Chapter 228
The 2018 expedition ceremony for the LPL division will be held at the Youth Olympic Stadium in Jinling.

And when Chen Mu led the IG people to the large lounge in the backstage, he saw that it was already filled with dozens of people.

RNG, EDG, and the other two teams of the three qualifying teams have all arrived ahead of time. When these old opponents and friends saw that the IG team led by Chen Mu had also arrived, they also stood up and walked over to say hello.

"Ouch! Chen Mu, you are here!"

"Brother Mu, you're here!"

"Brother Mu, why did you come here? The expedition ceremony is about to begin!"

As soon as Chen Mu came in, people from EDG and RNG all came over to greet him, and the other people in IG were even directly blocked by them intentionally or unintentionally.

Although IG lost to RNG in the summer finals, this does not mean that Chen Mu's status has declined, but instead has risen instead of falling.

IG lost the game, what does it have to do with me who didn't even play? !

Chen Mu didn't even participate in the competition, how can you say that my IG lost? !

Although RNG holds Uzi and has won consecutively from the MSI mid-season game to the Jakarta Asian Games, anyone with a discerning eye knows who is in C?

In the MSI mid-season competition, Chen Mu rode the savior alone, showing his edge; in the intercontinental competition, Chen Mu descended from the gods, with one against five; in the Asian Games, Chen Mu showed his sharpness and crushed the opponent.

These are all visible and visible!
So now no matter which professional player in the circle meets Chen Mu, they will respectfully call him Brother Mu, that is, Brother Zaozi, the factory director and other veterans will call Chen Mu equally when they meet Chen Mu.

Ah Shui watched the people from RNG and EDG surround Chen Mu with "bad intentions", but he couldn't get in after squeezing for a long time, and stood directly on the outside, shouting: "Hey! You all surrounded my house What are you doing alone? Start all of them!"

But Ah Shui has just grown up, and his thin body looks a bit thin in front of other people. Although he has already shouted loudly, no one pays attention to him, and the only one who responds to him is
"Ouch, Ming, you have grown so courageous that you still dare to step on my shoes!?"

"Sorry sorry, I didn't pay attention~"

"Damn it and still step on it! You did it on purpose!"

"No, no, I didn't step on it!"

"Who the fuck did that! Factory manager! It's you! Wow, I didn't expect you to be so cunning with thick eyebrows and big eyes?"

A group of RNG and EDG surrounded the entire IG with their shoulders and backs in a mess, and the scene was quite "harmonious".

As for the members of IG, although they just lost the game two days ago and lost in the summer finals, under the comfort of Chen Mu, their emotions have not been so low these two days, and they have obviously cheered up. Walked out of the shadow of defeat.

Even facing the RNG players who defeated them, they can face it calmly.

After all, looking at the bright side, the second seed's promotion to the World Championship is actually not too bad.

Although the loss of a summer championship makes people feel a little emotional, but in the face of a bigger world event, all of this can be suppressed.

It's just that there is no lack of envy, jealousy and hatred between words and actions.

After all, their IG is the first in the regular season points!
The tall and burly King Ning grabbed the skinny spicy spicy hotpot that was like a hemp stick, and said viciously: "Xiangguo, you are too unkind. Come on, before the game, you still said something about my wild area, which is up to you."

But King Ning was alone, Xiangguo had helpers, and there was a Karsa standing beside him.

But at this time, facing RNG's No. [-] seed, No. [-] seed IG and No. [-] seed EDG quickly reached a united front, and King Ning found two helpers. You must know that EDG also has two junglers, one Hare Huang, the other one is naturally Patriarch Saiwen.

Especially the factory manager, he was warned by muay thai boxing as soon as he started. Who can stop this punch for seven years, seven months and seven days? !
Everyone chatted for a while, and took advantage of the simple make-up time to start chatting. Everyone is the top professional player in LPL, and they are in the same circle.

Put aside the fierce competition on the field and the quality of being a professional player.

In private, everyone is a very familiar friend, and usually there are very frequent black group platoons.

"Hey, it's another year of S competition, I'm really old, this year it's up to you~" the factory manager said with some emotion.

Uzi punched the factory manager, jokingly said: "Don't worry, I'm an older player who debuted with you, I can still play ADC, why can't you be a jungler? Moved?! If it doesn’t work, just hang around again, anyway, the damage can’t be lower than 4396.”

Then Uzi paused, with a smile, turned to Chen Mu next to him, and said with a teasing smile: "What's more, we have another older player here who didn't speak!"

It was only then that Chen Mu realized that he was talking about himself, and he also laughed.

But then the factory manager began to point out something: "I really can't move anymore, I can only hang out in EDG, anyway, EDG is also a retirement team."

"By the way, brother Zaozi, if you can't move anymore one day, you can come to EDG directly to be my companion. In EDG, what Abu, what Ai Dezhu, talking is not as effective as my clearlove7 talking, you are here, I Follow you!"

Although the factory director was speaking to Brother Zaozi, his eyes were always on Chen Mu.

During this period of time, it has been rumored that since returning from the Jakarta Asian Games, Chen Mu's competitive level has dropped rapidly. In the training match, whether it is against the LPL's blue-collar top laner or a strong top laner, Chen Mu's performance is unmatched. not so good.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how bad it is, is it worse than your own wise top laner Ray King?
This expressive expression made everyone on the IG next to me terrified.

Don't you betray anyone anymore? !
There are still so many people in our IG, and you EDG have started to hook up with our leading players in an open and aboveboard manner? !

Meiko and Xiao Ming also hooked their shoulders together: "Brothers, we will fight together again in the next few months in Korea~"

"Success! Let's meet in Incheon, brothers!"

The results of the 2018 LPL Summer Split have been settled, which also means that the domestic civil war in the LPL division this year has come to a complete end.

The next thing is to keep going to the outside world. The three teams are not fighting separately at this time, but have become a group that is unanimous in the outside world.

They will communicate with each other on the stage of this year's S game and make progress hand in hand. Its name is LPL.

At this time, the factory manager saw that Chen Mu just smiled and said nothing, and didn't catch up with him, so he immediately changed the subject and said.

"This year's World Championship is very interesting. The teams that appeared on our side are basically the same as the pre-match predictions, but the teams that qualified in the LCK division are interesting. SKT was eliminated by Samsung Geng in the bubbling match and failed to enter the World Championship. "

When Uzi heard the factory manager reopen the topic, he immediately laughed: "I must know that!"

"SKT didn't seem to start Faker in the bubbling match, and directly let P Huang start, and the result was 0-9 super ghost!"

And Xiaohu came directly with a classic "double smile", and said: "SKT and Faker have not entered the World Championship, so isn't it?"

Looking at Xiaohu's expression, Chen Mu couldn't hold back for a while, and burst out laughing.

Too classic!

You can't laugh on such a serious occasion, unless you can't help it!
When everyone looked at him strangely, Chen Mu also hurriedly adjusted his expressions, and continued solemnly:

"However, SKT did not enter the World Championship, but the No. [-] seed in the LCK division is the KT team, and it is also known as the Galaxy Battleship in the LCK division~"

"The strength should not be underestimated, this time I have to meet the LPL'Three Masters'!"

In a word, everyone was silent for an instant.

This LPL Three Masters is also a famous meme handed down from generation to generation. Deft’s Jess is called the “Golden Lantern” because he was teleported to Meiko Thresh’s lantern. Support, plus another Pawn's Jayce is mostly carry performance.

Therefore, these three people are also called the "Three Masters" of LPL.

But it was a coincidence that these three Han Yuan had played for the KT team after returning to China, and the top laner Semb of the KT team was also proficient in Jess.

It has also been reported that KT's Jess is all worthy of ban!
When it comes to the three heroes of LPL, everyone's eyes unconsciously looked at the EDG people next to them.

The three LPL heroes, Deft and Pawn, all played for EDG.

It can be said that both of them dedicated their career peaks to EDG, which is obvious to all.

"At that time, if we encounter North Korean pilots and fat generals, the factory manager, you must pass on some experience to us. I don't know if this trick will work for Deft, such as second-level capture?"

Then Chen Mu joked to the factory manager.

The factory manager responded with a smile: "I suspect that you did not learn this trick for KT, but for the world's number one ADC!"

While watching, the factory manager also looked at brother Zaozi who was next to him.

At this time, brother Zaozi, who didn't know why, suddenly felt a chill behind his back, as if somewhere in the dark, a kind of will was staring at him.

It didn't take long for all the contestants who needed to go on stage to go through a simple make-up, at least they wouldn't look too rough on camera, and then everyone began to wait for the final stage.

After simple care by a makeup artist, Chen Mu is even more handsome. In these places, he is either fat to death, or skinny, or endocrine disorders due to long-term inversion of black and white, unhealthy diet, and his face is numb Lai Lai's e-sports player is so outstanding!

A moment later, under the notice of the staff, the three teams returned to the backstage of the main stage.

And an LPL official and Tengjing held a very grand ceremony in order to show their importance to this World Championship. Although it was not a main match, many people still came to the scene, especially the three teams of RNG, IG and EDG Fans came to join in.

It can be said that the scene was full of people and momentum, and everyone was waiting for the moment when the contestants appeared on the stage.

The departure ceremony for the S game is undoubtedly the most honorable moment every year, and the team members of other games in the LPL division can only watch this scene through the live broadcast room.

They all showed envious and jealous expressions. Countless teams have worked hard for a whole year, isn't it just to be able to stand on the stage at this time?

It's a pity that the stage is so small that it can only accommodate three teams
The cheers from the audience were terrifying, and it seemed that the trembling stage was trembling slightly.

Everyone knows very well that today will be the last time these three teams will show up in China.

The next time I see it, it will be on the Korean stage a month later.

The spotlight turned rapidly to attract everyone's attention, and it also made the cheers much quieter. The light froze and shone on a person familiar to the old audience.

It was Ren Dong, the host of the expedition ceremony.

Standing under the spotlight, feeling the economic charm of e-sports in the venue at this moment, Ren Dong took a deep breath, stood on the stage where the lights suddenly became gorgeous, and said loudly:

"The three teams representing the LPL division have finished their competition, and they will bring the expectations of all fans to the S8 battlefield!"

"RNG, never give up!"

"IG! IG!"


"Uzi! Uzi!"


"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Director, I'm your little piggy!"

The shot of the stage cut to the distant scene, and the S8 logo and theme began to flash on the four large screens above the stage.


Climbing to the extreme!
The BGM suddenly rose, and Ren Dong's voice resounded throughout the audience:

"Let's have the No. [-] seed—R~NG!!!"

Amidst Ren Dong's shouts, Uzi led the RNG crowd to the center of the stage slowly, and waved to the audience.


"Uzi! Uzi!"

The scene instantly fell into a sea of ​​cheers, and the sound went straight to the sky. The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hear what the people on the scene were saying at all.

The audience was only deafened by violent shouts.

Afterwards, the Grasp of Immortality Ren Dong continued to stir up the atmosphere.

"The momentum of RNG in 2018 is like a rainbow, and they are only one step away from the Grand Slam of the year. They are going to attack the honor that has never been touched!"

"RNG! Royal Family, Never Give Up!!! They will move forward firmly and create new legends!"

"Wait for a golden rain! Wait for a triumphant song! RNG will continue to write its own legend!"

Then Ren Dong continued to introduce the second seed.

"Let us welcome you next, No. 2 seed. IG!"

Accompanied by Ren Dong's high-spirited commentary, Chen Mu took the lead and led the IG people onto the stage, standing on the left side of RNG Capital.

Then everyone from EDG entered the field and stood on the right side of RNG.

The three conscript teams have all assembled! !
And Ren Dong also pushed the atmosphere to the climax.

"All the warriors who are going to battle have a common name, that is LPL!"

"I believe that on the battlefield of S8, they will carry all LPL fans' thirst and expectations for victory! Create a legend that belongs to the Chinese e-sports team!"

"2018, the global finals, we are ready to go, the future journey, now! Start!"

"Go on IG!"


"LPL! Come on LPL!!!"

Then the choreography began, and suddenly, the center of the stage, directly above all the contestants, began to be filled with "golden rain".

Chen Mu looked up at the golden rain falling from the sky, his eyes gradually became sharper.

S8 World Championship, here I come!
(End of this chapter)

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