LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 192 Enmity Bureau, Your Xia’s Skin Is Really Easy to Use

Chapter 192 Enmity Bureau, Your Xia’s Skin Is Really Easy to Use

"Open, open, fight!"

With a somewhat irritable voice sounded.

The lineup of the Chinese team is also officially determined.

Top lane weapon master - Jax.

The audience in the live broadcast room also had an instant climax. As expected, Chen Mu did not disappoint them.

In terms of whole work, Chen Mu is also a unique brother.

"Weapon master, my God, I'm dreaming back to S3. Chen Mu is really a renaissance, and he took out the weapon master Jax who hasn't been seen for so many years."

"Indeed, when I took out Raven before, I had a premonition. I didn't expect to choose a weapon. Will the Yixin ancient brothers be far behind?! (dog head) (dog head)"

"Cry to death! Tears! It's the last one, and I can't see Chen Mu's stone man anymore. When will my lava monster rise up!"

"Is it possible this isn't the last one?! (funny) (funny)"

"Huh?! Upstairs, something is wrong with you! I doubt your loyalty!"

"This is Chen Mu coming up with a new hero again. Abu is really awesome. He dares to choose any hero for Chen Mu."

"Although there are some conflicts with the version, it's not a big problem. Who told him to be Chen Mu!"

"Faker, Xiang Hyuk, it's the last one, you must fight hard, and you must bring the runner-up back to China!"

"Ah?! This... turns out to be a friendly army!"

"Forget it, I can't take back my 40-meter broadsword, let's bury the friendly army!"

"I'm really laughing to death. Since the skin used by Gouzi's Xia is Chidi's champion skin last year, he really understands the effect of the show!"

"Gouzi leaned close to Chidi's ear: Your Xia's champion skin is so useful!!"

"Dian! Dian Zhongdian!"

"Blind, Galio, Xia, they are back, they are all back! Dreaming back to S7! Tears in my eyes!"

And wawa, Miller and Guan Zeyuan also became interested in an instant. In the past two days, they only "broadcasted" a few rounds of the Asian Games. They didn't even have a formal game scene, but they still made enough topics. Usually their How can there be so many people in the live broadcast room, and now the traffic in their live broadcast room is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, that of usual.

Miller is still an "honest person" and is still honestly analyzing the lineups of both sides: "Weapon Master, he is a jack-of-all-trades hero who can adapt to any lineup. The weapon master who gains the advantage can output tons of damage, And the mixed damage of magic and physics also makes it very difficult for the opposing hero to deal with.”

After a pause, Miller continued: "Although the weapons of this version are not powerful, once Jax develops, first of all, he will be very threatening to the captain and Verus, who have no displacement, and secondly, he can lead the line. From the perspective of the lineup, it will be more difficult for the Korean team to defend their weapons alone."

While the other two people took advantage of the last move and started to make trouble, wawa began to "take the rhythm": "This move is all a game of grievances, S7 won't be Xia, Galio, there is still a second for the blind man to flash Zhong, it’s all here!”

Guan Zeyuan: "It's time to make a conclusion. Is the S crown more able to prove one's strength, or the gold medal of the Asian Games is more fragrant? We will wait and see for this round."

And the barrage is also very suitable for the two.

"Big guts!"

"I suspect that you are implicating me, brother Zaozi, and I have solid evidence (dog head) (dog head)"

"uzi: I must get back what I lost. It's not to prove how great I am, but to prove that there is a dad in the team. It's really cool to lie down and win!!"


On the Korean team's bench, Kiin frowned after seeing the Chinese team's final choice.

It should be that weapons are on the road, and weapons can't be used to assist, let the barrels be on the road!
After version 8.15, weapon masters basically belong to sewer heroes, tank heroes have Ornn, output heroes have Sword Demon, and single-armed heroes have Sword Fairy. use.

But the man on the opposite side just likes to make a slanted sword and engage in this new thing.

Even if it is this kind of bench hero that you don't know how many versions are behind, he dares to choose it, and in Kiin's cognition, the captain playing the weapon master is a little counter.

First of all, the captain's hand is a little longer than the weapon, and the weapon can be consumed by the Q skill.Of course, as long as one is a normal captain, he will not stand with weapons.

Secondly, the captain puts a bucket under his body. If the weapon jumps up, the captain directly pulls the bucket away quickly, and does not give the weapon a chance to keep leveling a.

Finally, the captain's W skill orange can relieve the stun of weapon E.

Moreover, in team battles, the captain is also better than the weapon master. The captain's ultimate move and the two barrels also have the opportunity to change the fate of the sky.

But the man opposite is so confident, as if the version, counter and other factors have nothing to do with him.

As long as he wants to choose, he dares to choose, and if he chooses, he can always play unexpected operations.

It's as if this professional game is his personal hero show.

This master of weapons, even the South Korean team, which several analysts and coaches had assumed lineups before the game, was not expected.

They thought of Jian Ji, Sword Girl, and Ornn, but they didn't think of Jax, the weapon master.

"Don't panic, we will fight according to the established thinking!"

"Everyone just treat this game as a BO1, don't give up"

"Peanut and corejj must arrange their field of vision well to give Faker's clockwork and Chidi's Verus a space to develop."

"Xiang Hyuk, I will leave this round to you, please!"

After the selection of the lineups of the two sides, although Supervisor Cui was also very pessimistic, he still had a professional attitude and hurriedly explained a few words to a few players before leaving the player's bench.

Before leaving, he gave his top laner kiin meaningful instructions for two rounds.

Calm down, he also knew that the defeat in the first two rounds could not be entirely blamed on this young boy.

"Kiin does his job well. The captain must stabilize the development of the top lane. Don't eat dangerous lines. Even if you miss the economy, you can't be snowballed by the weapon master."

The big screen was placed at the passageway of the stage. Supervisor Cui and Abu shook hands politely. Both of them had smiles on their faces and seemed to be in harmony.

It's just that Supervisor Cui's smile is very forced, while Abu's smile is so brilliant!

Now Abramovich finally understands why Coach Jin always likes to chat with others in previous IG games.

I have such a baby player in my family, of course I have to show it off.

He, Abu Ke, has never fought such a rich battle, Chen Mu and Uzi, with two gods in hand, why worry about not being able to win the gold medal! !
And the god of his own pig farm, the Will of Seven has long been forgotten by him, the man who only knows how to spread his hands in bears is no longer his piggy!
But when the two coaches turned around, the two smiling faces immediately put down their hypocritical smiles, frozen them again, and wiped their hands in disgust.

Swap the positions of the heroes, and the game between the two sides officially begins.

The Chinese team vs. the South Korean team: the third game of the BO5 final is also a match point game.

Top Order: Weapon vs Captain
Jungle: Lee Sin vs Olaf

Mid laner: Galio vs Clockwork
ADC: Xia vs Verus

Support: Barrel vs Luo

After a brief game loading screen, the game officially entered the screen.

Chen Mu's weapon master, the rune selection did not choose the resolute line or the conqueror.The current conquerors are not the conquerors of the later generations who are getting stronger and stronger. The current conquerors convert part of the damage into real damage.

But the weapon master itself is mixed damage, it is not easy to use equipment to target, and the lineup of the opposite Korean team does not have a front row, Jax's damage is enough, and the real damage gain of the conqueror is not needed.

In order to strengthen the laning in the early and mid-term, Chen Mu brought strong attack, weapon master QAW, a set can easily deal 3-ring damage, and play a vulnerable state of strong attack.

Chen Mu's weapon master's starting outfit, he chose the corruption potion.

The five members of the Chinese team went out quickly. Uzi and Xiye were still standing in the regular positions, and they were very careful, beware of the third round, and some moths on the opposite side.

However, the weapons, the blind monk, and Xiaoming's wine barrel were "inappropriate people", and they directly drilled in from the upper half of their wild area, invading the blue buff area of ​​the South Korean team.

It seems that this is thinking one, two, three, four, one more time.

However, they have weapons, barrels, and a blind monk. With such a strong first-level combat ability, there is no reason not to cause trouble.

As long as Kiin's captain is a little careless and is left behind, they can succeed.

But the South Korean team on the opposite side is not stupid either. Supervisor Cui deliberately replaced Peanut with Peanut, just to change the style of the wild area.

As soon as the two sides met each other, Chen Mu found that not only the captain was standing in the upper half of the wild area, but also Olaf from Peanut.

When Peanut saw the enemy invading the wild area, he immediately controlled Olaf to retreat, and continued to pin signals to his own wild area.

"Come to invade the wild area!"

At the same time, an eye position was thrown in the grass, and he immediately retreated.

But the Chinese team saw that the road was blocked, so they immediately retreated and started to reposition. There is no need to struggle with the first-level team.

Afterwards, both sides set up a one-word defensive formation and did not make any more offensive moves.

"Hmph, there is no one who can fight," the weapon master stood under the defense tower holding a broken street lamp.

On the road, Chen Mu's weapon master is still more aggressive as always.

Although the weapon master is a bit weak in the early stage, this is also a dialectical point of view. Of course, the crocodile can't beat the line tyrant, but the captain's line killing ability is also very weak.

As soon as the pawn line goes online, the weapon master will start to accumulate passive A pawns.

The weapon master picked up the street lamp in his hand and began to knock on the little soldier.

The captain of kiin is playing with the Grip of the Undying in this round, focusing on laning consumption and blood exchange. You can use the Q skill frequently to hit the weapon to ensure blood recovery and battery life.

Captain Kiin learned the Q skill gunfire negotiation at the first level, but he dare not hand over his first passive, otherwise the weapon master will come up to exchange blood.

The first level of the captain does not have the real damage of the passive fire knife, so it is not very strong.

But looking at the weapon master who was getting faster and faster, the captain still saw the opportunity and stepped forward, wanting to take advantage of the gap between the weapons master A's soldiers and make a shot with a fiery knife.

But the next moment, when the captain just raised his hand.

The street lamp in Jax's hand immediately turned into an electric fan, shaking it overhead.The captain's fiery knife slashed at the air.

Then the weapon master twisted his short body and kept moving forward.

And kiin also understood it very well, and immediately moved back, but the skill range of the weapon master's E skill to counter the storm is still quite large, and at the limit distance, the captain was stunned.

But Chen Mu saw that the distance was not enough, and the weapon master was not greedy for that flat A. After the captain was stunned, he immediately retreated towards the nearby grass, not giving the captain a chance to hit the indestructible Q after waking up.

And Kiin saw that the weapon master had entered the grass and lost his vision, so he could only sigh.

Kiin has nothing to do with weapons frequently using the bushes to get in and out. He is already afraid of being caught by the spicy pot!

The first artificial eye on his body dared not put it in the side grass.

Maybe as soon as this piece of vision is put down, the blind monk from the spicy pot will come over after smelling it.

And after Jax used the E skill to fight back against the storm, Chen Mu also behaved a lot immediately, and stopped pressing forward.

The skill CD of the weapon master's E skill counter-storm is as long as 16 seconds. During these 16 seconds, Chen Mu must "behave with his tail between his legs". If he dares to pretend, he will definitely be severely beaten by the captain.

Even the little soldiers who should be discarded must give up decisively, and they should not lose the big because of small things.

After the second level, as usual, the captain first put a protective bucket towards his feet, and then gave a wave of jewelry eyes towards the river grass on the road.

Kiin is really afraid that the second level of Mala Xiangguo will come to the road to arrange him.

As for whether Olaf of his own jungler Peanut will come to the road to help him squat.

Don't even think about it! !

Before this game even started, the coach and Little Peanut made it clear that they would play around the middle.

Faker chose a clockwork, but he didn't come to be the director of the orphanage.

Sometimes, the hero clockwork needs the protection and support of the team members, otherwise, facing the mid lane combination of Galio and Lee Sin, a fancy death scene may be staged.

And when the two sides reach the second level.

The captain has learned the barrel, and the weapon master has learned the Q skill to jump, and a new round of game between the two sides will begin again.

The captain's laning weapons in the early stage are the two most important game points.

One is that the weapon master's E skill can block the captain's immortal Q and fire knife.

The other is to grab the barrel and cheat the barrel.

As the name suggests, the barrel grabbing means that the barrel fuze in the early stage takes a long time and is easy to be snatched by the opponent.

As for deceiving the bucket, there is a little delay between the captain's shot and the explosion of the bucket in the early stage, and the master will continue to move his head back and forth near the word "bucket" to trick you into shooting bucket A.

And Chen Mu's weapon master, in order to compete with you, specially added attack speed fragments to his talent, coupled with the passively stacked attack speed, the weapon master's street lamp flew up.

It is still unknown who the barrel will fall into? !

After the second level, it comes to the captain's strong laning consumption period. You can use the captain's signature to operate "connecting barrels" to suppress the opponent's blood line.

The captain of kiin didn't say anything else, first you put a bucket in the grass, don't you like to go into the grass? !

Come in!I see you still go in this time? !
Then, another bucket was placed under his feet.

come!Don't you like changing blood? !Come to me!
(End of this chapter)

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