LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 203 The big teams that started to divide the fruit

Chapter 203 The big teams that started to divide the fruit

When it came to the post-match interview, which was a favorite part of the game, everyone knew what was going on with CCTV's official media, and they didn't talk nonsense, but when facing the interview with Yu Shuang, an old acquaintance, everyone relaxed.

And when the microphone was handed over to Chen Mu, Chen Mu took the microphone:

"What do you think?!"

Afterwards, the corners of Chen Mu's mouth curled up slightly, and he started to make trouble.
While talking, Chen Mu picked up the gold medal around his neck and shook it.

"I think so. The gold ones are heavier than the silver ones. My neck is sore!"

"CHN is greater than KOR"

After saying this, several teammates laughed. They only dared to think these words in their hearts, but they just didn't dare to say them out. After all, they haven't won an S tournament championship until now.

But Chen Mu, who is in full swing, has no problem saying it. Since Chen Mu's official debut, he has beaten Koreans violently.

After hearing what Chen Mu said, Yu Shuang also covered her mouth and laughed.

After all, she is a professional host, so she can't laugh unless she can't help it.

As soon as the interview came up, a big topic broke out, how could she be unhappy.She could already imagine the repercussions that this interview caused when it was released.

Is the Chinese team bigger than the Korean team, or is the Korean team bigger than the Chinese team?
Since s3, it has been an eternal topic in the LPL division.

And now it is up to Chen Mu to put an end to this problem.

CHN is greater than KOR!

And Yu Shuang pursed her lips and smiled, then took the microphone and asked: "Then we all know that after the Asian Games exhibition game, everyone will return to their respective teams in the LPL division and return to the tense league. What are your expectations for the next professional league, player Mu?"

There are not many good opportunities to make troubles like this, and there are even fewer players who cooperate in making troubles like this.

Chen Mu continued to take the microphone, with a serious face, and said solemnly: "I'm already studying the opponents in the World Championship!"

And when they heard the classic quotes from Saiwen Patriarch, everyone laughed, not only Yu Shuang, but even the teammates next to him were amused.

Don't look at Chen Mu playing the game, with a serious and expressionless face, looking very cold.But usually he is a somewhat unruly person.

After that, Yu Shuang couldn't favor one person over another, and stared at one person for interviews, but the interviews of other people had a somewhat formatted flavor.

In less than ten minutes, Yu Shuang ended the interview. She also knew that after so many days and so many games, the players, coaches, and logistics staff were all exhausted and needed to rest.

The post-match interview ended successfully amidst the fiery cheers at the scene, and Chen Mu and others also returned to the backstage lounge under the farewell of everyone to continue the carnival belonging to their small group.

At the same time, with the award ceremony of the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games e-sports finals, it also marked the complete end of LPL's journey for this Asian Games.

An incomparably perfect ending!

In the qualifiers, friendly matches in the group matches, and the grand finals, they defeated the South Korean team head-on with a [-]-[-] score and won the first gold medal in the history of League of Legends e-sports.

This will be a major honor recorded in history, and the outside world has already begun to revel.

Although this Jakarta Asian Games does not have domestic broadcasting rights, countless netizens have jumped to the Internet to watch the whole process of the game, and even many die-hard fans have followed the Asian Games national team almost all the way through the Asian Games. Win the championship with a big score, add the red flag, raise the national anthem and play the national anthem and so on.

There is so much to discuss, to praise and to savor.

Chen Mu's personal hero show on the road, Puppy's face-riding Kasha, Galio's renzhuli in Xiye, the flash of Malaxiangguo waiting for [-] days, and Chidi cloth armor shoes and Fa wear shoes s story
There were too many things for everyone to discuss, and it also made this night completely crazy, falling into the biggest carnival of the dogs since winning the MSI championship.

And many people who don't know about e-sports and League of Legends have also changed their views on e-sports after winning the Asian Games exhibition game.

Do the right thing, do something meaningful, no one will say that the national athletes are playing with things and losing their minds. This is the biggest positive influence that the Asian Games can give to LPL.

Naturally, the e-sports circle also started a carnival journey. RNG, IG, EDG, WE and other clubs of major national team players immediately began to push the good news of winning the Asian Games on Weibo and other major platforms.

While releasing good news to the market, it also showed off to other peers.

The IG e-sports club updated its Weibo as soon as it got the news.

The text of the Weibo message also included two pictures. The first one is a big picture of the six members of the national team looking at the direction of the flag-raising ceremony. All six members are surrounded by red flags.

The second one is a solo photo of Chen Mu himself wearing the national flag. The IG operation department also thoughtfully posted a promotional photo of Chen Mu's club next to it, secretly proclaiming that this player belongs to my family.

As soon as Weibo became popular, the number of comments, likes and reposts exceeded [-] in just a few minutes, and the following hot comments were quickly raised to the top by likes.

"From tanks to fighters, he is proficient in attacking and attacking in groups. He is a god on the road, and he deserves his name as a god."

"Chen Mu, YYDS!"

"Have you noticed that Chen Mu has never lost a foreign war? It's outrageous!"

"I declare that Chen Mu is No.1 in domestic e-sports, no rebuttals will be accepted!"

"I declare the announcement upstairs!"

"I will win this year's S competition, I said it! If you win the championship, you will get a 200 yuan red envelope. If you don't win the championship, you will stand upside down and shit, and post it as proof!"

"Win the championship?! Are you talking about my RNG? (Slant eyes) (Slant eyes)"

"Huang Za get out, Huang Za is not welcome here!"

"Blank, come to archaeology when the time comes!"

"CHN is bigger than KOR! Tears!"

"Seven years, seven full years, do you know how I have lived these seven years?!"

"Wearing the national flag and fighting for the country, you are my glory, handsome!"

However, even though the IG club released the news of congratulations as soon as they got the news, there were still a lot of comments on Weibo.But some people are faster than them, and their discussion is still much higher than that of the IG team.

That is the RNG team
In the IG office, Su Xiaoluo only got the news while looking at himself, and just started to write the copy, but the Weibo of the RNG team has already been updated on Weibo.

Su Xiaoluo couldn't help but take a sip. Damn, these bastards probably already wrote the copy, accompanied by two pictures and sent it out, shit-eating dogs are not as fast as you!

And when Su Xiaoluo glanced at the Weibo of the RNG team, and glanced at the comments below, he was immediately slanted with anger.

When RNG's Weibo is posted, the picture is also very simple.

Uzi, Mala Xiangguo and Xiao Ming, wearing national team uniforms, faced the national flag with serious faces.

But the copywriting next to it is very intriguing.

In between, there was vaguely written: "All-China class"!
And RNG also invited the water army, with a rhythm under the comments on Weibo, saying that Chen Mu was also from RNG before, or this time it was RNG's solo performance, and said that this year is the Chinese year, even if there is no Chen Mu, RNG in the S game will also win the championship!
Although Chen Mu has been away from the team for several months, and has nothing to do with RNG, but if he doesn't take advantage of it, he won't take advantage of it, and if he doesn't eat a wave of free traffic, isn't he a bastard.

The RNG team and Baixing are very clear and good at using their own advantages. When the national team won the championship, they also offered the supreme limited edition Huazi class, desperately marketing.

And the fans under the RNG team's Weibo also had an instant climax when they saw these words.

After all, only Chen Mu was selected for the national team in the IG team, and after winning the championship, it was Chen Mu himself who made a name for himself. It can be regarded as the fans who attracted the MSI championship and the intercontinental championship. up.

But the drainage of the team itself is far worse than that of the RNG team next door.

Moreover, Chen Mu's performance in the Asian Games exhibition game was indeed thriving, but uzi and Mala Xiangguo performed equally well.

Not to mention UZI, his performance in the Asian Games is also very impressive. He frequently kills in the line, and defeats the recognized No. [-] AD in Korea Chidi in the laning. Reading, coupled with the number of fans that uzi has accumulated over the years, compared to Chen Mu, the popularity is not much weaker.

After all, speaking of it, Chen Mu has actually beaten all the top laners who can kill one by one, but in the later stage of the fight, the audience and fans have become numb. It seems that Chen Mu's wonderful performance in the Asian Games is taken for granted. I feel that Chen Mu's solo killing the opponent is easy to catch. It is a strange thing for the audience and fans that Chen Mu didn't solo kill the opponent in any game.

Compared with UZI's counterpoint ruler emperor, the operation of playing fear BUFF is more topical.

The story of Chidifa wearing shoes, cloth armor shoes and attack speed shoes is well known.

And Mala Xiangguo is also portrayed as a wild king, with a straightforward and fiery character, and a few ornamental styles of play.In particular, the flash that had been waiting for [-] days was carried by many up masters to Station B and Douyin, with a specific soundtrack, and countless fans cried.

Even Xiaohu and Letme, who hadn't been to Jakarta, were pulled out to make a fuss.

On the one hand, Xiye is just a bastard. It's the same with him or without him. Both Uzi and Chen Mu are in c, and Xiaohu is the domestic mid laner. It's a pity that he didn't go to Jakarta!
He began to belittle Chen Mu again, saying that letme is also very strong, and he can win the championship even in Jakarta.

But for this comment, Shui Jun laughed as he said it, not to mention the sarcasm underneath. Chen Mu's popularity at this time is already considered the top of the LPL, only a little bit of precipitation.

Regardless of RNG's marketing, many fans began to miss the RNG that was blocked in front of the Bird's Nest last summer. The all-China class will always be the biggest gimmick and topic in the LPL division.

It seems that RNG and the national team that won the championship have been bound together.

"Hey, what a pity last year!"

"It's hard to get over it, it's really hard to get over it!"

"It's obviously the ADC version last year, why is it the five-cast Galio? It's really hard to understand!"

"Hehe, five releases Galio? You can't even beat Galio, who else do you want to beat? Faker gets caught again, isn't he the real father of your little tiger? Two or three years ago, he killed someone twice by himself, so now?!"

"Fortunately, Xiaohu didn't go this time. He went to raise Daddy. Maybe even Chen Mu and Uzi can't take care of him!"

"Xila laughed at me, your tiger daddy is the best in domestic mid laners, what's wrong with Xila?! What a piece of trash!"

"There is also Chen Mu, who is also a traitor, a domestic slave of both sexes, RNG is so good to you, why do you leave?! Is it great to be strong?! When you return to LPL, I expect you to be beaten by the domestic top order one day!"


So for a while, the public opinion of the RNG team took off. As for EDG and WE, they became completely transparent. Obviously, one team contributed to one of the C mid laners and played stably, and the other team contributed a support and meritorious service. Outstanding coach.

However, under RNG's public opinion offensive, even though the two teams updated their celebration copywriting on Weibo, it became a background board. Only the IG team's Weibo made a little splash, but it was only limited to Chen Mu himself. .

For the RNG team's take-off, Chen Mu didn't feel any jealousy, because this is normal, and the five Huazi are born with enthusiasm, especially at the moment when they won the Asian Games.

It is a consensus and absolutely correct that five Chinese are greater than five Koreans. The expansion of popularity is inevitable, but it is hard to say whether it can be sustained.

Chen Mu is very clear about a truth.

If you want to ride the wind, there must be thunderstorms to stop you.If you can't survive this thunderstorm, no matter how high the wind blows you, it will eventually disappear.

This sentence is not only aimed at herself, but also applies to everyone. Performance is the most important consideration for Riding the Wind. If you can't play well, no matter whether it is the RNG team or Uzi, there will only be one end, without exception.

And Chen Mu also clearly knew that RNG's biggest catastrophe will be the World Championship a month later.

The version of the World Championship has been greatly changed, Aoun has been slashed, and he will no longer be able to play in the competition. The bastard's way of life.

The bottom lane also cut Kai'Sa into the sewer. Originally, uzi could have a three-piece suit waiting for me, but now Riot directly banned this possibility.

Coupled with the club's internal camp dogs,
Chen Mu just wanted to say, seeing him build a tall building, seeing him entertain guests, seeing his building collapse!

But Chen Mu doesn't care, it doesn't mean that other people don't have opinions.

RNG's ascension is most displeased with Wang Shacong and the IG club.

Seeing the increasingly sour public opinion, Su Xiaoluo was really annoyed, so she reported it to Wang Sicong.

And Wang Shicong, who was in high spirits, looked at Weibo and the comments below.

I am Nima!
In the past two days, he didn't do other things, and he also watched the exhibition match of the Asian Games.

In his eyes, how perfect his top laner is, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is alone with four tools.

In his opinion, even uzi is just laying down from the beginning to the end, obviously making so many mistakes, all relying on his own top laner dad to lead, otherwise he still doesn't know whether he will win or lose?
But now, why should the benefits and limelight be taken by others!
But it doesn't matter, he Wang Shacong will make a move
(End of this chapter)

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