LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 277 "Special Training" Before the Match

For this kind of top laner who is like a demon lord descended from the sky, Wang Sicong was really convinced by Chen Mu.

He is not only a team boss, but also a LOL player.

Just like Broiler used to be Wang Shacong's number one confidant, for no other reason, it was because of Rookie's Allah-level strength.

"Train hard, play hard, I'll come to OB your training match two days later!"

Wang Sicong patted everyone on the shoulder, encouraging them one by one.

Although Wang Sicong has already arrived in South Korea, he did not delay the training of the IG team too much.

Of course, the most important thing for him now is to go to a nightclub in Korea to have fun.

The next day, Wang Sicong was having fun at a nightclub in South Korea until late at night before returning to the hotel where he stayed. The hotel where he stayed was the same as that of IG and other teams.

When the sun was shining in the sky, Wang Sicong woke up leisurely. His work and rest schedule was almost the same as that of professional players.

Suddenly, he remembered that today he was going to OB for IG's training and supervise the battle for IG.

So after eating, he wandered towards IG's training room.

As soon as you walk into the training room.

"Fight, fight, don't be cowardly!"

"The mid laner didn't flash, the mid laner didn't flash!"

"Keep your AD, keep your AD!"

Wang Sicong came at the right time. The training room was full of passionate exchanges among the players. IG happened to have a perfect team battle and wiped out the opponent.

Ah Shui's ADC Xia's output was at full capacity, Rookie's Yao Ji dropped the opponent's ADC smoothly with a set of skills, and King Ning's Qinggang Ying decided to start a team, assisting Baolan's Luo to roam the dragon.

Top laner TheShy's sword demon goes forward
Um!Yes, everyone in IG is training in full swing.

For IG's training match, Wang Shacong is very satisfied.
Ok? !

Why is TheShy playing a training match.

What about Chen Mu? !

Wang Sicong suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Look again, on a sofa in the corner of the training room, a man is holding a mobile phone and chatting non-stop!
If this is not Chen Mu, who is it? !

what? !

Chen Mu has played so well in these few games, shouldn't he be playing training games and starting? !Why are you paddling with your phone in the corner!

Hard to do.
Could it be that there are some LOL cheats on Chen Mu's phone? !It looks so delicious!

Wang Sicong couldn't figure it out, so he quietly took a closer look.

But just looking at it, Wang Sicong felt that his three views had been severely impacted.

I saw a post on the Tieba forum on the phone.

""Chen Mu, Eternal God!""

And the bottom of the post is full of rainbow farts!
Before the quarter-finals, due to the impact of the defeat of EDG and RNG, the domestic Internet was full of negative influences, and by the way, even IG was also affected.

Some people even picked up all the shame of IG from the establishment of the team to the present, so the team leader and coach of IG were afraid that the players' watching the domestic Internet would affect their mentality and affect the game, so they confiscated all the players' mobile phones before the game. Of course, now that they have won C3 0:9, all the phones have been returned to the players.

And Chen Mu is naturally obsessed with the rainbow fart of the post forum brother.

Like this post.

""How do you view the three rounds of IG vs C9, Chen Mu's performance??""

"Chen Mu's hero pool is a bit exaggerated. From this year's MSI mid-season to the present, Syndra, Malzahar, Sword Girl, Sword Fairy, Sword Demon, Qinggang Shadow, Jess, Yasuo, Shen, Ornn , Raven, and the skateboard shoes, captain and Victor used in the quarterfinals just now, not many tanks, fighters, mages, and ADCs, there are only nearly twenty heroes in total!"

"Don't forget, it's still a stone man! The air is shaking and cold, when will we stone man players stand up!"

"It's really a bit outrageous. Chen Mu seems to be proficient in every hero. This kind of proficiency does not mean that he can say that he is proficient after playing a hundred games, but a brother who has been infiltrated for more than a thousand games. Take it out often to familiarize yourself with the game, otherwise, if you don’t play a hero for a long time, everyone will know it by hand!”

"The anchors we usually see have unique skills, how many games can they play a famous scene, but Chen Mu has a famous scene in every game!"

"If it wasn't for the World Championship, I really doubt that this game will be forced to hang up. (Squint eye) (Slant eye)"

"I'm a melon-eating crowd and I'm an OB below, and I feel like cheating no matter how I look at it!"


Chen Mu read the post with enthusiasm, but Wang Saicong next to him was dumbfounded.

Is this still his cold and forceful top laner? !
Isn't he the cold and cold male god who jumped out word by word in the post-match interview? !
At this time, Chen Mu also found out that his boss had come to "inspect the work", but he was caught in the middle of paddling.

Chen Mu put away the phone in embarrassment. After all, Chen Mu was embarrassed to paddle in front of the boss.

Of course, although Wang Sicong was surprised that Chen Mu didn't play in the training match, he didn't ask too much, just to get a brief understanding.

Professional things are entrusted to professional people, and he only needs to provide financial support.

In fact, even Coach Jin and the coaching staff have nothing to do with Chen Mu.

As soon as he returned to the daily training match, Chen Mu began to "fall ill"!Get blown up online, get kills with a single belt, and sell AD in team battles
But for such a "big daddy", Coach Jin and IG's coaching staff have nothing to do.

You must know that Chen Mu in the game is like a god possessed. Although it is true that he can't do it in the training game, is it possible that he won't be allowed to start the game? !
After all, a game is a game, a game is a game, and a game is also a result theory.

As long as Chen Mu can keep winning, he will be the "big daddy" in the team!
If Chen Mu is really not allowed to start, IG fans may really tear Coach Jin and the coaching staff apart, and maybe the boss Wang Shacong will be the first to refuse!

In desperation, Coach Jin could only let TheShy play the training game first, and let Chen Mu rest and adjust.

But I didn't expect that Chen Mu really regarded the rest adjustment as a rest, holding a mobile phone hehehe
What if Chen Mu's meditation training method is true? !
Chen Mu can be heartless, but the coaching staff has to work hard.

IG's opponent in the semi-finals is G2. Although they are the second seed in Europe and America, the defeat of RNG makes people dare not underestimate this team, and they are all on high alert.

The state of IG at this time is very good, and the players are not inflated, except for Chen Mu.
But the coaching staff and analysts still studied several lineups for G2.

And in the past few days, everyone in IG has kept their ears to the outside world and is focused on preparing to make a show, but the disturbance from the outside world has never stopped.

IG3: 0C9, after successfully advancing to the semi-finals, temporarily escaped a catastrophe, which also stopped the upcoming biggest liquidation of the LPL, but the unilateral liquidation of RNG is still intensifying.

For a while, the LPL audience was awakened from the dream of the "First Division" that lasted for a whole year in S8.

Suddenly awakened at this moment, the audience directly vomited their displeasure.

RNG’s official Weibo has already been blacklisted and it’s too late to be blacked out. It’s full of ridicules such as "Pick up the proud lantern", "If you draw a chicken and a rabbit, you will laugh like a dog, and you will laugh until S9", "Five sons, no crown in life". It's fairly light.

"It's a good loss! The world's number one blowing jb!"

"Arrogant soldiers must be defeated. I really don't understand. If you can't pick up a lantern, what else can you do? And you Xiaohu, you like to laugh, don't you?! Keep laughing, why don't you laugh?!"

"BP is also relying on the defense, can the coach be on the whole?"

"Is there a possibility, I mean... Yang Jian's BP players don't have proficiency?"

"Hehe, S6 doesn't know Jin, S7 doesn't know Xia, what else can he play besides B Wei En? I'm talking about you, the world's number one blowing jb!"

"I'm laughing to death. Without Chen Mu's life, I got Chen Mu's disease. I don't know how many C's you think the MSI mid-season game is?!"

"Squeeze, the best one has seen the essence of these people clearly, and ran away ahead of time, leaving a few bragging jbs! What is the world's number one ADC, domestic mid laner cards, [-]-[-] open top laner, radar type play Wild, the strongest support in LPL."

"If it doesn't work, let's invite Chen Mu back!"

This kind of extremely offensive remarks can be worth thousands of floors.


In the past few days, there has been a lot of quarrels on the Internet. Even EDG and RNG, as well as the three advanced IG teams, the ranking points of various professional players have also been taken out to start liquidation.

But I don’t know if I don’t look at it, I’m startled when I look at it!
There is actually no problem with the ranks of RNG and EDG players, they are all pretty normal.

But what is abnormal is IG!
It was none other than Chen Mu!
Not to mention Chen Mu's rank and ranking before the game, except for a few stone men, all of whom had negative records, there was no amount of training.

ah? !this? !
I just finished praising Chen Mu under RNG Weibo, is the present report coming so quickly? !
Could it be that Chen Mu still has a trumpet? !

But when everyone opened Steam and saw Chen Mu's exaggerated game time in PUBG, everyone didn't know what to say for a while? !
In the end, I can only explain one sentence: "Chen Mu is Chen Mu, others are other people! Giegie is different!"

But he still muttered in his heart: "Could it be that what Chen Mu said in the interview is true, is there really any meditation training method?!"

The IG club saw that this situation was not right, and immediately made a wave of emergency public relations, and specially operated it.

At two or three o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night, I took a photo of the IG players who had just finished and posted it on the official blog to show the hard work of IG training and the determination to win.

Of course, Chen Mu, who was playing with his mobile phone next to him, did not appear in the shot!

For the last hope of LPL, fans still have a high tolerance.

As long as you can win the game and win the game, fans will automatically clean you up for what you do outrageous things, but if you lose the game, even your breathing is wrong!

Just like RNG, the heir to the royal family.

No matter how loudly you brag before the game, the slap in the face will hurt as much.

For RNG and Royal Family, many fans of LPL now have a serious fan complex, and many people have paid attention to Royal Family when it was brilliant, and now feel sorry for them and angry at their expansion.

At this time, the LPL audience recovered from the anger of hating iron and steel, and found that they seemed to have their last hope.

IG! The last card of LPL!

On the one hand, LPL fans hate RNG so much, on the other hand, they have so much hope for IG.

And now there is only one team left in the LPL, which is the hope of the whole village. This year's LPL division is so brilliant, winning all the championships throughout the season. Whether this glory can continue to the end depends on IG.

On October 10th, in the semifinals, IG played against G28.

The last mountain before the finals!
Can IG successfully overcome again? !

Time flies, less than a week, fleeting.

10 month 27 day.

The semi-finals of the S8 World Championship started on time.

Gwangju Women's University Universiade Gymnasium, the venue for the semi-finals.

Today is the match between AFS and KT, and it will be the turn of IG tomorrow.

Although it was the Korean Civil War, there were still huge crowds of Koreans at the scene.

In the semi-finals of the World Championship, it was very painful and painful to see the two teams in their own competition area fighting each other, but thinking about it from another angle, this way, one team will definitely be recommended to enter the finals!

From this perspective, it is also a layer of insurance. At least there will be a Korean team in the finals.

As for this Korean civil war, the LPL audience naturally moved a small bench as a melon-eating crowd.

But for insiders like IG, it is even more important.

Because when it comes to the semi-finals, everyone will prepare something special, and the more exposed, the fewer cards in the final.

So for the match between AFS and KT, everyone in IG is still looking forward to it.

Most people think that it may be difficult for AFS to defeat KT, but it will definitely bring some troubles to KT and let KT show something real.

But who knew that AFS's performance in the knockout round of the quarter-finals was completely a flash in the pan after beating EDG and successfully entering the quarter-finals. They seemed to feel that they had completed their mission, so they directly began to collapse.

In the first two games, AFS was as fragile as glass in front of KT, and it shattered with a light touch.

KT didn't even have any tricky tricks, regular BP, regular start, regular end, just flat A in the past, but AFS just broke at the first touch.

For two consecutive games, KT was like a father beating his son, killing AFS to the point where he couldn't find North.

In the two games, AFS lasted almost 25 minutes, and then the base was demolished.

After winning the match point, perhaps out of respect for the Korean compatriots, Deft Alpaca's ADC played a little bit, sent a wave, and released water.

In the case that BP and operations are very casual, AFS finally won and saved the last face.

In the subsequent fourth round, KT showed its true strength again, did not give AFS any chance, and once again beat AFS into a fool.

In the end, KT also successfully advanced to the finals, becoming the first team to successfully advance to the S8 finals.

On the whole, this game still did not have the effect that IG expected.

To put it bluntly, the performance of AFS is extremely disappointing. At first I thought it was a wonderful Korean civil war, but I didn't expect it to be a boring crush.

But it is precisely because of the boredom of this game that people look forward to tomorrow's game even more.

Because tomorrow, it will be the game between IG and G2!

Who will be the team on the other side of the World Championship? !

... (end of this chapter)

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