Chapter 178
Seeing that the situation on the road has become impossible, the Chinese Taiwan team also decisively gave up their own top laner captain.

Go and play by yourself!

The goal of the Chinese Taiwan team Nakano can only look at the bottom lane, the little yellow mao Ezreal who is frantically dancing his face.

Therefore, Maple, the mid laner of the Chinese Taiwan team, made a feint, directly in front of Galio on the line, and pressed the B button to return to the city.

Then he didn't return to the line, but lost a wave of troops for no reason, and rushed straight down, accompanied by his own wild wine barrel.

The two came aggressively, and it seemed that they planned to eat brother Zaozi's ez.

At this time, brother Zaozi's ez was still happily releasing skills, consuming the bull's head blood on the opposite side.

When Uzi saw the wine barrel and Malzahar coming straight towards him aggressively.

The next moment, brother Zaozi had an ominous premonition in his heart, without saying a word, he immediately handed over his E skill and ran back.

But originally you bullied the opponent's assistant Niutou, and you were happy to bully, but at this time, others are going to attack you!

I saw Snake's bull head flashing WQ Erlian, pushing towards Ezreal at an extreme distance.

But Uzi, who was already so nervous that he was concentrating, subconsciously handed over his own flash when he saw the bull's head heading straight for him.

However, Uzi's position is too deep, and there is no time to retreat under the defensive tower.

In fact, even if EZ withdrew to the defense tower, there was no way to face the four people who were about to kill EZ.

Malzaha of the mid laner Maple on the opposite side, seeing that the distance is almost the same, flashed forward directly, and the grip of Hades held EZ.

EZ without any skills immediately fell into a magical tidal flat.

And the wine barrel at the back also kept up with the control and output in time. The E skill bumped over and lifted Ezreal again, and then made a big move, exploding the barrel to finish, and dropped Uzi in seconds.

Even though Karma next to him had desperately raised the shield for Brother Zaozi, Uzi also handed over his healing immediately.

But still did not escape the fate of being killed.

But at the moment
At some point, Chen Mu's Ruiwen, who was on the road, had found a safe place and pressed his TP to send.

A dark purple light lit up in Summoner's Canyon!
The landing point of TP is where the two sides originally fought the minions.

This position did cut off the escape route of the wine barrel and Malzahar, but at the same time, Raven himself fell into the siege of the four people on the opposite side alone.

At this time, Uzi's EZ has been blocked, even if Chen Mu's Ruiwen is sent down, it seems that he can't fight back.

Seeing that Ruiwen's TP was already on, several of Chen Mu's teammates also shouted:

"Withdraw! Withdraw! I can't fight! I can't fight!" Meiko shouted excitedly when he saw that his top laner's TP position was not good, and he was in the encirclement on the opposite side.

"Don't TP! Cancel TP! This wave is mine, I shouldn't be pressing the line!"

Brother Zaozi also dissuaded Chen Mu, just now how cool EZ's face jumping was, how weak his tone is now!
Even Xiye, who had originally miscalculated Malzaha's return to the city, realized that the situation was wrong, and his Galio rushed down the road to lean in.But on the way, he saw that his ADC had been killed, but Chen Mu's Ruiwen TP was still on, and he also persuaded:

"Brother Mu! Forget it! In your position, I can't beat you with my big move, and you will definitely be wiped out by the group!"

Faced with doubts and dissuasion from several teammates
Without any hesitation, Chen Mu still uttered two words in a very firm tone.

"Can fight!"

Hearing Chen Mu's cold and ruthless voice, the originally noisy voice of several teammates disappeared instantly, and fell into a burst of silence!
Seemingly simple two words possess supreme magic power.

Even if your own ADC dies first
But as long as the Goddess of War holding the broken blade is still there, she will definitely be able to turn against the wind and change her life against the sky!

Xi Ye first said: "I'm already in position, I can follow the big move!"

Meiko followed up and said, "My skill CD is almost ready, I can pull it off!"

Even Mala Xiangguo, who was still in the upper half of the field, said: "I'm rushing down the road, but it may be too late!"

But Chen Mu hurriedly said to him: "Don't come, you can take the Canyon Pioneer first!"

"Leave it to me!"

next moment.
Chen Mu's Ruiwen has landed!
At the moment of landing.

Raven's long sword has already been shot, and it swells and becomes huge in an instant.

The goal went straight to the opposite mid laner Maple's Malzaha.

There is no superfluous action.

Ghost of Youmeng, open the ghost knife!

Under the acceleration, a dance of Q broken wings and E skill to get close, he came to Malzaha's side in an instant.

Then the W skill Roar of Requiem, stepped on Malzahar and the wine barrel next to him.

The four people on the opposite side had no control skills that could stop Chen Mu's Raven output.

And just now Malzaha flashed how handsome Dingez is, how embarrassed he is now!
Raven immediately started his light speed QA combo, hitting a wave of small AOE in the crowd
Then, a dark green sword qi was thrown towards everyone, causing a wave of AOE.

Maple's Malzahar was melted directly, within seconds!
But at this time, the output of the other three people also caused Raven to drop to half health.

But Meiko's shield was ready, and he gave Chen Mu's Ruiwen an acceleration shield in time, and Ruiwen retreated back, and began to pull with the remaining three people on the opposite side.

At this time, Xiye's Galio also took off with his big move, and is about to debut!
The top laner captain of the Chinese Taiwan team originally thought that the battle in the bottom lane would end quickly, and he didn't need himself at all.

But I didn't expect that Ruiwen would dare to kill one person first, and TP went down the road.

But he still doesn't plan to TP. At this time, he can finally develop a wave in the top lane, so he just put a symbolic big move on the landing position of the bottom road Galio, thinking of getting an assist!
And sure enough, after Xiye Galio's ultimate move landed, he was out of touch with his teammates.

Meiko's Karma and Chen Mu's Ruiwen are still hanging not far away, pulling.

But he has already rushed into the crowd!
But Xiye was no little tiger.

I saw that Xiye Galio immediately activated his W skill Duran's shield, and then flashed forward with a deadly W, insisting on attacking the opposite ADC Xia.

And Betty also handed over her big move immediately after Galio's taunt was over, in order to prevent being cut to death by Raven who might come up at any time later.

At this time, Galio, after handing in a set of skills, had no strength to fight back, and fell to the ground and died under the beating of the three people on the opposite side.

But he had done enough before he died, forcing Xia's ultimate move and a new round of control skills on the opposite side.

And the Chinese Taiwan team is obviously hilarious.

Your mid laner, ADC, and double Cs are all dead, one support and one half-health Raven, do you still want to change your life against the sky?
So the remaining three continued to press forward.

But in the next moment, Chen Mu's Ruiwen let everyone see what it means to truly change one's life against the sky? !
E flash W!

Ruiwen flashed a green light, instantly entered the crowd of three people opposite, and stomped on the three people in Baotuan with a soul-suppressing roar.

Meiko's Karma also threw a Q at the group of three. Although as a support, the damage is not high, but a little damage is a little damage!
And leave the rest to Chen Mu!

I saw Raven aiming at ADC Xia.


The 15-second ult time is not over yet.

Riven's weapon is filled with the light green holy spirit energy, not only has a 20% attack power bonus, it can also increase her attack distance and the casting range of her damage skills.

The first time Xia recovered from the dizziness, she was killed by Raven's super high explosion.

Not even Betty's own flash was handed over!
Afterwards, Raven's third Q dance of broken wings leaped high and smashed down on the remaining two.

Knock up the Bullhead and the Barrel again.

Take another sword and cut off the bull's head.

In the end, only a wine barrel with a big belly remained.

The situation turned around in an instant!

Then a wine barrel that had no escape also fell under Raven's sword!
Quadra kill! !
Four kills! !
A second later, the passionate female voice began to spread throughout the Summoner's Canyon.

And Chen Mu's Ruiwen stepped on the enemy's corpses all over the ground, and began to return to the city with his sword.

At this time, all the people in front of the screen were stunned. They thought this was a wave of offensive by the Chinese Taiwan team, using the spicy hot pot to focus on the upper half of the field.

Under the four packs and two guarantees, it is necessary to kill Brother Zaozi's ADC and take advantage of the trend to unplug the Chinese team's bottom lane tower.
But no one thought that at this level, Chen Mu's Ruiwen would dare to TP!Also completed the counterattack, 4 kills in an instant!

And the bullet screens in each live broadcast room naturally flooded the screen again!


"Chen Mu, why are you so awesome?!! Teach me!"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and looking at the computer!"

"From the top lane to the bottom lane? Cut down a street!"

"Chen Mu! He's gone mad again!"

"Captain: I beg you, don't give it away, stop doing things! I'm already hard enough!"

"I'm sorry, Chen Muruiwen's QA is a bit fast, I can't even see the moves!"

"Come on Chinese team!"

"Chen Mu, come on!"


This wave of leaping from the bottom lane to the top lane ignited all the emotions of the audience!
The atmosphere at the scene was warm, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also full of rolling screens, densely packed!
under the audience.

"Whoa! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's all in the details!"

After this wave of team battles, a two-for-four was played, although the opposite ADC Xia got the kill.

But what was even more frightening was that on the Chinese team, after Ruiwen's four kills, the equipment he returned home was directly eclipsed by a small wooden hammer.

That's 12 minutes.

With the spirit of Youmeng and the net eclipse already in hand, Heiqie is not far away!

The demon king on the road has taken shape again!

Back online again, looking at this Raven who is almost supernatural.

The captain of PK didn't say anything, and immediately returned to the city where he was. Now he is committing a crime by taking another look at Raven.

The blind monk who had already taken the Canyon Herald didn't save any money, and directly summoned the Canyon Herald to the top lane, knocking down a tower on the top lane in an instant.

Seeing that the captain on the opposite side seemed to have returned to the city and abandoned his defense, the canyon pioneer hit the second tower on the road again, and with the push of the two, even the second tower on the road was pushed down.

At this time, the captain of PK slowly walked out from under the highland tower.

It's not that he doesn't want to keep it and wants to show it badly, but that he really can't keep it!
Knowing that the blind monk on the opposite road took the canyon vanguard, he was still in the upper half of the field, and the opposite Raven was already 7-0, and he was about to surpass himself.

At this time, I am alone and helpless, and I still have to defend the tower, which is no different from sending it off!
The current captain of him is only fit to be under the Highland Tower, making up for the knife and eating soldiers.

And the captain just pushed a wave of troops slowly, and when he reached the position of the autistic bush, suddenly a female warrior Revan with a sharp blade appeared in the bush.

I saw that Raven didn't need the big move and the second set of skills at all.

EAQAWQAQA, directly took the life of the captain.

Although PK didn't want to give away this head, he still sent Raven's 8-0 record to Raven.

It turned out that after Chen Mu's Ruiwen pushed the road to the second tower, he didn't go home.

Other lanes have his own teammates eating, the jungle area is also empty, his equipment has just been made, the economy is not enough to do black cutting, and the state is full of blood. What is he doing back at this time? !
He simply squatted in the autistic grass to see if he could overshadow the captain on the opposite side.

Sure enough, the captain on the opposite side thought that it would be able to grow steadily if it was near his own highland tower.

But in fact, on the entire map, there is no safe place for the Chinese Taiwan team!
Afterwards, the Chinese Taiwan team was completely defeated, as long as Chen Mu's Ruiwen appeared on which road, which road must release the tower!
There is no defense at all!
In fact, in less than 20 minutes, Ruiwen, who is in Youmengheiqie's hands, is too explosive!
The Chinese Taiwan team does not have a thick front row, so it can't stop Ruiwen's explosion at this time, so they can only make the choice to put the tower.

Afterwards, the three outer towers were all released, and Ruiwen started his own cool development journey again, wherever he went, he could eat economically!
The game lasts 25 minutes.

Raven already has a three-piece suit, Youmeng Heiki, and a Dance of Death.

Chen Mu's Ruiwen continued to lead the line in the bottom lane, leading a large wave of soldiers to the second tower.

Bringing the pawn line to the second tower on the opposite side, Raven didn't push the tower, but went directly to the wild area.

At this time, the Chinese Taiwan team went down the road, seeing such a large wave of soldiers attacking, it was really unbearable.

Therefore, ADC Xia, still under the protection of the auxiliary bull head, wanted to close this wave of troops under the second tower.

But the next moment.
Suddenly, a goddess of war holding a huge blade came to Xia's side from the grass outside the stone beetle across a distance of 1000 yards in an instant.

It turned out that after Chen Mu led the line, seeing such a large wave of soldiers, there must be someone to guard it.

He simply came directly to the nearby grass, with a real eye inserted, without any opposite vision.

Afterwards, Chen Mu stayed in the grass with peace of mind, waiting for the person who is destined to arrive!

After seeing the predestined ADC coming from the opposite side, Chen Mu's Ruiwen immediately attacked before Xia could eat two pawns.

Ghost knife open!

ER dodged to get closer, and W instantly stepped on Xia.

Then a period of QA at the speed of light.

The three-piece set of Ruiwen, the burst damage is too high, and there is no need to hit the full QA damage, and the opposite Xia has already lost blood.

And Snake's assistant, Bull Head, wanted to push Ruiwen away in time.

But the moment he turned to Ruiwen, Chen Mu had already pressed his R button.

A dark green wave of sword energy flung towards Xia.

And Betty's Xia didn't even use her ultimate move, and died instantly.

There was only one dazed bull head standing under the defense tower, a little at a loss.

But after Chen Mu's Ruiwen killed Xia, he was still not satisfied.

Enter the tower again, level A with two swords, and push down the defensive tower with residual blood.

Then he began to continue to output to the somewhat confused Niutou, and Niutou ran all the way, and Raven chased all the way!

In the end, Niutou is still under the tower of hatred, and there is no hope of life in sight!
This is not just the despair of the auxiliary Snake alone, it is also the despair of everyone in the Chinese Taiwan team! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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