LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 193 Not only the competition, but also the life and death!

Chapter 193 Not only the competition, but also the life and death!
Seeing the captain's anxious action, Chen Mu just smiled and shook his head lightly. It seems that this kiin was also anxious by himself.

Put a big iron bucket array directly on the road!

Let's see how I break your iron barrel array!

I saw Captain Kiin’s two barrels, one was at the edge of the second grass on the roadside grass, as soon as Chen Mu stepped in, it would be an explosive barrel, and the other barrel was at the captain’s feet, in the pile of soldiers , just waiting for your weapon master to jump up.

The two barrels are not connected, the two barrels are purely for forcing the weapon into position.If the weapon goes forward to replenish soldiers, it will be barrel bombed; if it is pulled into the grass, it will also be barrel bombed.

But Chen Mu pretended not to see Kiin's movements, and still walked towards the grass on his own.

Seeing this, Kiin was a little confused at this moment, didn't he notice that he had already placed the bucket in the grass? !Why is he still going to the grass? !

Could it be that after so many games, the man on the opposite side will also lose his concentration? !
But it was too late for him to think too much, Chen Mu's weapon master was almost approaching the grass.
The captain immediately fired at the barrel with the Q skill gun fire negotiation.

But just when the gunpowder gun in the captain's hand was raised, Chen Mu's weapon master suddenly turned his head back and walked back the moment he was about to walk into the grass.


This man was really trying to seduce him, he already knew that there was a barrel in the grass, yet he dared to get so close to the grass, but why was he so easily fooled? !

But Kiin didn't panic. During the Q skill gun fire negotiation, when Planck's gunpowder gun had sprayed out gunpowder, the captain immediately filled a bucket under the bucket in the grass.

A light-speed two-barrel!

This is also the captain proficiency of a top laner in lck.

In an instant, the fuzes seen in the two powder barrels had been ignited and were about to explode.

But faster than them is Jax the Weapon Master.

Seeing Chen Mu's, he pressed his Q key.

Instead, the weapon master immediately jumped and slashed with his q skill, and stepped on Captain Kiin's face.

And just as the weapon master jumped out of the range of the gunpowder barrel, the two barrels exploded on the spot, but did not cause the slightest damage to the weapon master.


"What a quick reaction!"

"This man is dancing on the wire rope. As long as the speed of his weapon master's jumping and slashing is a little slower, he will definitely eat a double barrel of himself!"

"Maybe just a few milliseconds away!!"

"But why is the man opposite so confident?! How can he guarantee that he won't eat this Erlian barrel?!"

But without giving Kiin any extra time to react, alarm bells rang in his heart, because the captain had already jumped on his face, and the counter-storm had already started.

The street lamp in the weapon master's hand was spinning continuously on his forehead like an electric fan.

Moreover, this wave of first-hand attacks by the weapon master attracted the hatred of the minions on the blue side, and attracted a series of attacks from the melee or long-range minions.

For kiin, this is not only bad news, but also bad news.

Due to the continuous blocking effect of the weapon's e skill, the attacks of these minions are not only unable to successfully hit the enemy's weapon master.

Moreover, the weapon master's E skill counterattacks the storm, and every time an enemy attack is dodged, the damage will increase by 20%.And these blue minions are also considered enemies. With the continuous output of the minions, the weapon master's E skill damage will easily reach an additional 100% maximum damage increase effect.

In the early stage of the game, the hero level is only two or three levels, whether there is any equipment on his body, this will increase the damage of the weapon master's e skill by tons after the duration ends.

Of course, it is impossible for Kiin to sit still——

Just as the enemy weapon master was driving forward with the E skill, Kiin's captain also kept stepping back, bringing Chen Mu's weapon to the barrel that was previously placed in the army pile.

At the same time, the captain drank a layer of corrosive potion, recovering blood volume and increasing his own damage.

But Chen Mu looked at the captain's movements, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

next moment--

The weapon master slammed the spinning street lamp above his head, and a circle of domineering vigor was like a whirlpool, instantly dizzying the captain in front of him.

But kiin, as the top and bottom laner of the LCK, was of course not weak in his response. After a pause, the captain also used the E orange to relieve the dizziness in seconds and restore a little HP.

The movement in his hands didn't stop either. He held a powder gun in one hand, and the other hand holding a fire knife immediately looked at the powder keg under his feet, trying to detonate the powder keg.

But due to the stalemate just now, the weapon master has already stuck to the captain.

When the captain raised his pistol, the weapon master also raised the street lamp, but this time he didn't hit the captain, but the gunpowder barrel behind him.

But the captain's level A speed is so fast that the weapon master street lamp is so fast!

Generally speaking, the attack speed of the heroes in the early stage is generally low, at least the captain's normal attack is slower than the ballistic of the captain's Q gun fire trial.

However, the weapon master is different. Passivity directly increases his attack speed by 20.00%. In addition, in order to compete with the captain, Chen Mu specially brought the attack speed talent fragments.

So the weapon master took the first step and Captain A dropped the powder keg! !

Ding, the gunpowder barrel turned into 10 gold coins and went into the weapon master's pocket, and the bullet fired by the captain didn't know where it went!

Now that A has dropped the gunpowder barrel, the weapon master is not greedy to level A, and now he is only level [-], and all his skills have been fully handed in, and the next is the captain's turn.

Lied to two buckets and robbed one bucket, Kiin is already at a loss, but Chen Mu won't act like a good boy if he gets a bargain, and he won't be greedy for those two draws.

Immediately afterwards, when Kiin lost three barrels, he suddenly calmed down,
After getting rid of the stun effect of the enemy's weapon master's e skill, he immediately added a CD-turned barrel behind him, and then hit the weapon master's chest with a backhand fire knife, receiving the second flat a , another shot of the q skill, the trigger of the Grasp of the Undying talent has successfully restored the captain's blood volume.

When he wanted to attack again, the weapon master had already pulled away, and got into the grass again.

At this time, the two sides are like two beasts fighting to the death.

One was defeated, and after pulling away from the distance, it could only silently lick its wounds, wait for the blood to return, and seize the time to recover, while the one that won the battle did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but first recovered its strength and waited for the next attack.

And the next fight
Both high and low, but also life and death! !

Soon, both sides reached the third level, and both recovered a little blood.

The weapon kept drinking the rotten potion on his body, and so did the captain.

The weapon and the captain fought back and forth. After the previous confrontation, both of them were almost half-blooded.

At this time, the weapon master has six layers of passive ruthless iron after all, which increases the attack speed by 20.00%, which is equivalent to a large attack speed bonus.

However, the captain has used up all three buckets due to a wave of mutual fighting in the second level. The CD of the captain's bucket in the early stage is still very long, so we can only keep a safe distance and wait for the CD of the bucket.

Therefore, the weapon master undoubtedly gained the upper hand and got a short-term line right.

The weapon master who got the right to the short-term line began to push the line, and the street lamp in his hand kept beating the soldiers, not only maintaining his full layer of passive and ruthless iron strikes, but also staring at the weapon master not far away.

Kiin, on the other hand, has always kept a safe distance. Anyway, this wave of soldiers is definitely coming.

A moment later, a large wave of soldiers was pushed over by the weapon master.

And Chen Mu glanced at the small map. He hadn't seen Peanut's Olaf for a long time, so he operated the weapon master to make a defensive eye on the grass in the river.

Although it is estimated that Peanut's Olaf will not come in this round with a high probability, Galio in the middle lane and Mala Xiangguo's blind monk put too much pressure on Faker, and Peanut dare not act rashly.

But Chen Mu would not pin his hopes on the mind of the opposite party, and it took less than a few seconds to insert a vision.

But at this time, Kiin didn't know whether it was a burst seed, or a whim, and saw the weapon master who was doing vision.

The captain, who had planned to practice tower knife skills, suddenly took two steps forward and blocked the wave of soldiers who were about to enter the tower.

After being attacked by the minions for two rounds and his own minions came online, the captain got rid of the hatred of the minions and returned to the tower.

And Chen Mu, who came back from the eye, was also very surprised to see this scene.

To be honest, this wave of pawn lines is stuck, and the weapon master is really uncomfortable!

I can't enter, I can't push, I go back to the city to make up for my condition, and I'm short of money to buy equipment.Moreover, returning to the city without advancing this wave of troops is a blood loss.

Obviously, the weapon master had a little advantage in the early laning and got the laning right.But suddenly, Captain Kiin's stroke of genius reversed the situation.

This is the art of going up the line!
However, the corners of Chen Mu's mouth curled up slightly.

Is that interesting? !If it is just being beaten passively, wouldn't it lose the essence of the game.

Now the game really begins!
Chen Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, the weapon master in his hand moved quickly, and began to AW clear the soldiers and push the line.

Even in order for the soldiers to enter the tower as soon as possible, Chen Mu surrendered his E skill to counter the storm and quickly push the line.

But as soon as the weapon master handed in the E skill to fight back against the storm, the captain of Kiin immediately became bold. If you didn't fight back against the storm, I'm afraid you won't.

So he immediately stepped forward, and an immortal Q with healed back was about to make a move.

But Chen Mu's eyes sharpened suddenly,
He knew that this wave would definitely be hit by the captain's indestructible Q, but he didn't want to be wasted in vain,
Immediately it is the Q skill to jump and cut, and it is tied with A
But Kiin's captain was also prepared, and immediately flattened the bucket he had prepared behind him.

The weapon master took damage from the barrel at the extreme distance and was slowed down.

But at this time, Kiin committed the problem of greed again, and wanted to chase the slowed down weapon A with his fire knife.

But the CD of the weapon master's W skill is very fast, and he also turned his head to face the captain's first-level heavy hammer.

After the two sides fought each other, they pulled each other away just like a convention.

At this time, after taking the real damage from the captain's gunfire, an explosive barrel, and a fire knife, the weapon master's blood volume has continued to drop below 98 points, only [-] points.

However, because of the influence of an indestructible Q, the captain's blood volume is about 150 points. However, because the red side has many minions, the captain's blood volume is still dropping wildly.

The two sides continued to pull.

If you turn your head, I will press forward, and if you turn around, I will turn back.

You come and go, all waiting for the CD of the final skill! !
kiin looked at his skill bar
Two seconds!
There are two seconds left, and the captain's Q skill gunfire negotiation will be better!
Then it will be the beginning of my big reversal!
But next second.
The weapon Q on the opposite side jumped directly on the face with a few jumps.


Kiin's heart skipped a beat, his adrenaline soared to the extreme, and he subconsciously pressed the F button when it flashed.

The captain quickly dodged backwards.

But at the next moment, Kiin realized that the weapon master jumped not himself, but the blue pawn of the defense tower.

After killing the soldier, the weapon master burst into a flash of green light.

I don't know when the weapon master quietly rose to the fourth level, and regained a little blood.

Oops!Not good!
Kiin said in his heart that it was bad, so that his captain's Q skill gun fire negotiation would not be able to kill the weapon master with a single shot.

But the arrow is on the string and has to be fired!

After the captain flashed out of fright, he turned his head immediately, raised the gunpowder gun in his hand, and pointed it at the weapon master.

Q skill gunfire negotiation shot!
A shot of buckshot flew towards the weapon master rapidly.

But the next moment.
The corners of Chen Mu's mouth curled up slightly, and he lightly pressed his E key!
The street lamp in the weapon master's hand danced again, stirring up the vortex, forming a counterattack storm all over his body, and directly confiscated the captain's musket.

At the same time, keep moving forward,

At this time, Kiin was also in a panic. Without mana on his body, he could no longer use his W skill, so he could only control the captain to walk backwards without thinking.

Since his own soldiers had already entered the tower, even after entering the opposite defensive tower, the weapons master did not stop, but pressed on the captain step by step.

At this time, Chen Mu did not flash in a hurry. If he flashed at this time, he would be taken away by the opposite defense tower.

Chen Mu first pressed his last bottle of corruption potion.

That's right!Up to now, there is still a layer of corruption potion hidden on the weapon master.

1 seconds.
The captain had already arrived, and the weapon master did not make a move.

2 seconds.
In two seconds, the corrupt potion recovered more than ten points of blood.

At the same time, the captain was almost at the edge of his defense tower by the triangle grass.

Suddenly, the weapon master moved.

In a flash of gold, Jax clung directly to the captain.

At the same time, the street lamp in his hand turned violently, dizzying the captain!
Immediately afterwards, the master of weapons tied A for the last time, taking away the last trace of the captain's blood.

But the weapon master's blood volume is already exhausted!

Will he die? !
Kiin stared at the screen with staring eyes, his captain collapsed under his own defense tower, he didn't want to "die with regret".

The weapon master's attack on the captain aroused the hatred of the defense tower, and the defense tower immediately dropped a thunderbolt, a bright red energy bomb, rushing towards the weapon master.

The red energy bombarded the weapon master.

"Die! Die to me!!!" Kiin was already muttering almost crazily.

But the next moment.
After the weapon master was attacked by a defense tower, his blood volume immediately dropped to empty blood.However, he was not killed in battle, and he still walked out of the attack range of the defense tower firmly.

Triumph runes, miracles of life!
Plus the more than a dozen blood points restored by the corrupt potion just now! !

In the end, the weapon master had 11 HP left!
(End of this chapter)

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