LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 227 Chen Mu's "Negative Textbook"

Chapter 227 Chen Mu's "Negative Textbook"

The battle of the century in the LPL Summer Split has come to an end. This battle has not only attracted the attention of LPL's own insiders, but also attracted the attention of the whole world.

Especially in the NA and EU divisions, this year they don't want to be the usual, they only know happy games.

This year can also be regarded as a renaissance in the European and American divisions. In this championship battle, they don't want to play the role of soy sauce anymore.

In the period to come, they dare not relax, but must step up their preparations.

This is the case in the European and American divisions, let alone the LCK division. This BO5 battle has been recorded by them. The team's analysts have been staying up late analyzing the tactics of the two teams.

The world's competition areas are full of smoke, and a global war is about to break out soon!

The training room in the IG club base.

Everyone was listless, sitting around with their heads downcast, listening to Coach Jin and Coach Nofe's post-match replay.

But the game has already been lost, and even Coach Jin and Coach Nofe are a little weak when talking.

No way.

Losing is too useless!

In the face of four guarantees and one, if an RNG with an iron bucket is really impenetrable, it cannot be penetrated by water.

Judging from the data of the replay after the game, it can be said that Ah Shui was completely blown by the opposite Uzi. From KDA, to output damage, to economic law and ability, there is a clear gap with Uzi.

So even now, two or three hours have passed since the game, Ah Shui still hasn't come out, immersed in the shadow of defeat and unable to extricate himself.

And Rookie was also in a very bad mood. The Trident team was blown out in the bottom lane, and the top lane was really helpless because of the version, but his performance in the five rounds was not good.

Although Xiaohu has pulled his hips in foreign wars and often recognizes the Korean mid laner as his father, he has never been soft in the civil war. Facing Rookie, Xiaohu actually suppressed the broiler in the middle lane, and did not give the broiler a chance to roam and lead the rhythm.

There was even a game where Xiaohu got the signature vampire and made a small carry.

This made rookie, known as Allah, a little unacceptable. When the team needed him most, he didn't stand up.

However, when seeing his teammates and coaches were about to shut themselves down, Chen Mu stood up and could no longer accompany his teammates on the field, so he could only comfort his teammates after the game.

Chen Mu patted Ah Shui and Rookie on the shoulders, encouraging them.

"Brothers, what's the matter with you? This "season" is not over yet?"

And hearing Chen Mu's words, Ah Shui raised his head in confusion, and glanced at Chen Mu. Isn't the summer finals over? !

Chen Mu continued: "How could the season be over?! We have won the second seed status of the LPL season, and there is less than a month until the World Championship will start in South Korea. Brothers, don't hurry up Get up?!"

Although RNG, as the champion of the LPL Summer Split, directly qualified for the World Championship as the No. [-] seed, although the IG team came in second.

However, it is still the No.3 runner-up in the LPL Spring Split and the runner-up in the LPL Summer Split. Except for the RNG team, the team with the highest total points throughout the year, that is, the second seed, automatically qualified and successfully entered the World Championship.

Chen Mu continued to encourage his teammates, borrowing a famous quote from the factory manager.

"It's time to study our opponents in the World Championship!"

While talking, Chen Mu took out his mobile phone and showed it to his teammates and coach.

"Did you just see it?! Fist has announced the version of this World Championship, version 8.19"

"Ornn and Sion have been nerfed, Kai'Sa has also been nerfed, but Sword Demon has been strengthened again, Urgot has been strengthened, Sword Girl has been strengthened, and Jace has also been strengthened."

"Brothers, what are you waiting for, hurry up and get back to training!"

"This time, I guarantee that I will never fall behind in the World Championship, and I will definitely fight side by side with you!"

The teammates didn't pay much attention to the previous "nonsense" at first, and they didn't even pay much attention to the version of the World Championship, but Chen Mu's last sentence did make everyone look up.

Listening to Chen Mu categorically saying that he will fight side by side with them in the World Championship, this sentence seems to have a magical power, instantly giving the backbone of the teammates who have been extracted from the backbone.

Everyone wiped their faces and lifted their spirits.

"Okay, Brother Mu, I will never lose again!"

"Brother Mu, we agreed to fight side by side, we can't run away then!"

"Let me see what heroes are strong in the World Championship version, I will practice now!"

Even Coach Jin and Nofe next to him cheered up after hearing Chen Mu's words.

As a team coach, instead of being able to comfort the emotions of the players, they needed the players to comfort their own emotions. The two who reacted felt ashamed for a while.

Both of their contracts with IG expire at the end of this year. They had just played five games, and when they faced RNG's four guarantees and one iron barrel, they were really helpless and a little desperate.

But seeing such a determined Chen Mu, it seems that Chen Mu from the World Championships has returned, which also boosted the confidence of the two of them.

Not to mention that Chen Mu returned to the state of complete victory, as long as he recovered [-]% of his strength, no, he didn't need [-]% of his strength, he only needed half of his strength, and he might really be able to call the wind and rain and control everything in the World Championship.

Especially after being reminded by Chen Mu just now, the two also browsed through the World Championship version just released by Riot. It can be said that the top laner has been greatly strengthened, a complete top laner version.

This year's S8 World Championship will surely give birth to a true top laner god.

After Chen Mu's comfort and encouragement, teammates and coaches cheered up, and they didn't even resume the game, and no longer entangled in the lost summer finals.

The players began to concentrate on rank training, while analysts and coaches also devoted themselves to intense information analysis and version research.

However, Chen Mu has nothing to do again, his teammates cheered up, but the World Championship has not yet come, and he is still in a state of stretching his hips.

After opening the ranking and logging into the account of the national server, even Chen Mu is a maverick compared to other teammates. The other teammates are either rehearsing and cooperating with each other, or they are scoring solo in the Korean server.

And only Chen Mu played in the national server, and only played a few ranked games. It was also the stone man, the big bug, Thain who took turns, and occasionally took out a hero like a sword girl, and his record was terrible.

Especially after the national service director team is familiar with Chen Mu's account, whenever Chen Mu's account is logged in, there are always a lot of director teams waiting to "meet love at the corner" with Chen Mu, and even major live broadcast platforms, about Chen Mu Mu's rankOB is also increasing day by day.

After being screwed a few times, Chen Mu, who couldn't continue playing, even hastily ended today's rank trip and got off the plane to rest.

"Forget it, stop beating, go to bed!" Chen Mu stretched, then stood up slowly, and walked back to his bedroom to rest.

But this move also stunned the teammates next to him, and they all watched Chen Mu leave with surprised eyes.

Brother Mu, did you agree to work hard together? !The promised World Championships will be there or not? !
We all believed in your evil, and changed our previous sloppy style. We are still here in the middle of the night working hard to rank. Why did you play two stone men, and the record is still so poor, so you ran away? !

Brother Mu, shouldn't you lead by example and take the lead in training hard? !How did it become a "negative teaching material"? !

What about those passionate words you said earlier? !Wouldn't it be to lie to us? !

But the teammates just watched Chen Mu leave with surprised eyes, and put the question back in their stomachs.

Brother Mu, there must be a reason for doing this. Maybe Chen Mu needs to rest well in order to continue his strength and show off his skills in the World Championship.

And Chen Mu couldn't hear the thoughts of his teammates.

In the next two days, the teammates of the IG team fell into crazy training. Under the arrangement of the coaches and analysts, they began to practice the world version heroes in a targeted manner.

However, the summer split of the LPL Division has ended, and the No. [-] seed and No. [-] seed have also been divided.

But before the World Championship, there is one last link, which is the bubbling match in the LPL division, to compete for the final No. [-] seed in the LPL division.

According to the rules for qualifying for the World Championship, among the top 5 teams with points, except for the two teams that have already advanced, the other 3 teams will participate in the bubbling match to compete for the No. 3 seed qualification.

And these three teams are RW team, JDG Jingdong team and EDG team.

The RW team lost to the RNG team in the semi-finals, the JDG Jingdong team lost to the IG team in the semi-finals, and EDG has a solid foundation. Although they were directly eliminated in the top six, their points throughout the year were not bad. So with the fifth place in points, participate in the bubbling competition.

However, the situation of EDG is not optimistic. Not only does it need to fight the JDG team first, and then the RW team, but also because of the lower ranking, there is no right to choose sides, and the BP is also restricted.

However, EDG is still a team known as Guodian after all, and there is also the only phantom god in LPL, the inventor of the second-level capture, Uzi's lifelong enemy, and the ancestor of Saiwen, who was once known as thousands of piggies.

As expected, EDG still has a strong foundation. Although faced with such an urgent moment, there is still no problem with the internal mid laner Korean aid thigh scout primary player, and they can still carry stably.

The big head ghost iboy hasn't done badly yet.

The only breakthrough may be the top laner Ray. LPL even created a type for him, known as the wise top laner.

However, in the crucial battle with JDG and RW, that man, the old man Saiwen, still made a move himself.

After so many long games of OB off the field, he has already studied the opponent's jungler thoroughly, and the ancestor of Sai Wen was really extraordinary when he made a move, various invasions of the jungle and anti-jungle, or various extreme card vision ganks.

Even because the opponent's ADC ate a group of F6 from the ancestor of Saiwen, but it caused the ancestor of Saiwen to be furious and sent a divine punishment. He stared at the opponent's ADC in the team battle and almost killed Chaogui.

Under the control of Raiden, the ancestor of Saiwen, the EDG team also successfully defeated the JDG Jingdong team and the RW Rogue team, and successfully advanced to the S8 World Championship as the third seed.

And the RW team is also a pity this year, although the regular season is very aggressive, and even ranked first in the West in the regular season points of the summer split.

However, there is not enough background, and it is not obvious in BO3, but in the playoffs and BO5 of the bubbling match, when facing the old strong teams such as RNG and EDG, they appear very immature, and they completely beat themselves. His weaknesses were fully exposed, and he was played to death by the opponent.

First he lost to the RNG team in the semi-finals, and then lost to the EDG team in the bubbling match, and finally missed the final world championship.

This made RNG and IG and other teams that have already landed stunned when they saw it. When did EDG become so fierce? !
Especially brother Zaozi, now that RNG has appeared as the No. [-] seed, it is much easier.

So in the scorching summer, Brother Zaozi was leaning on the gaming chair, blowing on the air conditioner, drinking happy fat house water, and watching other teams fight to the death for the third seed, but he could hug a melon-eating crowd mentality to watch the game here.

But after seeing Patriarch Saiwen appearing on the stage, brother Zaozi couldn't help but get a little nervous.

I also saw the familiar second-level grab of the ancestor of Sai Wen, and stared at the opponent's ADC in the follow-up team battle.

Brother Zaozi couldn't help feeling a bit of chill behind him, obviously the air conditioner in the training room was fully turned on, but Brother Zaozi still shed a few drops of cold sweat.

No way? !No way? !
In the end, after EDG completed the one-through-two, Brother Zaozi took a sip of Coke and almost spit it out.

Is it possible to meet EDG in the World Championship? !
Brother Zaozi has already formed a picture in his mind. On the stage of the world championship finals, in the fifth round of the Tianwangshan battle, a woman riding a pig with a whip in her hand, a second-level Q flash, suddenly appeared from the grass Fly out and hit yourself.
In an instant, Brother Zaozi felt that the Coke in his hand was no longer fragrant!

With the end of the bubbling match, the three qualifying teams in the LPL division have come to light, namely the No. [-] seed RNG team, the No. [-] seed IG team, and the No. [-] seed EDG team.

The RNG and IG teams directly entered the main match of the World Championship, while the EDG team needed to go to the finalists of the World Championship first, and play against the wild card division first.

However, there is a reason why the wild card competition area is called the wild card competition area.

From the staffing, to the strength of the players, to the training environment, there is still a big difference from the mainstream competition areas such as LPL and LCK.

Losing to a wild card team is unacceptable to the LCK and LPL divisions.

The next day.

Since the three LPL teams that have been shortlisted for the World Championship have been selected, in order to show their importance, the LPL officials even held a ceremony for the LPL competition.

To express: This year is really the most promising year!
The location of the expedition ceremony is still placed in the Jinling Youth Olympic Stadium.

When IG's bus drove into the parking lot of the Jinling Youth Olympic Stadium again.

When Chen Mu got out of the car, he met many insiders of the LOL circle who participated in the expedition ceremony.

Seeing that it was IG's bus and Chen Mu, they also came to say hello.

However, Chen Mu did not continue to stay in the parking lot, because now they are going to participate in the S8 Global Finals ceremony. It requires simple makeup.

Chen Mu is not bad, even with a plain face, he is not handsome, very photogenic.

But some people just can't do it anymore. They don't simply put on makeup, and they can't see it when they are on the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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