LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 177 Level 4 vs Level 6? !

Chapter 177 Level [-] vs Level [-]? !

As Chen Mu's Ruiwen seized the opportunity, a set of unexplained combos took away the opposing top laner captain.

But the wild wine barrel of the Chinese Taiwan team is still not evil!

Looking at the bloody Ruiwen, he still thought that this was his chance.

But stuck on the limit edge of the defense tower, Chen Mu's Ruiwen set up a lightning-fast QA combo, instantly hitting the wine barrel to the brim.

At this time, Baybay, the jungler of the Chinese Taiwan team, also panicked.

Raven with residual blood, that can already see the blood strip of blood skin.
Like a residual candle fluttering in the wind, it could be extinguished at any time, even if the barrel was leveled, Raven could die at any time.

But like a sheepskin raft on the Yellow River, no matter how strong the wind and waves are, it cannot be extinguished or overturned.


The female voice with unyielding will pierced the sky of Summoner Canyon and resounded throughout the sky!

Raven swung his long sword!
Gale Slash is thrown out!
A light green sword energy precisely hit the wine barrel without any skills.

And the latter immediately fell to the ground and died!

Triumph recovered blood, and withstood the damage of a Q skill barrel thrown by the wine barrel before he died.

Raven is alive!

More than 6 minutes.

Raven, who didn't have any kills before, suddenly launched an attack.

Alone on the road, killing two enemy Uenos in a row!

The record came to 2-0!

The broken sword has been reforged, and the knight is returning! !

As for Chen Mu's sudden outburst, even the audience in each live broadcast room didn't react.

When everyone came back to their senses, all the live broadcast rooms were once again flooded with barrage.


"Handsome, handsome, handsome, handsome!"

"Here we come, here we come! A single kill who arrived late!"

"When the sword is lit, it's murder! Or if you kill two people in a row, who can stand it?!"

"I'm dying of laughter, the classic fourth level beats the sixth level?!"

"Level [-] Pan Sen fights Mantis [-]?! The birth of the scold-backed pomelo!"

"Where is the idiot who said that Chen Murui was not good at writing? Come out and talk!"

"PK: I knew this was the result, wild father, I beg you, don't come, don't make the game more difficult for me!"

"What a fast sword!"

"Fuck me, Chen Mu's Ruiwen really slapped me in the face at the speed of light QA!"

"The speed is too fast! How did you make consecutive moves? Come out and say something!"

"A Q skill is stuck in the grass of Raven, and the captain is taken away directly, even handing it over in a flash will not work!"

"Awesome! Brother!"


Even Black and White Ruiwen's live broadcast room, Black and White couldn't help but praise:

"I didn't see anything before, but in these two waves, Chen Mu's Ruiwen is indeed very strong! Absolutely Raven's unique skills!"

"Not only is the QA speed fast, Raven's skills and even the order of the moves are not wrong at all. When and what skills should be used are exactly the same, and the thinking is too clear!"

"I usually play Raven as the main player. Although the hero's QA speed is very important, the most important thing for Raven is the connection of skills!"

"Among this set of skills, there is no sluggishness at all. It doesn't give the opposite wine barrel any room to operate, and it can be instantly killed. It's amazing!"

Black and White Raven paused and continued:
"But I think the most eye-catching thing is that just now in the grass, Raven got stuck on the CD of the Q skill and solo killed the opposite captain!"

"Actually, the top lane captain on the opposite side has already played very wretchedly. After the first wave of blood changes, he has been very careful in his positioning, keeping a safe distance from Raven, and putting a bucket in front of him to protect himself. All It’s all done right.”

"But Raven, suddenly flashed up from the grass, E flashed WAQ"

"If the captain can't release the orange immediately and flash out, it will be a deadly situation!"

"However, this is also the embarrassment of Raven now. Who in the current top laner has no experience against Raven?!"

"If you card the CD of the Q skill in front of others, everyone will know that you have bad intentions!"

"As for Chen Mu's move, the grass stuck Q, and suddenly E flashed W, it was too sudden!"

"Chen Mu's Raven is very strong!!"

After Chen Mu's Ruiwen counter-killed the wine barrel, although another wave of soldiers pushed over.

But Chen Mu didn't greed a single soldier, he went straight into the grass, interrupted the hatred of the soldiers, and returned to the city with the B key.

It took a lot of time to push the pawn line and kill the wine barrel just now.

It is estimated that the captain is already on his way, and this wave of troops can no longer be pushed in.

There is no need to fight three lives with one life!

And sure enough, at the last second when Chen Muruiwen was hiding in the grass and returning to the city, the captain on the opposite side arrived at the defensive tower on the road belatedly.

But PK knew that Chen Mu's Ruiwen was returning to the city in the grass, so he didn't bother him.

It doesn't make sense anymore.

Now that Raven's skill CD has improved again, the captain doesn't have any retention or unique skills, so he can't kill Raven at all.

With this time, it is better to eat two more soldiers!

At the same time, the players' seats of the Chinese representative team.

"Nice! Nice! Brother Mu! Awesome!"

Xiye has completely turned into a Ness-type mid laner. He doesn't need his mid laner to perform at all. He can play at most one Galio, use his big move, and hit control, and that's it!

"Don't kill it! Don't kill it! Leave two for me! Where's my c's for the agreed one?!"

Brother Zaozi, who was still making up the knife steadily on the bottom road, saw that it had been 6 minutes, and the top road was still calm.

I was still thinking, it should be my turn to play this round!
But I didn't expect that after just one or two minutes, the opponent's lane was directly blasted through.

And Mala Xiangguo shouted excitedly:

"Awesome! Awesome, Chen Mu is number one in the world!!"

"This wine barrel is not a human being, arrest me, Brother Mu, right?"

"I'll be on my way right away, arrange for this captain!"

"I like to play the captain, I like to develop, right!!"

As for the players' seats in Taiwan, China, the atmosphere was a bit off.

The captain of the PK was originally solo killed online, which is already a big disadvantage.

But the wild wine barrel came to the road again to give away one, which made the situation worse.

At this time, the jungler baybay was very annoyed and said:
"Hey, I'm on the top too. I know he has big moves and skills, so I shouldn't fight to the end when I get out of the tower."

But baybay said it all, but seeing that Ruiwen's blood volume is so crippled, it only needs to draw A again, and Ruiwen will die. Who can bear it?
Seeing that his jungler has already apologized first, what else can PK say? !
With tears in his eyes, he could only spit out two words: "It's okay!"

Then another sentence:

"Battle, you go and help other roads!"

"Let's go, let me be wretched!"

But after Raven has already got two heads, how can the captain be so wretched!
After Chen Mu's Rui Wen returned home, he had already produced three small long swords.

Now I have found it directly, providing the armor-piercing sawtooth dagger and the CD-reducing Caulfield's warhammer.

Plus a bottle of red medicine, plus a real eye to go out.

After coming to the line, Chen Mu first cautiously inserted his real eyes into the grass in the river, and then continued to line up with the captain.

But at this time, the barrels of the wild baybay no longer dare to come.

Originally at the fourth level, he thought that he would be able to catch a wave of residual blood of Ruiwen on the road.

But he didn't expect to be killed by Raven's blood, which has already increased the difficulty of the game for his own top laner.

Moreover, Mala Xiangguo took advantage of the wine barrel to show up on the road, and directly swept away his second half of the field

The level of his wine barrel is now far behind that of the blind monk in the spicy pot.

Blind boy is almost at level six, but his wine barrel is just at level five.

Chen Mu pushed the pawn line under the opponent's captain's tower before, so now the pawn line is pushed back to Chen Mu's side.

But once again in the lane, the captain wants to take the knife again, but it is not easy!
While making up the knife, Chen Mu moved forward frequently, putting pressure on the captain.

There is no way to PK, dare not go up to make up the knife, if you have QE skills, use the skill to make up the knife, if it is really impossible, you can only stand far away to gain experience.

The game lasted for more than 8 minutes.

Chen Mu's Raven has reached level 8, while the captain on the opposite side has just reached level 7.

At this time, Mala Xiangguo did what it said, and had already circled to the upper half of the field opposite, ready to stand by.

Chen Mu opened the game panel and glanced at the captain's equipment. There was no life-saving equipment such as a stopwatch.

The next moment, Rui Wen, who was still controlling the line of soldiers and tormenting the captain, directly QA released his skills and began to push the line.

And the PK on the opposite side is also a professional player, and I saw that Raven on the opposite side has a good wire control.

All of a sudden, there was a quick line push.

Suddenly, a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

Immediately glanced at the mini-map.

The opposite mid laner Galio is still in the middle, which is good news.

But the jungle blind monk on the opposite side has not appeared in sight for a long time!
His own wine barrel was also wandering in the upper half of the river, so he called directly.

"Wine barrel, can you come up?! The other side is going to overtake my tower!"

"Hurry up!!!"

Three fast words, one sound more urgent.

At the same time, PK gritted his teeth and became cruel.

Facing the pawn line that was about to enter the tower directly, it was directly blocked with a big move.

After baybay heard the call from the captain of his own team, he also rushed to the road without stopping.

This wave can help the captain squat back, and maybe relieve his inner guilt!
But Baybay's gaze screen has been paying attention to the situation on the road, but he didn't notice at all that his position has been clearly seen in the grass in the river just passing by.

At this time, he had already circled to the blind monk in the triangular grass behind the defense tower on the opposite road,
At a glance, the wine barrel has also moved up the road.

And this captain actually directly recruited Qing soldiers, and now there are no small soldiers entering the tower!

But at this time, the spicy hot pot sneered.

"Get ready, get ready!"

"Come on, I'll kick him out of the tower!"

Afterwards, the blind man of Mala Xiangguo moved
A real eye suddenly landed in the opposite defensive tower.

Afterwards, the blind monk touched his eyes at the speed of light and came to the tower.
Without the small soldiers to resist the tower, the blind monk was immediately attacked by the defensive tower, but the spicy hotpot couldn't control that much.

Then the blind monk flashed immediately, adjusted his position and distance, and came behind the captain.

"One library!"

Blind boy kicked out, directly kicking the captain out of the tower.

Afterwards, the blind monk also immediately picked up Q Tianyinbo.


Following the kicked captain, the blind monk also came to the edge of the defense tower.

And the captain of PK, also immediately oranges, released the blind monk's control, and at the same time desperately took blood drugs.

But he was already beside him, how could Raven miss this good opportunity.

There is no redundant operation.

At this time, Raven's ultimate move had been improved, and he shot directly at the speed of light.

Great sword in hand!

Draw your sword again!

The Goddess of War with a Broken Blade goes out again!

ERQW, press a set of combos instantly!
E skill plus a Q dance of broken wings to get close, and came to the side of the captain who had just lifted the dizziness.

W skill, soul-repressing roar!Step on the captain to stun him again.

While advancing from a long distance, he draws his sword and opens wide, without dragging his feet in the slightest!

Afterwards, one sword leveled A and cut down, and the second Q danced with broken wings, and continued to dance forward!
At this time, PK was obviously really panicked.

Although the captain, a hero, has a passive greed for money, if he is killed again, he really can't develop.

As for the captain who can't grow up, there is a high probability that he will go far in this round!
So out of nowhere, the captain had a Q skill, and wanted to detonate the explosive barrel under his feet, slow down Raven and the blind monk, and struggle again!
However, this kind of damage and deceleration is just a drop in the bucket!
Raven's three-stage Q had already followed a position ahead of time, and knocked the captain into the air.

Continue to keep up with Yijianping A!

The captain's blood volume has dropped to the brink!

At this time, Blind Boy, who had been cooperating with the output of the spicy pot, pressed the S button very sensiblely, and stopped attacking Ruiwen directly.

Raven threw out his ultimate move, Gale Slash!
Right on the captain!

The captain fell to the ground and died again!

As Chen Mu's Ruiwen killed the captain again, the record also came to 3-0!

But at this time, Baybay's wild wine barrel was long overdue.

He looked at the captain who had already fallen to the ground, and then looked at Ruiwen and the blind monk who were walking away on the opposite side.

Although his wine barrel is already level 6 and has a big move, but he has no intention of touching porcelain anymore!

Afterwards, the equipment was updated again, and after returning to the line, Chen Mu's Youmeng Spirit had already been made.

It seems that Chen Mu's Ruiwen is going to use a set of violent armor piercing.

At this time, the captain, who was supposed to be well-developed at this time, PK found that the current laning is the most difficult to fight.

Both experience and economic equipment were backward at the same time, and a captain had no room to fight back in the face of Ruiwen's advance and exchange of blood.

Now he wants to eat soldiers, and there is no way to use the Q skill to make up the knife.

Because you can use the Q skill to make up the knife, Chen Mu's Ruiwen will definitely come close to you.

Even if two of the three Q skills are used for displacement, as long as the last Q skill is knocked up, followed by the consumption of AWA, the captain's blood loss is a bit incomprehensible.

Under the crushing equipment level, the captain is a bit overwhelmed.

Now the captain can only use the distance of two consecutive barrels to make up for the sports car from time to time.

At this time, Chen Mu seemed to continue to torment the captain, neither pushing the line nor pushing the tower, just controlling the line!
Let PK almost vomit blood!
The game lasts 12 minutes.

Baybay, the jungler of the Chinese Taiwan team, looked helpless on the road.

I can only focus on the next road.

Baybay saw the blind monk in the spicy pot.It seems that he has regarded the road as his own home, wandering in the upper half of the field all the time.

Simply, take Malzaha directly and go straight to brother Zaozi who is down the road
(End of this chapter)

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