LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 179 Final, here we come! !

Chapter 179 Final, here we come! !

At this time, looking at his top laner dad, he was already crazy in the bottom lane, and he shot the opponent's ADC Xia in a second, while Betty didn't even hand in the flash, and then continued to chase and kill the opponent's support bull head.

Seeing the sudden death of the opposite bot lane duo, the other teammates of the Chinese team didn't want to delay any longer, and the other four decisively opened the big dragon in the dragon pit.

At this time, the remaining three upper middle and wild members of the Taiwan team faced the Chinese team's big dragon, but there was nothing they could do.

Xiye's Galio stood directly outside the Dragon Pit, and began to harass the three people on the opposite side, not giving them a chance to get close to the Dragon Pit, while the remaining three members of the Chinese team began to focus on the dragon.

And that's not over yet.
Chen Mu's Ruiwen immediately returned to the city with the B button on the spot after making a duo that fell off the road.

Anyway, no one will interfere with his return to the city.

Afterwards, Chen Mu casually bought a Storm Sword, and immediately TP teleported to the front of Longkeng.

This is to kill all three of the middle and wild people on the opposite side!

I saw my big daddy Raven coming!
Several teammates gained confidence in an instant, stopped fighting Dalong, and started killing directly.

Meiko's Karma is a RE, the group accelerates the shield, and starts to step forward to keep people.

The three members of the Chinese Taiwan team who were still watching outside Longkeng were immediately caught up.

The three Ue Nakano and the wild who were not fleshy fell instantly under the pursuit of the five members of the Chinese team.

Chen Mu's Ruiwen beheaded another person.

Then he looked at the other side and seemed to stop defending, without any intention of defending.

The five members of the Chinese delegation immediately led a wave of soldiers, pushed directly from the middle to the high ground, and flattened the opposite base with a wave.

With Chen Mu's Ruiwen's merciless TP down, he killed the entire game.

Looking at the base that exploded on the opposite side, the entire Chinese team fell into a sea of ​​joy.

The semi-finals of the Asian Games exhibition match adopt a BO3 format, and the Chinese team has easily won 2:0.

Now they have qualified for the finals, and are heading for the final gold medal.

Several teammates jumped up, clapped and hugged each other in celebration.Even everyone in the backstage lounge applauded.

However, at this time, Chen Mu still glanced at the final damage settlement panel with a calm face.

Under the influence of Chen Mu, he is not the only one who habitually looks at the final damage calculation panel, and other teammates of the whole team have formed the habit.

Brother Zaozi and the others celebrated, but also opened the final damage calculation panel.

Sure enough, Raven scored the highest output of 28000 in the game, and Brother Zaozi's EZ output was less than half of Raven's.

With the end of this round, the repercussions aroused on the domestic Internet were even greater than everyone expected.

Raven, a hero who has not been on the stage of the World Championships for an unknown number of days, once appeared on the stage of the Asian Games, he was immediately pushed to the hot search position, and he was directly posted on various forums and post bars.

Guan Zeyuan, Miller, Wawa and others Lianmai's live broadcast room
Miller took a sip of water, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and sighed with emotion:
"Chen Mu is really a throne player. After S5, there is no player who gave me the biggest surprise!!"

And wawa also followed with emotion: "Wow, it's finally over. First of all, congratulations to the Chinese team for entering the final!"

"But the match that just ended was really exciting! I can't get enough of it! Chen Mu's Ruiwen is so strong that I can't describe it!"

"Art, I can only use two words to describe it!"


Guan Zeyuan has always analyzed professionally:
"Yes, from the beginning of the laning period, we thought that Chen Mu's Ruiwen would develop steadily in the early stage, and then fight in the middle and late stages!"

"But I didn't expect that a wave of wonderful operations before the sixth level directly killed the captain and the barrel on the opposite side."

"Afterwards, it was Chen Mu's solo show. He crushed the captain online, and later supported his teammates to build an advantage, driving the rhythm of the audience! Completely defeated the opposing Chinese Taiwan team!"

Miller nodded and continued, "Well, yeah!"

"The most critical wave is the quadruple kill in the bottom lane. Chen Mu dares to TP to send it down when Brother Zaozi is killed first!"

"The key is to take advantage of Raven's equipment advantage and burst, and get quadruple kills with the help of teammates""

"That wave was the turning point of the whole game. There is no doubt that this game is his personal show!"

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "That's right, Brother Zaozi was defeated first in that wave of team battles. I thought I was going to lose in the follow-up team battles."

"If Xia on the opposite side grows up and pushes down our bot lane tower first, the opponent will not be weak in the late team battle! It can be said that that wave is the fatal blow of the Chinese Taiwan team!"

At this time wawa shouted excitedly, and began to summarize the speech:

"But Chen Mu's Ruiwen stood up!"

"Take out a hero like Raven who hasn't been seen in the game for many years, and carry the whole game, not only putting on a Raven show for all of us!"

"And when the team was about to collapse, stand up to turn the tide, save the team, and bring hope to teammates!"

"As expected of being "GOD", Chen Mu! He really deserves this ID"

"At the same time, his Raven also took that sentence! The broken sword is being recast, and the knight has returned!!"

At this time, although there were no spectators at the game site, the Twitch mouse channel and the live broadcast rooms broadcasting the game in China brought the atmosphere to the extreme!

"Chen Mu!! Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Four kills save the world!"

"Chen Mu, I love you!!!!!!"

"Brother Chen Mu is so handsome! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"I'm sorry, I was really stunned by the scene of Chen Mu's four kills in the next lane! Isn't this the reenactment of the scene where Huni fought IG in S5?!"

"Raven's textbook-style team battle teaching is really invincible!"

"xswl, the little "huni" of the IG team! (dog head) (dog head)"

"Don't! Don't use Huni to touch my brother Mu, he himself has gone to North America to retire!"

"As we all know, Huni was SKT's best top order before King U came to SKT!!"

"It's not true that someone is still questioning Chen Mu, right?! No way?! No way?!"

"Congratulations to the Chinese team!"

"Awesome!! Awesome!!"

"Congratulations to the Chinese team for losing the bronze medal!"

"Chen Mu is too aggressive! There really is no hero he doesn't know! Raven, a sewer hero in the competition, can kill random people!"

"u1s1, Chen Mu's Ruiwen is really something, I can't understand even the moves!"

Even in the live broadcast room of Black and White Ruiwen, Black and White is full of praise for Chen Muruiwen's performance!

"how to say!!"

"I don't know if Chen Mu's Ruiwen is number one among the world's top Ruiwen, but judging from this game, he definitely has a place, and he is at the forefront!"

"All the combos are just right, without any extra moves!"

"Elegant and silky, smooth and flowing! Just like an exquisite work of art, it is worthy of fascination!"

When there was a barrage in the live broadcast room asking: "How does it compare to your Raven's?!"

Black and White was silent for a moment, and then said: "The wave of four kills in the bottom lane can only be played with extreme confidence in your own operations! The calculation of damage must not have any errors, otherwise it will be a big rhythm!"

"To sum up, I can play highlight operations, but there is no way to be like him. The whole game is like a robot, without any mistakes!"


Then the semi-final match between the Chinese team and the Taiwan team has ended.

Everyone in the Chinese team did not leave early, because there is still a match for the South Korean team.

However, South Korea's opponents were too weak, and they played against Saudi Arabia in the semifinals.

And sure enough, when the Saudi Arabian team faced the South Korean team, they had no power to fight back.
In the end, the Korean representative team won by a big score, and the Korean team also entered the final finals.

In this way, the two sides of the final final have also been determined, the Chinese representative team vs the Korean representative team!
The result of this game was not what everyone expected before the game.

This last exhibition match of the Asian Games is actually an exhibition match between the Chinese team and the South Korean team.

Therefore, watching the game between the South Korean team and the Saudi Arabian team off the court, the coaches and analysts of the Chinese team OB for a long time, and no OB came up with a reason.

The strength gap between the two sides is too large, and nothing useful has been analyzed at all.
But they are not afraid, the current Chinese team
It should be that the South Korean team is afraid of them! ! !
On August 8, the final final came as scheduled.

The Chinese representative team played against the South Korean representative team.

Yesterday's competition schedule ended relatively early, and all the players on both sides went back to recharge their batteries for today's final.

As soon as the match between the two sides appeared on the stage, it was full of gunpowder.

The Chinese team showed an invincible momentum at this time.

Since the start of the Asian Games, whether it is the qualifiers or the official exhibition games, the Chinese representative team has not lost a game, has not lost a game, and has maintained a record of complete victories!
Among them, several players of the Chinese representative team are all in peak competitive state.

Xiye in the middle lane now has the ability to laning, roam and team fight that is not lost to Faker, and has become the pinnacle of the middle lane.

Zaozi, the ADC in the bottom lane, has maintained his good competitive feel.As long as you get the resources and the C position, you will be able to take on its role.

And the wild hot and spicy pot has also found its own position, won the true biography of King Ning, Shanglu is the father, as long as there is something to do, he will go for a walk.

As for the AADC in the bottom lane, he already ignored it, and sometimes even the bottom lane was at risk of being overwhelmed, and Mala Xiangguo didn't even look at it.

And Chen Mu, who was on the road, had already fulfilled the role of the Great Demon King thoroughly! !

No matter what hero he takes out, it must have an explosive effect.

And the South Korean team on the opposite side also looked motivated, and they also knew that this Chinese team was really strong and invincible!
But there is no reason to be a deserter before the battle, it is a trembling thing anyway!
What if Chen Mu pulls Curry today? !

After drawing lots, in the first game, the Chinese team was on the red side, and the South Korean team was on the blue side.

With the start of BP, the two sides started a new round of intrigue.

The South Korean team directly banned Sword Demon and Akali without saying a word.In fact, it is still the same old-fashioned problem, their bp is too difficult to do.

Originally on the blue side, they didn't need to ban these two heroes. It should be the Chinese team on the red side to ban these two heroes. They can grab the heroes first on the first floor.

However, kiin, the top laner of the South Korean team, has also played against Chen Mu for several rounds before, and he has been beaten to the point where he has no confidence.

Even if he took out the sword demon first, would Chen Mu on the opposite side take out some sword girl, such a pure counter hero? !
As for whether Chen Mu can take out the hero Jian Ji? !
SKT's top laner U Huang and Khan said they have something to say!

Simply, the South Korean team can only ban all the top single OP heroes in these versions.

Then the South Korean team's third move was to ban Xiye's Galio.

The Chinese team, on the other hand, aimed at bp in the duel battle, banning heroes such as Shen, Vel'Koz, and Troll.

Then it was the South Korean team's turn.

And when the South Korean team showed their first hero, it did surprise the Chinese team.

I saw a blue-skinned bald man holding a magic book on the first floor opposite.

Ryze! !
He is also Faker's famous hero. When the version was just revised that year, he was the king of thunder and lightning, completely controlling the game, consolidating his position as a god, and completely playing the name of the big devil.

But now the South Korean representative team directly came to show their faith, and Ryze was the first choice on the first floor.

I just don't know if I can reproduce the glory of the Great Demon King? !
This move was indeed beyond Abu's expectation, but Abu was not nervous, and directly let his middle-field combination lock on the combination of Xin Zhao and Lulu.

Then bp continues.

The South Korean team has confirmed the bot lane combination Hanbing Gablon, and it seems that this is the bot lane Chidi's main rhythm AD.

And the Chinese team grabbed Luo directly, and if they didn't, Luo would definitely be banned in the second round of bp.

Then the second round of ban selection.

The South Korean team moved Xia, and the Chinese team could not get Xia Luo at the same time.

Then he banned another top laner, Qinggang Ying, and targeted Chen Mu again.

On the other hand, the Chinese team banned two junglers to limit the performance of the old Score captain.

In the end, the South Korean team decided on the barrel and Kenan with the last two hands.

The Chinese team first determined the ADC Zaozi's Verus.

In the last move, it was Chen Mu's fixed counter position.

Looking at the top laner Kenan on the opposite side, Abu habitually asked Chen Mu for his opinion.

"Huh?? There is a high probability that Kenan will produce AD. This version of AD Kenan is still very strong. Does Chen Muyi have any countermeasures?"

Chen Mu looked at the lineup on the opposite side.

Like top laners? !Then I will have a long hand too!

Then he said lightly to Abu, "Jess!"

Now Abu didn't even think about it, and said directly and firmly: "Okay, then Jess!"

Then he said to Mala Xiangguo specially: "Xiangguo, remember to come to your Xin Zhao more often!"

The next moment, Gao Fushuai of Picheng appeared on the selection interface again, and then it was confirmed! !

(End of this chapter)

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