LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 202 Wearing the National Flag, Unlimited Glory

Chapter 202 Wearing the National Flag, Unlimited Glory
When the "March of the Volunteers" resounded through the e-sports hall and the five-star red flag fluttered over Jakarta, the flag-raising ceremony also came to the end.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room were brushed up one after another.

"Awesome, my country!"

"I'm crying to death, do you know how hard it is to get this medal?"

"Sing along!"

"The Chinese team is awesome!"

Since there is no copyright in China to broadcast the e-sports events of the Asian Games, many fans can only get news through word of mouth in the group.

And this time.
When the national flag climbed to the top, the copywriting of the major domestic self-media and LPL official media was also written, and the headlines were published one after another at the same time!
"Congratulations to the League of Legends e-sports project for winning the gold medal"

That is, 1 minute of the world, it rushed to Weibo hot search.

Now that the ceremony has come to an end, the host came to the stage to carry out the final process, and a photographer came up to make gestures, probably to ask them to take a group photo.

This group photo is not just the members of the Chinese team, it is the three teams of the champion, runner-up and third place standing together for a group photo.

Chen Mu reached out and stuffed the gold medal into his mouth, bared his teeth, and gently bit the gold medal.

And other people such as uzi and Mala Xiangguo who were next to them reacted and began to follow suit. Everyone had a shiny gold medal in their mouths and showed their big white teeth at the same time.

Everyone looked at the camera with a smile on their faces, full of spirits.

It is in stark contrast with the South Korean team next to it who was punished to stand.

Next to the South Korean team, which was a step lower, Faker raised the silver medal in his hand, but at this moment, he felt that the silver medal in his hand was not pleasing to the eye.

He looked at the fat man in uzi next to him, with a big face, biting a gold medal, and suddenly felt that the three S championship trophies he had collected were not very good.

Originally tidying up the mood, suddenly it is extremely ugly, looking at uzi, Chen Mu and others next to him, the eyes are also resentful, like an abandoned little daughter-in-law.

And at this moment.

The screen freezes!

Faker's extremely sour eyes were recorded.

And at the same time.
Chen Mu felt a stagnation in his back, and he didn't know when the red flag was draped over his body naturally.

Chen Mu turned his head to look at his teammates in doubt, and the people around him all looked at her with smiles.

There is no such thing as Fmvp in the Asian Games, which is their greatest affirmation and recognition of Chen Mu.

From the stumbling team building, to being educated by the LPL teams in turn during the training match, to the invincible momentum in the qualifiers, and the king's division in the finals.

Chen Mu is the Dinghaishenzhen in the team, like the pillar of the sky!
From killing opponents indiscriminately when the wind is down, to opening up the situation when the power is balanced, to dragging teammates forward with one's own strength when the situation is disadvantaged.

In everyone's mind, he is a well-deserved FMVP! !
Chen Mu was stunned for a moment before reacting, turned his head and continued to look at the camera, and held up the gold medal in his hand again.

"Congratulations again, Team China!"

The Indonesian host shouted this sentence with the loudest voice, and the awards ceremony came to an end.

The six people bowed to the audience again, and kept waving their hands in thanks, with the gold medals on their chests shining brightly.

Fans of the Chinese team in the audience burst into wild cheers again, sending the Chinese team off the field.

"Champion! Champion! Champion!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Puppy! YYDS!"

"Xi Ye Xi Ye! Niubi!"

"Ahh, Chen Muniu's batch!"

"UZI! Awesome!"

"The Chinese team is awesome!! So handsome"

"Team China! Champion!"

"Congratulations to the South Korean team for winning the runner-up!"

Seeing that the exhibition game of the Asian Games has come to an end, in the live broadcast room, Miller also wiped away his tears, trying to make his voice sound clear.

"From the MSI mid-season competition, to the intercontinental competition, to the gold medal in the Asian Games exhibition game, I believe this year is the year of our LPL, the first year of Chinese e-sports, and the beginning of going to the top of the world!"

Wawa also sorted out some thoughts, and said: "Wow, it's over, the one-week exhibition game is over, the Chinese team has achieved a successful ending, but the stories of these boys are not over yet, one month later, what awaits them It's the S8 World Championship."

"This time, I say with certainty and affirmation that this year is the most promising year in our LPL division!!!"

When it was Guan Zeyuan's turn, he had completely become Chen Mu's licking dog: "I have no brains to believe in Chen Mu now. Chen Mu is here, no surprises!"

"The team that the baby director just mentioned, this year must be the LPL year~!"

But the barrage in the live broadcast room is now afraid of Guan Zeyuan.

"My 40-meter sword has already been raised, don't mind the dog, you reorganize the language!!"


"uzi: Could it be me?!"

"RNG: That's right, it's me!"

"Ah, yes, yes, what God said is correct (squint eye) (squint eye)"

"Chen Mu: A group of little bastards, let's see how I kill you in the World Championship!"

"Why does everything the dog says are so normal, but I just want to hit him?!"

"Knife in hand, follow me, kill Yu Shuang, grab the dog!!"

And when the awards ceremony and the solemn flag-raising ceremony are over, all the competition procedures of the exhibition match have come to an end.

Chen Mu and others still need to be interviewed in the follow-up, so they cannot leave the venue for the time being.

Simply put, Chen Mu and other team members stacked the national flag neatly, handed it back to the logistics staff, and then went to the lounge to wait for the next interview.

As soon as they arrived at the lounge of the Chinese team, Chen Mu and the others were immediately surrounded by the staff.
Although this team is all impromptu, there are players from major LPL teams, coaches and analysts from major teams, as well as official support staff, and even many who don’t understand the game League of Legends people.

But at this moment, everyone got together and cheered desperately, venting the pressure they had endured during this period of time.

Abu wiped away his tears silently, watching this scene with a smile.

In this world, he is also tortured
Since the establishment of the national team, Abramovich has always been the head coach. Although the staff of other clubs have also joined the team, as the head coach, Abramovich has to bear the main responsibility no matter whether he wins or loses the game.

Without his silent contribution behind the scenes, six players from different teams with very different personalities would not have been able to be trained by him to think in one direction and work in one direction in a short time.

His hard work and hard work can be imagined.

These behind-the-scenes staff could only stand silently watching them when Chen Mu and the others were standing on the stage to accept the honor and shine brightly, watching them cry and laughing at them.

In Chen Mu's heart, these people's contribution is no less than that of them playing games on the court.

Although these gold medals were engraved with the names of the contestants, they belonged to everyone on the team.

Then Chen Mu and others generously took out their gold medals and took photos with all the staff.

Speaking of gold medals, Chen Mu hasn't fully appreciated the gold medals he has observed.

After Huo Qigang took the gold medal before, Chen Mu has been concentrating on the flag-raising ceremony, and now he has time to take a good look at the gold medal.

Although the number of gold medals in exhibition games will not be included in the total number of gold medals for the Chinese team in this Asian Games, the gold medals that are handed out are real gold medals, exactly the same as gold medals in other official sports.

A gold medal is not made of pure gold, but its meaning and weight are not just as simple as gold.

It has to be said that Indonesia will host the Asian Games again after 56 years, and they have indeed put a lot of effort into the details of the medals.

In order to hold this Asian sports event well and promote Indonesian traditional culture, the design pattern of the medals of this Asian Games has added Indonesia's most distinctive "Badik" batik pattern.

Batik is a kind of batik cloth unique to Indonesia. The production process is delicate and complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive. The colorful and charming patterns are amazing, and it is regarded as "national clothing" by Indonesians.

The red and white ribbons, dotted on the side, look complementary.

It's really beautiful!

Then the staff specially helped Chen Mu and the others prepare the boxes for placing the medals.

The glass on the outside of the box is also printed with their respective IDs, and on the black base at the bottom, there is also written '2018 Jakarta Asian Games Commemoration'!
It can be seen that they are very attentive!
Chen Mu carefully put the gold medal into his box, then sat on the chair, waiting for the interview that will come later
But as the control of the system gradually faded, the adrenaline gradually dropped, and soon a sense of hunger and fatigue suddenly almost made Chen Mu's eyes go dark.

In order to maintain a good state, all the players did not eat before going to the field and kept an empty stomach.

After all, after eating food, blood sugar rises, and the human body will naturally feel sleepy and want to sleep. This is the reason why you can sleep well after eating a full meal.

But these three fierce battles almost exhausted all the physical and mental energy of these boys. Adding the carnival after winning the championship and the excitement and excitement of the flag-raising ceremony, naturally they will not feel tired and hungry.

But while he was calm at this moment, his stomach was growling naturally.

Especially Chen Mu, although he has a system, as long as the system is in place, Chen Mu can always maintain a god-like state during the game.

But the body is still his own.

Now that the system faded, all kinds of negative emotions were doubled back to Chen Mu. At this moment, he felt a little tired even moving a finger.

The other contestants also faced the same situation. They waited to eat something to recover before lying down on the sofa and feeling weak.

They didn't have to wait too long, and some staff notified them to go for an interview. This is basically the final process of the Asian Games.

Everyone looked at each other to sort out their emotions, and followed the staff to the small interview stage.

And the first one to interview was of course the top brand in China, CCTV.

CCTV may not necessarily interview exhibition games that were not included in the number of gold medals in the competition.

There are so many official events in the Asian Games and so many athletes, where can I interview them.For many unpopular sports, CCTV does not show footage.

For example, the Clash Royale event, which is also an e-sports exhibition match, has no sound or image in any domestic media reports you have seen!

Even King Pesticide next door won the championship without any suspense, but it did not cause the slightest disturbance.
But this time, the League of Legends filled the cards.

As soon as the Chinese team won the championship, CCTV5 quickly released the result report, congratulated the Chinese team for their victory, and praised the outstanding performance of the Chinese players.

This can be said to be a milestone in the history of e-sports.

And this CCTV interview will also be post-produced into a documentary and broadcast on official channels.

However, the official preparation process for the Asian Games is very formal, but it is obviously rusty, and the questions asked are very official, and few of them are even about the game itself.

Of course, the answers Chen Mu and others gave were also very official and on the right track.

Even though it was the first time for Mala Xiangguo and others to accept this kind of interview, they were a little nervous, but with Chen Mu and Abu, two "old party members" beside them, the interview would not be overturned.

In the end, it was Chen Mulai who came to the end and made a summary of this official interview: "I am really grateful to the country for supporting us, and to our coaches and behind-the-scenes staff for their help."

"Although there are only six gold medals, in the eyes of me, my teammates and our fans, they are also an indispensable part behind the championship honor. I am really grateful to them!"

"In the end. We will continue to work hard to achieve better results."

Seeing Chen Mu talking eloquently and calmly in front of the interview camera, even the interviewing reporter couldn't help but give Chen Mu a thumbs up.

After all, facing the camera, without any pre-prepared script, it is a test of skill to speak such a long paragraph without any pre-prepared script.

After the CCTV interview ended, there was also an interview with the LPL media.

And this person is naturally our "aftershock" aunt, and she has also come to Jakarta.

E-sports was added to mainstream sports for the first time, and the Chinese team won the championship.

How can Tencent and LPL not operate such a good thing? !
Looking at Yu Shuang with reddish glasses, it was obvious that she was also excited and excited for a while because of the Chinese team's championship just now, and it was difficult to control her mood.

But now looking at the meritorious boys of the Chinese team, Yu Shuang first asked: "Then, how are you feeling now?"

"As far as I know, this is the first time you have become athletes. The first time you participated in a competition is in the high-standard sports world of the Asian Games. You won the gold medal for the first time in the Asian Games. This is one of the highest achievements of athletes. one!"

"All the audience and I really want to know how you feel at this moment, do you have anything to express?"

As he spoke, he handed the microphone to Xiao Ming, who was on the far left, and seeing that he was an old acquaintance in the LPL competition area, Xiao Ming was not as nervous as before when he was interviewed by CCTV, and started talking nonsense.

"How can I feel! I played two friendly matches and won a gold medal directly, so happy!"

"I just want to say, it's so cool to have a big daddy!"

Brother Zaozi also picked up the microphone and said: "I only have one feeling, Chen Mu, YYDS!"

The other teammates also smiled knowingly!

And it was Yu Shuang who handed the microphone to Chen Mu and asked, "Chen Mu, what do you think?!"

(End of this chapter)

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