LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 186 The Bad Brother Zaozi

Chapter 186 The Bad Brother Zaozi
Although the Chinese team's BP selection is poor, with Xiye and Malaxiangguo's first-level vision layout, they not only defend the upper half of the field, but also protect Chen Mujianji's laning.

Jess, who was originally an advantage in the lane, felt uncomfortable playing, and was constantly stuck in the field of vision by the sword girl.

Kiin saw that his jungle wine barrel was blue in the second half of the jungle, and he brushed up all the way, so he thought a little bit carefully.

Kiin resolutely began to summon his big daddy, and was covering the wild score's wine barrel in the wild area.

"The opposite sword girl's eye position is thrown on the grass on the roadside, can the jungler come?!"

"Anyway, your wine barrel is just on the way, you can come directly from the river, at least you can hit a flash, or press a wave of blood."

At this time, Score sneered, being laughed at by his young top laner's "naiveness", but he still explained to his young top laner who had just entered the international arena:

"Do not be silly!"

"That ward is not necessarily set by Jian Ji, it may also be lost by the jungler Scorpion for him!"

Hearing his jungler father's perfunctory, Kiin also left "painful" tears in his heart!

Daddy Jungle doesn't love me anymore, so it's fine if he doesn't want to catch me for himself, and he even made such a boring excuse.Even if you come to help me make an eye position on the side of the road, I can still suppress Jian Ji!

But the next moment, after being promoted to the third level, Jian Ji was open and above board in front of Jess.

At the entrance of the upper road on the river, he dropped another eye position, thus ensuring the safety of the field of vision in the entire upper half of the field.

It turns out that I misunderstood my jungler father, the ward in the grass was really placed by the jungler on the opposite side.
That being the case, Kiin's Jess has no choice, he can only make do with it, even if he refuses to admit defeat in the laning, it doesn't matter, at least it is not a disadvantaged laning.

Look at the alignment of the next lane.

Brother Zaozi's Wayne can still pretend at level one.

After all, the opposite bot lane is a magic core combination, and the most important thing for a mage is the skill. The first-level mage only has one skill, so the suppression is not strong, and the line clearing speed is not fast enough.

Moreover, Shen Da's waist and hands are too short. If he learned the E skill, his combat ability would not be strong, and if he learned the Q skill, he would not be able to get close to Wei En.

But Brother Zaozi's Wei En, after learning the Q skill at the first level, is extremely flexible, and Luo, who cooperates with Meiko, suppresses Vel'Koz on the opposite side.

But as the level increases, everything is reversed.

Chidi's Vel'Koz big-eyed monster finally showed the charm of the bottom lane core, which also shows why this version is so popular!
I saw that Velkoz did not learn the E skill after level three, but learned two levels of W skills and an additional Q skill.

Although Brother Zaozi's Wei En is indeed the only one, shaking his head back and forth, hitting the floor 4 times a second, and shooting a flat A from a limited distance to make up the knife.

But I couldn't bear the fact that Vel'Koz's big-eyed monster cleared the line too quickly. He flicked the W skill twice, and then came a "wrong way" Q skill, and the effect of the shield of the holy object with the auxiliary Shen.

A wave of pawn lines was easily cleared like this.

Brother Zaozi was dumbfounded!

Damn, our family has such a large wave of soldiers, are they all dead?

At this time, Brother Zaozi is still stuck at the limit distance and is tying A with one knife after another!
With so many soldiers in the line, it is impossible for Wei En to fight against the mage on the opposite side at the third level. In desperation, brother Zaozi can only retreat to the tower and continue to make up swords under the tower.

But Wei En really doesn't have any AOE damage at all, so he can only level A and make up the knife one after another, which is too slow!

After the next wave of minion lines went online, Vel'Koz's big-eyed monster's skill CD had improved, and he repeated the same trick again. With two or three waves of skills, he cleared the minion line again.

As for the mana consumption issue, it doesn't matter. As a bot core, Chidi's Vel'Koz summoner skill is of course teleportation.

And Uzi's Vayne also knows that the laning is too weak in the early stage. In order to strengthen the laning, Vayne's summoner skills choose flash and healing.

This is also the first time Chidi has won the lane right since he played Zaozi so many times.

If that's the case, it's just a test of brother Zaozi's tower knife ability.

but it's not over
Because the barrel of scroe is coming!
Before the barrel did not agree to the request of kiin on the road, he went to the road to put pressure on Jian Ji, but chose his own rhythm of clearing and gank.

I have played so many games, I must have improved a bit, is the man on the opposite side so easy to catch? !What's more, the W skill in that man's Sword Fairy's hands is so tightly squeezed, if I use it rashly, I will be shown off!

So in this game, the goal of score is very clear
In this round, you Uzi dared to choose vn, so it would be a bit unreasonable for me not to come to the bottom lane.

However, the wine barrel of score is not so aggressive, what kind of show operation is caught by the second level.

Instead, after finishing a round of wild, first accept your own red and blue buffs, and after clearing the wild area for a round, slowly map them.

After the wine barrel went back and updated his equipment, he changed his field of vision to a scan, and then brought a real eye to empty the field of vision of the entire lower half of the river, and then began to torture Brother Zaozi's vn.

At this time, Brother Zaozi, who was still replenishing soldiers, was working hard to level A again and again, but the wine barrel he touched had already been opened and took a sip of old wine. Coming down the tower.

Spotting Wei En's position, the E skill meat egg onion chicken pushed over.

Seeing a belly push up, brother Zaozi also had quick eyesight and quick hands, and subconsciously pressed his own flash.

If it's just meat, eggs, green onions, Uzi's Wayne is absolutely not afraid, he is confident that he can dodge with Q skills.

What he is afraid of is that the E skill of the wine barrel will be flashed after, and he will not be able to react at all.

At that time, the barrel E flashes, coupled with He Shen's control, and Vel'Koz's output, it is difficult for him to have room to operate.

In desperation, he could only dodge first.

There was no way, for the huge wave of soldiers under the tower, he had to hand in this flash.

And Score saw that you flashed that you had handed over and understood very well, and left the tower without looking back.

It's okay, I'll come back later!
But the next time the barrel comes again, behind him is Faker, a sword girl who is already level 6.

However, Scorpion of Mala Xiangguo had already anticipated this situation. He didn't go much in the first half of the wild, but kept wandering in the second half of the wild.

But the opponent's attack speed was too fast, and the damage skills were too exaggerated. Before his scorpion arrived on the battlefield, Wei En, who was not yet level six, couldn't bear it at all, and was already killed.

The last wave of wine barrels did not flash, but this time there was a flash!

E flashed, and bumped into Wei En with a thud.

Afterwards, Daomei and Vel'Koz casually followed up with a little output, and Wei En secretly hated the tower, and finally Faker's Daomei won the head.

In fact, this wave of Brother Zaozi is already doing his best, and the E skill shoots away Shen who wants to come up to keep people.

At the same time, the Q skill and the position escaped, twisting off all the skills of Vel'Koz's big-eyed monster QWE.

But I can't bear it, the opponent's control and damage are too high.

But is this over? !of course not!

How did Mala Xianggu squat in the last game? Kenan, the old captain of Score will squat like Wei En in this round!
After 1 minutes
When the wild wine barrel is at level six, he will attack the bottom lane again. Similarly, there is still a sword girl behind the wine barrel.

But this time the Chinese team also reacted very quickly. Malaxiangguo's Scorpion had already turned back in the bottom lane, and Xiye's Malzaha also promptly TP teleported to the bottom lane.

However, the Chinese team's lineup was still much slower when facing the opponent's active attack.

By the time Malzahar teleported to the ground, Uzi's Wayne had already died.

Because the target on the other side is very clear, it is Wayne!
All the skills were thrown to Wei En, a Wei En who had just reached level [-], how could he have so much room for manipulation, he was killed in an instant!

As soon as Uzi's Wei En died, the Chinese team fell into an embarrassing situation.

Not enough damage!
Although the middle-field combination of Malzahaga Scorpion has sufficient control, it is a bit lacking in damage.

In this kind of 4v4 team battle, they are not very good at output.

In desperation, Uzi's Wei En can only die in vain again!And it also dragged down the mid laner and jungler.

The situation was so frozen.
Put your eyes back on the road again, as the laning continues.

Only then did Kiin feel a deep sense of powerlessness, coming from the bottom of his heart.

That feeling is like falling into a bottomless abyss, trying to struggle, but it will only sink deeper and deeper.

In the previous games, no matter whether he played in person or OB in the audience, he only saw Chen Mu play an exaggerated advantage online, and then ended the game.

But this time he got the long hand and the short hand, and got the counter position on the road. In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like a close battle.

But only he knows that the more he faces Chen Mu's sword girl, the more he will discover the gap in strength between the two sides. It is really like a moat, and the strength of the man on the opposite side is really as deep as a cold and dark abyss.

Jian Ji frequently used the grass on the side of the road and the positions of the soldiers to pull her Jess back and forth. No matter how she released her skills, the opponent could dodge them delicately.

And Jian Ji's every move, every skill release is just right and has its deep meaning.

Sometimes, Kiin suspects that his Jess is a short-handed hero, and the sword girl on the opposite side is a long-handed hero.

It seemed that everything was calculated by that man, the suffocating pressure had already made him give up the idea of ​​working with Jian Jixiu decisively.

At the end of the fight, Kiin had even completely given up wanting to consume Chen Mujianji, it had no effect at all, it just increased mana consumption in vain.

The most important thing is that there is also Jian Ji's W skill that can be pinched to death. As long as Jian Ji's W skill is out, his Jess will not dare to get close to Jian Ji within 300 yards, otherwise he can already predict his own result .

Is there really such a terrible man in the world?
As the line-up between the two sides continued, since Jess was a long-handed player after all, the pawn line remained on the blue side of the center line, which was slightly closer to the Sword Princess defense tower.

At this time, Kiin also wanted to go back to the city to replenish his status and equipment, but he was still greedy looking at the three long-range soldiers with residual blood not far away.

As long as you eat your own wave of soldiers, you should be fine, right?

So he operated Jess, moved a little forward, QE Second Company, and the electromagnetic cannon fired at several long-range minions not far away.

But seeing this scene, Chen Mu smiled slightly.

You have been cautious for so long, but you still can't bear to part with these little soldiers, and finally narrowed the distance with Sword Fairy.

Immediately, Chen Mu's sword girl was stuck at a limit distance, her Q skill pierced through the air, and with a clang, it hit the opening on Jess's side.

Then triggered her own passive duel dance, greatly increasing her movement speed, and Jian Ji began to chase after Jess and continue to output.


Smoothly walking and A, at the same time, the E skill also slows down Jess.

Seeing this, Kiin panicked a little.

Can't it? !I just eat two little soldiers, so you don't want to kill me alone, right? !
But as the blood volume continues to decrease.
In order to clear a few soldiers just now, Jess handed over his E skill acceleration door, which is one of his ultimate weapons to pull Jian Ji, and now this skill is used to clear soldiers.

As for turning around and fighting back, Kiin didn't even have the guts!

How to do?How to do?
As for the E skill Thunder Hammer in Jess' hammer form, he didn't dare to have promiscuity.

He could see now that as long as he handed in his skills, he would be blocked 100% by the sword girl W on the opposite side.

In desperation, Jess could only change his form first, trigger his own acceleration, hoping to escape.

But since Chen Mu's sword girl made a move, how could it let you escape so easily?
next moment.
Jian Ji's big move was hung on Jess, and there were four flaws in Jess' body, like a lotus flower about to bloom!
At the same time, the movement speed bonus was triggered again, and Sword Fairy caught wind on her feet and followed Jess.


Jian Ji broke through a flaw in front of Jess.

Then the movement speed bonus was triggered, and Jian Ji moved slightly to the side.

Break through a flaw again!
The four-petal lotus is half open.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Jess also immediately pressed his own flash, which cannot be saved.

In this game, the situation of the South Korean team is very good, and his top lane cannot be allowed to become a breakthrough, otherwise he will be a sinner who will die forever.

At the same time, Kiin also yelled frantically in the headset: "Save me! Save me! Save me quickly, give me Shen Dazhao!"

At this time, the other four members of the South Korean team, who had just succeeded in the bottom lane and continued to catch Wei En to death, all cut their screens to look up the lane.

It turned out that the top order from home was about to be killed again and again!
When corejj's Shenzheng intends to expand the results of the battle, when he continues to push into the opposite bottom lane tower, he wants to gather the strength of the four and directly pull out the Chinese team's bottom lane tower, without giving Uzi's Wayne any chance to develop.

But looking at his top laner, who was about to be solo killed by the opposite sword girl, Jess had to support him in a hurry. Chen Mu's sword girl and the others had seen it before. Tougher than Uzi's Vayne.

In desperation, Shen of corejj withdrew back and found a safe place in the grass.

Secret meaning!Mercy saves souls!
Shen, made mudras with both hands, and began to chant spells!
(End of this chapter)

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