the revived vampire, after updating the equipment, he did not choose to send TP to go online, but walked back to the line directly.

Now after researching all the teams, the analysts of the major professional clubs have found that as long as Chen Mu hits a solo kill on the top lane, he gets a TP difference.

Afterwards, there must be a wave of bot lane four over two, or even five over two, so as to snowball, roll out the economy, and radiate the advantage of the top lane to the whole team.

For this reason, PK vampires, even if they lose a little line, dare not teleport to the line, so they can only move forward on foot.

But fortunately, vampires go out with shoes at the first level, and their movement speed is fast enough, so walking on the line will not delay a few soldiers.

But the vampire didn't choose TP to teleport online, saving a TP, which gave his bot duo a sense of security.

But he himself had a problem.

That is, how to deal with the bad pawn line on the top road? !
When the vampire returned to the line, it happened to form a wave of pushing back.

And you vampires don't use TP, but Chen Mu's Sword Demon uses the TP loop.

The first time Sword Demon came back to the line, he relied on his body to push the line of soldiers outside the defensive tower, and did not allow the line of soldiers to enter the tower until his own line of soldiers rushed to the line.

This time, PK felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Now his vampire was in a dilemma.

The line of soldiers was maintained in front of the defensive tower on the opposite side, and even a vampire didn't dare to go forward to make up the knife with confidence.

This position is too easy to be caught, and his own vampire has not yet flashed.

But soon, PK still found that he had underestimated the suppressing power of Chen Mu Sword Demon.

The sword demon who has gained the advantage is getting stronger and stronger.

Even after the skill CD improved, he directly crossed the pawn line and suppressed the vampire's last knife.

If the vampire wants to go forward to make up the knife, what awaits him must be a set of unexplained combos by the sword demon.

Even if the three Q skills are not all hits, vampires can't bear it.

This wave of soldiers will make the vampire card want to die!
Wait until after the sixth level.

The jungler of the Chinese Taiwan team was speechless when he saw the situation on the road.

Originally I wanted to choose a counter position on the road, but instead I chose a counter position.

But in fact, he didn't want to go on the road in his heart.

Now the combat effectiveness of the Ueno on both sides is too far apart.

But if there is no one to help, this vampire is also useless.

A vampire who can't develop, still count on his late team battle? !
But, can you really watch the vampire collapse? !

After reaching level 6, Olaf decisively came to the top lane to help the vampire push the line and relieve the pressure.

But as soon as Baybay's Olaf showed up on the top lane, Malaxiangguo's wine barrel made a move on the bottom lane.

After seeing the wine barrel outflanking, Meiko's Titan first hooked from a tricky angle, forcing out the E skill of the little yellow-haired EZ.

And the spicy hot pot is also daring to operate, not afraid of taking the blame.

The E skill directly shortened the distance, and then predicted the flash position of the EZ little yellow hair, and threw his own big move to blast the barrel.

Blow back Ezreal who flashed backwards.

Then cooperate with Titan's flash to pacify A, and Kai'Sa's follow-up output, and take away Ezreal's head.

The vampire and Olaf on the road finally pushed the line forward.

But PK looked at the TP transmission in his hand and shed tears of regret.
The sword demon on the opposite side went directly to the TP line, but he saved a teleportation for nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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