LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 187 Sword Fairy's Single Belt Teaching Bureau

Chapter 187 Sword Fairy's Single Belt Teaching Bureau
Kiin's Jess was caught by Chen Mu's sword girl in order to covet two small soldiers, chasing and hacking all the way.

Even Sword Fairy has put a big move on Jess, it seems that Chen Mu is determined to kill him!

However, kiin called his teammates in time, and corejj had no choice but to put down the offensive in the bottom lane. After finding a safe position, he immediately used his own big move on Jess.

And looking at the white shield suddenly covering Jess' body, did Shen give a big move? !

This was indeed beyond Chen Mu's expectation. His eyes sharpened suddenly, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

At the same time, the sharp sword in Jian Ji's hand still did not hesitate at all, and continued to move forward bravely.

At this time, two lotus flowers around Jess had already bloomed, and only one support came down. How could they stop the sword in Chen Mu's hand!
"Prick fast, stab hard!!" This is the truest portrayal in Chen Mu's heart.

With the improvement of the level, the CD of Jian Ji's Q skill is now very short.

Chen Mu's Sword Girl once again used the Q skill to slash through the air, and moved to the other side of Sword Girl's Jess, breaking the third flaw.

Three lotus flowers have bloomed! !

While operating, Chen Mu also quickly cut the screen at a speed of 0.5 seconds, and glanced at the situation of the bot lane. It seemed that the situation of his bot lane was not good! !

He asked lightly: "Shen, who is in the bottom lane, has already given Jess a big move, can you interrupt it?"

"This..." Meiko hesitated.

Although Vayne, who was in the bot Zaozi, had died in battle, the remaining three, Malzahar, Xiezi and Luo, all had skills that could interrupt Shen's big move.

Seeing the embarrassment of his teammates in front of him, Chen Mu also understood and stopped forcing them.After all, brother Zaozi's adc has already been killed, and the teleportation position of Shen's big move is relatively late.

Wine Barrel, Sword Girl, and Vel'Koz are still eyeing the bottom lane!If you want to expand your results at any time, push down the bottom tower.If Luo, Malzahar or Scorpion forcibly interrupt Shen's ultimate move, it may cause a bigger bloodbath.

Since you can't rely on your teammates, you can only rely on yourself! !
The movement in Jian Ji's hands didn't stop, and she moved again to the last opening.

And at this moment Kiin looked at the shield on his body.

"Two seconds, one second, you are about to fall! Fall! There is still one second before you can die, and I should not die."

In the Korean team's headset, Kiin can already be heard chanting almost frantically.

After the 3-second delay effect of the ultimate move, corejj's Shen began to land.


At the same time, Jian Ji's level A also fell, and the last lotus bloomed.

But Jess didn't die
Originally, the lotus would bloom immediately and Jess would be killed immediately when the sword girl was broken, but because of Shen's ultimate move shield, he still survived with an extra amount of health.

Seeing that Jess had already lost his blood, Corejj's Shen immediately released the W skill Profound Blessing, and released a defensive barrier to block the sword girl's block or attack for Jess.

But a small soul blade enchantment will disappear after 1.75 seconds, and Jess still cannot escape the fate of death.

Then Shen immediately taunted with the E skill, and rushed to the sword girl who was still sticking to Jess, thinking of delaying Jace's escape.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Chen Mu's mouth curled up slightly, waiting for your E skill to taunt!
Jian Ji immediately pressed her W.

The sharp blade in Jian Ji's hand was erected high, and a blue sword energy pierced fiercely, but the direction was not Shen who was mocking her, but Jess who was pointing forward.

The sword light flashed past, and the end of the sword energy hit Jess who was still trying to speed up and escape.

But at the same time, due to the displacement of the E skill, Shen has crossed behind Jian Ji, and Shen who is behind Jian Ji has not been controlled, but Jess who ran forward triggered Laurent's counterattack, and was caught by Laurent. Texin's eyes were fixed in place.

Seeing that his own Jess was pinned to the same spot instead, Kiin was about to collapse.

What kind of operation is this? !
Obviously it was his teammates who were mocking him, but why was he the one who was injured!

In fact, this is also the mechanism of Jian Ji's W skill.
Fiora's W parries all incoming damage, buffs, and detrimental effects for 0.75 seconds before stabbing, which stuns the first enemy champion it hits.

Pay attention, it is the first hero hit by the sword energy!Instead of being blocked skills heroes.

At this moment, Jess, who was being held, fell into a dizziness.

After two full seconds of dizziness, his blood volume could not escape the fate of being killed anyway.

The CD of the Q skill improved, and Chen Mu's sword girl QA poked it again, taking away the last blood volume of Jess.

Seeing Jess' death, Corejj, who had just landed, was also dumbfounded.


He just wanted to taunt Jian Ji, delay Jian Ji's attack, and buy some time for Jess to escape.

But I didn't expect that it would be self-defeating. Instead, Jess was controlled by Sword Fairy's counter-block.

But this can't be blamed on corejj, he's not kiin, he hasn't often faced off against the top lane hero Jian Ji, let alone against details like Chen Mu, how could he know so many details!
Kiin himself is Korea's top top laner, and he played against Chen Mu for two rounds before he could fully understand Chen Mu's terrifying details.

Simply put, all non-locking skills, unless he wants you to hit him, you will never be able to hit him.

This person even wants to dodge basic attacks...

And he can really hide... by pulling!

He often relies on the edge grass's vision card position to prevent Jace's normal attack A from shooting, which makes Kiin sick.

It's okay once or twice, but it's no coincidence that he is often flattened by the card. This is the horror of the man on the opposite side. He really counts everything into it!

So this is also the reason why he never dared to let go of his E skill Thunder Strike in Jace's hammer form. Even though he was being chased by Jian Ji all the way to A, he just didn't dare to hammer Jian Ji away.

Because he had already predicted that as long as he recklessly hammered at Jian Ji, she would definitely be blocked by Jian Ji and countered.

But he didn't expect that corejj's assistant Shen would recklessly use the E skill to taunt Jian Ji. Even he could react to this kind of taunt, let alone the man opposite.

From great joy to great sorrow, the emotions were like a roller coaster, Kiin slammed the keyboard.

"Alas! West"

Kiin was annoyed for a moment, and the word "Xi Ba" seemed to blurt out, but after thinking about it, he didn't say the word "eight" after that.

After all, corejj handed over his big move to help himself, no matter what the result is, he is also here to help himself.

If it wasn't for Shen, he might have already fallen under the sword of Jian Ji.

But now the result is still the same! ! !
At the same time, the "broadcasting room" of Guan Zeyuan, Miller, and Wawa.

wawa: "Wow, something is wrong with this round. Although Uzi chose Vayne, it didn't have the expected effect. The big-eyed monster on the opposite side cleared the line too quickly."

Miller also echoed: "The wine barrel on the opposite side seems to take good care of Uzi. It has come two or three times, and Brother Zaozi has died twice. Something is wrong!"

Although Guan Zeyuan's tone was very serious, the smile on his face could not be concealed: "This is not too bad. If Uzi's Wei En fails to develop in the mid-term, the Chinese team will face a situation of insufficient damage, and Chen Mu The sword girl seems to have no advantage anymore."

The voice did not fall.

"CHN-TheGod killed KOR-kiin!!"

Just as everyone was focusing on the Chinese team's disadvantage in the bottom lane, suddenly there was a passionate female voice killing broadcast on the top lane.

The director also immediately cut the view, but only saw Jess who had turned into a corpse.

"Hey, it's time to fight!"

"When did this happen?! Corejj's Shen is on the road!"

"I don't know if the director can give a replay!"

And the director of the finals was really professional, and the kill replay on the road appeared on the big screen the next moment.

At first, everyone's eyes were on the bottom laner, while Chen Mu, who was on the top lane, was ignored.

But with the sound of killing on the road, everyone once again turned their attention to the protagonist "Jess".

After watching Chen Mu's wonderful kill of Jian Ji, Guan Zeyuan was silent for a second or two, and seemed to be thinking about how to round up this wave. Just a few seconds before, he was still saying "bad things" about Jian Ji!
In the end, I could only choke out one sentence: "I can only say that Chen Mu is still the same Chen Mu! I believe Chen Mu will be done with this game!"

And Miller also jokingly said: "I think Jian Ji's operation is not bad, in line with Chen Mu's level, but my brother Guan's performance is still as stable as ever, this is really unreliable!"

Now Guan Zeyuan has made many "accurate predictions", especially the predictions about Chen Mu's competition, and he has already confirmed the title of poisonous milk.

And wawa also said with a smile: "Yes, brother Guan, let's predict again, how will this game go ahead?! Who will win in the end?!"

Relying on the private live broadcast room, Guan Zeyuan was also courageous, and said directly following the train of thought of the two old fritters: "I think the Korean team has the advantage now, and Chen Mu's Jian Ji will not be able to single-play in the middle and late stages of this round!"

Miller: "Understood! Sword Fairy is here!"


The game lasted more than ten minutes.

As the wine barrel of the old score captain once again pressured the bottom lane, Faker's sword girl also put on a posture to lean towards the bottom lane at any time.

This time Xiye's Malzaha didn't teleport, and there was no way to save the next lane. In desperation, Brother Zaozi and Meiko could only let go of the next tower with low health.

And this is also the first time since the Asian Games that Uzi has faced a disadvantage in the bottom lane and was killed by the opponent pushing the tower.

At this time, Chidi is like drinking a sip of ice-cold Sprite in summer, and his heart is so cool!

If I knew it was so cool to play Bot Lane, why would I want to play adc?What kind of cloth shoes are there? !

Doesn't he smell good when he wears shoes? !

Look at Uzi on the opposite side again, can he defend the line now?
After the defense tower in the bottom lane was pushed down, Brother Zaozi was a little flustered now.

"What should I do? What should I do? Should I continue to develop in the bottom lane?" Brother Zaozi asked weakly in the headset.

He pretended to be aggressive and chose Wei En first, but the opponent backhanded a bot core, and he really had no choice until now.

"Why don't you go to the middle lane to develop! Let Xiye's Malzaha go to the bottom lane to solo!" Meiko, the team's commander, was also a little unsure. beated!
Just as everyone in the Chinese team was hesitating, an unusually calm voice sounded without the slightest emotion.

"Don't panic, Wei En continues to develop in the bottom lane, don't change lanes yet."

"Margaha clears the line quickly, keep standing on the center line, the defensive tower in the middle must not fall so quickly. Scorpion and Luo first have a good view of the bottom lane to ensure Wei En's safety and development, and then help Xiye to stand in the middle! I The sword girl continues to take the single belt on the road."

"As long as the defense tower in the middle is not dropped, there is still a chance, and it can be delayed as long as it can!"

"As for team resources like Xiaolong, let's let go!"

Chen Mu uttered a series of tactical arrangements very quickly. Maybe this game said more than all the previous games.

"But the first little dragon is a fire dragon! The damage bonus is too high!"

"Let go! Let go of the fire dragon too. Taking the group now is tantamount to suicide, and you may not be able to grab it if you take the group." Chen Mu's words are like a cold machine, but they are convincing.

"Okay!" Mala Xiangguo and Meiko agreed at the same time.

After hearing Chen Mu's arrangement, although his tone was a bit cold.But the few people seemed to have a backbone, calmed down immediately, and started to work on the tactical arrangement arranged by Chen Mu.

Although Chen Mu has not been the team's commander before, Meiko is the team's commander.

Chen Mu was usually silent before, carrying alone in the top lane, maybe the other lines have not yet ended, and his top lane has already been killed.

But after the team fell into a disadvantage this time, Chen Mu, who had been silent for a long time, began to speak and temporarily took over the baton.

"At the vanguard of the canyon, also do more vision. Don't forcefully connect with the canyon vanguard group on the opposite side, pull if you can, drag if you can, and don't be driven away by the opponent!"

Chen Mu continued to make arrangements, but the movements of the sword girl in his hand were not slow at all, and the speed of the sword girl who came out to Tiamat was getting faster and faster.

In order to securely win the first small dragon, the Korean team asked Jess to come to the small dragon pit.

So the first tower on the road was unguarded, but was pushed away by Chen Mu's sword girl.

Then the Chinese team split the line again, Zaozi's Wei En was transferred to the first tower on the top lane to take the line, and there was a defensive tower behind him, which finally gave Zaozi some confidence.

And Jian Ji took on a more important role, going to the bottom lane to lead the line. Although Jess was solo killed once and fell into a small disadvantage, he was not bad in making up the knife, and his equipment could keep up.

This time, Jian Ji's single belt is not as invincible as before. This long route without defensive towers, maybe a little careless, is the way of Jian Ji's death.

However, Chen Mu's sword girl also brought the art of belt line to the extreme. It can be said that it is a single belt teaching bureau. At the same time, it also fully demonstrated our army's traditional 16-character tactics.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we advance, when the enemy is tired, we disturb, when the enemy is stationed, we attack!

With the first tower in the middle lane still intact, Chen Mu's sword girl was nailed to the next lane like a heroic guerrilla fighter.

The enemy is coming, push the line and go, the enemy is gone, and immediately appear on the next line again.
(End of this chapter)

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